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Strategic planning course


What really distinguishes some organizations from others is not:

  • If they produce goods or offer services If they are local, regional, single-country or multinational If they are large or small If they are public or private If they are for-profit or non-profit

… if not

  • If they are good or they are bad

… And the good ones are those that

  • They have incorporated Strategic Management They have assumed the challenge of Total Quality

What is the Strategic Direction?

  • Organize and make the organization work always looking to the future

Each step makes sense depending on the predetermined objectives.


The organization's reason for being

It must be a formula:

  • Ambitious: A challenge Clear: Easy to interpret Simple: for everyone to understand Short, so it can be easily remembered Shared: Agreed upon by the people in the organization

Some examples to comment


We are committed to generating total customer enthusiasm for the X brand, which translates into increasing levels of sales and profitability, acting with integrity and delivering competitive world-class products.


Customer Enthusiasm, Continuous Improvement, Integrity, Teamwork, Innovation, Respect and Individual Responsibility


Act with a sense of urgency, act as a single company, highlight our product and focus it on the customer, aggressive objectives


"The best way to predict the future is to invent it" (Alan Kay, computer pioneer)

"Planning does not mean knowing what decision I am going to make tomorrow, but what decision I must make today to get what I want tomorrow" (Peter Drucker)

"An action without vision… is meaningless.

A vision without action… is a dream.

A vision with action… can change the world. ”(Joel Arthur Barker)

Without VISION there is no future. Planning backward is resigning yourself to improving the past.

It is the future of the organization in X years (concrete)

Answer to the questions:

  • What and how do we want to be in x years? What do we want to become? Who will we work for? How will we differentiate ourselves? What values ​​will we respect?

It is the future of the organization in X years (concrete)

It must be a formula:

  • With a vision of the future, not to improve the past Consistent with the MISSION Ambitious: A challenge, but realistic, viable Clear: Easy to interpret Simple: so that everyone understands it Attractive: to provoke illusion Shared: Agreed upon by the people of the organization


“If you know the environment and you know yourself, you should not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you don't know the environment but you know yourself, you have the same chances of winning as you do of losing. If you don't know the environment or you don't know yourself, all your battles will turn into defeats. ”

It is an analysis of the organization's STRONG and WEAK points, in relation to the OPPORTUNITIES and THREATS of the environment


  • the Strong points on which we must support them Weak points that we must overcome them Opportunities that we must take advantage of • Threats from which we must defend ourselves

Must be:

  • More than a simple identification: the Strongest and Weakest points, in relation to Opportunities and Threats







FO strategies

Use strengths to take advantage of opportunities

DO strategies

Overcome weaknesses by taking advantage of opportunities

FA strategies

Use strongholds to evade threats

DA strategies

Minimize weaknesses and avoid threats


+ dashboards

The STRATEGIC PLAN can have the following elements:

An INTRODUCTION, with the presentation of the institution, the objective of the Plan, the background, the methodology used, the participants, the main steps of the process, the time of validity and the monitoring and evaluation system



  • Basic lines of development of the institution They group one objective or several that have a common scope Coherent with the Mission, Vision and SWOT They do not have to cover all the important aspects of the institution. It is necessary to prioritize Homogeneous Very few (5-10?) They are like a wardrobe with its distribution


Strategic Goals

  • Aims to achieve in order to achieve the future vision of the institution Broad, non-specific statements, no date Different areas, although all related to the corresponding AXIS Homogeneous to achieve adequate results Improve the quality of teaching, Few (1-3 for each AXIS) to the environment requirements Viable, in accordance with the SWOT Operational Objectives General actions aimed at achieving each of the strategic objectives. Teaching planning Differentiable, distinguishable. Implementation of active methodologies Few (4-5 for each Strategic Objective)


  • Individual or group steps, necessary to reach the operational objectives They allow to distribute tasks and responsibilities, calendar, resources, indicators, monitoring and evaluation Realistic (consult SWOT) They can be chained and depend on some of the results of the previous one (form-project-implement…) Very few (1-3). Strictly Necessary Persons Responsible Must feel "owner" of the process and participate in it from point 0. Must be accountable With names and surnames It is not necessary that they are always the bosses


  • Desired or expected results or level to be achieved. As concrete as possible


  • A specific date (not a period). Allows you to follow up as accurately as possible and react on time Viable If planned for 4 years, distribute the shares


  • The total costs of each action, or at least the added costs, if any If the sum of the necessary resources is not feasible, it is necessary to redo the table: Calendar, Standard, Actions and even objectives

Some recommendations for preparing a scorecard

  • The elaboration has to be done by a very small group of people (3-4) and then agree on it individually or in small groups. An assembly exercise is not effective It is an instrument: modifiable and improvable. It is preferable to have a provisional chart, than not to have one

Not everything has to have the same specific weight: objectives, actions and even indicators can be weighted, but do not forget that "the best is the enemy of the good"

  • Somewhere there must be a commitment to follow-up and evaluation: when, who, how, consequences, etc. It is not a matter of luck, but of will… It is PENALTY, but… there is pain!

… and after that?

  1. Monitoring and evaluation of the Institutional Plan
  • controlling its correct periodification evaluating to make decisions
  1. Deployment to large sectors and areas
  • sector plans consistent with the institutional plan basis for good DPO monitoring, evaluation and review
  1. Deploy to units
  • strategic plans of each unit consistent with the institutional plan and with the sector plans monitoring, evaluation and review
  1. Review, renewal and subsequent laps of everything
  • new Institutional Strategic Plan, new sectoral plans, new plans of the Units
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Strategic planning course