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Administration definition

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The current organizations do not have a clear definition of what "administration" really is and, therefore, a model to follow for success and optimal management is unknown; In addition, administrators have a great economic paradigm: the law of supply and demand, as a pragmatic and surjective fact in the administration that "govern" the behavior of companies, within its more general framework and that imply a barrier to the development of the administration taking it to the marginality.

In this way, the administration, or better, the administrators, do not have the elements to advance, in an optimal way and according to their responsibilities, in their knowledge. Therefore, it is necessary to search for said “natural” elements of the administration and in turn its true “being”. To be able to clearly see the real impact that its nature generates within the individual, organizations and society, viz. And although the responsibility is its own, the economy is the one that manipulates it.

II. News and administration

In order to determine a clear and concise definition, in addition to having a clear and "real" vision of the administration, we must know where it came from, or could have become what it is today. That is why it is deductible that this area of ​​knowledge had a period of birth, of emergence, where history will tell us: with the emergence of man, since it can be called that, he was nomadic in his beginnings and walked the world in families, in small tribes, where there was one of them that stood out, was possibly the strongest; it was he who guided the family, who led, directed and controlled it, that is, “administered it”, for this reason we could say that it was from there that the administration arose, out of a need for survival, the very law of nature,where the survivor is the strongest in a very aggressive systemic environment. For this reason, man begins his sedentary period, forming large tribes or communities, and there was already talk of a community administration (what today is public administration).

Because man no longer lived by hunting, but was supplanted by agriculture, he was no longer the strongest, but the wisest who survived, passing from the strongest of the tribe to the oldest and wisest who directed and administered the community. In this way there was talk of a chief with authority and justice who only looked after the well-being of his people, his community, his "family". Thus was born the administration in a long and evolutionary period of the human mind. From human to human.

The years passed and the peoples specialized more and more, this led to a great series of tendencies, a Greek one, of " wisdom and philosophy "; a Roman of slave power and imperialism, among others. But something special emerged, man began with the value of money, in turn the welfare nation was founded, leading society to a great pragmatic and addicting paradigm of human thought, dangerously mixing society with ambition and the survival administration of the ancient-prehistoric era, was pushed to the fringes by the ambition of its parts. His true being was lost.

In this way, a long period (from the 5th century BC to approximately 1903) followed and it was not very productive, with great crises and social affections; These facts generated concern about the structure of the scientific method and its possible implication to time and "administration", thus Frederick Winslow Taylor published his advances in administration, through the method, in his book " The principles of scientific management " or " Principles of Scientific Administration ”and took humanity a great step against the industrialization of man and machine, turning the vision of business and industry: Productivity and Efficiency.

But this was not the whole rise of the administration, its classic period was expanded with other thinkers such as Henry Fayol. In this way, trends emerged in the face of business problems, theories of behavior and Hawtorne's research, in addition to the great approaches to reengineering and systems with Rusell Ackoff. Carrying with it two great revolutions: a scientific one and an intellectual-social one where the administration resurfaced up to the present time, a time of transition, of resurgence of excellence, of quality, of great pressures and interests that prevail over the common, thanks to the effects pragmatic and changing economy,the administration is manipulated and distorted in its knowledge regarding issues of administrative and metamorphic interest such as globalization and the postmodernity in which we live, they do not reveal an end, a means and a reason for being of the administration.

Management definition

Knowing that management can be a science, an art, or simply a technique tells us absolutely nothing, so in order to define a fuzzy term, you must first recognize what it does? and then how do you do it? for this we see that the administration, from the academy, and especially in practice, uses decision-making as its fundamental and functional pillar; Management is not only a function of the administration, but it is also its pillar, the basis of its knowledge and practice. In fact, based on management, the person who "manages", plans, organizes, controls and learns.

The " administrative learning " depends deeply on the explicit and continuous application of the scientific method, so its application to human groups generates what we know as organizations, companies, and these in turn create the economic system of a country, of the world, so thinking about the fact of an administrative art leaves the world to “luck” and in reality it is not so because thanks to the administration we generate and build a future, a sense of life. And thinking that management is a technique tells us that everything in a company is mechanical and monotonous day after day, and that the technique would reduce business uncertainty to zero.

IV. conclusion

In accordance with what has been previously seen, we can define administration as a science, with its own purpose and a particular means that differentiates it.

Administration is a social science, which is in charge of the study of behavior, whose application to human groups allows the establishment and maintenance of rational systems of cooperative effort within a social organism, in order to achieve maximum well-being for humanity.

In this way, the administration classified as a social science uses the following schematic model of its scientific development, Inter and transdisciplinary:

Schematic model of the scientific development of the administration

In this way, the administration can be developed through elements such as principles, theories… and functions that were already determined by Henry Fayol: organization, planning, direction and control, in addition to generating cyclical learning typical of administration and all science. Knowledge generates more knowledge.

Administration definition