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Business quality culture

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The company culture determines the behavior and what to do of the people, it is the way how the personnel treat each other, it is the way how they respond to their commitments and their work challenges, and therefore this determines the achievement of the objectives and organizational and personal goals.

When nothing is done to define and inculcate a culture of quality in the personnel, a culture is formed almost always negative that later is very difficult to uproot, here also applies the principle of "what is left to chance, usually worsens" by That is why it is so important to design a work culture that responds to the expectations of the sectors interested in the organization, such as shareholders, clients, staff, suppliers, community, government, unions, etc.

A culture of business quality cannot be copied, or even adapted from other known cultures, due to the good results that they have given where they implanted it, because each organization is unique, and needs its own culture, because the problems of attitudes and behavior that come to solve are also unique and particular, so it is required to know the company through a detection of current attitudes and behaviors that must be changed.

Another definition:

Organizational culture is a system of values, beliefs and behaviors that are consolidated and shared in the daily running of the company. The leadership style of management, the norms, the procedures, the means they use, the attitudes, beliefs and behaviors of the people who make up the organization make up the set of elements that make up the culture of a company.



It is defined as the “reason for being”, it is defined based on its external clients, we can say that a mission is written thinking about what we want the clients of the company to think, regardless of whether it is useful for senior management.

  • Some mission examples:

1. Group of investment companies:

Always be the best in the market for products and services, generating development and growth

2. Manufacturing company

To be the best in the manufacture and commercialization of fatty oils for animal feed additives.

3. Car agency

Maintain the leadership of our company by being the first in quality and service for the satisfaction of our customers.

4. Hospital

Revive every day our spirit of service and moral duty towards our fellow men

5. Money exchange

Be the best always satisfying the needs and expectations of our clients, being an example to follow.


• Guides and guides senior management in decision-making, especially to help them decide "what market they are in" and to maintain the line of products and services that have given them strength, or that seek to achieve leadership or consolidate in your market.

• Orients the effort of all staff towards the reason for being of the organization: the customer.

• The institution as a whole and the different areas that comprise it have a clear reason for their work, their performance and what they intend to achieve, and their decisions are well oriented towards the performance they must achieve to maintain or achieve consolidation.

We have a quality administration law:

"Tell me what you want to achieve and I will tell you what to do"

So all the other components of culture should help achieve the mission, and so we have…


It indicates the behavior that we must all observe in the institution to achieve our mission, to create a work philosophy we must consider two sources of information:

1. The mission created.

2. Current behaviors observed by staff and that we want or must change to achieve our mission.

A detection of behaviors, behaviors and actions that have not contributed to the quality and achievement of expected results must be made in the different efforts that have been made in the organization, through projects or initiatives of senior management.

Once these behaviors are detected, the values ​​that resolve them are determined, let's see an example:

Negative attitude detected

Values ​​and principles

  1. 1. Lack of compliance in tasks. Goals and objectives are not met.
Value: 1 responsibility

Principle: we fulfill our commitments in a timely manner.

  1. There is sectarianism. Groups have been formed in the different areas
Value: 2. Integration

Principle: we recognize that we need each other and we work in a great team, with mutual support and help.

  1. There is no good communication and adequate information.
Value: 3. Communication

Principle: We maintain positive, healthy, complete and timely communication with all staff

  1. Lack of motivation to perform beyond their responsibility.
Value: 4. Motivation.

Principle: we work with pleasure and satisfaction, doing everything we do well.

  1. They work with arrogance, they treat the staff badly.
Value: 5. Humility.

Principle: we act without arrogance or arrogance with all colleagues.

  1. Lack of respect
Value: 6. Respect

Principle: we never speak ill of our colleagues, neither in presence nor in absence.

  1. Resistance to change and

negative attitude

Value: 7. Change

Principle: we recognize the need to be better every day.

  1. Conformist companions
Value: 8. Overcoming

Principle: we continually prepare ourselves to be better

  1. There is mistrust.
Value: 9 confidence.

Principle: We build confidence in ourselves and our entire staff.

The interpretation given to each value is specific to each company, they are presented here for reference only.

As can be seen from the nine values, 9 principles emerge that clarify the behavior that must be followed to resolve the detected negative attitudes.

The next step will be to prioritize the principles to determine which one or which of them should be raised to the level of work philosophy.

Let us consider, to continue with the example that principles 1 and 2 have been prioritized, then there can be a written philosophy uniting the two principles.


It is important to clarify that values, principles and philosophy are two-way roads, what we ask the staff we must be willing to offer them, otherwise the new culture does not work.

In this way we present some examples of philosophies:

1. Manufacturing company:

Our challenge: excellence

Our value: quality

Our commitment: enchant the client

2. Automotive agency

Honesty and trust, punctually fulfilling our commitments creating an environment of cordiality and kindness for our clients.

(In this example some values ​​and principles are combined, it can be done with the recommendation that when it is published it must be clarified in the staff that must be understood by honesty and trust)

3. Money exchange:

Integration and honesty to serve with quality, always being the best.

(In this case, the exchange office argued that honesty was not a necessary value to create, but necessary to maintain because they considered it a strength of their company)

OTHER VALUES AND PRINCIPLES of the organization not emanated through the detected negative attitudes:


The client is the raison d'être of our organization, we owe it to him, for him we exist, therefore:

• To the client the best treatment without distinction.

• Always listen carefully.

• Serve you to your satisfaction.

• Give you confidence that your problems and needs will be solved

• Never conflict with him.


• We maintain friendly and respectful relationships.

• We always comply with our technical and commercial agreements.

• We negotiate to win-win.


• We maintain good neighborly relationships.

• We preserve ecology according to the corresponding legislation.

• We support the community with projects according to our possibilities.


• We acknowledge in public and we rebuke in private.

• We keep trained and motivated staff at work.

• We offer development opportunities and promote the initiative of the staff for their use.

• We act with fairness and justice in the face of errors and successes of our staff.

• Etc.


• We remunerate a fair profit to the shareholders for their investment.

• We meet established goals and objectives.

• We take care of the company's assets as if they were our own.

• We timely and truthfully report the results of business operations.


• We pay our taxes in a timely manner, taking advantage of the advantages that the same law gives us.

• We timely fulfill all the commitments of the different government entities.

• We work with transparency.

These principles must be known and practiced by the personnel that has to do with them, they must become a reality in the behavior of the personnel and reflect the real behaviors of the organization, in the dissemination plan that is made they must guarantee it, without forgetting that everything It is a process and that things do not happen overnight.

It is worth clarifying that these principles do not usually form part of the company's philosophy, but rather form part of the leadership profile that must be exercised by all the company's bosses and managers.

The principles and philosophy are magnificent tools to promote the change of attitude of the staff towards the behaviors that are specifically and concretely required, since they arise from the needs of the reality of the company, as we have already seen.


A third element that constitutes the work culture and that is practically where we land the components mentioned above are the so-called "social processes"

They are all those that have to do with people, we immediately list the most important, although not all apply to all companies, so it will be necessary in each case to select and select those that apply.

1. Recruitment. 9. Reprimands
2. Selection. 10. Layoffs
3. Contracting. 11. Promotions
4 Induction. 12. Communication
5. Training. 13. Participation
6. Remuneration. 14. Integration
7. Recognition. 15. Industrial security
8. Performance evaluation 16. Bonuses and incentives.


He said a golden rule of the administration "When you order something watch that it is done, if not better not order it." In the new administration trends, this is still necessary, although the way of doing it has changed and has become a form of self-control, however, checking that things are happening as we would like, is still necessary, so evaluating the progress in which the business culture has permeated continues to be convenient.


Evaluate the level to which the quality culture that we have designed and spread throughout the Organization has permeated, and take strengthening measures, if required.


1st. It is convenient to appoint a small commission for continuous evaluation of the designed culture. This commission should not be very large, it is suggested that it be made up of about three people; one from the 5S Committee, one non-union employee (representing the employees), and one unionized (representing the operators), as far as possible all three should be people well accepted by the staff and have roots in the company.

2nd. Evaluation forms:

to. With surveys and formats, they are carried out quarterly, to those who answer affirmatively to know the philosophy and demonstrate it, they are given a small present.

Surveys are filmed and in the company canteen or in some suitable place, the film is shown to all staff, taking advantage to reinforce philosophy, values ​​and principles

b. Philosophy, values ​​and principles are evaluated in the format it shows, Survey proposal:


1.- Do you know our quality philosophy?

2.- Do you consider that there have been changes in our company according to the philosophy we have?

3.- What would you recommend us so that we all observe our philosophy?

Reinforcement actions must emerge from any survey and evaluation.

c. Self-evaluation matrix of quality culture:

It is done by natural work teams.

Staff to

Be evaluated


Aspect to evaluate
Values ​​(principles):

1. Each of the participants evaluates the others, assigning a rating of 0 to 10 according to the compliance they perceive in each one, in the aspects evaluated.

2. The group leader processes the information by obtaining the averages for each person, of how the group sees them.

3. The leader provides feedback to each of the participants with the average obtained.

4. Each participant will make a plan to change or improve the aspects perceived as weak by the group.

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Business quality culture