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Definition and stages in process mapping


Organizations today seek to be increasingly productive. In order to carry out each of the activities of your organization, it is necessary that companies have defined the strategies, as well as the achievements they intend to achieve so that all members of the organization can know the role they occupy within the organizational structure..

Hence organizations use tools such as process mapping which basically consists of the graphic demonstration of the processes involved in an organization.


These maps are very important since a large number of people with different academic backgrounds, experiences, etc. converge in organizations. However, the process maps must be so clear that everyone in the organization can understand them.

If organizations want to meet their goals, tools such as process mapping need to be used as much as possible.

That is why this article will analyze the process mapping tool, some related concepts, as well as the benefits that the application of such maps represents to organizations.


The first thing we need to know before applying any process mapping is the definition of some important elements. The first point to consider is the definition of mapping.

Maps are cognitive guides that tell a person where they are, can help them decipher a person's location relative to another place, and help people discover where they want to go. (RODRIGUEZ, 2016)

Another definition tells us that a map “is an image or representation where a determined territory is represented graphically from longitudinal measurements on a two-dimensional surface. On a map, routes are identified to establish destinations from one point to another. they locate localities, and you can also observe the different types of terrain that this surface may present ”. (CONCEPTODEFINICION.DE, 2011)

Applying this concept at the organizational level, a map can help us determine where our organization is located with respect to its different audiences. What allows you to establish your objectives and horizons where the organization intends to take.

Likewise, according to the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, it defines how to “locate and graphically represent the relative distribution of the parts of a whole” and “transfer conceptual systems or structures to a map”. (REAL ACADEMIA ESPAÑOLA, sf)

This concept is applicable to organizations which have a series of processes and activities that are part of an even larger process but that must be divided in order to understand the activities in the process and the location of the different organizational components in it.

But what is process? The Royal Spanish Academy defines it as "the set of successive phases of a natural phenomenon or an artificial operation" (REAL ACADEMIA ESPAÑOLA, nd)

According to ISO 9000: 2000 standards, a process "set of mutually related or interacting activities, which transform input elements into results".

A definition more focused on our area of ​​study tells us that a process “is understood as those actions that are related to each other and at the same time and in this way form the entire operation of the administration and involve activities to pursue a goal to through the optimal use of human resources, materials, financing and technology. (RODRIGUEZ, 2016).

It is important to highlight the importance of the processes, since one of their purposes is to give value to all those elements that enter said process so that when it ends these elements result in new elements with a higher value. In addition to this, it is necessary to highlight that in each of the processes in organizations, it maintains a relationship, either direct or indirect, with the other processes of the organization, so the performance carried out in a process will affect quality and performance. of the other processes, and therefore to the fulfillment of the organizational objectives.

Once you know a little about the meaning of the elements that process mapping comprises, you can structure a definition for it.

A process mapping is a set of graphics, useful to clarify the operation of an organization which serves to improve communication at different organizational levels and establish the different responsibilities that allow executing different activities and in accordance with strategic objectives. that the organization has proposed. (BRIENO, 2013).

The objective of carrying out a process mapping is to show graphically and through the use of different symbols, which are the activities that must be carried out in each of the processes of the organization, one of its main characteristics is that they must be understandable by all the members of the organization, and it is also necessary that it be useful, not simply an element of beautiful view, but that it also offer the possibility of making modifications when necessary.


The processes can be classified into:

Operational Processes: they are those that transform the inputs to obtain a product or service. All this in accordance with certain specifications that the client or the people who acquire them request from the producer.

Support Processes: they provide people and physical and material resources so that the operational process can be carried out.

Management Processes: they ensure the operation of the different processes, since they provide the necessary information for decision-making.

Management Processes: they are those that are in charge of the formulation, communication, monitoring and review of the strategies established by the company, determining if the different processes that are being carried out in the organization are fulfilling their mission to achieve the objectives. (PEREZ, 2010)


The development of organizations has been carried out since very remote times. Through the institution of increasingly complex organisms, man has managed to meet different goals.

The development of the organization during history is mediated as follows:

  • First generation: development is mediated by the amount of labor, by the amount of geographic area that was owned, even by the number of head of cattle. Second generation: includes the period of the industrial revolution which is derived from the Invention of the steam engine. Third generation: the process control system begins, standardized work begins, some cost systems, accounting, etc. are established. Fourth generation: Information technologies emerge. Fifth generation: Development is based on knowledge management and focuses on smart organizations. Sixth generation: Value is generated through innovation.

Process diagrams began to emerge from the industrial revolution, through the creation of various machine diagrams and using the scientific method, you can begin to study the work.

The study of the work is initiated by Lilian and Frank Gilbreth and other collaborators who manage to create:

  • Sequence diagrams Operation diagrams Work diagrams Man-machine diagrams. (MOUNTAIN, 2015)


It is necessary that each one of the processes that are carried out in the organization can be measurable, in order to determine if they are fulfilling the strategic objectives for which they were established.

Some of the measurement elements in the processes can be:


  • Productivity Installation Percentage Run


  • Process product quality Efficiency


  • Satisfaction of team members participating in the process Performance evaluation Personal and professional development.


  • Measurement perceived by the customer Customer satisfaction (MONTAÑO, 2015)

This measurement will allow the standardization of the processes. Which means, take control over the variables in order to obtain an accurate result. However, standardized processes are also required so that the products can be delivered to the next process and continue successively until the processes are completed.

It is important to emphasize that the mapping process should mainly involve the people who are directly involved in the process. This is because these people know the process of mapping and know the following factors:

  • Activities to be carried out Inputs Products Suppliers Customers Some specific skills of the time of knowing the process such as certain tricks

When a team is established to carry out the mapping of processes, it is necessary that it can be made up of people with different abilities, strengths, education, as well as different functions in the areas of the company, so that the elaboration of maps as well as The analysis of indicators and work standards can be enriched. (TECMILENIO)


The main objective of process mapping is “To improve the processes of the Quality Management System (QMS) to achieve spectacular results in critical performance measures, such as:

  • Improve income Reduce costs and expenses Optimize the use of working capital Manage risks Increase the level of customer service Increase the level of satisfaction of employees in the organization Highlight the overall quality of the company. (AGUIRRE, 2011)

According to ISO 9001-2008, it refers to the eight quality principles that are practiced in the organization:

Those studied in terms of processes are as follows:

  • Process based approach. It establishes that the results can be achieved when they are managed through a process.

It establishes that the operation of the organization is marked in three activities. The first is the input of the inputs, the second is the transformation process and finally the output that refers to the final product that is offered to the customer. (CORPORATION, 2012)

Management Systems Approach: Identifying, understanding and managing the related processes as a system, favors the efficiency of a company in achieving organizational objectives. The organization can be analyzed as a system in which, in addition to influencing internal forces, it is also affected by the environment in each of its processes. (CORPORATION, 2012)

Continuous improvement. It is the permanent objective of the organization, it is not a process but a philosophy of life.

Quality management establishes 4 aspects known as the "golden rule"

  1. Write what you do (process) Do what you wrote (operation) Show it (audit) Improve it (continuous improvement). (CORPORATION, 2012)


SIMPLE FLOW DIAGRAMS: They establish the graphic representation of a series of logical activities that are part of a process.

Some of its main characteristics are:

  • It uses geometric figures and easy to understand symbols, through which the operations of the organization are represented. It clearly indicates the steps to follow during the process. It establishes the flow of the operations through arrows.

One of the advantages of using flow charts is that comparisons can be made between the activities that are currently being carried out and the activities that would be ideal for achieving the objectives. (CORPORATION, 2012)

IDEF (Integrated computer aided Definition). It is defined as a methodology used to represent in a structured and hierarchical way the activities that make up an organization and the objects or data that support the interaction of those activities.

It is a structured analysis that includes the hierarchy of the process as a fundamental part of the mapping. Use diagrams, text and glossary of the elements. (HERNANDEZ, 2014)

SOFTWARE FOR PROCESS MAPPING. It is true that technology has come to facilitate man's work. That is why different software has also been developed which facilitate the elaboration of process diagrams and manage to implement standards. (HERNANDEZ, 2014) LOGIC WORK:



SIMULATION. Use software to examine the potential for improvement of the processes to be implemented. They are very useful for mapping complex processes, at the same time that it allows identifying other elements and the degree of use of them such as the rates of use of money, time, people, some resources that are not used, etc.


Although process mapping is very useful for organizations, there are also some drawbacks regarding its management.

  • Each element of the organization analyzes the process map from its own perspective, emphasizing its own experience, but the criteria for understanding are not approved. Maps do not reflect the reality of the operation. Colors, figures, codes are not found standardized (BRIENO, 2013)


1.- Align the organization towards its strategic objectives.

  • Allow transparency of operations through an operation model. Facilitate decision making through the generation of reliable information. Measure the performance of processes and those responsible for each of them.

2.- Effective Organizational Structure.

  • Functions and processes defined in a value chain with customers Greater profitability through a flow oriented to customer satisfaction and cost-effectiveness.

3.- Clear roles and responsibilities

  • Everyone knows what they have to do Improvement of information flows  Better control of processes

4.- Communication of objectives and scope by processes.

  • Clear communication of objectives Establishment of rules and operating policies Establish clarity of operation at different levels of management.

5.- Cash flow from the operation

  • Performance indicators are established in each of the processes Opportunities for improvement and necessary corrections are identified


  1. BUILD A MULTIFUNCTIONAL TEAM. All the different types of people working in the different processes of the organization must be involved. This is important if you want to take into account the different points of view of the participants in the process, as well as make it easier for people to accept the implementation of the solutions. DETERMINE THE PROCESS TO MAP. The mapping of those processes that cause the greatest conflict to the organization should be emphasized. Likewise, if a process is mapped, it is necessary to also map those processes with related products or services or with a flow of similar activities. CREATE A MAP OF THE CURRENT STATUS. This map shows the flow of materials and information through a value chain to make the product or provide the service.In this type of analysis, the customer's perspective and what he expects from his product or service must be taken into account. DEVELOP A MAP OF THE FUTURE STATE. Design of the way to eliminate the problems in the processes, implement those improvements that were pending. It allows predicting deadlines, estimating inventory or the capacity available. IMPLEMENT PROPOSED CHANGES AND MEASURE IMPROVEMENT

RESULTING. Analyze the changes between the current state and the future and ensure the implementation of strategies that ensure change. (JIMENEZ, 2014)


Process scope mapping is a methodology for monitoring and evaluating actions, projects or development programs, emerging as an alternative to other less flexible methodologies.

The mapping provides a vision regarding human, social and environmental progress, then it is only hoped that the program will be carried out, following up on it, and subsequently the factors and actors that may have directly influenced the changes and what form the changes occurred. These changes are called Scopes, these scopes are logically related to the activities of the program, although these are not caused directly by them, giving them to direct partners. (ALAMILLO, 2013)

Organizations try to establish processes that result in benefits in either the short or long term, however this is not easy since there are many areas of the organization that must be involved in the processes. Hence the need to analyze the impact of each of the processes.


The scope mapping is carried out in 3 stages.

  1. Intentional design. It serves Oriental at the macro level of systemic competitiveness. It includes the strengths and weaknesses that determine development capacity at different levels. At this stage, the following questions are answered: Why? Than? who? How? Monitoring of scope and performance. It generates the framework and continuous monitoring of the actions of the established program. The following tools can be used to collect such data.
  • Scoping journalStrategy journalPerformance journal
  1. Evaluation planning. Program evaluations are identified and prioritized (ALAMILLO, 2013)


Organizations need a series of elements and tools that allow them to carry out decision-making in a simpler way. That is why the process diagrams facilitate the understanding of the different processes that intervene in companies and make information available to each member of the organization. In today's organizations, especially those seeking to be part of smart organizations, it is necessary to implement strategies such as process mapping and process scope mapping in order to establish the impacts that each of the processes implies in decision making for the fulfillment of organizational objectives.

Large organizations have been concerned with implementing this type of tools that have allowed them to position themselves in their field through self-knowledge as well as the knowledge of external audiences. If the smallest organizations implement this type of tools, they will be able to observe a considerable increase in their activities focused on achieving the objectives.






Amisaday Huerta Zamora. Bachelor of Administration from the Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Tierra Blanca

Student of the Master in Administrative Engineering at the Technological Institute of Orizaba

With thanks to the National Technological Institute of Mexico for being able to belong to him and to Dr. Fernando Aguirre y Hernández for the motivation for preparing these articles for the subject of Fundamentals of Administrative Engineering.


  • AGUIRRE, F. (JUNE 13, 2011). SCOPE MAPPING: METHODOLOGY, STAGES, ATTRIBUTES AND CONVENIENCE. Obtained from http://www.gestiopolis.com/mapeo-de-alcancesmetodologia-etapas-atributos-y-conveniencia/ALAMILLO, K. (MAY 14, 2013). PROCESS SCOPE MAPPING. Obtained from http://www.gestiopolis.com/mapeo-de-alcances-de-procesos/BRIENO, M. (MARCH 30, 2013). PROCESS MAPPING. Obtained from http://es.slideshare.net/mabrieno/mapeo-de-procesos-curso-1CONCEPTODEFINICION.DE. (SEPTEMBER 20, 2011). MAP DEFINITION. Obtained from http://concepcióndefinicion.de/mapa/CORPORACION, C. (2012). INTEGRAL PROCESS WORKSHOP. LIMA: CUALITY CORPORATION.HERNANDEZ, N. (NOVEMBER 27, 2014). PROCESS SCOPE MAPPING. Obtained from http://www.gestiopolis.com/mapeo-de-alcance-de-procesos/JIMENEZ, D. (MAY 16, 2014). SMEs AND QUALITY.Obtained from http://www.pymesycalidad20.com/5-errores-evitar-en-mapeo-de-procesos.htmlMONTAÑO, M. (MAY 14, 2015). PROCESS MAPPING AND ITS SCOPE. Obtained from http://www.gestiopolis.com/mapeo-de-procesos-y-su-alcance/PEREZ, JA (2010). PROCESS MANAGEMENT. MADRID: ESIC.REAL ACADEMIA ESPAÑOLA. (sf). DEFINITION MAPPING. Obtained from http://dle.rae.es/?id=OJv1tf7RODRIGUEZ, N. (MARCH 28, 2016). PROCESS SCOPE MAPPING AND ITS IMPORTANCE IN THE ORGANIZATION. Obtained from http://www.gestiopolis.com/mapeo-alcanceprocesos-importancia-la-organizacion/TECMILENIO. (sf). Obtained from http://cursos.tecmilenio.edu.mx/cursos/cfe/fe06046/anexos/explica4.pdfcom / mapping-of-processes-and-their-scope / PEREZ, JA (2010). PROCESS MANAGEMENT. MADRID: ESIC.REAL ACADEMIA ESPAÑOLA. (sf). DEFINITION MAPPING. Obtained from http://dle.rae.es/?id=OJv1tf7RODRIGUEZ, N. (MARCH 28, 2016). PROCESS SCOPE MAPPING AND ITS IMPORTANCE IN THE ORGANIZATION. Obtained from http://www.gestiopolis.com/mapeo-alcanceprocesos-importancia-la-organizacion/TECMILENIO. (sf). Obtained from http://cursos.tecmilenio.edu.mx/cursos/cfe/fe06046/anexos/explica4.pdfcom / mapping-of-processes-and-their-scope / PEREZ, JA (2010). PROCESS MANAGEMENT. MADRID: ESIC.REAL ACADEMIA ESPAÑOLA. (sf). DEFINITION MAPPING. Obtained from http://dle.rae.es/?id=OJv1tf7RODRIGUEZ, N. (MARCH 28, 2016). PROCESS SCOPE MAPPING AND ITS IMPORTANCE IN THE ORGANIZATION. Obtained from http://www.gestiopolis.com/mapeo-alcanceprocesos-importancia-la-organizacion/TECMILENIO. (sf). Obtained from http://cursos.tecmilenio.edu.mx/cursos/cfe/fe06046/anexos/explica4.pdfObtained from http://cursos.tecmilenio.edu.mx/cursos/cfe/fe06046/anexos/explica4.pdfObtained from
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Definition and stages in process mapping