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Career development and competency management in public entities

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The Cuban Ministry of Agriculture has among its general objectives, to develop an integral training system, in correspondence with the structural changes that are taking place in the country, as a result of the Implementation of the Guidelines of the Economic and Social Policy of the Party and Government. This plan is aimed at training and requalification in Agronomy, Veterinary, Industrial and Food Technology, Economics, Administration and Management, including aspects related to cooperative and environmental management. To this end, considerable resources are allocated to the training of mid-level professionals who, once graduated, join the job training in organizations belonging to said Ministry, occupying positions related to their profile.

Hence, in this work, the design of a Procedure for the career development of mid-level trainees from three Cuban organizations is carried out. Two of them are tobacco companies and the other is dedicated to the production, storage and marketing of food, vegetables and grains. The research was based on a bibliographic review on this topic, the documentary analysis, the application and processing of various instruments. The main results were the systematization of the elements that facilitate the career development processes of those trained in the agricultural sector. The fundamental basis of the design of the procedure is the management by competencies. On which the competency profiles and development maps are defined based on the identification of organizational competences,of process and position, allowing a personalized proposal for career development.

KEYWORDS. Career development, Competency management, Procedure, Career development maps.

KEYWORDS: Career Development, Competence Management, Procedure, Maps of development career.


In the VI Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba, the Guidelines for the Economic and Social Policy of the Party and the Government were drawn up, particularly in section VII referring to the Agroindustrial Policy, special attention is devoted to the replacement of the labor force in the sector, proposing measures to stimulate the incorporation, permanence and stability of new workers and their definitive family settlement, as well as the handover of land in usufruct to young people, as another way of employment.

The Cuban Ministry of Agriculture has among its general objectives, to develop a comprehensive training system, in correspondence with the structural changes that are taking place in the country, aimed at training and requalification in the field of Agronomy, Veterinary, Industrial Technology and Food, Economy, Administration and Management, including aspects related to cooperative and environmental management.

To this end, considerable resources are allocated to the training of mid-level professionals who, once graduated, join the job training in organizations belonging to said Ministry, occupying positions related to their profile. At the end of this stage, they may or may not continue in organizations depending on the needs of the existing workforce. While their training as professionals responds to the demand made, so if they are abandoned once trained, the resources invested, together with the knowledge and experiences acquired during the training stage, will be lost.

This makes organizations belonging to this sector look for mechanisms that motivate and retain their workforce to guarantee an effective and efficient human capital that contributes to the achievement of food security.

It is for this reason that the research had the fundamental objective of designing a procedure for the career development of mid-level trainees from three organizations belonging to this Ministry.

The research was based on the use of techniques and tools such as: documentary review, direct observation, application of surveys, and interviews with managers, workers and trainees of the organizations under study. It is based on a bibliographic review of the topic. Below are some of the theoretical-referential aspects that served as the basis for the conception of the Procedure.


The competences are considered the innate or acquired characteristics that allow to act successfully in a job, they must be appreciated in the observable behaviors within the organization. The determination of competencies is materialized when they are applied to the selection, training and evaluation of performance, that is, to the different subsystems that make up the comprehensive management system of human resources in a company. (Lorenzo, 2011)

For some authors, competency-based management constitutes an integral model for the management of human talent, which in turn promotes the identification, acquisition, empowerment and development of competences that add value to the work organization ”. (War 2011)

For his part, (Cuesta, 1997) believes that: “Competency management focuses essentially on development, on what people are capable of doing in the future”. This author provides an interesting definition of work competence: he considers them as underlying characteristics in people, associated with experience, which as a trend are causally related to successful actions in a contextualized job in a certain organizational culture.

Studies carried out allow us to affirm that the evolution of labor competencies must be parallel to the development of the personnel: the systematic consolidation of emotional balance, resistance to accept other approaches, firmness despite failures and an optimistic sense to process and respond to it. to everyday problems, they involve essential inputs for a satisfactory work project to be born, within the limits imposed by the situation of each organization.

According to the bibliography consulted, career development had its beginnings in the 1970s, but has experienced a significant boom in the last ten years. Initially, organizations instituted this process to meet only their own needs, ignoring the individual needs expressed by employees. Over time, a change has been produced as a result of the conjunction of two variables: on the one hand, the competitive pressure exerted by the environment on organizations; and on the other, the demands of workers regarding opportunities for professional growth and skills development. (Russel, 2011)

Some authors consider the design of an individual strategic plan that is compatible with the organization's strategic plan as a key element. In this way, greater correspondence is achieved and individual efforts are channeled to the achievement of organizational goals.

That is why organizations must be clear and give special attention to the development process of their workers. This process can have multiple objectives. Some of them are listed below:

  • Fully occupy the current position. Occupy positions of greater responsibility. Work on replacement tables. Align development to the Business Strategy (Sández, 2005).

According to (Galván, 2009) (Leibowitz, 1987) career development constitutes a continuous process of goal setting and also of self-evaluation determined by the needs of each individual, which are variable and depend on the ambition and abilities of the same and that it has a more global environmental framework, a longer-term time range with a greater scope than training.

For his part (Pino, 2009) considers that career development as the idea of ​​progressing within a chosen line of work. It is important to point out that consolidating the development of the personnel that works in an organization produces a powerful impact on the organizational climate, since it can become a very strong motivational vehicle.

However (Carrell, 1995) breaks down the career development process into two fundamental aspects:

  • Individual career planning: "Process by which each employee personally plans their career goals." Organizational career planning: "Process by which management plans career goals for their employees."

The most important thing is to achieve a balance between both plans, which are undoubtedly inextricably linked, and that is where success will lie. In other words, it is necessary to achieve a compatibility between the needs and expectations of the employees with the needs of the organization, both present and future.

Carrying out an evaluation of these elements to the problem under study, it can be said that it is of vital importance to carry out the effective management of the career development of the mid-level trainers of the organizations belonging to the agricultural and tobacco sector, because precisely they constitute the basis, the relay of this sector. During this process, they would be endowed with essential competencies to perform in the positions assigned to them, also becoming a motivating way to achieve a balance between organizational and individual interests, in addition to their permanence.

Together with the previous analysis, it was necessary to carry out a review of the career development and competency management methodologies. Nine theses were consulted, of which eight are for a Master's and one for a doctorate. In Annex 1A summary table is shown that shows the characterization of each one in terms of its focus, objective, main results, sector for which it was developed and the advantages of each one. Although only one of them proposes a Methodology for career development in workers with work experience, seeking to improve their performance. The rest of the methodologies carry out research on the work environment in certain organizations, the determination of organizational competencies, the design of job profiles by competence, and an analysis of the problems regarding the optimal workforce, the regulation of operations. According to current technology, aspects such as: communication, work environment, use of the working day, working conditions, are analyzed.dissatisfaction with training and development programs, among other elements.

It can be said that the study of all these methodologies served as a basis and provided important elements related to Human Resources Management, also allowed to verify the non-existence of a specific career development procedure or methodology for the sector under study.


The procedure presented below arises as a result of the diagnosis made in the three organizations under study and the theoretical and practical experience of the author of the work. It is made up of three fundamental stages: the Diagnosis, Analysis and processing of information and the Career Development Proposal for the trainers of the three organizations under study. It is based on the use of various tools and techniques, including surveys, interview guides, psychological tests, etc. All of them are easy to apply and process, mainly destined for the Human Capital area, as the person directly responsible for the reception, training, and development of those trained. Below is the procedure:

Proposal of Procedure for the development of career of the trained ones of average level. Source: self made.

Fig. 1 Proposed Procedure for the development of the career of the mid-level trained. Source: self made.

The main objective of the procedure is to provide the organizations under study with a tool that allows the effective management of the career development of their mid-level adolescents , through the development of knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviors in their training period so that achieve superior job performance, feel motivated, and stay with the organization. In its design, elements of the regulatory legal framework such as the

Resolution 9/2007 and the module of competencies of the Cuban Standard 3000 of the Integrated System of Human Capital. The resolution establishes the treatment during the period of job training for recent graduates of higher and medium technical level, it is made up of eight chapters from those referring to the duration of the training process, the tutors and the individual plan of job training, to evaluations that it is necessary to carry out the trained ones and the treatment for the payment to the recent graduates, among other elements.

For its part, NC 3000 sets the set of requirements to be met by organizations to achieve the implementation of the Integrated Human Capital System with the aim of achieving an impact on the quality of all processes, their efficiency and effectiveness, in the productivity increase in satisfactory labor relations, as well as responding to the needs of people who receive the products or services offered. The system is made up of the following processes: Selection and Integration, Work Organization, Institutional Communication, Safety and Health, Moral and Material Stimulation, Performance Evaluation, Self-control, Training and Development, and the Labor Competencies occupying the center.

Integrated Human Capital Management System Model.

Source: NC 3000: 2007

It is worth noting that in organizations, these processes are part of the Human Capital area, which is in charge of selecting, training, motivating, evaluating and moving the workforce according to needs, to fulfill the mission. and the vision that the organization has outlined.

A series of premises for the application of the procedure were defined:

  • Training of trainers is not a problem in the area of ​​human capital, it belongs to all the members of the organization, therefore it requires the direct participation of leaders, specialists and workers in general, who must identify with them and cooperate in their training as future workers. This training is part of one of the processes that make up the Integrated Human Capital Management System and it is essential to train those who work in this area in the first place. Its implementation depends largely on the will of the top management of the organization.

The Diagnosis stage allows the documentary review to be carried out and the compliance with the aforementioned Resolution to be assessed. The current situation of the trainees and their satisfaction with the job must also be determined. Variables such as: motivation, communication, organizational climate should be analyzed here. On the other hand, the criteria of the senior management regarding the treatment and management of the development of its young personnel must be valued. In this phase, a set of tools and techniques were applied, such as surveys, interviews with managers, specialists and trainers from the three organizations under study. In Annexes 2, 3, 4and 5 some of the instruments used can be appreciated. The use of a psychological test designed by (Zaldívar, 2001) is also proposed to determine the degree of security-insecurity that some individuals manifest in the face of social events and biological changes. (See Annex 6)

In the second stage referred to the Analysis and Processing of the informationThe use of statistical software that allows the adequate processing of the information must be done, the author proposes the SPSS. This analysis is of special importance for the organization, which will not only be able to identify the gap, detecting the learning needs, the development of capacities to be achieved, of skills, attitudes, competences and behaviors for each of the adolescents, but will also be able to identify their intentions, interests, dreams and aspirations. Elements such as satisfaction with the nature of their work, the attention of tutors and the rest of the organization's staff, as well as opportunities for improvement and rotation through jobs, are essential aspects that must be taken into consideration.

With the information obtained and the competency profiles for each position, it is possible to assess the career development needs of each trainee.

Career development must be well planned so that it does not have the opposite effect to that intended, the elements that comprise it are explained below. Approaches: ways of considering a process, seeking as far as possible to create learning environments within the company, since they are less expensive and easier to control.

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Career development and competency management in public entities