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From fear to trust

Table of contents:


1.- Fear

We are talking about the fear that a normal person can experience when working in an organization. Not the fear that one can have in front of a bull, in a trench of war or in a robbery.

But what stimulates a bold man can block a timid man, for it is also a subjective and relative feeling. Here we consider the fear that a normal employee may experience; not a very cowardly or unstable person.

In every situation of fear or danger consciousness reason is obscured. Intelligence that enlarges obstacles and risks is altered. The will does not deliberate with serenity and balance; personal commitment wanes; one blocks and tends not to act.

This impoverishment of vision in an organization leads to reduced creativity, innovation, quality, productivity and satisfaction for a job well done.

It cuts communication, reduces the ability to work in a team and minimizes cooperation. It fosters self-distrust and the Kingdoms of Taifa.

Justifications that reveal the limitations themselves are frequent.

There is a lack of interest in the objectives. It is a destructive motivator that encourages the desire to blame bosses for the way of running the organization.

Fear modifies and falsifies the data used to make decisions, market data, balance sheets, profit and loss accounts and cash flow. The most important costs of an organization are always hidden and are not reflected in the financial statements (for example the costs of a certain strategy or organization, or management style); But in an environment of fear these hidden costs skyrocket.

Expressed more clearly: in an environment of fear, lies, manipulation and mischief of the worst kind are generated much more easily. There are countless examples of falsehoods of all kinds to avoid liability. In a situation of fear, one urgently seeks to escape danger, even if the actions carried out are absurd and literally suppose a self-destructive cancer for the entire organizational fabric. For this reason, before horizontalizing the organization, trying to enhance customer service, redesigning processes, or implementing a Total Quality system, the fear environment must be removed.

The truth is that many bosses think that through fear people are kept at bay. This is a system of weakness of character and what is especially revealed is the boss's own fear and lack of self-confidence.

Sowing the seed of fear does not reaffirm anyone's authority, but their authoritarianism; their incompetence. Precisely the authoritarian believes that others are weak and that they will do wrong; He wants to protect them from themselves so they can do well.

By definition a competent individual does not generate fear but trust, which is what really reinforces his authority.

Many managers may not consciously seek fear; but they generate it by their way of acting. Whenever you press, you create fear. We are in a world where you have to speak clearly and where you have to make a good contribution. Don't tell your boss lies or allow him to tell you

If you can't go into your boss's office and calmly tell him, "This is wrong and needs to be approached differently," go somewhere else. Although they are paying you well, you are mortgaging your future.

2.- Nature of trust

"About trust? Sorry sir, here only practical subjects are studied ”(Heard in a business school).

Trust is the ability to deliberately become dependent on another person by believing that you want to follow what you say and be able to keep it. It means:

  • That I put myself in the other's hands because I think and I consider it good for him and for me, that I accept an interpersonal commitment, that I give the other freedom to answer for himself, that the other self-controls without the need for external control because it commits itself to move in the direction it has witnessed. That the other tells the truth; is truthful; it really means what it says. That I choose the other; I select you; I recognize you; I appreciate it; I give him credit; I hold you accountable; I give you the opportunity; I develop him.

Because I consider him competent, capable and intelligent.

3.- Confidence problem

Obviously, giving confidence is risky and always creates tension. For my part I do not know if the other will be able to take responsibility; but on the other hand, if I don't trust you, I won't assume anything. This last risk is much greater and, in any case, we are condemned to having to live life dangerously.

To trust another first one has to have self-confidence. It is something that one always projects on others.

Who is suspicious, distrusts himself. Trust is an attitude and a habit.

It is in the field of mentality; from the heart. Not in the knowledge, techniques, skills or tricks. It requires a certain identification with the other.

It is the foundation of every organization and every society. Without trust, there would be neither the government, nor the hospital, nor the university, nor the company, nor the market.

Every product or service is a vision that the other precisely trusts. Trust requires a process of dialogue and communication that leads to the meeting of wills.

Trust is not an exchange or a thing of personal interest; because then I would be disappointed when circumstances turned favorable and allowed me to take advantage. It is correspondence in which each one acts from her freedom (co - responsibility).

4.- Considerations

Trusting in the other is the only real way to know him, communicate with him and develop him.

Trusting is not giving the benefit of the doubt.

If you don't trust, the controls don't replace it. It is impossible to put everything in writing.

One trusts the other, not because of their appearance, or their origin, or what they have; but for what it is.

Naivety and candor is not trust; It may be idiocy.

Trust is not a matter of degree; more or less; it is a question of yes or no. Either you trust or you don't trust.

Mistrust is not the opposite of trust, but a resounding failure.

5.- From fear to trust

This is the great change to give in the vast majority of companies. It is not a matter of technology, or knowledge management, or reduction of the number of levels… but it is a cultural change above all, a change of mentality and behavior in the organization. And we are all involved in it to bring the company to its optimum performance.

From fear to trust