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From the family of today, the idiosyncrasy of the society of tomorrow

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Today we have: smart buildings, smart cell phones, smart cars, smart appliances, smart computer programs, but how to make the society of the future smart ?, simple, with a family full of love and understanding, with much, much study and dedication. (Study, study and continue studying)

For months and months I have been avoiding this topic, because of how complex and extensive it is. Many authors and authorities have written on this particular point "The Society of the Future", half of them approach the subject from the technological point of view, the other half from the monetary point of view, capital, wealth And the power, I differ remarkably and categorically from both groups, I consider that there are many edges, which we must take into account when projecting 50, 100 and even worse 200 years. I consider that regardless of the edge we take, regardless of the point of view we see it, we will always have a common factor, man, the thinking being, who undoubtedly is and will be for centuries and centuries, limited in a family and this in turn, in a society.Any approach associated with "The Society of the Future" is useless and really sterile, without taking into account the influence and active participation of the thinking being (unit cell of all society), without forgetting the main nucleus, the family.

Well, the time has come and by way of introduction, to prepare the ground, I think it convenient to move for a moment to the past, far away in history, in order to demonstrate that those things that are born in the very bosom of the family, from the moment of birth, when we take our first steps until adolescence, they mark us for the rest of our lives, yes my dear reader, I am talking about moral, ethical values, respect for others, teamwork, correct handling of camaraderie, sense of belonging, patriotism, customs, beliefs and traditions, amalgamated and immersed in the culture of fear (especially in the 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th centuries), all of them, slowly, they are instilled little by little, in the first years of life of every human being,these for not having theoretical foundations and little vision of the future, accompanied, rather directed, by the instinct for survival, armored and strengthened by the desire for power, have acted as robust trees preventing the different leaders of the times, to observe all the forest, thus losing the helm of the ship.

And so, just as an example we find that: according to Wikipedia, among the relics of Egyptian civilization we find the first known record of a steam engine in the manuscript of Heron of Alexandria entitled "Spiritalia seu Pneumatica", in 1601, the philosopher and researcher Giovanni Battista della Porta, describes an apparatus for raising water by means of fire, similar to that described by Herón, in 1615 the engineer and architect Salomón de Caus, describes a similar apparatus for operating a fountain. But the first patent for which there is documentary evidence is from Jerónimo de Ayanz y Beaumont, who in 1606 registered 1 a steam engine successfully used to drain the Guadalcanal silver mines.Now the incredible thing about the case is the fact that the great Industrial Revolution (the first from the year 1750 to 1840, and the second from 1880 to 1914) that introduced the greatest set of socio-economic, technological and cultural transformations in the history of humanity, from the Neolithic, took the famous steam engine as its standard, that is, it took more than 100 years to give it the right value, interesting, almost 200 years late, today thanks to that small slip of the leadership of the time, ¿ How many years behind are we?they had to spend more than 100 years to give it the right value, interesting, almost 200 years late, today thanks to that small slip of the leadership of the time, how many years behind are we?they had to spend more than 100 years to give it the right value, interesting, almost 200 years late, today thanks to that small slip of the leadership of the time, how many years behind are we?

But the thing continues, while the Wright brothers (Orville and Wilbur) made the first flight on December 17, 1903, in Kitty Hawk, aboard Flyer I, the most experienced ship owners continued to strive to build faster and faster ships and safe to cross the oceans, without realizing that in a few years aviation would totally displace passenger transport between continents.

Did you know that in 1981, the great IBM launched the first personal computer, becoming the leader in this new industry. But, in the rush to get the product to market quickly, she made two fatal strategic decisions: she outsourced the development of the operating system and the manufacture of the microprocessors. He entrusted the software to a small and shy company called Microsoft, the production of microchips was left to the nascent Intel. And so, due to a series of wrong decisions, the powerful IBM in 2004 had no choice but to sell its division of personal computers to Lenovo, definitively abandoning the market it had created.

Now these are just three examples, somewhat different from each other, but with a common factor: the Manager, the Manager, the Strategist, the knowledge worker immersed in a society and based on a host of variables, internal and external to him, he makes a decision. What percentage of said decision is closely related to the family interrelationships, in the first years of life, of the person who formulates it and puts it into practice?

Excellent but let's get into the subject, today at the beginning of the 21st century we find some realities, one of them is the subtle fact, which would be worth paying a little attention to especially by politicians and current leaders, not by the fact in Yes, rather because of the futuristic implications that this has, it is the rapid and accelerated growth of the older population as opposed to the decrease of the younger generation. On the other hand, thanks to myopia and the determined effort to attack the tip of the iceberg (ice floe), we forget what is at the bottom and dedicate all our effort and time to something that is not necessarily the origin of the problem.

If the situation continues like this, in approximately 50 years people will have to continue working until they are 70 or 75 years old (logically if health permits), not necessarily on a fixed schedule, thanks to the Internet, the safest is that he will work from home fulfilling the role of advisor, consultant or expert in a certain discipline. On the other hand, something really serious, because of the novelty, since something similar has not been recorded since Biblical times is the fact of the constant decrease of the young population, this unusual fact is impacting, in a subtle way, the business world Today she is showing her teeth, but in a very short time she will also remove her nails. Unfortunately we will observe in the not too distant future, a substantial increase in the immigration of young people,notably impacting the economic and socio-political situation of the country of origin and destination.

It is enough to observe the historical ones to realize that the economy has moved since the Second World War thanks to the young population, it is difficult for this to continue, everything indicates that it will be the population between 40 and 70 years who will take the reins of the market, if If you have any doubts, it will be enough to observe the European countries, Italy, Spain, Germany, France, England, etc.

Another small reality, small for those who have vision problems (myopia), but it is enough to put on the glasses to see their real dimensions, I am talking about the current block with the largest population.

Structurally, quietly, society has been changing, in fact, the last century witnessed the almost elimination of the sector that had dominated for more than 10,000 years, yes, the almost forgotten agriculture and not to mention the even older sector as servitude. In fact, Venezuela was not the exemption; in the second half of the 19th century, Venezuela was among the first most important agricultural countries in the world, but with the appearance of oil, already in the second decade of the last century, agriculture passed from first to the second and third planes.

Now, almost all of the farmers and servants were initially replaced, by the workers, manual workers who made and moved things, in the fields, in the mines, in the factories and later, today, by the knowledge workers who they generate and maintain services, but wait a moment, there is something that inescapably we cannot forget, the important participation of women in all this, in fact, the female sex has worked since time immemorial, but as an interesting fact we found that two centuries ago we had exclusive jobs for men and exclusive jobs for women, and thus around 1855 the first profession of exclusive knowledge for women was born "nursing" but around 1950 it became unisex, and indeed,the knowledge worker has no gender distinction, in this way we find a lawyer and a lawyer, a doctor and a doctor, a graduate and a graduate, etc., in fact the movement of the female sex towards knowledge work has become in a huge avalanche to the point that profoundly affects our way of life (in the past it was practically impossible, not even to think, of a single mother; daycare centers, this is a very recent invention whose acceptance and demand is growing), Just as a reflection, if this situation is maintained and increases, in time will the meaning of family change? Will society be shocked by this fact?in fact, the movement of the female sex towards the work of knowledge has become a huge avalanche to the point that it profoundly affects our way of living (in the past it was practically impossible to even think of a single mother; daycare centers, This is a very recent invention whose acceptance and demand is growing), just as a reflection, if this situation is maintained and increases, in time, will the meaning of family change? Will society be shocked by this fact?in fact, the movement of the female sex towards the work of knowledge has become a huge avalanche to the point that it profoundly affects our way of living (in the past it was practically impossible to even think of a single mother; daycare centers, This is a very recent invention whose acceptance and demand is growing), just as a reflection, if this situation is maintained and increases, in time, will the meaning of family change? Will society be shocked by this fact?This is a very recent invention whose acceptance and demand is growing), just as a reflection, if this situation is maintained and increases, in time, will the meaning of family change? Will society be shocked by this fact?This is a very recent invention whose acceptance and demand is growing), just as a reflection, if this situation is maintained and increases, in time, will the meaning of family change? Will society be shocked by this fact?

Excellent, we almost have the table set, I say almost since I cannot leave aside the spectacular invention of all centuries, “Globalization”, but wait, where did such a brilliant idea come from? Well, let me tell you that its origin is in the Cold War, a war that revealed the psychological and diplomatic evolution of some human beings.

This war, between the United States and the Soviet Union, took place during the last century, from 1945 (end of World War II) to the end of the USSR (which occurred between 1989 with the fall of the Berlin wall and 1991 with the coup d'etat in the USSR). Thanks to the Machiavellian experience of the First and Second World War, and ironically, complying with the continuous improvement of the processes, neither of the two blocks ever took direct action against the other, which is why the conflict was called the "Cold War".

This confrontation, full of blood, malignancy, dark intelligence, arms sales for the peoples to kill each other, took place at the political, ideological, economic, social, technological, military, informative and even sports levels. But the conflict could not last forever and so in 1991, with the disappearance of the Soviet bloc and the end of the bipolar confrontation between the Americans and the Russians, the cold war ends. Now, do you have any idea of ​​the quality and quantity of experiences that many obtained in this war, from the political, psychological, social, geopolitical, arms, diplomatic, and even administrative and managerial points of view, etc., etc.? Well let me tell you that these experiences together with Telecommunications, the media (written press, radio and television),The powerful Internet, sophisticated electronic commerce, famous social networks, chatting and cyber sex, strengthened and embraced the famous Globalization, this being, from my point of view, the product achieved in a laboratory after amalgamation, thoroughly and intelligently, hours and hours of analysis, planning and projection of this accumulation of experiences achieved thanks to this war plus the aforementioned tools of cyberspace, telecommunications and the media.planning and projection of this accumulation of experiences achieved thanks to this war plus the aforementioned tools of cyberspace, telecommunications and the media.planning and projection of this accumulation of experiences achieved thanks to this war plus the aforementioned tools of cyberspace, telecommunications and the media.

In short, Globalization is nothing more than the improvement and optimization of the Cold War, but now in its reinforced version, the fight will be between the four most economically powerful pelagatos, and the rest of the world. In summary and in a simplistic way, we can affirm without a doubt that globalization is nothing more than the promulgation and promotion of the disastrous outrageous consumerism prevailing in the affluent nations, which is nothing more than the propagation of the disastrous and unscrupulous culture of " use it and throw it away ”, with the consequent deterioration of the environment and the regrettable unnecessary loss of non-renewable natural resources. This spectacular way of life is transferred through multiple routes to the least developed nations, which, without having reached the appropriate level of consciousness and maturity,they simply fall into temptation and in the end, assimilate cultural patterns alien to their own realities. This fact, in the long run, destroys and annihilates all those principles and values ​​that were weakly implanted in childhood.

The adolescent, the people, the professional who unfortunately is devoid of the shield and sword granted in his first years of life by the family, will be defenseless and will easily be manipulated to the point that in an unconscious way, everything necessary to prevent its correct development and therefore, the development of society and the country in which it lives.

This is all very well, but my dear reader, you will surely ask yourself the following question: What will the Society of the Future be like then? Interesting question, as you will see, not easy to answer since the range is spectacularly large, the edges are put on the table, they are really complex and not easy to handle, however all this great accumulation of variables to contemplate, they have a common factor, the human being, the thinking being, today the new proletariat, the knowledge worker who came to stay. Replacing it as it was done with the Servant and the Peasant, will not be an easy task, the imagination really does not give me tools to think and / or dream of a possible substitute.

Quite irrefutably we have that man thanks to his knowledge will answer that question, but when I speak of knowledge I am referring to the broadest possible meaning of the term. With knowledge I am not only referring to the amount of mathematics, biology, sociology, linguistics, history that the man of that new society must have and manage, I am also referring to the moral, ethical values, of respect for others, of work as a team, of the correct handling of camaraderie, of the sense of belonging, of patriotism, of customs, beliefs, traditions, of love for the family, in short I am referring to the comprehensive knowledge that the knowledge worker must have, because only in this way will you have in the future, a society that guarantees you freedom (in the broadest sense:absolute freedom), well-being and physical and mental stability.

Unquestionably, both politicians and leaders must aim to rescue what we now know as a family and with it, everything that entails, otherwise we will have in the future a society full of robots who will do manual work, nobody will leave home, Why, if with interconnectivity and thanks to the Internet we will have everything; With the electronic market we do not have to go out to buy vegetables, the supermarket supported by robots will bring it home, why go to the market? With chat, we will be talking all day with friends, with email and some that another application without forgetting, the possible video conference, we will fulfill the entrusted work, if we want to study,We will have an excellent data bank that will allow us to go from the simplest to the most complex with a couple of keystrokes or a few clicks of the mouse, if we want some distraction, we will have endless options from movies and games to 3D, even camcorders and holograms to have virtual sex, anyway, why bother leaving the house?

The possibilities in the future are immense, they are incalculable but it all depends on the level of stability, integrity, maturity and awareness of the family of the society of the future. YES, everything depends on the level of maturity and conscience of the mother, father, grandparents, uncles and with them, the teachers and professors who have the responsibility of giving shape, color and texture to the shields and swords that they will have, in his productive years, the knowledge worker to face adversities and guarantee the stability and viability of the society of the future, the knowledge society.

Just for reflection: Did you know that professionals in Silicon Valley, including some from Google, Apple, Yahoo and Hewlett-Packard, who seem to owe a lot to the computer industry, send their children to a school that does not use computers, This is how Matt Richtel reviews it in his article “A Silicon Valley School That Doesn't Compute” published by The New York Times on October 22, 2011 (taken on 07/20/2013), there are no televisions or PCs, only chalk and blackboard, children learn to knit, sew and bake bread. A private establishment where computer science is just taught at age 13.


García Tapia, N. and Carrillo Castillo J. (2002). Technology and Empire. Ed. Nivola, Madrid.

From the family of today, the idiosyncrasy of the society of tomorrow