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Emotional resume, get a head start on your job search

Publicizing what an applicant for a vacant position can contribute, not only in terms of knowledge and experience but also in terms of commitment and attitude, is the function of the emotional curriculum.

When filling a vacancy, the CV or resume of the candidates is one of the most used tools by companies to find the best candidate. Below are some recommendations so that this map of work and academic life is a differentiation weapon for those who apply to a job opportunity.

In another article, the importance of Emotional Intelligence in the workplace was discussed, specifically in the selection issue, companies currently do not base their decisions solely on the knowledge and experience of the candidate, but on their emotional competencies, they seek to, among others, people have the ability to:

  • Understand your coworkers. Create a positive work environment where conflicts are minimized. Commit to goals and achieve them. Understand goals as challenges rather than impositions. Optimistic undertaking of any task.

Basically, the emotional curriculum differs from the traditional one in that it not only presents the candidate's academic and work history, but also uses an important space to teach the applicant's emotional intelligence.

An example of how to add emotional competencies to an item of work experience could be:

Traditional resume Emotional resume
Production area supervisor

March 2008 - June 2011

Direct boss: Jorge Pérez

Telephone: 555-3456790

Supervisor of the production area

March 2008 - June 2011

I coordinated the implementation of the system just in time with the warehouse, production and sales areas, which went from producing 36 tons per year to 48.

Direct boss: Jorge Pérez

Telephone: 555- 3456790

In the traditional CV, a list of the positions occupied and the means of contact are simply made for the selector to verify the information; in the emotional CV, a few lines are added with which the candidate can demonstrate their professional and emotional competences. Whoever reads this text could infer, for example, that the candidate has the ability to adequately interact with other people since he coordinated a successful process with different areas of the organization, and could also appreciate his ability to generate processes that benefit the organization by indicating that under his supervision production increased by 33%.

From each position held, the candidate will be able to extract elements that can be transformed into emotional capacities, always taking care to present them succinctly since it is not convenient to extend the curriculum too much, two pages should suffice.

In the same way, each one of the items of the professional academic preparation could be a means to present the emotional competences of the candidate, for example, the degree projects may contain emotional elements and are a tool to show for those who have just graduated:

Traditional resume Emotional resume
Industrial Engineer

November 2007

Universidad de la Mancha

Industrial Engineer

November 2007

Universidad de la Mancha

Graduate thesis: Implementation of the ABC Cost System in Transelectra SA

I suggested the adoption of the ABC cost system, which was carried out under the supervision of the thesis director and the financial director, achieving that the costs The company's operating expenses will decrease by 6%.

Director: MsC. Juan Gómez

email: [email protected]

Thus, in just two lines, the candidate shows that he had important responsibilities before finishing his career and that even without being employed, he has developed successful projects that have had an important component of teamwork (coordinating tasks with his thesis supervisor and with the firm's chief financial officer), evidencing that although he does not have work experience, he is a valuable professional who has a high level of commitment and a great inclination to achieve objectives.

Other elements that can be used to present emotional competencies in the curriculum are:

  • Any item of the candidate's professional training that shows that he has had to move to another city for an extended period of time. Language courses 100% completed.

These two elements imply that the candidate has great adaptability and that obtaining achievements motivates him.

  • Academic or labor achievements, for example an article published in a specialized magazine or a presentation at a congress.

They demonstrate outstanding ability in a specific field, as well as dedication and commitment to their profession.

In addition to the beginning of the curriculum, just after the personal information, it is advisable to state the objective of it, this space can also be used by the candidate to publicize their emotional competences, always bearing in mind that it must be specific and present what what you want from the position to which you apply and what you offer to the contracting firm.

Here is an example of the goal of a traditional resume compared to that of an emotional resume:

Traditional resume Emotional resume
Occupy a supervisory position in the production area of ​​a multinational where I can apply my knowledge and experience in the manufacture of consumer products. Work in an environment that challenges me to continue learning while helping and learning from my colleagues, in order to create a work environment that is in continuous evolution, with opportunities to achieve and grow the organization.

There may be many more elements to take advantage of, it will depend on the position, the industry and other factors, the invitation to those who are writing their CV is to know what emotional skills are about and to find their own, thus increasing their chances of being employee and getting the job of your dreams.

Emotional resume, get a head start on your job search