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From the unique congress of the future to future interstitials


The contribution and dissemination of knowledge. The Future Congress is undoubtedly a contribution and dissemination of knowledge, particularly for people who are interested in learning about different topics, with exhibitors who have demonstrated their knowledge. For years we have been following their contributions, developments and innovations, which is why we have published numerous articles in the national media and have distributed them among government authorities, congressmen, university leaders, study centers and political parties.

The multiple unique contributions of Congress. In our opinion, the Future Congress 2019 will present talks and meetings on many topics, most of which will have a unique content that will be distinguished from the others. For our purposes, each theme that is presented and that is distinguished by its unique properties or characteristics will be a “singularity”. Which without a doubt is an important contribution to the dissemination of their content and will represent an effort of great relevance to the country. So far, however, Congress has been a conglomerate of diverse, scattered, and unrelated exposures and major announcements with their threats to the world and to the country. For their part, the media exaggerate their contributions and soon forget about the necessary follow-up.

Each singularity has its properties, attributes and characteristics. Delving into the meaning of singularity, it should be considered that: each one can be distinguished by its multiple characteristics or attributes, which can be limited as in the case of a pin and even reach enormous figures for biology or astronomy. Which is related to how limited the knowledge that each person has of the face-to-face or virtual public can be.

Unique knowledge and its development.Societies have always been conducive to unique knowledge and its development because it has helped to solve the multiple challenges and problems of life and survival, and this approach has led to a large number of activities moving in this environment. If you are a student of basic education you will have realized that each subject is a singularity: mathematics, history or biology. If you know of universities, you will have realized that there are different degrees and degrees for them: medicine, engineering, law or design, which are other singularities and as the poet Huidobro ironized "to me, limited degrees". If you attend the National Congress you will meet different committees: economy, work or foreign relations and what to say about the ministries: interior, justice, work, culture or sports,they are all unique lands and something similar happens in almost everything: bank, isapre, savings bank, superintendency, brokerage, pension, mining, agricultural or transportation.

People and organizations need to interrelate unique knowledge.Indeed, each person needs to engage in any activity to relate the different singularities. If you have to make a presentation to an unknown audience, you must relate at least the following singularities: place, audience, available time, digital supports, contract, trip, date, and many more, and all this you will have learned systematically or by trial and error.. But there are other interrelationships that are more complex, such as having to resolve a lawsuit before a court in which multiple singularities will intervene: legislation, lawyers, prosecutors, judges, arrests, statements, witnesses, etc. and almost anyone will find that they have enough knowledge for only a minimal part of everything that they will have to live and will do it, too,with minimal knowledge of how to interrelate this swarm of singularities and succeed. And it is unlikely that you will have time to acquire the knowledge to master them.

And, therefore, the participants in the Congress if they want to "know or understand" part of the set of singular topics will have to make their own reflections if they want to integrate the different contents and each one will do it with their best knowledge and understanding.

We invite you to review the future term that contains the title of the Congress.The future could be that something will exist at a later time. We do not know what and, therefore, there can be many and different futures that it is possible to imagine that will occur, without knowing when, or how much they will differ from what is imagined. In other words, the future is in terms of current knowledge an infinite set of possible states so: we prefer to talk about futures. And that is what we can add, since some of the singularities that will be presented may fall into having a unique and known future. But the truth is that what happens with each singularity in the future is uncertain, and that is why it is more advisable to show different scenarios in which the singularity can be found in 10, 20 or 100 more years with a diversity of attributes and properties.But this is not the presentation that we have seen most used in old talks.

Singularities need to interrelate with other singularities. The cultists of the singularities almost always recognize that in order to advance in the development of their knowledge it is necessary to combine it with that of one or more other singularities that provide new ways to find new answers to current problems or that produce surprising new results. The forms for singular relationships are varied, among which are the traditional interrelationships: inter, trans, intra, multi and supra disciplinary.

For that new concepts such as ecosystems are born. Since it is necessary to integrate unique knowledge to represent the complex interactions that exist between the organisms that make up plants, bacteria, fungi, along with energy and other materials, the concept of ecosystem is born. Which is an approach to recognize that a singularity is, although it is not known how, united in different ways with others and in this way industrial, science and technology ecosystems appear, etc. And so we come closer to recognizing a part of the many weaknesses that singularities contain: because an ecosystem brings us closer to the knowledge of the Universe.

From the sphere of the sum of singularities to current universal knowledge. There is a universal knowledge that can be represented -perfectly- by a sphere that expands each time an advance is made known. In the sphere all that is known is accumulated. At the same time we can conclude that: " the space outside the sphere is much larger and has no end. " And all that infinite knowledge is of the universe within which everything is related, but that knowledge is… to be discovered.

From current universal knowledge to unknown interstitial knowledge. It is possible that over time the sphere of universal knowledge will expand and probably will continue to do so through current and future singularities, to which the interrelationships and ecosystems of knowledge will also contribute, but that path will not consider something that is fundamental and that is left aside: the spaces or interstices without knowledge that remain among the singularities as we know them today and we will continue to know them in the future.

Interstitial knowledge tries to reduce the interrelation barriers between singularities. And therefore to open a world of new knowledge in a creative way. We will cover this topic in depth in an ad hoc article - already written and registered with the Chilean Department of Intellectual Rights - that we will publish later, once a diverse group of selected readers have recognized that they live among singularities, with their benefits and weaknesses. The main reason for this decision is that, to accept new knowledge as ECI Interstitial Knowledge, since most of us live between singularities, interrelationships and ecosystems, it must be accepted that, if I do not know it, a first reaction to its presentation could be to reject the ECI concept or suppose that it is known or that it would be the same as interdiscipline or a mere combination of some of them. Therefore, if you recognize that you live among singularities and are interested in entering new paths, we invite you to read this article about this new ECI paradigm to be published.

And speaking of futures:

We welcome the new "Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation " where the order of the factors sometimes alters the product and which we hope will be careful with the development, disclosure and application of its four singularities in a balanced and so that it concentrates on contributing to growth and national development… for everyone.

The end of the future… singular? We hope that in the "Congress of the Future 2020", among so many alleged singularities, that at least one talk is devoted to publicizing what it is, its characteristics and the great advances that can be achieved with "Interstitial Knowledge" and with the sample of some of his examples and cases of achievements at local and global level. And all this at zero cost in national currency and without incurring travel and per diem procedures because they are local exponents and so that in some of the possible futures and perhaps with a National Interstitial Development Strategy… let us stop being unique in our own Earth.

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From the unique congress of the future to future interstitials