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French course for gastronomic dependents in cuba hotels



Summary: This work is aimed at students who are beginning their studies in the language or at workers who already practice the profession in the specialty of gastronomic dependents. We approach this material taking into account the trends of the modular approach in the workplace, trying to ensure that the candidate appropriates the main communication functions and speech acts that allow them to communicate and be able to provide a good service. We relate in a very simple way the study of the French alphabet, the most used greetings, the presentations, information on opening and closing hours, how to thank and respond to thanks, give practical information and the vocabulary of the specialty with the meaning in Spanish in addition to its figurative pronunciation,Useful phrases to learn to use in your daily work.


The development of tourism in our country demands a continuous dynamic and efficient preparation of human resources, so it is very important to pay attention to the training and constant improvement of them, which in this way will be carriers of high quality and professionalism in their job performance.

Among the hotel services, the bar and restaurant services are very important for French tourists. In the bar tourists come to talk among friends, to make new friends, looking for someone to talk to. The bar is therefore a meeting place, for debates. Its tone should be friendly, distracting. In the restaurant, French tourists are very demanding regarding service, and what they will find on their plate. It is therefore of utmost importance that the employees know how to accurately explain the ingredients of a dish, to understand tourists when they request something, to do a service when requested, to say the exact words to welcome the client, to propose a dish or a drink and also know how to explain the ingredients of a dish, how to prepare a cocktail, etc.


The course for gastronomic dependents has been worked in several polo hotels with the modality of teaching in the workplace, which facilitates the development of communication skills, helping the candidate to appropriate the knowledge he needs for his development and effectiveness of your job skills. The programs in force at FORMATUR are taken into account, which is the modular approach for teaching French to tourism professionals. This method is based on a single program consisting of several modules, which are nothing more than a set of activities that have as an objective to develop in the student the linguistic competences necessary to face certain professional tasks.In this course we have worked on the Socialization I and II modules and the specialty module and we have added the study of the material prepared to help students directly with the real situations of their job.

Below we show by way of example some of the parts of the material.

Useful expressions.

Spanish Français Figurative pronunciation
Customer reception L'accueil du client The quei du clian
Regards Salutations Greeting
Good morning madam Bonjour madame Bonyur madamme
Good morning sir Bonjour monsieur Bonyur mesie
Good morning, young lady Bonjour mademoiselle Bonyur madmuazel
Good morning sir-madam Bonjour monsieur- give me Bonyur mesie damme
To greet a couple separately. Bonjour madameBonjour monsieur Bonyur madameBonyur mesie (e more closed)
Good night Ladies Bonsoir mesdames Bonsuar medamme
Good evening gentlemen Bonsoir messieurs Bonsuar mesie
Have you booked or have you booked? Avez-vous réservé? Avé vu I booked?
You. Or do you have a reservation? Vous avez une reservation? Vu zavé ine reservation?
What name please? To what name, s'il vous plaît? What name, sil vu ple?
To name …. Au nom de… Or nom de….
What is his room number? Quel est votre numéro de chambre? Ke votre numbered de chambre?
Your room number please? Votre numéro de chambre, s'il vous plaît? Votre numbered de chambre, sil vu ple?
You. it comes only? Vous venez seul? Vu vené sel?
How many are you? Combine êtes-vous? Combine etevu?
Only one person? Une seule personne? Ine sel personne?
A single covered? A seoul couvert? An sel cuver?
A table for two? A table pour deux personnes? Ine table pur de personne?
For how many people? Why do you combine people? Pur combian de personne?
You. Or do you want a table? Vous désirez une table? Vu desiré ine table?
Do you want or want to have lunch? Vous désirez déjeuner? Vu desiré deyené?
We would like to eat, there are four of us. Nous voudrions manger, nous sommes quatre personnes. Nu vudrión manyé, nu som catre personne.
I have reserved a table for 6 people. J´ai reserved a table for six (6) people. I reserved in table pur si personne.
To enter Pour entrer Pur antré
Over here please. Par ici, s'il vous plaît. Parisí, sil vu ple.
Kindly accompany me, please. Veuillez m'accompagner, s'il vous plaît. Vellé macompañé, sil vu ple
Kindly follow me, please. Veuillez suivre me, s'il vous plaît. Vellé me ​​suivre, sil vu ple.
Follow me or follow me, please. Suivez-moi, s'il vous plaît. Suivé-mua, sil vu ple.
Do you want or they want you to come with me? Voulez-vous come avec moi? Vulevu come avek mua?
Where do you want to settle? Oú vous voulez vous placer? U vu vule vu placé?
Sit down. Prenez place. I turned plas.
Do you have a reservation, for what time? Vous avez une reservation for, quelle heure? Vu save ine reservation pur queler?
One moment, please. A moment, s'il vous plaît. An moman, sil vu ple?
Can you wait a moment, please. Pouvez-vous attendre an instant, s'il vous plaît. Puvé vu atandre ananstan, sil vu ple?
The restaurant opens at ___ and closes at ____ Le restaurant ouvre à ____ et il ferme à ___ They restore uvre to ____ and il ferme to _____.
For lunch we open à ___. Please let him nous ouvrons à ___. Pur deyené nusuvron __.
Your table is ___. Votre table est ___. Votre table é ____.
Shall I remove the second place setting? Je vous enlève le deuxième couvert? Ye vu sanleve le dosiembe cuver?
Are you waiting for someone else? Vous attendez une autre personne? Vu satandé inotre personne?
The client asks and the clerk answers. The client demands and serves serve you. The client demands and the server replaces
The letter please. La carte, s'il vous plaît La carte, sil vu ple?
Right away, sir / madam Tout de suite, monsieur / madame. Tut suit, mesie / madamme.
What is the meal of the day? Qu'est-ce qu'il ya comme plat du jour? What is the name of the name?
We have….. Nous avons…. Nu zavon….
What is the specialty of the house? What is the special nature of the house? What is the specialty of the inn?
What do you advise us? Qu'est-ce que vous nous conseillez? Kes que vu nu consellé?
We advise you…. Je vous conseille….. Ye vu conseilli…
What do you recommend ? What nous recommandez-vous? Ke nu recommandé vu?
We recommend… Nous vous recommandons… Nu vu recomandon…
Will you have a snack? Vous prendrez a apéritif? Vu prandré anaperitif?
What do they want to drink? Qu'est-ce que vous prenez comme boisson? Kes que vu prené comme buasón?
Bring me… I would like…


Apportez-moi... Je voudrais...

Je désire..

Aportemua… Ye vudre…

Ye desix…

Have you already chosen? Vous avez choisi? Vu savé chuasí?
Do you have vegetarian dishes? Avez-vous des plats végétariens? Ave vu de pla veyetarian?
Do you have salt / pepper / vinegar / oil? Avez-vous du sel / poivre / vinaigre / huile? Ave vu di sel / puavre / vinegre / uile?
The check, please. L'addition, s'il vous plaît. Dision, sil vu ple?
I hope to see you again / le. J'espère te / vous revoir. Yesper revuar.Yesper vu revuar.
Farewells I will freeze Prandre konyé
See you soon. To bientôt. Boosted
Goodbye. Bye!. Au revoir Orvuar.
See you tomorrow. À demain. In addition
Until next time À la prochaine A la prochenne
See you later À plus tard To please.
Until now À tout de suite A tut suite
Good afternoon Bon après-midi (at noon) Bo na premidí
Good night (to sleep) Bonne nuit Bon nui
Good night Bonne soiree. Bon suare
Enjoy your meal Bon appétit Bona petí

Restoration Vocabulary.

drink Boisson (f) buason
coffee Coffee (M) kafé
black coffee café noir (M) Kafé nuár
decaffeinated coffee décaféiné coffee (M) Kafé decaféiné
American coffee américain coffee (M) Kafé americán
chamomile Camomille (M) kamomile
cheese Fromage (M) fromache
ketchup Ketchup (M) ketchup
Mayonnaise Mayonnaise (F) mayoneze
tea thé (M) tea
milk lait (M) you
mineral water eau minérale (F) Or mineral
soda eau gazeuse (F) Or gazeoze
natural water eau naturelle (F) Or natirel
dessert dessert (M) of being
fruit fruit (M) frúi
oil Huile (M) uile
olive oil huile d´olive (M) Uile dolive
Pepper Poivre (M) puavre
salad Salade (F) room
Salt Sel (M) sel
Ham Jambon (M) yambon
mustard Moutarde (F) mutarde
sauce Willow (F) sose
toasts Toast (M) toast
Bowl Bowl (M) bowl
side dish hors-d´œuvre (M) ordevre
Hot water eau chaude (F) Eight of
cold water eau froide (F) Or fruade
breakfast petit déjeuner (M) Petí déyoné
lunch Déjeuner (M) déyoné
food Dîner (M) diné
buffet Buffet (M) steak
glass Verre (M) verr
plate Assiette (F) siege
Bowl assiette creuse (F) Asiete creze
flat plate assiette plate (f) Asiete plate
table Table (F) table
round table table ronde (F) Table ronde
rectangular table table rectangulaire (F) Table rectanguler
glass of water verre d'eau (M) Verr do
ashtray Cendrier (M) sandrié
service Service (M) servise
covered Couvert (M) kuver
order Commande (F) Komande
ice Glace (F) glas
drinks menu carte de boissons (F) Carte de buason
dependent serveur / serveuse Server / serveze
the specialty la spécialité (F) The speciality
seat Place (F) plase
fork Fourchette (F) furchete
knife Couteau (M) kutó
spoon Cuillère (F) kuiyer
jug Carafe (M) karafe
tablecloth Nappe (F) nape
beer Bière (F) bier
bread Pain (M) pen
snack, sandwich Sandwich (M) sandwiches
Butter Beurre (M) ber
butter Beurre (M) ber
roll petit pain (M) I asked pen
vinegar Vinaigre (M) vinegre
meat Viande (F) viand
bottle Bouteille (F) butei
sweet Gâteau (M) cat
menu Menu (M) menu
coffee spoon cuillère à café (F) Kuiyer to kafé
toothpicks cure dent (M) Kur dan
sugar Sucre (M) if CRE
cocktail Cocktail (M) koctel
whiskey rum Whiskey (M) wuisqui
juice Jus (M) yu
chocolate Chocolat (M) chocolá
Red wine vin rouge (M) Van ruche
White wine vin blanc (M) Van blan
pink wine vin rosé M) Van grazed
natural juices jus naturels (M) Yú natirel
Orange juice jus d´orange (M) Yú doranche
mango juice jous de mangue (M) Yú de mangue
cocktail juice jus de cocktail (M) Yú de koctel
pineapple juice jus d´ananas (M) Yú dananas
Apple juice jus de pomme (M) Yu de pomme
Pear juice jus de poire (M) Yu de puar
peach juice jus de pêche (M) Yu de peche
tamarind juice jus de tamarin (M) Yú de yamaran
tomato juice tomato jus (M) Tomato yu
ice cream Glace (F) glaze
chocolate ice cream glace au chocolat (F) Glase or chocolá
vanilla ice cream glace à la vanille (F) Vanilla Glaze
Strawberry ice cream glace à la fraise (F) Glase a la frese

Useful phrases. Restoration

here par ici paris
just a moment a moment An moman
Can you wait a moment please Pouvez vous attendre an instant s´il vous plaît Puvévu atandre an anstan silvuplé
ahead entrez I walked
The restaurant opens at ____ and closes at ____ Le restaurant ouvre à __et il ferme à ___ They will restore uvre ae il ferme a-.
Settle in Mettez vous à l´aise Metévú a lez
Have a seat Prenez place I turned plas
settle in Mettez vous à l´aise Metévú a lez
Sit down Prenez place I turned plas
Your table is…. Votre table est ___ Votre table e__
Do you have a reservation? Vous avez une reservation? Vuzavé ine reservacion?
Shall I remove the second place setting? Je vous enlève le deuxième couvert? Ye vusanleve le doxiem cuver?
Do you come alone? Vous venez seul? Vu vené sel?
Where do they want to settle? Où vous voulez vous placer? Ú vu vulé vú plasé?
Are you waiting for someone else? Vous attendez une autre personne? Vusatandé ine otre persone?
Do you want to taste the wine? Vous voulez goûter le vin? Vu vulé gutéle van?
What do you wish to drink? What désirez-vous boire? Ké desiré vu buar?
What do you want to eat? What désirez-vous manger? Ké desiré vu manyé?
I recommend… Je vous recommande Ye vú recomande
You wish….? Vous désirez? Vu desiré?
How incoming is it going to take? Comme apéritif qu´est-ce que vous allez boire? Does aperitif keske vusalé buar eat?
How starter, what do you want? Comme apéritif qu´est –ce vous voulez? Do you eat aperitif keske vu vulé?
What drink will you have? What boisson vous allez prendre? Kel buason vu salé prande?
The drink is included The boisson est comprise The buason and Comprize
The offer only includes a liquid L´offre inclus seulement une boisson Solman ine buason anclú lofre
The dish comes with a garnish of…. Le plat inclus une garniture… Le pla anclú ine garnitur
rice riz I laughed
boiled potato pomme de terre bouillie Pomm de ter bullí
fried potato fry frit
sweet potato pomme de terre douce Pomm de ter duse
congrís congri kongri
Would you like anithing else? Désirez-vous une autre chose? Desiré vu ine otre choze?
Do you want coffee? Désirez-vous le café? Desiré vu le kafé?
Do you want dessert? Désirez-vous le dessert? Desiré vu le deser?
Do you want the account? Désirez-vous l´addition? I wanted your lesson?
Here is the letter Voici la carte Vuasí la karte
This is the wine list C'est la carte des vins Be the karte de van
Do you want a glass of cold water? Vous voulez de l'eau ´ froide? Vu vulé de lo fruade?
Would you like ice? Désirez-vous de la glace? Desiré vu de la glas?
This is the bill C´est l´addition Se ladicion
Could you bring me… pourriez-vous m´apporter- Purrié vu maporté an sandrié?
an ashtray a cendrier?
Salt du sel? Say sel?
vinegar du vinaigre? Di vinegre?
oil de l´huile? Deluil
Pepper du poivre? Say puavre
Do you have matches / matchbox? Avez vous des allumettes / a briquet? Avévu desalumet / an briké?
The food is cold Repas est est froid Repa e frua
The food is not well cooked. You review n'est pas bien cuit Reppa nepa bian cuí
Do you have toothpicks? Avez-vous des cures –dents? Avévu de cur dan?
Fish is not fresh Le poisson n´est pas frais Le puason nepá fré
The meat is hard. The via est est dure La viande e dir
Could you give me the recipe for this dish Pourriez-vous me donner la recette de ce plat Purrié vu I donated the recipe of ce pla
How is this cocktail prepared? Comment on prepare ce cocktail? Coman on prepar ce koctel?
Could you change my tablecloth? Vous pouvez me changer la nappe? Puvé vu me chanyé la nape?
Could you change my plate? Pourriez vous me changer l`assiette? Purrié vu me chanyé lasiet?
Could you change my cover? Pourriez-vous me changer le couvert? Purrié vu me chanyé le cuver?
Could you give me a napkin? Pourriez-vous me donner une serviette? Purrié vu I donated ine serviet?
Do they have hot sauce? Vous avez de la sauce piquante? Vuzavé de la sose spicy?


We can affirm that the results have been satisfactory, students learn easily and show great interest in learning to be able to give a good service and do their work well. They are fluent in content and perform correctly in their workplace.


All participants in the French course are recommended to use the material and it may serve as a working tool for their study.

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French course for gastronomic dependents in cuba hotels