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Management culture and leadership. glory case

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We distinguish two major sections in the company: Hard and Soft. The hard sections include: the mission and strategy of the company, the organization, the HR policies, the technologies.

On the soft side is observable behavior: motivation, teamwork, commitment, creativity, communication, etc.

This business approach is embedded in a binder culture that reflects the prevailing values ​​and beliefs, is a higher-order software, an intangible that covers the entire company and conditions the thousands of details contained in the other two aspects. We also distinguish between a culture of fear and a culture of trust.

Changes that need to be made are easy as long as they have the same cultural orientation. The difficult thing is when changes must be made in the opposite direction to that established. What is required is precisely a leadership to turn the orientation, manage and modify the initial mentality, since the mentality is the inducer and the cause that originates all the approaches.

Precisely a Leader is one who modifies and improves the mental or emotional structure of the company and seeks a homogeneous culture throughout the organization.

The example of La Gloria

Today we are going to refer to a small family business that started as a simple bakery. The bakery business is a tough business and requires a certain mindset. In fact it is usually a very closed mindset. To make good bread you have to take into account many aspects, the weather itself influences, humidity, etc.

The baker is a very sacrificial profession, he gets up early and spends the day in front of the oven.

This is how La Gloria started, like another bakery in Cádiz. Little by little, as the business grew, they diversified into the pastry shop. It seems logical, but the change in mentality is strong.

The profession of being a baker is different from that of being a pastry chef. In the workshops, the processes are more studied and are more rigorous than in the bakery.

It is here where the problem of homogenizing two diverse cultures from two professions begins, which, looking like sisters, are nevertheless very different. This is where the leadership of the person in front is decisive.

La Gloria has been selling bread and cakes for several decades, and now they are diversifying into the restaurant business again by setting up coffee shops.

The cafeteria does not have anything to do with the oven and the workshop. If the first change was already expensive and the company was about to be sold, this new change shakes the foundations laid previously. And the most curious thing is that this diversification is not done for money and increasing profits, but as a logical continuation of a clear and committed mission.

" Every position is weakened in advance, " said the famous strategist.

Here, too, an enormous amount of hidden costs can arise from lack of coordination.

In this business example of success in the diversification and homogenization of various cultures, the engine of everything is the person in charge, a good friend and leader who we always set an example to follow in our presentations, courses and seminars.

This man, fundamentally responsible for the current cultural change, dares to clearly influence the behavior of all his key men, not just managers. Talk to many people and engage them all. Listen very well. He knows what he wants. When you are with someone, you pay full attention to him alone.

Its physical proximity is visible. It uses many arguments. It never reacts. It is very reasonable. It is not altered. Your message is perceived as authentic. He ignores the environment in which he finds himself and ignores himself. He knows that the human person is weak and if someone fails him, he speaks to him again and gives him a second chance, and also a third if necessary. When someone disappoints you, you are absolutely charged with reason to act expeditiously.

It frequently evaluates its managers and demands that, in turn, they do it to their collaborators. And he preferably evaluates attitudes which is what worries him most. It hardly evaluates performance.

On our own paths we conclude that this is indeed the only assessment that a true change manager cares about.

Although, according to himself, many of his managers do not have a master's degree, they have become true leaders of change in the same sense of the term defined above and we have lived through the process of profound change in each of them. It would have been unthinkable that years ago they could have developed, managed and led the important business areas they now carry.

The leader generates leaders. One type of behavior generates the same type of behavior.

Currently, we are working with the 14 fundamental managers of Management, promoting their managerial and leadership capacity, creating a more homogeneous business culture in La Gloria, with greater responsibility and profitability. It will be achieved, through training, that each of those responsible:

  • Develop self-confidence, to positively influence Boss, Collaborators, Colleagues, Clients and Suppliers. Act as a leader who is clear about the objectives he pursues, is proud to belong to the Team and is coherent and takes into account individual needs. of all your colleagues. Focus on what is important for the development of productivity. Manage the necessary Change in your area to achieve the greatest satisfaction of Clients, promoting the Profitability of the Company. Properly delegate and demand responsibilities, in cases where have direct collaborators, exercising authority and solving conflicts. Act as an internal entrepreneur, turning problems into opportunities. Increase everyone's motivation. Increase productivity through innovation.
Management culture and leadership. glory case