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Culture and organizational values ​​of a post office in cuba


Organizational culture expresses the identity and way of life of a company or any organizational system, the way in which its members think, feel and act.

Robbins (1996).


This work analyzes the patterns of human relationships that make up the organizational culture, the set of values, behavior patterns, the actions of the process, integration and orientation towards its mission. The basis of its operation plays a determining role in the success of business management, including design and style of administration. This work is a proposal based on practical experience of several months at the University Post Agency, in order to achieve its solidity, where the beliefs and expectations of the members correspond to the values ​​of the organization.


All organizations have a culture and the strength of this depends on whether they can have a significant influence on the attitudes and behaviors of their members.

The University Mail agency located in one of the most central municipalities of Havana and belonging to the Cuban Post Office, a unit that aims to guarantee universal postal services, collections, third-party payments and other added value destined to the General population. For this, it has a group of 25 workers of which 18 are women, the level of education is medium technical or high school and 70% of them have more than 5 years of experience in the activity, the average age is 26 years.

For two years this group has undergone numerous changes of administration with different methods and styles of leadership and control. In addition to a poor selection of new staff and poor socialization, this caused the loss of confidence, lack of motivation, loss of commitment to the organization, low quality and productivity of services as a result of customer dissatisfaction among the workforce. usual and transit.

In the organizational behavior classes taught by the Full Professor at the University of Havana MSc. María Teresa received different dependent and independent variables and techniques that are applied in the organization of any company or unit structure, so we propose ourselves by consulting various bibliographies. Apply it in solving the problems presented here; and thus achieve the recovery and redesign of the Culture and Organizational Values ​​in the University Post Agency, to improve the quality and image with external and internal clients.

Theoretical framework

Organizational culture is defined as a system of shared meaning among its members, and one that distinguishes one organization from the others. Upon closer examination of this shared meaning system, we see a set of key characteristics that the organization holds in high regard.

The latest research suggests the following seven main characteristics, which together capture the essence of an organization's culture:

1. Innovation and risk taking. The degree to which employees are encouraged to be innovative and take risks.

2. Attention to detail. The degree to which employees are expected to demonstrate accuracy, analysis, and attention to detail.

3. Orientation to results. The degree to which the administration focuses on the results or consequences, rather than on the techniques and processes used to achieve them.

4. Orientation towards people. The degree to which administrative decisions take into account the effect of results on people within the organization.

5. Team orientation. The degree to which work activities are organized around teams, rather than around individuals.

6. Energy. The degree to which people are energetic and competitive, rather than calm.

7. Stability. The degree to which organizational activities prefer to maintain status rather than insist on growth.

Culture performs various functions within an organization

• It has a role of defining limits; that is, it creates differences between one organization and the others.

• It carries a sense of identity for the members of the organization.

Culture facilitates the generation of commitment to something greater than the individual's personal interest.

• It improves the stability of the social system. Culture is the social glue that helps hold the organization together, the proper standards and provide for what employees must do and say.

• Culture serves as a control and good sense mechanism that guides and models employees' attitudes and behavior.

• Culture defines the rules of the game.

The alive maintenance of a culture

Once a culture has been established, practices within the organization act to maintain it; by providing employees with a series of similar experiences. For example, many of the human resources practices reinforce the organizational culture in:

• The selection process.

• The criteria for performance evaluation.

• Rewards practices.

• Training.

• Career development activities.

Promotion procedures ensure that recruits conform to the culture, and that those who support it are rewarded and those who challenge it are punished (even with expulsion).

Three forces play an important role in maintaining a culture:

• Selection practices.

• The actions of the higher administration.

• The methods of socialization.

Successful organizations appear to have strong cultures that attract, retain, and reward people for playing roles and achieving goals.

A strong culture allows the organization to thrive in a complex and turbulent environment, doing well using simple organizational structures.

We will not be able to talk about organizational culture, if we do not take into account the values that are the guiding principles that guide and share the members of an organization. These are beliefs that energize, motivate the fulfillment of actions.

Organizational values ​​are factors, convictions that group, unite and can make a company or unit more or less competitive.

Description of the problem

For several years, the Postal University working group has been presenting different internal and external organizational problems such as:

Internal problems:

• Breach of disciplinary regulations. (Cleanliness, order, morals, discipline, security and schedules).

• Demotivation and lack of commitment to work.

• Violations of operational rules and procedures.

• Assaults and conflicts between work groups and with clients.

• Loss of values ​​in workers, technicians and managers. (loyalty, professionalism, responsibility, honesty, honesty and a sense of belonging).

• Abuse and diversion of the means of work and collective property.

• Lack of Control and combativeness, which brought about the appearance of crime, illegalities and corruption.

• Repeated violations of customer rights.

• Low income and non-compliance with plans in both currencies and economic loss.

External problems:

Bad selection of the executive (leader or manager) by the immediate superior levels.

• Bad socialization process (selection, learning and results) of the new workers.

• Unsuccessful meetings without definitions of goals and limits.

• Complaints and dissatisfaction approaches from clients with the competent entities.

• Deterioration of the image of the organization, loss of confidence and credibility.

All of the aforementioned gives breach of the mission of the organization which aims to: "Guarantee universal postal services, in order to achieve maximum satisfaction of customers and society."

Analysis of causes and consequences and solution found

Analyzing all of the aforementioned, we set ourselves to the task, based on the studies taught in the human behavior module by the UH professor and the MCs psychologist. María Teresa, we decided to apply the independent variable of the organizational system (Culture), we made an action plan that defined a system of formal and informal rules, beliefs and values ​​in the behavior that we expect from the group of workers of the University Mail, it was approved in the newly formed management council and by the group of workers who presented, their criteria, causes and solution of the problems.

The bank of problems was related, defining them as internal and external and thus giving it priorities, with the aim of recovering the image and lost trust of our clients.

Internal solutions that depend on the group:

1. Rescue cleanliness and order in the workstations and in the common areas (bathrooms, living room, glass, portal, posters and work facilities). to ensure that we are all comfortable and mainly our clients.

2. Comply with our opening and closing hours.

3. Although there is no uniform that requires being dressed appropriately, valuing that the image of each of our members is very important and is part of their relationship with the client.

4. Professionally comply with the rules, procedures, manuals and rules of behavior.

5. That the bosses of each shift are the most experienced and prestigious workers in the group.

6. Publicize the service and sales plans that each area or work shift must meet.

7. The treatment between members should be with respect and tolerance (avoiding arguments). Listening to all the improvement ideas to achieve the proposed objectives and goals.

8. That each worker respond by the means of work and the closure of each day.

9. Deposit daily all operations as this established to avoid unnecessary withholdings and financial lack of control.

10. Assign the values ​​and supplies that each area needs to provide services efficiently.

11. Complaints and approaches must be addressed and resolved at the time it occurs or is known.

12. Create the Entry Commission to evaluate the personnel who aspire to be part of the collective, create the labor justice body, strengthen the Union Section, create the Rapid Response group, Protection Commission and with the youth the UJC Committee.

13. Carry out all planned and planned meetings with the group. transmitting the updated and necessary information. (Assembly of Services and the morning exchanges etc.).

14. A training and training plan was prepared. which must be fulfilled.

15. Individual and collective analysis of the quality and performance of each worker applying measures or recognizing successes.

16. Conduct surveys and exchanges with clients to find out their expectations and dissatisfactions.

External solutions that depend on superiors of the entity:

1. Repair the air conditioning equipment.

2. Repair broken chairs.

3. Need for a drinking fountain.

4. Printer need for closing daily operations.

5. Repair computers and accessories to make the service viable.

6. Change door and window panes. bathroom set that are cracked and paint for the premises.

7. Need for office supplies and basic modeling for services.

8. Need for supplies of materials for cleaning.

9. Improve the quality of the snack.

10. Replenishment of uniform for personnel facing the client.

11. Lock for Mailboxes.

After defining the possible internal and external solutions, we decided to comply and apply 100% of those that depended on the group (internal). After a month we begin to see the changes, as our clients express their thanks and satisfaction for the quality of the services they received. And they transmitted them to the personnel who lent it, which were the same (but with a different attitude, motivated, with professionalism and responsible behavior).

Some workers (8%) did not adapt to the approved game rules and requested the termination or closure of their contract.

We can also suggest that from 2 months we begin to receive external solutions from our superiors such as: the Printer, the drinking fountain, the padlocks for the mailboxes, uniforms for the service personnel, cleaning supplies, Bathroom fittings and computers in replacement for service.

After 90 days, our clients doubled, as the University Mail was full and the services and income increased, and the planned plans began to be fulfilled. Situation that has been maintained until now. Good luck to all and thanks to teamwork.


To conclude we can say that this work allowed us and value the importance of Culture in the Organizational System and rescue it in our University Post Agency since it distinguishes us from other organizations and personalizes us within agencies that provide the same services.

In addition, the group understood the importance of working as a team as a way to share a sense of identity, beliefs, commitments and values; oriented to satisfy our customers. That is Culture that is synonymous with Image!

The results also showed us that culture and values ​​are a vital component in the success of business management, they are directly related to the basic objectives of administrative activity, so administrators or managers must interact with workers, to establish the strategies and decision making. Just as leaders have the ability to influence a team or group to achieve future-oriented goals. (Strong leadership like energetic management is necessary for optimal organizational effectiveness.)

Therefore, it is important to continue working on the solidity and strength of nuclear values ​​as a mechanism for the development and consolidation of the Organizational Culture of the Agencia Correo Universidad.


1. López, J. «A focus on the organizational culture». Article edited by CETED, Havana, 1991.

2. Miller, P. «Company Culture. Management Notebook ». New Company Supplement No. 278, 1987.

3. Robbin, Stephen. "Organizational behavior". Editorial Prentice-Hall Hispanoamericana. SA, 8th. Edition, Mexico. 1999.

4. JP Kotter, "What Leaders Really Do" Harvard Business Re-view (May-June 1990), pp. 103-11.

5. Diaz Llorca, Carlos Organizational Behavior. Support material prepared for IACC Masters.

Culture and organizational values ​​of a post office in cuba