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Organizational culture and climate


THE CULTURE From Latin cults = cultivated ura = action, result of action

What is culture? Culture through time has been a mixture of spiritual and affective traits and hallmarks, which characterize a society or social group in a given period. Organizations have their own culture: a system of shared beliefs and values ​​to which the human element that shapes them is attached.



"… the characteristic way of thinking and doing things in a company… by analogy is equivalent to the concept of personality on an individual scale…".

Personality = Individual

Culture = Organization

García and Dolan (1997)

Organizational Culture is: Everything that identifies one organization and differentiates it from another.

How is it accomplished? Making its members feel part of it by sharing the same culture.

Set of values, beliefs and norms shared by the members of an organization. It is also known as an organizational climate.

Culture is perpetuated because the organization tends to attract and retain individuals who seem to accept its values ​​and beliefs.

Most cultures evolve directly from the examples given by senior executives, who exert a powerful influence on their subordinates.

They must share:

  • Values ​​Beliefs Rules Procedures Norms Language Ritual Ceremonies.

Key elements of an ORGANIZATIONAL Culture

Constants of conduct or standardization: The standardization observed in the conduct of employees when they interact, such as the language used and the rituals surrounding acts of respect or impairment.

The norms: that are developed in the working groups, such as the norm of “day well worked, day well paid”.

The dominant values ​​adopted by a company: such as product quality or the implementation of low prices.

The philosophy: that guides the policy of a company regarding its employees and / or clients.

The rules of the game: to move around the company, a newcomer has to learn to become an accepted member.

Atmosphere or climate: the transmitted feeling or the climate created in a company through its physical structure and the way in which its members interact with each other, with their internal or external clients.

How is Organizational Culture Transmitted?

Culture is transmitted over time and adapts according to external influences and internal pressures resulting from organizational dynamics.

Indicates the business culture within society where the company made up of a human group from that society, reproduces a personality in front of the customer or consumer.

Three types of Culture Transmission

  • The one from Previous Generations (History, Grandparents). The one that is Learned from Parents (Values ​​and Beliefs). The one that is developed between peers and Induction (rituals, material symbols and language).

Margaret Mead

This is the framework that will serve to build a model of organizational behavior. It proposes that the analysis of organizational behavior has 3 levels of analysis.

The 3 basic levels are like bricks: Each level rises above the previous level. The group concepts arise from the foundations established in the individual section; Structural limitations are superimposed on the individual and the group in order to reach the behavior of the organizations.


It is a process by means of which people manage to conceive a principle or value that is logically derived from particular data or facts.

Organizational culture has a great influence on the practices of human rights. The way directors treat their subordinates, the type of uses in the management of human resources. And the communication and coordination processes within the company tend to reflect its culture.

What is Recognized by Induction

  • Basic Objectives of the Organization. Means to Use for its Achievements. My Responsibility according to my position. How to Achieve Efficient Performance. Rules and Principles that govern me.

Who is the Head of Organizational Culture?

It is the Administrator who models the culture and for this he must:

  • Lead by Example Grant Rewards Grant Punishment

Creation and Sustainability of Organizational Culture

  • Formal statements of organizational philosophy. Design of physical spaces. Explicit system of rewards and punishments. Stories, legends, myths and anecdotes on important issues. What leaders measure and control. Leader reactions to incidents and crises. How the Organizational systems and procedures.

Cultural Systems Categories

  • Strong or weak. Concentrated or fragmented. Tending towards closing or towards opening. Autonomous or reflexive.

What is the Organizational Climate?

They are the perceptions that the worker has of the structures and processes that occur in a work environment. Which will influence the development of the Organization's activities.

Climate = Organization

Health Status = Individual

Variables that influence the Organizational Climate

  • Physical (place) Structural (authoritarianism) Social (communication) Personal (personality) Organizational Behavior

These Variables are perceived by the individual and determine their way of acting with the Organization, generating the Climate.

Organizational climate

  • The Climate has repercussions on work behavior. It influences both the organizational system and individual behavior. The Administrator will look for ways to generate a Positive Climate (motivations). Organizational Culture is decisive in Climate.
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Organizational culture and climate