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Effective communication course. presentation


Communication. A work and life management tool.

They say that good communication allows us to maintain a climate of agreement between human beings, since all conflicts can be settled if effective communication occurs; However, knowing how to communicate is the challenge that we have to overcome, since we are all eager to be heard, so we speak, speak and speak, but there is no one to listen.


  1. What is communication?

Communication is the basis of human relationships; It is the natural environment that the human being has to understand and make himself understood in a surrounding reality where he develops, in the different activities that he maintains with it, through the interrelation that occurs at different levels: biological, psychological, sociological, etc.

Through communication, wants and needs are expressed using different types of communication.

Verbal communication (through the spoken word)

Written communication (expressed written signs that together have meaning)

Nonverbal or gestural communication. In human communication, a set of non-verbal signs intervene that completely interact, modify and in many cases replace verbal language (The language of gestures, body movement, the appearance of the face, the type of gaze, are part of this set, by which human beings transmit and receive lots of information, often unconsciously).

Within the different forms of language we have:

The verbal language that is given through the spoken word, which has three essential elements to achieve effective communication:


For there to be effective communication, there must be two interlocutors tuned to the same channel and a message (s) waiting to be received or sent, giving an exchange of ideas that must be satisfied by both parties.

When the communication circuit with these characteristics does not exist, then doubts or conflicts are created between the interlocutors.

In addition to spoken or spoken language, there are three types of non-verbal communication:

  1. Body language both in terms of physical appearance (hair length, facial configuration) and movement. Language of targets (dresses, tattoos, jewelry). Paralinguistic systems (tone of voice, whistling)).

When is the communication given?

It should be given as a general rule when there is "something to say", a message of interest or simply exchanging ideas, feelings and wishes, but be careful that the time is right. This means that many times we waste words as we chatter without having a clear message or we do not realize that the conditions were not adequate to speak. In the family area, it is very important to take care of this aspect both with the couple and with the children.

Where should we communicate?

Without a doubt, the good communicator knows which is the right place to converse, exchange ideas, since many conflicts occur precisely because the right time and place is not sought to deal with the issues. They will never be good conditions to communicate upon arrival at work or when taking food.

We must discipline ourselves and predispose the spaces for conversation and the topics that must be dealt with in each place and at all times.

Communication is based on the type of relationship that the interlocutors maintain: intimate, personal, social or public, the messages will be different but with a specific intention.

Why do we communicate?

Because we are human beings who require the exchange of information that allows individual growth and to be in contact with those around us, as well as to obtain information that is required to form part of that family or social nucleus to which one belongs and where one operates..

Efficient communication

Skills and Techniques

Communication assessment

The communication process depends -in part- on the value assigned by each group / institution / organization.

The value assigned depends in turn on the culture, that is, on the how, the why and the why of the exchanges

in such contexts.

We are used to considering words in their descriptive use of states of affairs or as statements of fact.

But words build shared realities, perform acts…

Do things with words

Constantative and performative -or realization broadcasts-, the latter carry out an act through words (oral or written), an act understood as the transformation of the relations between the interlocutors or the referents.

"Yes I accept"; "I promise; "Yes, I swear", etc., expressions that perform the act when said or written and imply a commitment to the environment.

John Austin concludes by demonstrating that any act of speaking is, in short, a realizing emission, since speaking is always acting.

Observation and understanding of behavior

It consists of identifying a complex configuration of redundancies, that is, constants and behavioral variables that are related in certain repetitive ways.

These configurations have the characteristics that are usually found in systems aimed at predetermined objectives and contain error control mechanisms.

Conduct and communication

All conduct communicates

Everything we humans do is behavior

Everything we do communicates

Because the context of learning about human interaction is significant, it occurs in a cultural context, of meaning, of languages.


The referential aspect of communication transmits the data and the conative, how such communication should be understood.

The relational aspect of a communication is meta-communicational.

Ex: A woman asks another:

"Are those pearls they gave you authentic?"

Asks for information about an object but at the same time provides information about the relationship between the two.

Efficient communication

The ability to metacommunicate adequately is a condition of effective communication and is linked to the complex problem of self and other perception.

Ex: "It is important to release the clutch gradually and smoothly" or "Release the clutch or you will break the gearbox"

It has roughly the same content (information) but clearly defines very different relationships.

Active listening

Listen and understand the message from the point of view of the speaker, that is, with empathy.

We do not need to agree with what the other is saying.

Active listening

Hear: perceive sounds (vibrations)

Listening: giving meaning to what is heard

Active because we listen in context, that is, not only what the person is expressing directly, but also the implicit, the feelings, ideas or thoughts that underlie what is being said.

Provided by:

  • Be willing to listen (because we value what the communication process can do for the bond), Identify the content of what he says, the objectives, the feelings, Express to the other that we listen to him with verbal communication ("I see", " uh-huh ”, paraphrase, reinforce -confirmation-, summarize, clarify, etc.)

Active listening skills

  • Paraphrase: "So, as I see it, what happened was that…" or "You mean that…" Reinforce (confirm): "What you are saying is very interesting…" or "Considering the situation you solved it very well…" Summarize: "I mean, what you're saying is…" or "Let's see if I understood correctly…" Clarify: "Am I right?" or "Is it correct?"

Difficult for:

  • Distraction (attention curve fluctuates), Interruptions (ours or the environment), Judging, Not offering help or offering premature solutions, Rejecting and dismissing, Telling our story when the other needs to be heard, Counterarguing (“I feel bad” / “Me too”), Fall into the expert syndrome (before I count half, I already have the solution)


No message is captured as the "sender" tries to say. The message is subject to the understanding of the "receiver".

All communication has a verbal and a paraverbal component (the one we demonstrate with attitudes and gestures).

Principles of communication

The "sender" is solely responsible for ensuring that the message is understood and must do everything possible to verify that it has been interpreted according to its intention.

EVERYTHING in human life is language.

Organizational Communication

The organization is a set of systems: communication, resource management and production that have a need for integration to be able to process inputs in results for some clients.

Management Communication What is it?

It is the system that the highest levels of an organization use, both to ensure that employees feel identified with the mission, objectives and projections of the company, to achieve its success, as well as to maintain relationships with the environment in order to adapt to change or innovation.

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Effective communication course. presentation