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Culture of business default in mexico. test

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The objective of this work is to point out and propose alternative solutions regarding the lack of culture of the majority of Mexican companies that, as mentioned, generally do not comply with the stipulated delivery times of a product or service, which makes the primary objectives of the company, among them, the one of you generate more economic resources, because they are not reached, that is why proposals are made to verify and always be aware of them. Take into account these and other factors that directly or indirectly affect the branch of the company while it is a collaborative work and must be coordinated by the company administrator. Because for a good control of all the resources of the company, a good leader must count.

As well as working with the basic levels of education, because it is they, the students, the future employers or workers who will bear the responsibility of complying in time and form with the commitments acquired in an organization.


The aim of this work is to identify and propose alternative solutions in terms of the lack of culture of most Mexican companies as mentioned generally fail to meet the stipulated delivery time of a product or service that makes the primary objectives of the company, including that of generate more economic resources, because they are not made for that proposed verification is done and be aware always of inventories, delivery vehicles, average production time, loading of vehicles, limiting the business, absent employees. Taking into account these and other factors that impact directly or indirectly with the bouquet of the company at the same time is a collaborative work that has to coordinate the company administrator. Now that there is good control of all resources of the company, has to have a good leader.

And work with the basic levels of education, because they, the students, future employers or workers who will bear the responsibility to comply in a timely manner with the commitments made in an organization.

Culture of non-compliance in Mexico

The culture of compliance is the Achilles heel of most Mexican companies, and it is that there are very few companies that truly provide a service or product delivery on time and of quality.

It all starts at school, where Mexicans do not have a culture of compliance either in carrying out the tasks and assignments assigned in class, always looking for a pretext to deliver it later than the assigned date, that is why schools At the basic and upper secondary level, the culture of compliance must be sown in the youth in the performance of their activities, this can be achieved by letting young people know that they have to work under pre-established objectives, and not simply repetitive tasks, which do not have some sense to them.

Government and society we must work under certain schemes or guidelines that allow forging at a young age, the culture of fulfilling what is promised, because in the culture of ordinary Mexicans it is easy to promise but not fulfill and all this is carried along of life and especially in the places where people work, go, government organizations are the ones that go wrong in this regard, but also private organizations have a deficit in the culture of compliance, which is why administrators of a public or private organization, they must verify the operating guidelines of each of the organizations to which they belong or work.

When one turns to a company to obtain a product or service, we hope it will be in time and form, but unfortunately many companies do not comply with what has been agreed, one of them is the delivery time, and that causes enormous inconvenience to consumers, due to that the rhythms of life currently leave little room to process returns or complaints about a bad product or service, that is why many of the clients do not report our disagreement and the companies, without having feedback on this aspect, cannot measure how much good or bad product or service is giving or providing.

One of the central points in customer satisfaction is therefore the immediate delivery of the products or services that have been contracted, and that the degree of satisfaction that the customer may obtain depends on the companies. that is why companies must take preventive and corrective measures to make compliance culture the norm or policy. Because as we know, a satisfied customer is a customer who returns and can recommend us, but a customer who does not achieve full satisfaction may never need a product or service from our company again. therefore, as Quijano (2003) points out, it is essential to take into account all the variables in order to have a greater probability of fulfilling the promises. therefore it is important to consider, before promising a service or product,The complete information that the company manages (inventories, delivery vehicles, average production times, load capacity, business limitations, absent employees, etc.), must also take into account the previous commitments and the time necessary for compliance. and, on the other hand, to establish an additional time for unforeseen events, in order not to default on a client.

Many of the problems that occur in the company, is due to the mismanagement of resources by administrators, since they do not take into account many aspects that can favor good performance, first of all you must verify that there is enough product in stock to make a promise to sell, and here is the communication you can maintain with your subjects to organize and communicate the needs of each area. if it is a company that has a small fleet of vehicles, it must calculate the times of each delivery, in order to make an average of the routes, if it is a company that produces goods, it must have strict control, first of all of its raw material suppliers, or have enough material to be able to subsist,In the event that your supplier does not deliver to you on time and thus maintain your production line in optimal conditions, and based on that, make an estimate of how much you can produce per day and thus determine how much demand you can satisfy.

Something that an administrator must also consider is the commitment that an employee may have towards the company, since the human element is what moves other resources (financial, material, etc.) and the lack of one of them., it can cause that the established production objectives are not fulfilled or the service that can be provided is of poor quality. That is why I consider that the human resources of a company must be properly trained to meet the expectations that the company sets itself. therefore, an administrator must always be planning, organizing, directing and controlling activities inside and outside the company. and one of its main functions is to motivate staff, also to let them know and feel good about their goals,rules or policies that he determines for the full functioning of the organization. And do not forget that the fundamental soul of a company of products and services, since it is the client, who is to whom we owe ourselves, and for whom we must focus all our forces on the fulfillment of our objectives.


Mexicans are characterized by not fulfilling what we are committed to and all of that, we take it to the workplace, which should change if we want to be a competitive nation and start looking at outstanding countries in the west or east such as Japan, China or Korea del Sur, that thanks to their team collaboration and that their efforts are focused on objectives, today they are outstanding nations in the industrial and business sphere, that is why Mexicans must change our culture in many aspects and that the commitments As such, they are part of the principles, values, policies, etc., of a company, because as mentioned, the basis of achieving an objective in the fact of collaborative work and good communication that must prevail within an organization, thus like, having good leaders,that they are capable of directing and motivating at all times the personnel they are in charge of.

For this reason, the reorientation of education in Mexico and collaborative work, and that of having a responsible and uncorrupted government will be a fundamental basis for a new vision of Mexicans.


  • Siliceo, (2004), "Training and staff development" Quijano (2003), "Compliance is what is important" http://www.gestiopolis.com/canales/demarketing/articulos/69/cumpliimportante.htmLan, (2012) "Do you work out of conviction or just to comply?",
Culture of business default in mexico. test