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Global law

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Global law consists of studying all the branches of law involved in the subject or subjects that are the subject of study by students or of application by jurists of law in all states.

1. Definition

Global law is the recently created legal discipline by which all law is studied not as isolated branches of study but as a unit, consequently it is clear that what is sought are global approaches to law with this new legal discipline. That is to say, what happened with traditional branches of law such as civil, criminal, procedural, constitutional, administrative, commercial, registry, notary, customs, tax, bankruptcy, corporate or corporate law, cartular, stock exchange, family, no longer occurs. mining, labor or work, among others, seeking or pursuing specialized approaches within each branch of law in isolation, but seeking or pursuing the study of law in its relationship between some branches of law with others.For example, the division in corporate law is no longer studied, but this subject is studied in all branches of law related to this subject or that need to be applied and studied in this subject, for which reason it is clear that in said legal discipline A new way of doing law must be studied, as is certainly the area of ​​knowledge.

Furthermore, it is necessary to record that for this new legal discipline there are no territorial limits. Therefore, world law is studied and not simply national or foreign law, but all law is studied. Consequently, it is not the same as comparative law or foreign law, it is a new legal discipline that is already a matter of study in Spain. However, in Peruvian law it has not yet been developed, so we hope that it will be included in it to keep up to date with the latest advances in world law, which is so lacking in Peruvian law.

2. Branches of global law

In any legal study it is convenient to review branches of law that we must study in order to have complete approaches to the subject matter of study which will allow a complete approach and consequently we will mention them. The branches of global law are public, private and social law.

That is, it implies the study of all the law. But this does not mean that they are parts of global law, but quite the opposite, rather that they are something like parts of a civil procedural code that to know the same we must master the entire code, also in global law what is sought is different Approaches to the subject matter of study, for example the extinction of a company or legal person that, by the way, are not exactly the same, it is clear that it merits not only reviewing corporate law, but also registry law (because when it comes to legal persons registered must be registered in the registry), notarized (because in many cases notary documents or properly notarized public instruments must be issued), tax (because it is necessary to review the corresponding payment of taxes),civil (because civil law studies what corresponds to legal persons in general, which by the way is applicable to all legal persons), procedural (because it is necessary to determine what will happen with judicial processes, which may be civil, criminal, labor, constitutional, tax, registry, notary, customs, among others), constitutional (because the extinction cannot be modified by a law), among other branches of law. In other words, all branches of law are studied in global law.tax, registry, notary, customs, among others), constitutional (because the extinction cannot be modified by a law), among other branches of law. In other words, all branches of law are studied in global law.tax, registry, notary, customs, among others), constitutional (because the extinction cannot be modified by a law), among other branches of law. In other words, all branches of law are studied in global law.

3. Knowledge and global law

In order to study global law, a good knowledge of law is required, so it is clear that if a person does not have much knowledge of it, it is clear that they will have serious problems studying this important legal discipline. That is, to study it implies a lot of knowledge of law, which will facilitate or allow global approaches to the subject matter of study.

4. Experience and global law

To study global law a lot of experience is needed within the law, since only it allows to understand the law in its application or applicative part, therefore if a jurist or law student does not have the same it is clear that he will have serious difficulties in understanding this new legal discipline.

5. New legal discipline

From time to time new legal disciplines appear so it is clear that civil law appeared in Roman law, commercial law known in our environment by many as commercial law, which covers various branches of law, appeared at the fall of Rome, which was invaded by the barbarians, that is, it only appeared in the middle ages, business law or company law or business law appeared in the contemporary age, so it is clear that legal disciplines appear or have appeared at different times, that is, they did not always exist, in this sense it is clear that global law has only recently appeared in recent years, being unable to determine exactly the moment of its appearance,But it is clear that this is a new legal discipline that seeks a new way of studying law, which was not done before. In this sense, we hope to promote your studies within Peruvian law. Because otherwise it is clear that we can stagnate, since the law is life and consequently the law is constantly transformed because this is caused by changes in new legal trends.

6. The Spanish experience

We have heard that law is being studied in Spain, which is why we are obliged to review the Spanish experience. Consequently, we will study it below. It is convenient for our purposes to study the Spanish experience in which we note that there are chairs in which legal pedagogy of this important legal discipline is made. To consult these new chairs of law or legal chairs it is clear that we can consult the internet, which is the network of networks, therefore if a lawyer is not updated it is clear that little by little he stops being a lawyer, to become a outdated person who seeks knowledge that is disseminated only by national scholars and not by foreign scholars, that is,Not only national or foreign information sources or information sources should be reviewed. Since the law does not develop equally in all countries, but each one has a different development or in different legal disciplines, for example in US law, the economic analysis of law is more developed than in Latin America and above all that in Peruvian law, so it is clear that some lawyers go to that country to specialize following the corresponding master's degree in law.but each one has a different development or in different legal disciplines, for example in US law, the economic analysis of law is more developed than in Latin America and above all in Peruvian law, for which reason it is clear that some lawyers are to that country to specialize following the corresponding master's degree in law.but each one has a different development or in different legal disciplines, for example in US law, the economic analysis of law is more developed than in Latin America and above all in Peruvian law, for which reason it is clear that some lawyers are to that country to specialize following the corresponding master's degree in law.

7. The Peruvian experience

In the Peruvian state there are no chairs dedicated to the study of this new but important legal discipline. Therefore it is clear that we recommend its study not only in Peruvian law but in all other states, because thanks to this legal discipline, more or greater mastery within the law can be achieved or achieved. In other words, within Peruvian law this new legal discipline is not developed, which is why it should be noted that we have not had any work on it in sight in Peruvian law.

8. Advantages of global law

The advantages of global law are that the law is studied in its entirety and, consequently, it is clear that time is not wasted on legal details, but that basic issues such as legal institutions are touched upon, and the study of law is also facilitated. applied to problems that arise in social reality.

9. Disadvantages of global law

The disadvantages of global law are that studies are not deepened in each branch of law, but rather that studies are superficial. In addition, another problem is that more time and knowledge are needed for this type of study, consequently it is clear that this form of study is little used by lawyers, but by managers or entrepreneurs.

10. Importance

Global law is very important because it allows a global understanding of all law. Since it does not know territorial limits or branches of law, therefore, when studying a topic, all legal institutions involved in the law of all states should be studied.

11. Conclusions

After having developed global law, we formulate conclusions in the following terms:

1) Global law consists of studying all the branches of law involved in the subject or subjects that are the subject of study by students or of application by jurists of law in all states.

2) Global law covers three branches of law, which are public, private and social law, that is, it encompasses or encompasses all law, therefore it is clear that much knowledge and experience is needed to study it.

3) Global law is under study in Spanish law, but not in Peruvian law, making it clear that the former is more developed than the latter.

4) Global law also covers comparative law. That is to say, in the chairs of this legal discipline its pedagogy is done among other legal subjects or disciplines.

5) In Peruvian law there are no sources of information on global law.

6) In the Peruvian state, courses on global law are not organized, which worries us, that is, this important legal discipline is not developed in Peruvian law.

12. Suggestions

Having developed global law and having formulated conclusions, we present suggestions in the following terms:

1) We recommend the study of global law not only in Peruvian law but also in foreign law.

2) We recommend global law within company law or business law or company law.

Global law