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Defining smart organizations

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Considerations about smart organizations applied to marketing….

Competency-based models such as strategic planning, re-engineering systems management, or total quality sometimes fail due to two main factors:

  1. They have not incorporated organizational values ​​(management philosophy) into their company. There is no shared vision for the future between employers and employees.

What does this imply? Quite simply, it is not enough to set up a production infrastructure and generate rules of the game when applying a new philosophy, it is necessary that the principles that the company manages are shared at all levels and all possible dimensions of analysis within the business.

Applied to marketing... If the company does not incorporate its marketing philosophy to its employees, you cannot expect better results than the traditional ones in terms of effectiveness, penetration, customer service, etc.


Notion: An intelligent organization is one that builds a shared management philosophy at all levels and maintains constant feedback with its interior (employees) and with its exterior (in this case, its customers)…

Starting from this brief notion we will try to explain how an organization can be made intelligent:

How to build a management philosophy?

The first step to create an intelligent organization is the analysis of its internal performance, for the construction of long-term strategies and a management philosophy.

The instruments to use can be:

Development of an organizational profile through past experiences: It consists of collecting the performance of the company, its work history, and its organizational past, that is, the administration systems used.

Definition of a philosophical framework and a mission: What we believe about the company, what should be its principles, what is its fundamental objective, etc.

Definition of competences: It has to do with What will be the performance we want to achieve in the company ?, in relation to the proposed philosophy.

Competition = Level of quality and organization expected.

Conceptualization of the practices to be used: What instruments will be used to achieve these competencies ?, requires employees to reflect on what they do and how they can improve their quality and performance.

Development of a strategic plan: Document where all the previous points are defined.

Important: For smart organizations to work The above points should start from work at all levels of the organization

We have a philosophy, principles and a strategic plan… How do we make this construction part of all the members of the company?

Basically with two fundamental principles:

1. Warm and supportive relationships.

Every day, organizations must give more importance to relationships in the company. Success depends more and more on the quality of the work groups and the small units that make up the organizations.

It is important that employees get along well, that they have the opportunity to relate to each other within a constant process of broadening horizons (competency-based evaluation and the possibility of progress) and to achieve this we must give priority to support and good treatment of organization.

The interaction between managers, employees and executives must be totally cordial and in an environment of healthy and fair competition with the notion that the well-being of its members will depend on the performance of the company.

2. Management by leadership.

An intelligent organization must base its organization on administration by leadership, that is, it must give priority to the most capable with criteria of justice and equity.

The leadership principles to be managed should be the following:

  • Leaders must involve all workers in an open and continuous discussion on the management and quality of processes. The leader models the work so that the worker can know exactly what is expected of him. Workers must be responsible for controlling the quality of their own work, because they know the quality philosophy of the company. Quality levels will then depend on trust between managers, workers or executives.

Following these principles, we can count on an intelligent and quality organization that in the long term bases its success on communication and the feedback of all its elements.

Defining smart organizations