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Culture of change and development of human resources

Table of contents:


The psychology of change is not a fixation process; It is an individual process that is similar to when we go on board to go on a trip, each one takes some glasses and gets on a different trip. We approach the trip appreciating reality without knowing that the real is not visible. Leadership is not visible, leadership is seen in the actions that imply the decisions that are made, in moving on time without having hidden agendas.

Culture of change implies several processes generated in different spaces under the premise: "Change you and your life will change."

Social reality is one but with different contents although we all have fears, stubbornness and impossibilities to dialogue, intentions although having an intention is very different from obtaining an achievement, or knowing where we are going or knowing where we came from. Invisible impediments such as fear, uncertainty, vision, decision making, beliefs, stubbornness, attachment generate a poor economy… of no progress.

The leader must be characterized by turning the economy into a lover, into a living body business experience without worrying about accumulating power or money.

Change is based on a structure of mind games that implies challenges and challenges to be willing to be changing; have a willingness to renew internally. Become aware within the internal structural terms. Change is an internal dynamic generated in the process of thought and assimilation.

Assimilation is directly related to learning, with our left and right hemispheres of our brain:

Rapid learning occurs through representation and dramatization, a psychological fact that, through the staging, allows the individual to adhere to their memory of experiential learning.

CONCEPT REPRESENTATION: look from ignorance and discover impediments to change by sticking to a daily routine. Change is managed from non-abstract thinking with concrete and learned structures starting from knowing yourself (asking questions such as: do I open up? I fold back? How does anger work in me? How does revenge work? What is my universe like? internal?

Change is a process linked to human development dependent on the interpretation of seeing and observing to achieve understanding and interpretation. The process of seeing and observing is a limitation because each one sees differently and each different one is just as valid.

Reality is not presented as we expect or as we want, but if we stop at a different angle, if we take the trouble to change sides and see and read from another culture, we can discover that the OBVIOUS IS NOT SO OBVIOUS. The eye quickly concludes and becomes the mother of confusion.

The significant is not always explicit. Social reality requires another look, it comes in different languages ​​with contradictory but coexisting truths.

Seeing reality is not an easy process if we do not see the symptoms, if we do not see what it reveals, if we do not see the brightness of the eye and the posture of which it speaks to us or perhaps it is threatening us, if we do not see the tangible and the intangible.

The circumstantial evidence is a limitation to the possibility of seeing the reason for the difficulty.

In reality there is a range of colors, but if we remove them, it becomes difficult to see and understand the other, thus eliminating the possibility of creating and innovating, and misrepresentation can be generated in the human act of interaction, denying the event of seeing with our mind what our eyes do not see. There are also words and processes that we do not see because the eyes we have do not see on a psychological level.

PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTS ASSOCIATED WITH CHANGE: Forced change generates resistance, accompaniment generates change in group processes.

Principles in the field of the human mind: Dialogue = focuses and guides towards the same symbol.

Conditioning = generates ballast, impediments.

An entrepreneur, a leader, is characterized by being a builder of real society. Reality is the same but needs the presence of the other, within the inclusion of respect, understanding to reach a common reality.

However, we have limitations, a mental barrier, that totally partializes the vision of what is "yours" and does not complement what is "mine" with what is "yours", preventing a human from leadership. Not including the other does not build and generate resentment. When the judgment ceases the bond is narrowed, openness occurs, and leadership appears.

Developing skills or dynamics to see the intangible is a task for the leader, having only one cerebral hemisphere hurts, which is why balance should be sought by developing the BEING (the Inner part) and DOING (the outer part). But man has always put aside the development of the BEING.


Reality is the essence of change, BEING becomes a social being, a thinking being and an executing being.

The psychological dynamics of change occurs from the BEING, the process of change occurs from the committed PERSON.

Human attrition comes from the way they think, communicate, interact… PEOPLE within social, political, economic and financial relationship structures. Wear is reflected in work equipment and over time. Organizational management, whatever the type of organization, is to minimize wear and tear.

Based on the differences of thought of each person, conflicts will always exist, because there is no construction of new meanings based on the differences. Change involves searching for meanings.

RESIGNIFY is the same as CHANGE.

To change is to build, nobody builds in the abstract, everything is produced by interacting with the other. The MEANING is born from the relationship with the other as a construction mechanism.

As a mutual construction tool it is necessary to have full knowledge of yourself. Discovering who is who and showing our own emotion is identifying where we come from and where we are going. If we do not know what is in our intellect, it is difficult to manage the construction of reality with the other. And if within the construction process we prefer to be alone, there is a breakdown of that construction.

Within a psychological space, the desire to be alone refers to resentment and lack of principles. Within a work team, it only generates costs and losses, such as the loss of a human potential that generates innovative ideas. DIALOGUE is lost as an engine of progress.

As soon as it is polarized, the dialogue becomes controversy and discussion; defending the position there is polarization and hinders listening, resulting in:

  • Lack of commitment, destruction, lack of meaning, defense, not listening, not handling the dynamics, polarity, poor agreements, lack of belonging.

Checking that the virtuous structure of dialogue is susceptible to gigantic damage leads us to wonder if it really…:

Are we DIALOGANT entities?

Are we builders within our natural dialogue?

Are we facilitators of dialogue?

Do we have Self-regulatory capacity?

Do we have mounted on our way the reward and punishment?

Do we dismantle the punishment?

Do we promote honesty?

Do we know that punishment does not build?

Inviting construction comes true when we don't conclude in our dialogue. Conclude disengagement. Each being, each person, each individual, each organization (whatever type of organization it is) works from its own history. Internally the mind thinks, works and tries to build from the perimeter of the other. But there is an enriching tool in the process of mutual construction "ASK"

STRUCTURE OF THE VIRTUES OF QUESTION born from speaking slowly and moderating breathing:

  • Asking does not polarize. It identifies the common objective. It allows to expose their vision and that of the other. It allows to speak of common chords. It allows the ability of both parties to elaborate a validation of their meanings.

Reality is built from each human being, from each story. Reality is one, human consciousness is one. "My history is built with your history", "we_construct meanings without feeling threatened, without aborting, without giving up, without giving up, without cutting off the dialogue". To build it is necessary to have an internal position open to dialogue, to the question.

The question leads to the Art of Dialogue. With the question we can get to read the language of emotion, the language of the soul.


  • Read body vibration. Give meaning to what is not said without filling the spaces with assumptions.


  • Go to the natural laws of dialogue (ask) Take resignation as an instrument (die) to open up Distinguish the principles that make the difference If I die, then I listen and understand the simple. The question here is: Am I willing to die? Be clear that we are all part of an ordered universe that communicates.


Given from the mental structure, fear is produced by total ignorance, it is an inhibitor, but we must make it a catalyst for development.

FEAR, fear is something to detect because it has a value… it costs. There is genetic fear and apprehended fear. The apprehended fear disappears and gives way to freedom of thought.

The leader must question himself. You must know how much the fear of your people costs, in terms of human capital you must question the cost of fear of your people. How much does the development inhibitor cost? How much does the fear of people to say what they know cost? How much does the fear of participating actively count? How much does the denunciation of the nonconforming people cost? How much does the union's actions cost?

Organizational losses are very expensive. The leader manages to assess the losses of: leadership, motivation, creativity, innovation, to explore new topics. The leader's commitment is to do something in the face of fear. The leader must identify if his people are afraid, because people with fear shrink, they do not believe, they do not grow, they do not believe, they are confused. Leadership consists of having a liberated mind, a mind of permanent growth, that generates evolution. The mind of the leader must be characterized by having the possibility of reading and seeing what her people are developing and what cost, what happens, what implies, to identify if the results are products of fear. Fear generates Violence and violence Hostility and hostility Unproductivity. If fear disappears, violence ceases.Fear has a business and social cost. The cost is produced by an internal wear and tear that generates mental, physical and intellectual poverty.

The primary characteristic of a managerial leader must be to be able to see in what is not evident, what is happening, the threat, the competition of his group, to see if there is inertia in his stagnation, in his group.

Fear is the expectation against the loss (or damage) real or imagined in a future time. The human being has had the past as a reference to the future. Fear acts under the reference that knows the past and is blocked from the possibility of living in the present for fear of losing. Fear of the unknown limits, stagnates. Fear has been managed from the same cultural management that has been given to time.

The human being has defined a linear structure of thought, which does not allow openness in the face of the experiences of reality, consequently it is very important to revalidate the paradigms that are faced with the definition of goals and to have dreams.

Violence (Poverty)

Fear (Fear - Protection Mechanism)


Future (Goals, deficiencies, shortcomings)

Vision (social reality)

Wisdom (Social entity)

Frustration with the non-achievement of dreams and / or goals generates fear and consequently violence. Having preconceived values ​​leads us to confrontation and generates frustration that is the same as having deficiencies such as envy. Envy is harmful to construction.

The fear of being used as a resource generates progress, evolution and growth.


Believing is different from knowing. When we express that we “believe” in why we don't “know”. It feels different when you change from the "I BELIEVE IN PEACE" position to "I AM PEACE". Belief must bridge the opportunity to direct experience. Under this scheme, a commitment to action is conceived.

THE PROPOSAL is to relax in front of the reality that must happen, redefining as a platform for true change, Action and not Reaction.

The Action consists of clearly defining a vision centered on the fullness of the experiential, defining a life purpose, precisely it is realizing that having a defined and important purpose, the human being survives any adverse circumstance and finds its realization

To Obtain a true CHANGE OF METAL MODEL it is a requirement to identify what is critical in the work team, discovering the panorama where the action is born, where the idea is born. Ideas with a clear profile that show what is critical, what is the obstacle or impediment to exercising a leadership process.

Another imperative requirement is to design a thematic axis to face the changing aspect of reality (Communication, Vision, Alliance, Belief, Organization and Teamwork, Change… etc) with the aim of building from that same reality. Dismantling the Ego recognizes the conception of the question as the creator of new ideas. Building new ideas is not about mechanics. Teamwork is organized from the question, thus concepts are constructed, permutations to pre-established meanings welcoming the other.


People are a common sense resource with the goal of identifying WHAT things work for. People are a resource with their own qualities and different from other resources. People like recognition and handle common sense from the heart. The Human Resource is the Main Asset, the Most Expensive, which is Trusted and which is not Own.

People are a gift of life and should be handled with simplicity and simplicity and not for lack of content. The formula for success is: Having Good Products + a smiling face (or a team of happy people) = productivity and profitability.

Organizations depend on People, Better Processes and Structures, State-of-the-art Technology, and the quality of leadership of the Chiefs. The Hardware, Humanware and Software that give rise to better products and services generating a true competitive advantage which is quickly achieved. The true competitive advantage lies in the Human Resource.

Happy people provide an excellent Human Resource. Happiness is a personal decision but with slow processes it focuses on the quality of the people.

Managing with People is quite different from Managing People. Human Resources does not manage Human Resources, it is the responsibility of each business. The management of the Human Resources Management is to design tools and products that the different managers need to develop their normal operation. Human Resources is an advisor to the business, the operation of the company, understanding what is done in each management; advises on how to Manage with People.

The task of RH is to allow the organization to be a means for the growth of people. The face of the organization in front of the client is People, which is why we capture and maintain our clients with 80% of the individual and 20% of the organization. But it happens that the organization can give everything, but if the person does not want, nothing can be done, the person has her own will, the mind does not process what the heart does not say.

BEING a person is very different from the person executing a task. Being a person is the set of qualities and virtues that are intrinsic to the human being. Human Resources Management is seen in happy People, in having Special People in the Organization, People who shine their eyes, People connected with the virtues of their being, People with questions and answers inside.

The Culture of Change consists of experiencing the process of passing the Answer to Questions. The BEING PERSON is the presence of the qualities and virtues of the HUMAN BEING in action. Each person decides what kind of HUMAN BEING they want to BE, it is an AWARENESS.

People when they say they have self-esteem, generally this meaning that it has a Super_Ego, a giant ego. Self-esteem is equal to estimating its qualities and virtues in pursuit of progress, of a common and social good. Progress has to do directly with Generosity not with the attainment of wealth, generosity being understood as Seeing, Hearing, Sharing, Paying Attention and Giving.

Organizational Management seeks:

Surviving Short Term

Medium Term Growth

Long Term Development.

Personnel Development has to do directly with BEING A PERSON, with the HUMAN BEING that


Generate Changes

Have common sense

He realizes

Has Insights (Wondering)




Have Conviction Problems


Has identity problems of nature (Does, Says, Feels)

Seek to Know

You want to reach Wisdom

WISE is HAPPY because he discovers the meaning of BEING COHERENT


SPONTANEITY, not learned is the Capacity of the HUMAN BEING that has to SURPRISE, ADMIRE AND ADMIRATE.

INTENTIONALITY, acting from your Position and questioning yourself, wondering, turning towards your BEING and seeking happiness.

SEARCHING THE UNKNOWN, the unlimited, the unrestricted, is the pure desire of the human being understood from the UNDERSTANDING of his own IMAGE.

The UNDERSTANDING arises from when the question is related and a probability horizon can be observed. When the person goes from INSIGHT to INSIGHT she grows, she develops in an INTIMATE PROCESS. If INSIGHTS are not achieved, it is that you still live in the realm of ANSWERS.

This Intimate Act is given to: (intimate act with public manifestation)

  • Experience an intelligent process. Make a critical reflection = Judgment Decide and appropriate what this decision generates.

TRAINING, SELF-STUDY, is an attitude towards life, it is INQUIRY, it is asking.

The people, the human being, we are exercising a TRANSATIONAL AND THREE-DIMENSIONAL analysis of reality. From the parent I, the adult ME and the child I, RECOGNIZING, being Observed and being Observer are very different situations that need to be closely linked and are essential in the search for INNER PEACE, inner peace is a seasonal part of BEING COHERENT. Being coherent generates a structured vision, gets followers, carries out and executes, develops the person as a high-quality Human Resource, follows up to achieve permanent improvement, accompanies and empowers.



It is necessary to be clear WHAT WE ARE GOING TO DO AND WHERE WE ARE GOING. The leader must know WHO DOES IT BEST. Recognize Weaknesses and Strengths. The leader must be aware that PEOPLE do not Fall in love with what they DO NOT KNOW, DO NOT KNOW. If people know where they are going and where they want to go, they feel HAPPY. The strategies to reach the VISION and fulfill the MISSION would not be achieved without PEOPLE's Commitment. The formula of SUCCESS is to have connected to BEING the function of BEING HAPPY WITHOUT FEARING THE COMMITMENT.

The quality of an Activity Plan is directly related to the Intrinsic Quality of the product or the Process, with the expectation of the client's price, the Response time, Safety, Motivation and Morality. The person wants to feel that he has values ​​and that they are qualities born of coexistence principles. Being understood here, respect as the Understanding of others based on self-esteem: I ONLY KNOW THE OTHER WHEN I KNOW ME.

People are Happy when they KNOW what they have to DO.

An Activities plan should be characterized by being: Attractive, Ambitious, easy to follow, treatable and manageable Unique, measurable (it was done or not), time, agreed by the team, simple and simple.

An activity plan should be built from the following conceptual map:


Indefinite Contract charges are the Essence of Business. The Fixed Term Contract charges are valid for Projects. The Temporary cover the periods of Vacations and the Certain Works.

Outsourcing can be considered, but in non-ESSENTIAL positions in the business, the service is contracted but not the Personnel.

SALARY SCALES: People like to feel balanced on the salary scale. WAGE does NOT REASON BUT IT DOES NOT DEMOTE.


PEOPLE feel happy when they are permanently CHALLENGED, when they go through Better and Greater challenges.

The Human Resource must MANAGE THE POTENTIAL of the People in Each Position. Behind each Position is the Individual in a race to achieve their professional development. THE POTENTIAL NOBODY TAKES IT AWAY (HIGHT POTENTIAL)

POTENTIAL different from PERFORMANCE. Not always a high performing staff has high potential. Defining the potential of people is the task of a leadership concerned with a career plan of the Human Resource, with the aim of identifying opportunities based on the wishes of the individual; key to success to establish the Succession Plan.

PEOPLE LIKE TO FEEL REWARDED, to obtain clarity on this reward, performance evaluation is necessary.

The Performance Evaluation reflects:

  • An effective action plan Relationship between the organization and the individual Permanent improvement of the competences Maintenance of the labor history Tool to promote consultation and open discussion Management indicator to assign the remuneration

WHAT IS PERFORMANCE? As a matter attached to the individual, there is no single form defined, each organization defines its own according to the management of its people. However, it must be taken into account if the evaluation form answers the following questions:

  • Does it comply with the Activity Plan? Does it develop its competences? Does it identify coherence of values ​​and principles? Does it comply with human development factors such as Communication? Creativity? Leadership? Customer service? Adaptability and change management? Teamwork?

People's performance is less known to the boss. But performance must occur in the following four directions:





PEOPLE LIKE TO FEEL THERE IS JUSTICE. Performance evaluation favors not only the individual but also the organization. The leader should look for the mechanism to make a RANKIN, a performance comparison to support the evaluation. It is favorable to have an indication but it is also favorable to have a third opinion when there are equal measures. To strengthen the qualitative aspects more than the quantitative ones, it is important to determine the degree of leadership, creativity and quality of customer service.

As a premise, it must be taken into account that THE QUALITATIVE HAS TO BE VALUED MORE THAN THE QUANTITATIVE. Reason why the most valued positions are those of greater responsibility.

For there to be justice in performance evaluation, it is necessary to show three parts clearly:

I. Management evaluation: PAST

II. Activity plan of the year: PRESENT

III. professional career management (potential management) FUTURE


  1. Accompaniment and follow-up Reward Justice.

CULTURE OF BEING: the real transformation of organizations is really in each individual.

The change in the individual does not take place until I AFFIRM:


1- I KNOW: “Life depends on the meaning that I GIVE. A world without meaning is FEARful because it has not been defined. FEAR dominates my LIFE. I HAVE INVENTED fear of the WORLD around me. ”

The world, the reality, depend on each individual and the meaning that each one gives it. I DECIDE WHICH EYES I WANT TO SEE THE WORLD.

FREEDOM IS IN THE BEING OF EACH PERSON. IN THE INTERNAL VOID; IN THE CENTER IS YOUR AUTHENTICITY. People are Beings of Action, they exercise or reveal their qualities, their principles, their philosophy of life.

The Ego is constituted by a set of personal beliefs, results, past experiences of ourselves, our parents, our culture of our religion… etc. The BEING is UNBEATABLE, in the being there is no loss.

The Ego is linked to the FEAR that Loss generates because our Ego compares with Preset Scripts for life… the Ego leads us to see ourselves as Failed.

2- I UNDERSTAND: knowing WHY I DO what I DO provides HAPPINESS: the ultimate END of BEING HUMAN. But the Function and happiness is one.

When the human being IS, he no longer handles EMPTY. To be alone is to be with oneself. EXCESS SHARING, sharing is the same as ADD and not SUBTRACT.

3- I CAN: (Internal PROCESS From Being) is to be aware of the power of my GENEROSITY, KINDNESS, LOVE. The I can is what nobody takes from me. REALITY IS WHAT I REALLY AM: Understanding, Apprehending, Knowing (When One Knows Can), Power, Being Conscious, Wisdom, Quality Of Actions, Presence Of Being, Realizing The Enriching Experience Of The Same Actions. Presence of the BEING. (Degrees of consciousness, feeling, understanding, Judging, Deciding, Self-awareness). Recognize the power that is in me. Listen to the Inner Dialogue that is in me. What does my say to me: generosity, kindness, humility, love, honesty, tolerance. I MUST DO WHAT MY INTERIOR TELLS ME, AND TRUST THAT THE RESULT IS PERFECT.

Everything that happens to one in life from the BEING is perfect. NATURE AND THE UNIVERSE are synchronized and conspire so that I ACHIEVE my OBJECTIVE of BEING happy.

NOTHING IN LIFE IS CASUALITY EVERYTHING IS CAUSATION. Everything in life is experiences, nothing is GOOD or nothing is BAD. The past is History, TODAY is the eternal permanent, the FUTURE is the enemy of expectations… when there are no expectations, the capacity to be surprised is generated.

FEAR: life is not QUANTITY life is QUALITY. Learn to listen to yourself. FEAR IS NOT ELIMINATED by saying I am not afraid. You must eliminate the "THERE IS" and the "TOUCH ME" fear is eliminated from the BEING. The worst there is is the Fear of Fear, the Fear of not being afraid of anything.

4- I WILL DO IT: (Internal VOLUNTARY Process) Volunteer and Decision to BE. Put Action to the qualities. WORK / ACTION / POWER.

You CANNOT ONLY be Kind, Loving, Generous… etc. To BE you have to GIVE. Everyone is an Opportunity to BE. One cannot GIVE of what one does not have. One receives DAR and DAR without waiting.

LOVE is the will to extend the limits of oneself, in order to promote one's own and others' spiritual development. Scott Peck

One receives DAR: Joy, Such Prosperity, Abundance, Fullness, Invulnerability, Unlimited.


He does everything with passion.

Has clarity of thought

Has the ability to communicate

It has a high degree of energy.

It has the ego under control

Have inner peace

Capitalize on experiences

Has a stable family life

Has a positive attitude

Live with integrity and lead by example.

Its coherent.

When PEOPLE work from the BEING, the physical phenomenon is NATURAL. (How good are you!).


PEOPLE are happy when they recognize the WELFARE programs such as the search for BALANCE between HIM, the Organization and their Family. When you are shown the OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH programs that are developed for your well-being.

The challenge of Human Resources management is to listen to people about their needs and wishes and the demands of the law. Human Resources must promote the search for free time to maintain a good physical and mental state.

Another challenge of Human Resources is to create two-way communication channels to meet and understand one of the people on your team. Listening to people so that they can express what they feel and what they think: converse: dialogue: build: progress.


The organization makes an annual balance sheet to financially recognize what was done and what was not done. But it does not acknowledge what I enjoyed throughout the year, what skills or what absences were presented to reach those results that are being shown. What was the core of the business. What was the essential competence?

A cultural transformation occurs when you go from:

Teamwork hierarchies

You order to sell dreams, to sell a common product.

Chief tutor, leader, teacher

Control give confidence

Results schedules

“Touches” exciting work

Corporate Culture shared values




The change came to me more than five (5) years ago at a time that was not an offer, nor a proposal of my own, upon seeing my marriage ended. At the time he had an obtuse view of life. I was used to having only one end of my own life tie and when they gave me the other part, at the moment when my ex-husband argued when she left, that she had found her happiness and that nothing and no one would get in

And indeed I died. But from experiencing a workshop of change where I became aware of what was really happening in my life… an internal process of change, I was born again. I was born to a horizon of probabilities, I was born to my own self, my independence, my freedom, my skills, my abilities, my abilities, my skills, my projects… all those virtues and qualities asleep in torpor domestic from an unhappy home.

Today I can say with a smile in my heart that I not only go with the wave of change but that I am a generator of changes inside and outside of me. Now this previous reference is an asset of my experiences and not a liability of nostalgia.

As a first step, I made the decision to be happy, not to harm my nature. I am not spiteful, envious, or bitter. I cannot let myself be carried away by a crushing and ill-intentioned ego that at first tries to take away my inner peace. The greatest, the greatest wealth that I possess in my heart is Love. The love I have for life, for the things I do, for the people around me.

I was fearful and the fear of life was drowning me out, fear distanced me from Love, from Peace, from Possibilities, from Wisdom; my fear knew that if it overshadowed my self-esteem, it would defeat me. My fear was my ignorance… but I died to that fear and it no longer lives in me.

But I was born again. I overcame ignorance, I overcame spiritual poverty, and the love that is in my heart allows me to see the invisible things that love brings me happiness. Happiness and Love are within me… I carry them within… but they inevitably lead me to externalize it, harmonizing my existence.

I have changed inside and I no longer want to change the world outside me… now I simply enjoy it with a different lens, with my own light, with my interior light that allows me to shine by myself.

Every now and then I abandon my ego and I allow myself to live my now and see that miracles happen around me… or bigger and more beautiful things that I didn't see before. I own my ego, it depends on me and not me on it. Now I give myself to life… now the same is no longer the same. My ego made me fight… now I float calmly. I live easily without divisions… without enemies. I have the magic of sympathy.

I am no longer afraid of ridicule. The preconceptions of my memory, of my past, do not enslave me anymore, now I see the tree, the light, the sun, my possibilities, my challenges, my challenges… my body… my eyes, my chubby… I freed myself from what I they taught.

Now I am part of everything around me, I have unlearned and now I am learning. The wisdom of others taught me that dreams are a way of seeing, that living in peace in loving life… that my head, my thoughts interrupt the magic of my reality. Now I know that nothing is repeated, I take in my hands the consequences of my present and I live the present. Now I know that everything can happen. I can learn from my mistakes.

My decision is to be intelligent, wise, loving, happy, and connect with the universe until I get to grips with it. My secret is to join minds bigger than mine, proactive, optimistic and positive people.

I am a newborn because there is another Trinny in me, I do not want to hurt anyone, I have gone from destroyer to constructor because I am convinced that there will be a magical moment where the good atmosphere, good humor, good seed reigns, and I I refuse to fulfill a simple material role, I am a builder, I am a princess of a wonderful universe that surrounds me and I do not want to miss it… also my happiness is in giving, maybe with interest… maybe not… because I am aware that life, the universe, the existence, the destiny… whatever it is, it will give me back multiplied what I give, life is a Boomerang, says my mother. It doesn't matter, yesterday I did it today I do it I give happiness because that's what is in my heart.

Now I know that happiness is not a high representation, external to me, that I could not reach… no, now I have it in me, but I only knew it until now, when my spirit was free, independent, when I had my freedom in my hands inside my wealth, which is my inner peace.

I have a position, an occupation, and I know it is a limitation, a distraction, a path that keeps me busy that does not give me time to ask myself who I am, so that my spirit, which is what I truly am, flies and does not have borders in my reality. But I am in a new beginning… I can fly… my limitations are on my mind… the past has been set aside and now I enjoy my present… I don't feel guilty… I have everything I want in my heart… but I don't I have everything that is why I have decided to restart every moment, every morning I wake up transformed to live another reality different from yesterday and today to conquer what I need… life allows me to recreate myself… re_create me, now comes the beauty of dawn, the scent of flowers, the dance of trees, peace, harmony, cities without borders,the fresh air, the sun of all, the brightness of the eye of the other.

I cannot be ungrateful, what I am now is the product of many things that were linked, related, gathered in the universe so that I could be myself effortlessly. I do not have fanatic religiosity in me, but the awareness that the spirit of GOD is in me, a spirit that invites me to risk calming the curiosity to see, to know with a proactive, optimistic, positive and fearless attitude, a sensual, attractive and beautiful danger with which I am determined to familiarize myself.

I must confess that I had a time when I wanted to be and I was a martyr, a victim, the wound, the tortured… all that and more within an ignorance and absolute myopia. But I died to that and when I was reborn I decided to be a hero, a heroine without paid advertising, but happy owner of her own life and individuality.

Now I live in myself and I am not confused by the society where we have all been against everyone, because fear has separated us from the other since we are all equal. Dismiss the other because we reject ourselves and we do not believe in our growth in the growth of the other and we prefer to be alone. We exhaust ourselves competing with the other out of fear a treacherous fear and we do not allow Love to go out and demonstrate that it is courageous and unlimited creator.

Being good, kind, loving, being true, kind, is a decision that gives me lordship, it is a decision that gives me a source of inner peace, it is not an intention it is a decision because we all have goodness in our hearts, that is not to say the truth what makes us happy is being true, which is different, because you can tell the truth but a truth spoken without love is like a stone in the head. Being true is not having to be accountable to anyone because I do not hurt anyone, because I do not lie to anyone… I am convinced, to be true is to be consistent with my thinking, my word, even my omission.

Today, now and here I am firm and open to life's proposals without keeping silent about my truths. I have big dreams, projects… and I am ready for great challenges and efforts because only the great reaches the great, including my emotions that are the ones that determine the success that now I no longer seek but will come to me.

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Now, as I have seen and / or as I see an organizational change process, well, that change is related to business practices, planned changes in the corporate system regarding:

  • Technology Process transformation Changes of structure or design Coordination mechanisms and very little to the human being, to the person.

The change is desired in order to find durability in a highly competitive environment, adopting more effective and efficient forms of operation and maintaining adequate scenarios. However, there is a high degree of resistance to change, by virtue of maintaining stability and certainty about the future in terms of Stable Production, Predictable Costs and Financial Integrity.

Stability and rigidity isolates, separates, hides an organization from learning, from innovation, from creativity, from environments and the power to adapt to changing conditions. Can an Organization meet the needs for change while maintaining sufficient stability and preventing disruption of operations? In today's social reality, I feel yes… but there is fear in taking the step of:

Stability à Accelerated Change, Predictable à Unpredictable, Stagnation à Innovation, Certainty à Uncertainty, fear of knowing a New Force.

In the traditional schemes of the organizations, we can visualize as the main characteristic: “There is no concrete answer regarding the correct point of change, if it should be given in the Nature of the organization, in the work environment, in the Organizational Culture or in the People"

The need for change comes from an awareness of the gaps at the different internal and external levels: Strategies, Direction, People, Financial Resources, Time, Goals (Specific goals are essential because without clear objectives it will be difficult to know what to change). In a process of change, employees need information about: What will be changed? Why is the change necessary? What can they expect from the change? What will be the benefits? Difficulties or problems and how to manage them? What attitudes will be necessary, tasks, activities? What market forces will be worked on, what skills will be generated worldwide, what new technology will be obtained, how will the growing demand from shareholders be faced, what is the new profile of the employees? Reality shows that the concern for change in organizations is not centered on the Individual, who is the true driving force for change.

The organizational crisis that companies have had to face worldwide, called "Economic Crisis" due to globalization and high and unfair competition, in my own opinion is not an economic crisis but rather a "Moral Crisis", a crisis of values. The institutions attacked their own principles and their own values ​​… their philosophy of life, their reason for BEING was brutally violated, morality does not exist, honesty is absurd when negotiating. The coherence between the philosophy of the company and the actions of its leaders ceased to exist, what is said is very different from what is done and what is thought; but ultimately in our hands is this wonderful opportunity to generate change, starting with changing ourselves.

Trinny Martha Alieth Barrios Amaya

March 2004


Walt Whitman.

Culture of change and development of human resources