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Digital culture in the business environment


Digital culture is a new concept that has entered the field of research, which describes cultural heritage in its digital version, ranging from the visual arts, the performing arts and the media, to artificial environments and environments natural.

Digital culture includes, in the same way, the new media that were developed in the digital field, such as virtual reality reconstructions, Internet art and new interactive narratives. Also, the digital versions, the contents and the functions of the institutions. Like museums and heritage institutions, digital culture takes on the challenge of collecting, contextualizing, preserving and transmitting.


The technological advance that has been seen in the last centuries has been the greatest in history. As an example, we can see the development from electrical energy to the implantation of satellites in space. Likewise, in recent decades the rapid evolution of computers and the network connection that arises between them have been seen, which has led to a great change in the way in which the human being perceives the world. It is indisputable that the digital system, due to its exponential growth, has strongly changed the cultural perspective, but one cannot help but ask:What are the benefits of digital globalization? What negative effects has the integration of digital systems had and will have on human life? To answer these, an analysis must be made through the origin of the Digital Revolution, analyzing mainly the advantages and disadvantages of living in a digital culture, as well as democracy through a global network.



The concept of culture comes from the Latin cultus, which refers to the cultivation of the human spirit and the intellectual faculties of man, in addition to being associated with civilization and progress.

In general, culture is a kind of social network that encompasses the various forms and expressions of a given society. This implies that customs, rituals, types of clothing and norms of behavior are aspects included in the culture.

Another definition determines that culture is the set of information and skills that an individual possesses. And this provides human beings with the ability to reflect on themselves.

Depending on the approach taken into account, culture can be classified and defined in different ways. For example, there is the topical, historical, mental, structural and symbolic classification.

Similarly, culture can be differentiated according to its degree of development: primitive, civilized, pre-literate and literate. Finally, it should be mentioned that in modern capitalist societies there is a cultural industry, with a market where cultural goods are offered subject to the laws of supply and demand of the economy (Definicion.de, Definicion.de, 2015).


Today the concept is closely linked to technology and computing, which refers to the representation of information in binary mode (in two states).

Digital systems use two-state logic that is represented by two levels of electrical voltage: high or H (high), low or L (low). These states are replaced by ones and zeros, to facilitate logical and arithmetic application.

This binary system is made up of ones and zeros, which allow storing, processing and transmitting any type of information.

On the other hand, digital signals use discrete or discontinuous values, unlike analog signals. By operating with limited values, the transmission of information is easier and safer (Definicion.de, Definicion.de, 2015).

For many people, the older meaning of the word digital is taken up again (referring to the fingers or extremities of the human being), giving the qualification of digital to the computer devices that can be operated with the fingers, such as touch screens, mobile phones, keyboards, etc. His reasoning is that if fingers are not used, they should not be so called. The term digital is also frequently used for devices that transmit information by means of numbers (digits) (mastermagazine, 2007).

Digital culture

The concept of digital culture arises from the need to explain a series of phenomena and the effects that the digital age has generated in different modern cultures, somehow changing trends in the social behavior of individuals and their groups. On the other hand, it can also be called "digital culture" to the knowledge that is intended and derived from the different digital tools, its definition has increasingly separated from the tools, focusing more on the changes that their uses generate in a given human population.

In the history of humanity, the trend of social and cultural changes has been reiterated from the different technological eras, but cultural changes have never occurred as drastic and hasty as in the last decades, the generation of new means of communication that allow from instantaneous communication regardless of geographical location, to the possibility of communication between millions of people generating a scheme of "global collective consciousness".

The inclusion of people who belong to the new trend, with those who are not yet "Digital Citizens", in these new scenarios is also called "Digital Culturalization"; Beyond a simple “digital adaptation”, which implies teaching how to use tools such as programs and equipment, digital culturalization originates the concepts that have been developed from various digital applications and that help human beings to potentiate their activities and aspirations through an adequate use of them within a social philosophy (Camilo, 2013).

The Digital Transformation of the Environment

The world is in a constant change that incurs and is sustained by changes in the way of seeing things, in daily behavior, in attitude and in values; what turns clients, markets, citizens and professionals into change tensors based on new demands and needs that are no longer satisfied by conventional forms and businesses.

The digitization of an organization is not an objective as such, nor is it a destination, but a process of profound changes that require attitudes of change and permanent adaptation to leave comfort zones and explore new possibilities. The key point, for individuals and companies, is to see this digital transformation as an opportunity that intelligently combines practices and ways of making them continue to deliver results with new techniques and skills that connect with the results intended for the future.

Digital tools for transforming a business

The competency model exposed by RocaSalvatella is an experience-based model that brings together the 8 basic competences that are considered to be able to acquire and develop a professional to face the current process of digital transformation. These tools allow us to successfully face the digital challenge:

  1. Digital knowledge: is the ability of an individual to function professionally and personally in the digital economy. Information management: it is the ability to search, obtain, evaluate, organize and share information in digital content. Digital communication: Ability to communicate, relate and collaborate efficiently with tools and in digital environments. Networking: Ability to work, collaborate and cooperate in digital environments. Continuous learning: Ability to manage learning autonomously, know and use digital resources, maintain and participate in learning communities. Strategic vision:Ability to understand the digital phenomenon and incorporate it into the strategic orientation of your organization's projects. Network leadership: Ability to lead and coordinate work teams distributed in networks and digital environments. Customer orientation: Ability to understand, understand, know how to interact and meet the needs of new customers in digital contexts.

Digital transformation is not a technological issue but a matter of vision, strategy, organizational culture and process redesign.

1.- Digital Knowledge

The professional with the digital knowledge competence.

2.-Information Management

The professional with the information management competence:

3.-Digital Communication

The professional with the digital communication competence


The professional with networking skills

5.-Continuous learning

The professional with the continuous learning competence

6.-Strategic vision

The professional with the strategic vision competence

7.-Network leadership

The professional with network leadership competence

8.-Customer orientation

The professional with the customer orientation competence

Advantages and disadvantages in the cultural field


  • Production, reproduction and handling have technical advantages over analogue Quality is never lost when handling the material during normal use Copying an unlimited number of times is possible, without causing any degradation It is an easy and economical means of transport and reproduction Storage is It performs more compactly. Sharing and distributing diverse content can be done through the web. There are many different devices and applications on the market for consumption. It has great popularity among the young population.


  • The availability of multiple perfect copies is perceived by the media industry as a blow to its viability and cost. There may be systems that detect who accesses each work, when and under what conditions and report this information to third parties. It is feasible for a third party to authorize or Unappealable deny access to content That there is no compatibility between different devices or platforms, or force them to be consumed on a single device. Sometimes they can only be purchased in established online stores and tied to a single platform. The files are usually limited to a certain number of consultation devices (Sanchez, 2014).

Information management in the digital age

Companies have always looked and will look for ways to improve the tactics in how communication systems are established to have better information management, currently communication between different departments in the work area is not only an innovative or novel way transmission of information, but essential for the development of the organization.

Since the heyday of personal computers, information stopped being handled through a printed element and technology began to be used to handle information important to the organization, which led to the use of tablets or personal computers, which led to the replacement of department stores to store papers that contained all the information of a company by using small information storage devices and the printed documents now contained really important information or summaries of all the information already backed up.

The use of these devices is really useful when transmitting information, some of the most outstanding since the invention of personal computers are:

  • The floppy disk or floppy disk: they were very important in the 1980s and 1990s, they were a storage medium, made of magnetic material, it is very thin and flexible it is enclosed in a plastic square. This device is prone to dirt so it may stop working after a while (lmainformacion.wordpress, 2011).
  • CD-ROM or compact disc, CD-ROM drives have become necessary since programs on flexible discs have practically stopped being launched, replacing compact discs. These drives hold 550 times more information than a floppy disk drive. The most common CD-ROM drives are read-only. The compact discs used in these drives have a maximum storage capacity of 800 Mbytes. These CD-ROM drives are evaluated for their read speed. A single speed (1X) unit reads at 150 kb per second, a double (2X) unit reads at 300 kb / s, and so on. There are drives with speeds up to 52X, which means it can read up to 7,800 kb / s (conevyt.org., 2012). Flash memories: commonly called USB sticks, currently the easiest way to carry information anywhere in a totally secure way, since its creation in the Israeli company M-Systems, flash drives have invaded the market and are sure to soon make CDs obsolete. s (Cortés, 2013).


Currently we are living in a digital and global era, characterized by continuous and accelerated social and technological change. The digitization process in which we are entering is generating an economic reality that offers us new opportunities for change. The digital economy began to develop not only in a non-physical territory, but also in an immense and invisible one, and is governed by multiple automatisms that give it two key characteristics, speed and unpredictability. Its infiltration is being a source of growth and creation of business and professional opportunities, in such a way that it is estimated that over time the weight of the digital economy in the total world economy will be double that of today. That is to say,In advanced economies, growth opportunities are in the territory of the digital economy.

Thesis proposal

Comparative analysis of the influence that digital culture has on society against infomulticulturalism


Know which of these two concepts has developed a greater influence both in society and in organizations


  • Camilo, AS (June 29, 2013). blogspot. Obtained from http://kamiansuarez.blogspot.mx/2013/06/que-es-la-cultura-digital.htmlconevyt.org. (2012). conevyt.org. Obtained from http://www.conevyt.org.mx/cursos/cursos/marc/u1/mc_u1_t5.htmCortés, CA (2013). Gestiopolis. Obtained from http://www.gestiopolis.com/administracionestrategia-2/cultura-digital-la-nueva-economia-es-digital.htmDefinicion.de. (2015). Definition of. Obtained from http://definicion.de/cultura/ Definicion.de. (2015). Definition of. Obtained from http://definicion.de/digital/ lmainformacion.wordpress. (2011). lmainformacion.wordpress. Obtained from https://lmainformacion.wordpress.com/disquete/mastermagazine. (2007). Mastermagazine. Retrieved from http://www.mastermagazine.info/termino/4618.phpSanchez, L. (2014). digital culture. Obtained from
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Digital culture in the business environment