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Datawarehouse and business intelligence in the government of mexico

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The Datawarehouse is a repository where the data that the organization uses to know how it is working is stored. The data storage concentrates a lot of information from the processes, the operating and financial systems of the GRP's and CRM's, among others.

The Datawarehouse is a component of the Bussines Intelligence model, at the base of which is the warehouse, the infrastructure made up of the database where all the information is integrated; Above it are the tools for reporting and consulting; Above is the business intelligence strategy formed methodologies that adhere to best practices, organizational culture and development skills that are available to get more out of infrastructure and applications.

Business Intelligence consists of converting data into useful information, in using data to know the performance of an organization. The link between Business intelligence and technology is essential, because it is the area where data is translated into useful information for the organization. It is a bridge that transforms, purifies and integrates data.

The failures

Most of the failures were due to organizations taking the wrong perspective: they saw it as a technology issue and not an institutional issue. The people who were in charge of the information technologies proposed to make a Datawarehouse "We Build It and deliver it to the Company"

Second, many seek to fix too many problems in one fell swoop, rather than reaching maturity with applications, tools, and methodology.

A third problem is related to the person authorizing the financing. You can leave the organization and then someone can say: "Why are we spending this amount of money?" I don't understand, the budget is running out and I have other priorities.

The fourth problem arises with the change in requirements.

Finally there is the issue of lack of user training. Although in theory there is a good DataWarehouse and successful tools have been implemented in its applications, if users are not trained to use the data to make decisions, they will never use it and everyone will end up saying that it does not work because it does not add value. your back and say it was a failure.


The Datawarehouse can be used to incorporate and gather the information of all the dependencies and thus form a comprehensive vision of the operation of the institution.

The data is in multiple systems; they must be translated into a common language, that is; There is data generated by the central processor, the GRP, the CRM and they are all in a different language.

The quality of the data

The best indicator that the data is of sufficient quality is that it is capable of being used by the organization, but information technology cannot decide what level of quality is required for the data.

It is the directive part of the institution that must indicate what are the quality goals that the data must have, and therefore must specify them and then give the instruction to develop in that direction, if these developments are given from the perspective From the entire organization, if there is someone who really manages the project from a comprehensive point of view, the effectiveness of the Datawarehouse will multiply and find success.

Governments must learn to manage information and create knowledge

The volume of information produced has grown so much that the efficiency in managing the factors of production increasingly depends on the way in which the cycle of creation and use of information is managed and planned. Information is an asset, but its use is not linked to the processes that generate it: it is produced at a different time and place than that of its use and application, so its value is determined by who uses it, and not by who. produces it. Governments are not exempt from this situation.

In the 2003 World Public Sector Report, the United Nations (UN) indicates that one of the key factors for the success of e-governments is that governments learn to manage information to create knowledge. In other words: for governments to generate public value, they must use information efficiently, that is, information that generates knowledge.

Governments are the largest, retainer and provider of information, adding that in a globalized world where markets face increasing competition, innovation is more important than productivity or cost efficiency, and that both individuals and governments do not. they just have to solve new equations to achieve their goals, but these equations contain an increasing percentage of unknown variables. This environment requires governments to increase their capacity to manage information and create knowledge; otherwise they will face a situation of information abundance and knowledge deficit.

Business Intelligence

To face this challenge, governments implement complex information systems thanks to information and communication technologies (ICT). He challenged institutions to implement information management and knowledge creation strategies that combine technological tools, processes, applications and best practices. Such a strategy will typically test the organization as a whole: its people, its organizational culture, its processes and applications that generate information, and its technological infrastructure.

The strategies aimed at solving information management problems and knowledge creation are framed under the concept of business intelligence or BI for its acronym in English (Bussiness Intelligence).

In Mexico, governments make efforts so that anyone and at any time has public information, but it becomes increasingly evident that our society requires, rather, not only access to abundant public information, but also that it be reliable and accurate., which means trusting the source that provides that information.

The government is obliged to make a series of efforts that will have a high probability of failure if it is not recognized that the issue is not only related to the IT and / or technology areas, but to the entire organization.

The challenge is not to solve the technological problem of multiple databases, but to solve the structural problem that consists in the abundance of information and the lack of knowledge within the institutions.

The risk of doing nothing

The complex policy and budget shortfalls facing governments in Mexico require that BI projects. They are evaluated both for the benefits they represent and for the risk of not carrying them out. For this reason, it is recommended that BI strategies be approached under the mixed approach of maximizing benefits and minimizing risks. The strategies must maximize the efficiency in the information management and the effectiveness of the processes and applications; but at the same time they must minimize the risk of institutional rigidity caused by the lack of accessible information to generate the necessary knowledge, as well as the risk of having redundant processes and systems.

Institutional Intelligence

Business Intelligence is not the same as Institutional Intelligence because the indicators to measure the performance of organizations in each case are not the same

"Information is the most valuable capital of any organization"

Information about the performance of an organization is the only source to evaluate its performance, and the primary tool to plan its future. It is used to measure the efficiency of investments and their return on benefits to correct possible errors and deviations in a timely manner, and allows to generate a virtuous cycle of execution and permanent evaluation, always linked to the daily operation of work programs.

This activity was not restricted to the business world. For the public administration, the Institutional Intelligence concept was created, which gains in precision and relevance to the public in its development the complexities and characteristic features of the governmental task.

The most important difference between Business Intelligence and Institutional Intelligence is the measurement of the Return on Investment (ROI). For government institutions, ROI is not just a balance sheet of financial results. Its measurement has indicators such as: more and better education, more and better jobs, or poverty reduction, to name a few examples. Hence, the data used to measure the performance of governments is not found in public offices, but in the street, in cities and towns, or in other words, in citizen satisfaction and in a better quality of life for all.

A second great difference between the implementation of a Business Intelligence strategy and an Institutional Intelligence is the heterogeneity of the information sources. For a company, crossing different data about its operation can be complex, but when it comes to government agencies, the sources are much more diverse. The government is the sum of a great variety of agencies, organizations, parastatal companies, social and citizen organizations, among others, that work in different territorial areas.

Homologate diversity

Is it possible, then, to approve pears with apples? Is there a technological tool that makes it possible to cross data as diverse as different institutions?


The government's interest in Institutional Intelligence applications is due to the fact that these tools are capable of integrating information from different systems. Dependencies can have dispersed data both in advanced technological systems and in elementary Excel-type programs. But thanks to this tool they will be able to automatically extract the relevant information required by those who make decisions.

Build analysis tools

The information selected and extracted from the databases is presented to the user on their desktop through dynamic screens, with extensive capabilities to analyze and project it in a multidimensional way, or to combine it with different parameters that yield better interpretations.

Measure performance and results.

When the information comes from the operational databases of the agency, the official ensures that he is learning information from the original source, without “makeup” or surprises as to whether it is true, for his part, the person responsible for the data knows that You can only improve the results of your information if the institution as a whole improves its performance.


Jim Keogh, J2EE Reference Manual, Mc Graw Hill, Interamericana de México, SAU 2003

Mike Clark, Mark Waterhouse, Piter Fletcher, Web Services Business Strategies and Architects, Ed. Wiley, 2004

Revista Politicadigital a NEXOS publication, NEXOS Publishing. Issue 4, Page 79

Datawarehouse and business intelligence in the government of mexico