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Internet development and its influence on corporate marketing

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The rapid development of the Internet has gradually transformed it from a technology to an industry, and has provided diversity for corporate marketing changes and choices. It has largely promoted the reform of corporate marketing strategies. The development of a company depends on marketing to create a growing space for it. In the ever-changing era, marketing must rely on innovation to adapt to changes in society and ensure that companies continue to develop in a complex and competitive environment.


From the history of the world economy, it is not difficult to discover that, whether in the era of the industrial revolution or on the production line, Ford Motor Co. was a pioneer or the Jobs-led Apple company has brought the era of smart phones. In such circumstances, it was realized that technological advances will affect the market and have a great impact on its development.

The rapid development of the Internet in the 21st century has brought more options for the market, businesses and consumers, and at the same time, the requirements for business marketing methods are much higher. Driven by such a large situation, the relationship between corporate marketing strategies and the Internet has become increasingly close, and dependence on the Internet has become increasingly apparent. The rapid development of the Internet will ensure that marketing strategies are updated and innovated to meet consumer demands.

Analysis of marketing characteristics in the Internet age

Marketing reach continues to expand

The traditional marketing model is relatively conservative and unique, and today it could be said that it has great restrictions on the way and in the process of providing consumers with the consumption itself and the choice of the products they consume.

In the context of the Internet age, the new marketing model is synchronized with the fast and broad Internet, providing consumers with diversified consumption methods and more product options. At the same time, under the promotion of the Internet, the new marketing model has solved the problem of restrictions on space and consumption time, allowing consumers to reach the consumption goal anytime, anywhere.

People of different ages have different degrees of acceptance and understanding of the Internet, but as the popularity of the Internet has deepened, people of all ages have more and more consumers through the Internet, while facilitating the convenience and promotes both national consumption and social development.

Diversification of payment and negotiation methods

Traditional payment and transactions are mainly based on cash and bank cards. This method has the disadvantage of the low safety factor. The online payment methods that have emerged with the development of the Internet have largely offset this drawback. Alipay, WeChat and Online Banking provide consumers with a variety of payment and transaction methods through a series of online payment software, and at the same time, are well protected for the privacy of consumers. The diversification of payment and transaction methods has given consumers more options and, at the same time, has established a solid basis for companies to implement marketing modes that are combined with the Internet.

Increased internationalization of marketing

In the context of the gradual development of political and economic globalization, the internationalization of corporate marketing has become the only way for its development. To break the feudal ideology of closing the country, companies must achieve a qualitative leap by strengthening communication with the world's corporate resources, as well as links with world resources and establishing good trade relations with regions around the world.

Traditional marketing strategies mainly include: product strategy, pricing strategy, channel strategy and promotion strategy. Its sales channels include: manufacturer- wholesaler-retailer-distributor-consumer. Whether in the marketing strategy or in the sales channels, traditional sales have significant deficiencies, aimed at facing the reform situation.

High prices for corporate products

Traditional marketing channels have experienced a long production line, too many intermediaries, and the accumulated costs are too high; the cost of advertising before the formal sale is too high, which has greatly increased the cost of goods; hence the price of goods is much higher.

It is difficult for companies to collect primary information

Due to the limitations of traditional marketing models, it is difficult for companies to collect first-hand information on commodities in a timely manner, hampering their long-term development. For various reasons, the merchandise sales terminal may hide sales and after-sales of the relevant merchandise and directly hinder the company's understanding of the merchandise.

The company cannot obtain good market dynamics in a timely manner

Under the traditional marketing model, the distance between manufacturers and consumers is too great, there is no direct communication between the two. Businesses cannot obtain timely information about changes in consumer consumption needs. They are blind to product design and manufacturing. Sales terminals have an inertial understanding of consumer needs, and are not targeted, leading directly to product accumulation and product stagnation.


Product strategy

Consumers dominate the marketing model in the context of the Internet. Consumers have more options in choosing products. The scope of their choices has also increased in all parts of the world. Companies must design and sell their products completely. "Consider the diversity of consumer demand and improve product customization." For personalized needs, in addition to starting with the product itself, more important is the satisfaction of consumers' individualized demand for marketing tools. Businesses and sales terminals must join efforts to explore changes in consumer demand in a timely manner and use effective and reasonable marketing methods to achieve the best sales results.

In the context of the Internet age, all companies enjoy the same resources and information and, at the same time, are also far from consumers. Consumers can directly communicate their suggestions, opinions or product needs to the company through the Internet. Companies can directly obtain first-hand information on relevant products through this channel. They can directly address product quality issues, design issues, and sales channel issues, as well as issues such as consumer personality needs that are resolved in a timely manner while providing better services to consumers. Also,The Internet can timely and appropriately collect sales data for relevant commodities and perform effective processing and analysis on them - that is, big data analysis.

Big Data analysis helps companies understand product sales more objectively and comprehensively from another level. Most importantly, big data analytics show consumers' propensity to consume in a more intuitive way so that companies can be more determined and accurate. Create products that meet consumer needs and formulate more rational and effective marketing strategies.

Price strategy

The determination of commodity prices in today's market is determined on the basis of consumer acceptance, and the pricing strategy under the traditional marketing model is far from satisfying current consumer demand for commodity prices. basic products. In the goods price strategy, consumers have gradually assumed a dominant position. Businesses must understand the end result of consumer prices at ever-changing market prices. This is extremely difficult for traditional marketing models.

Companies can conduct a small-scale sales test on the Internet before products are officially put on sale, and initially understand the different levels of consumer acceptance of the product price, and then improve products in accordance with consumer needs and gain consumer acceptance. Finally, it will go into production and formal sales. The whole process is a direct communication between the company and the consumer, there is no intermediate channel and the cost of the product is fundamentally reduced. In the actual operation, some companies have already achieved a strategy to directly meet the personal needs of consumers in terms of product design.Consumers can directly contact the company via the Internet and explain to the company the requirements for various aspects of the product. Directly according to the consumption level requirement of the consumer choose the suitable material to continue production, at the same time, the consumer can also carry out his own idea in product design, collide with the idea of ​​the company, se realizes innovation.

Distribution strategy

The traditional distribution model has greatly lengthened the sales line, first through the manufacturer, then through a series of intermediate channels, such as wholesalers and distributors, and finally reaching consumers. The online sales approach directly solves this problem and achieves zero direct sales and middlemen between merchants and consumers. Consumers can enjoy more direct and intuitive product-related services, and merchants and consumers can make detailed communications on issues such as product performance, fitness, and quality. Consumers surf the Internet directly and place orders, payments, deliveries and after-sales services, greatly reducing the waste of intermediate links,reduces product inventory, reduces product retention, and reduces product quantity. cost. This type of sales model can create a harmonious and stable cooperative relationship between merchants and consumers. Consumers can enjoy thoughtful services and buy their own products, while reducing shopping time and avoiding spending a lot of money.

Promotion strategy.

The most important thing for product promotion is good product advertising, and efficient promotion can greatly promote product sales. Traditional promotional billboard and flyer promotional methods are too simple and narrow to accomplish the purpose that most consumers know. The rapid and extensive dissemination of information on the Internet fundamentally solves this problem and brings benefits. It is extremely substantial. Companies can post relevant information about their products on the online marketing platform. In particular, the characteristics of the products must be striking enough to attract consumers. Consumers search for products online and then compare and analyze quality,product performance and design, and broaden the reach of products through information exchange. In addition to indirect advertising, companies are equally important in choosing direct product marketing.

Companies can choose to use the most widely used Internet platform for product promotion. This type of advertising has the best and fastest results, such as Weibo, WeChat and QQ. Businesses can sponsor products that are most influential on these platforms, make them popular and recommended, and increase their sales and promotional efforts through their fans. The emergence and development of the Internet has led to the innovation of corporate marketing strategies, which has enabled the reform of the concepts and means of marketing so that companies can better adapt to the needs of the market and consumers and can continue to develop. In the innovation of the marketing strategy, consumers always occupy a dominant position,and it is equally important to communicate with the outside world at the same time. Only the innovation of the marketing strategy that starts from the needs of consumers and actively learns and communicates abroad is an effective innovation.

E-commerce address

As a new way of developing commercial activity, the birth of electronic commerce has received a lot of attention and has been used gradually. With its advantages of being free of space, time and comfort, e-commerce improves the distance between operators and consumers, increases the frequency of communications and exchange, and effectively reduces the operating costs of companies. A marketing technique. Compared to previous forms of marketing activities, companies use e-commerce marketing methods to ensure that marketing activities are specific. In particular, faced with the impact of a fierce new market economic environment, companies must pay attention to the role of electronic commerce, trust this medium,Simplify the marketing process, effectively control operating costs, deepen the mastery of consumer purchases, and timely access to effective marketing. In addition, the use of the e-commerce platform, the use of the one-to-one marketing model to complete the transformation of personalized service, which gradually builds consumer confidence, improves product recognition and company value for form more fixed customer groups.Using the one-to-one marketing model to complete the transformation of personalized service, which gradually builds consumer confidence, improves product recognition and company value to form more stable customer groups.Using the one-to-one marketing model to complete the transformation of personalized service, which gradually builds consumer confidence, improves product recognition and company value to form more stable customer groups.

«Internet +»

«Internet +» es una nueva forma de desarrollo de Internet bajo la Innovación 2.0. Es una nueva forma de evolución de Internet bajo el impulso de la Innovación de la Sociedad del Conocimiento 2.0 y su desarrollo económico y social.

«Internet +» es la práctica adicional del pensamiento de Internet

«Internet +» es la práctica adicional del pensamiento de Internet, que promueve la evolución continua de las formas económicas, impulsando así la vitalidad de las entidades sociales y económicas y proporcionando una plataforma de red amplia para la reforma, la innovación y el desarrollo. En términos sencillos, «Internet +» es «Internet + varias industrias tradicionales», pero esto no es una simple adición de las dos, sino el uso de la tecnología de la información y la comunicación y la plataforma de Internet para permitir que Internet profundice la integración con las industrias tradicionales y cree nuevas. Desarrollar la ecología. Representa una nueva forma social, es decir, que aprovecha al máximo la optimización e integración de Internet en la asignación de recursos sociales, integrando los resultados de innovación de Internet en los dominios económicos y sociales, y mejorando la innovación y la productividad de toda la sociedad. Una nueva forma de desarrollo económico con una infraestructura más amplia basada en Internet y herramientas de implementación.

«Internet +» es una versión mejorada de la integración de los dos, Internet como las características principales del desarrollo de la información actual, extraída y totalmente integrada con las industrias de servicios como la industria, el comercio y las finanzas. La clave para esto es la innovación. Solo la innovación puede hacer que esto sea verdaderamente valioso y significativo. Debido a esto, «Internet +» se considera una nueva forma de desarrollo de Internet bajo la innovación 2.0, una nueva forma de negocio y una nueva forma de desarrollo económico y social impulsado por la innovación de la sociedad del conocimiento 2.0.

Las características principales de

La integración transfronteriza.

La base de la innovación es más sólida: integración y sinergia, se realizará la inteligencia de grupo, el camino de la investigación y el desarrollo a la industrialización será más vertical. La convergencia en sí misma también se refiere a la integración de la identidad, el consumo del cliente en la inversión, la participación de los socios en la innovación, etc.

Una innovación técnicamente y socialmente.

El extenso crecimiento impulsado por los recursos de China ha sido durante mucho tiempo difícil de sostener y debe transformarse en el camino correcto del desarrollo impulsado por la innovación. Este es el rasgo de Internet. Utiliza el llamado pensamiento de Internet para cambiar y la auto revolución, y también puede ejercer el poder de la innovación.

Remodelación de la estructura social.

La revolución de la información, la globalización y la industria de Internet han roto la estructura social original, la estructura económica, la estructura geográfica y la estructura cultural. El poder, las reglas de procedimiento y el derecho a hablar están cambiando constantemente. Internet + gobernanza social, la gobernanza social virtual será muy diferente.

«Internet +» es una integración de internet y la realidad.

Desde la ejecución de «Internet +», la mayoría de los ejemplos lograron éxitos, tales como las bicicletas inteligentes compartidas de Mobai, servicio público antifraude de Unicom, «Internet + smart medical» del Segundo Hospital de la Universidad de Sichuan en Huaxi, y Jingdong: modo O2O de «Big Data + Commodity + Service» es la Plataforma integrada auto operada + e-commerce.

JD.com coopera con decenas de miles de tiendas de conveniencia en más de 15 ciudades, y organiza la tienda O2O de Jingdong. JD proporciona soporte de datos, tienda de conveniencia como su terminal, y Jingdong y Zhangzidao Group expanden el O2O, que está abierto para Zhangzidao. Puerto, Zhangzidao proporciona un eficiente sistema de cadena de suministro fresco. Además, Jingdong también ha alcanzado una ventaja de integración con las cadenas de tiendas de marca tales como ropa, zapatos y sombreros, equipaje y decoración del hogar, expandiendo así la línea de productos y canales, y todas las cadenas de tiendas finalmente han logrado un «inventario cero» con el marketing de precisión de Jingdong.

El modelo Jingdong O2O se basa en el análisis de grandes datos en línea, que complementa el amplio diseño de las redes de tiendas fuera de línea y las ventajas de la distribución de la velocidad. Ha desempeñado un papel en la plataforma y las ventajas logísticas de Jingdong, y ha ampliado su territorio de mercado para llenar una tabla corta con una estructura de usuario única. Es otro canal para desarrollar O2O. Sin embargo, si la tienda de conveniencia tradicional al final del modelo ha acumulado datos sobre los hábitos de compra de la comunidad, y si hay valor en la acumulación, esto todavía vale la pena considerar. El futuro de Jingdong O2O aún es relativamente largo.

Ademas, el RT-Mart: modo O2O de “mercado de línea baja del municipio + red Fei Niu”es una integaaracion de internet y centro comercial y supermercado.

RT-Mart lanzó oficialmente la plataforma B2C, Feiniu. Después de seis meses de operación, la compañía lanzó el proyecto “Miles de municipios” de O2O con la tienda de conveniencia Shishiduo para establecer el Pabellón de experiencias de compras en línea de Feiya e implementar la estrategia O2O.

Feiniu.com ha establecido un pabellón de experiencia de compra en línea para atender áreas donde los servicios de RT-Mart no están disponibles. Feiniu.com también explorará canales diversificados a través de otras tiendas de conveniencia, centros de servicio comunitario, cadenas de tiendas del municipio, estaciones de servicio y tiendas especializadas. Posteriormente, Feiniu.com lanzó la actividad de «matar el día de compras», precalentando el doble «11», y se pusieron en marcha 40,000 Pingqing Pucang, y la eficiencia de distribución fue notable. Como una empresa minorista tradicional, RT-Mart ha acumulado recursos para el usuario a largo plazo y una buena reputación, y ha creado «Qianxiang» por Feiniu.

La estrategia de O2O de Wanguan es satisfacer las necesidades de los usuarios en gran medida, y para complementar mejor los servicios fuera de línea comerciales y en línea, y luchar por un mayor desarrollo del futuro mercado de usuarios. Recursos El modelo RT-M2 O2O se convertirá en una referencia para que la clase de negocios ingrese a Internet.

«Internet +»

En lo actual, Internet se está unificando rápidamente y se está integrando rápidamente en varios campos e industrias. En la vida diaria, Internet está en todas partes, compras en línea, automóviles en línea, registro en línea, pedidos en línea … Se ha producido un cambio radical, e «Internet +» ha abierto un nuevo estilo de vida para los consumidores.


En resumen, al fortalecer la función de los productos según la demanda del mercado, intensificar la aplicación de la tecnología de la información y mejorar la investigación sobre la situación económica del mercado y la estrategia gubernamental, podemos optimizar efectivamente la estrategia de marketing de los productos de TI bajo los nuevos antecedentes económicos.

Nuevo pensamiento: estrategias de marketing perfectas para productos de TI.


  • https://wenku.baidu.com/view/fcd87d3accbff121dd368398.htmlhttps://wenku.baidu.com/view/a03bae7eddccda38376baf32.htmlhttp://www.hisense.cn/cxtx/index.aspx?nodeid=143https://wenku.baidu.com/view/b5823771536.html
Internet development and its influence on corporate marketing