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Personal and professional development for organizations

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The man with enlargement to his scenarios - company, nation, region, world - is the center of history and of changes; he will always be the protagonist, the poet and writer, the painter and prophet of future perspectives.

Changes over time change

A few thousand years have passed from the economy of antiquity -with artisanal and individual entities- to the present day. If you look back, it is worth remembering the world-famous phrase "times change", although it is necessary to update it adding the idea that "even the intensity and rhythm of changes in time change".

From the end of the 19th century, passing through the 20th, to the present, discoveries vitalized the development of science, technology and life. The investigations grow and the intervals between the discovery and the application of their results have decreased over time.

The intensity and the rhythm continue in increasing manifestation, and it may happen that what has arisen recently, and until yesterday was new, today is late, expired.

In the analysis of the passage from the Industrial Revolution (XVIII-XIX) to the Scientific-Technical Revolution (second half of the XX), profound differences are appreciated and although the two processes have been important, in the second the change to jumps is the most significant attribute.

After the Second World War, the development paths followed the direction of the increase in productivity through machines - fundamentally tools - with Fordist mass production systems, with rigid technology, for series production of standardized products, and with quantity criteria. for the sake of low unit costs and the traditional sacrifice of quality. The employment of a labor force -which does what it is indicated- of low general qualification, specialized in small parts of the process, imposed by technology, closed configuration systems, high centralization and bureaucratic methods were also its own qualities and distinctive of that period.

Made to stand out was the great oil crisis of the first years of the 70s, where after an accumulation of scientific potential stored by the main economic powers, they deployed in adaptation to new conditions a high level of applications of profound technological changes to face the situation in a short time.

Relative levels of consumption declined from the power of the post-war "energy" and a new stage began, that of the power of "information and knowledge."

The 80s were then presented with qualitative changes where, in addition to industrial activity, the sphere of services was incorporated, intertwining in structural, leadership, management and marketing transformations.

In the 90's times, in general the markets presented low growths and increased competition, with the existence of high quality products, a variable that has resulted in a strategic factor. Customers are technically proficient, drive improvements and innovations, and networks are expanded among numerous companies as suppliers to each other, lowest costs, lead times, and other benefits are sought.

Likewise, the efficient use of the equipment, the ability to introduce design modifications, the saving of constant capital expenses, the after-sales service and other advantages are addressed.

In the current times, beginning of the 21st century, the great changes are reflected in: (1)

  • Global information superhighways. Investments in countries with cheap labor costs. Global commercial and economic alliances. Reduction in the size of “miniaturization” products. The Quality revolution. Outsourcing of the economy and its link with technology. (Microelectronics industry, artificial intelligence, cyber space, virtual operations.) Agile or flexible manufacturing. Reengineering or reinventing administration. Ecological business orientation, with its marked interest in the environment.

General scope of the changes.

From the social point of view, in the last 50 years, there have been transformations - more than rapidly - of the ways of satisfying the needs of man and the capabilities of the workforce, which at all times in the history of the humanity.

The criteria of the world or the paradigms of reality also change from mechanists (which have predominated in the course of the last centuries, based on the Cartesian-Newtonian model), a holistic and holographic vision of the world, based on the quantum relativistic world.

Carried out by these radical processes -without attending to regional differences- in fact there has been an aggregate change in technique, knowledge, performance and thought. The development of human resources, new technologies, the progress of science and management intermingle and point in the same direction, the active role is, in every order, of man and focuses on problem solving, creativity and innovation.

The development of knowledge prevails, which calls for constant, systematic and updated information, a thorough mental change, the understanding of the dominate culture and the need for training and learning. In this sense, all countries can be tributaries of great results, since man is an infinite resource, with which one must work very seriously, with the orientation of social and economic efforts, at present some specialists consider it as a capital, Human Capital.

The knowledge and direction of the development of skills, attitudes, relationships and motivations, we consider to be the sense that provides the greatest national, organizational and personal benefits, both in learning for individual benefit, and in the form of increased quality and productivity (for entities and society).

The contemporary change that everyone recognizes is that of the “information” revolution, however different specialties agree that the important signs of a revolution of consciousness are increasingly manifesting.

This means recording and permanent use of advances in knowledge, constant improvement of management processes and perennial attention to the needs of learning-acting at their own intensity and rhythm as required for adaptation to the environment.

The exponential growth of knowledge, propelled by the combination of knowledge of different types, nurtures the wisdom of a new role human support.

It is not necessarily about explaining to the labor forces the history of change and that there is change, it is to act quickly on the instruction of: what, how and why changes have occurred in people, organizations and states. Without imitating, take a path properly designed for each individuality of the social system.

The instruction of the change.

Development or survival, whatever the case, depends on the ability to adapt to the requirements of all kinds that the environment imposes at a rapid pace. Only accelerated and systematic training will guarantee resources in adequate time and costs.

The scope of the change goes as far as language modifications. In previous decades, the terms control, efficiency, technology, competition and market were the most common as central axes of the main works that addressed the theories of development, the development of monopoly capital and other trends of those times.

In contrast to this, contemporary authors and from different points of view, intensely try new concepts and extend and incorporate the expressions of mission, vision, strategy, strategic direction, competitive advantages, total quality and organizational culture, and more recently, the of sustainable development and coefficient, among others.

Faced with these facts, there are two positions: first: read what is happening and interpret other realities from an individual point of view and self-form a personal criterion over time; second: induce information and encourage debate to form a preparation for the profound changes that are rushing to advance and prevent.

The language may be common and the meanings different since we are not all from the same country or continent, or that we do not enjoy the level of development. The reality is that a world of mega-block hegemony is lived and that the political-economic realities are different and antagonistic. While some direct to maintain and increase exploitation and its profits, others strive to increase efficiency and living space, conserve the environment and social gains.

Through the path of common reflections it is possible to guide actions to: enhance the advantages of available resources; look for the best alternatives; work on changes in organizational systems and take advantage of all the opportunities for products, processes, institutions or regions that may be latent and that allow us to solve our external adaptation problems.

Man is the call to configure new organizations, seek multiple alternatives, permanently restructure, act preventively and adjust deviations.

The success or failure of the entities is in the management of change - which also means that of priorities - and the ways of mobilizing human, technical and financial resources.

The current view on human resources.

Until the 1960s, work with human resources meant personnel management and hovered around hiring actions, absence control, overtime registration, completion of templates and other residual tasks within a marked administrative conception, determined by the circumstances themselves. mobilization of the labor force by itself, especially the unskilled, and by productivity trends.

The development of the international context, with a shift towards where economic growth and development depends more on human creativity, overcoming insufficiencies in a competitive situation and other factors of the labor resource, has been opposed and reversed in relation to the priorities assigned with prior to the availability of natural resources and means of production.

The current vision includes a completely different approach that establishes a radical distancing from what was understood as personnel management. The new approach to human resources means connection with strategic plans, maximizing their usefulness as the best instrument for achieving objectives, management orientation throughout the company, with integration of executives and clear priority of plans and programs in the organization's overall strategy.

This new function is given by a set of objective causes that condition the actions of convergence of the organizational objectives with those of the people who comprise it.

Therefore, economic life becomes more intense and capital is measured in addition to technical and economic resources, capacities and levels of instruction and learning of human resources over time, versatility, work environment and others.

This means considering human resources as the main asset and strategic entity, as human capital. It is essential to promote learning and generate the investment mentality at the service of integrated intelligence in the company. The strategic level of human resources is equated to the rest of the factors such as financing, marketing, supply and technique, since ultimately everything depends on them.

The era of digitization, globalization, technology renewal, new product innovation, and systematic improvement demand greater scientific and technical knowledge. Computational media, electronics, robotics, genetic engineering, biology, space science, oceanography, bio-energy, ecology, or other directions of development we are facing have higher demands and cannot even be thought of as moving away the intervention of man. It should be noted that not only in the least developed countries, but in general, the global industry is far from being fully automated.

The modern lines of organizational conception that make up current philosophies consider the direction of people's influences according to the abilities of each of the members, without distinction, the expansion of labor relations between bosses and subordinates, between groups in different areas and among all workers; It makes the attributions of organic structures more flexible and allows the expression of individual and shared gifts and abilities.

The general strategy and the particular policies must be integrated into the system and seek satisfaction and incentive at work, a sense of belonging and commitment, to achieve the objectives of efficiency and well-being.

Their designs are not for life, they transform and adapt, they transport the thought of foresight at all times, with an advance management scope and with an immediate, suitable and versatile response capacity.

It is not simply to develop the man in the company, it is in this personal growth to keep in mind their participation in the redesign of a new company and to harmonize individuals with flexible organizational systems and structures, with a cooperative climate, based on quality and with point of view towards innovation, creativity, suppliers and customers.

In the current organization, personnel training is as important as technological improvement, since greater competitiveness implies, in the short and long term, greater adaptability and motivation of man.

Everything we have dealt with so far in the direction of changes in the environment and within organizations have shaped a referential framework of the sea in which organizations today and of course its main actor, man.

Some elements have been addressed only by mentioning them, and others have not been treated and it would be worth exploring further. Without time for its study - or declared objective - if we agree with these realities, we must be then, with the approach of the depth of the absences of knowledge - information that we must supply.

The change in organization today. New elements.

Organizations in their broad sense constitute for people a certain group order, a means by which they can achieve many and varied personal objectives -which could not be achieved only through individual effort- where each member corresponds to play a role; equal or not to others.

We can affirm that the organization influences the outside world, but it is highly influenced by the compulsivity of external evolution, both direct and indirect, and by opposing and facilitating forces, causing different types of changes, as seen in the Figure 1

It was pointed out on several occasions that a change in the environment conditions the needs for internal transformation, what it is then, is to capture and summarize from time to time what events have occurred and have not been endorsed -conscious and unconscious-, which are They embryo in the short term -conveniences or not- and which can be predicted -as advantages or challenges-. This will continue to draw conclusions and experiences, back and forth, and self-generate illusions and energies to balance the means to the ends in the new conditions.

It is necessary to design an organizational strategy for change, which is equivalent to designing the desirable cultural change, although this approach seems redundant, it is better to run the risk of not understanding them as two inseparable elements.

It would mean not endorsing a real change over time, but only supporting a non-lasting, artificial and unsupported transformation.

A cultural change is a learned product that mediates a learning process -also long- that requires a broad, dynamic and evolutionary gear so that it encompasses all the directions that cover the atmosphere of the organization and that must be taken into account in my opinion, the five Dimensions of Emotional Intelligence, which are (2):

Personal Competence:

1. Self-knowledge: Ability to recognize and understand our own moods, feelings and impulses, as well as their effects on others.

2. Self-regulation: Ability to control or manage our impulses and states.

3. Self-motivation: The emotional tendencies that guide or facilitate the achievement of

Our objectives.

Social Competence:

4. Empathy: Coincidence of the feelings, needs and concerns of others.

5. Social skills: Ability to induce desirable responses in others.

In this sense, Goleman, a columnist for "The New York Times and a professor at Harvard University, is considered the father of this measurement parameter" Emotional Intelligence "

There are different definitions, including Goleman's own, the one from 1996 states:

"A form of interaction of the individual with the world and with himself, taking into account his own feelings and those of others and the importance of positively using emotions."

In this concept 2 senses are differentiated:

  • The one who establishes himself / herself (personal) The one who relates to others (social)

As you can see, it includes skills that are based on: self-knowledge, self-control, motivation, empathy and others of a social nature.

The advantages of Emotional Intelligence are in (3):

  • Reduce stress. Solve emotional issues. Improve your health and well-being. Improve your relationships with others. Create children with excellent self-esteem. Improve your level of success. Solve issues of the past. Feel more realizing. Achieve all your goals. anger and other negative habits. Improve mental skills, such as memory, clarity of thought, and decision making.

As Goleman has repeatedly stated, you can learn to develop Emotional Intelligence since the human being has the ability to:

  • Recognize your feelings and those of others. Motivate yourself. Properly manage your relationships and that of others.

Human Potential. Knowledge and Learning.

It is vitally important that man identifies his potential as a human being. Which we can say is almost unlimited. What's going on?

Precisely the conception that we have of "what we can do", that is to say "what we think we can do", is to begin with, very limited and it is precisely in this framework that we determine what "we want and should do" and in the long run, "what we can really do" constitutes only a fraction of this self-imposed limit, as shown in figure 2. (4)

And it is precisely then that we can say that "if there is convergence in what" I want, I must and I can do ". Real Job Satisfaction is achieved. Figure.3. (5)

It is noteworthy that an important part of the cultural pattern is transmitted through the teaching of open forms of behavior, emotions and knowledge of senior management, but the learning plan has a role no less relevant, where managers themselves have to deal with involved and where the potential of the human being cannot be ignored.

Going in search of the maximum use of human potential, is something that should not be neglected in this regard, you must experience special knowledge, which must include:

Values ​​+ skills + attitudes + expertise + experience + intuition.

Knowing more- coinciding with some specialists on the subject- does not necessarily lead to a different behavior, knowledge does not automatically become performance, in this sense although we describe today's society as "a society of information, knowledge, automation and digitization", we are still "an ignorant society". For this reason, it is necessary to go in search of knowledge, emphasizing the need to develop appropriate skills and attitudes, taking into account the values ​​as a support, which allows us to take advantage of the potential of man, in order to achieve a conjugation between organizational and personal objectives..

Aiming to carry out an organizational change strategy presupposes: preparation of the organization's leadership with a willingness to share objectives and vision; achieve learning and work smartly on the motivation of all staff.

Change and Personal Development.

The essence of all change is in the human being, nothing happens without personal change, its basis is really in the man himself, so it can be said that self-development is a matter of survival.

In this context, organizations are encouraged to search for cultures, organizational and personal strategies, as well as more relevant and consistent leadership profiles, in order to survive in the current scenario, they must prepare for a strong battle, more difficult and difficult if possible “The Battle for Personal Development”, incorporating a new paradigm for managing oneself and others.

In this sense we can define Personal Development as "A process of continuous improvement in knowledge, skills and abilities using self-directed effort."

Values ​​such as:

  • Participation Independence Responsibility Acceptance

If such definition is considered, training in man with a sense of “existence and efficiency” is necessary as a means of growth towards a more real development of the human being in his work and a higher quality in his relationships within his work environment.

This requires creating a series of qualities and skills in managers that are very different from those that are revealed through the functions of planning, management, organization and control, which have evolved as Table 1 shows. (6)

Table 1. Evolution of Management Functions

For this reason, managers strive to focus their action on the behaviors and behavior of their members and understand new values, new codes, new ways of understanding others, to create scenarios towards a specific direction, where the quality of life of the worker and the objectives of the organization, are compatible in interests.

This direction requires a learning process, where the incorporation of techniques adapted to our individual and social characteristics, identifying the type of activity that is carried out, the surrounding environment, the way of learning and the way to face one's own conflicts must be one aspiration that must be within our strategy of personal power in search of quality of life.

This learning process requires new training in the individual, to show him where he comes from and where he is going, how to develop his professional career, with flexible and practical knowledge that will help his versatility, unimposed teamwork and leadership. integrator.

The managers most identified with the importance of personal development for the success of the organization begin to review their lifestyles and the achievements they have materialized, and a question becomes evident What can we do to significantly impact personal development, achieving maximum individual and organizational satisfaction? How to develop this process? Who is responsible?

The answer is not easy since the start of any type of development, personal, organizational, social or some other field, requires recognition and the decision of self-exchange, for which it is necessary to carry out a self-diagnosis that allows us to know the psychological state in which we find ourselves.

The autochange requires the drawing of a personal strategy, which must indicate a main course of action or path to achieve the desired state.

This personal strategy must be accompanied by:

  • Self-diagnosis, self-knowledge A clear definition of the desired state, of the place where you want to go. An identification of the values ​​that define the manifestations of behavior. Interpersonal relationships and the necessary external and internal communication. The resources that will be available (ours and others). Self-confidence and courage to face the barriers.

Learning and Training.

Today's man is shocked by changes in the environment and it is not surprising that all of us are under so much pressure and stress. For every worker under pressure in our companies, productivity and profitability decrease. The lines previously defined between personal and work matters have become increasingly blurred. The things that affect us in our personal lives affect our work. What happens in our work affects our personal life.

In this scenario, the organization's responsibility to offer an environment that allows people to give their best. It makes more and more sense to provide opportunities to resolve outstanding personal and work issues.

After all, if the worker is not maximizing his potential, the organization suffers. Naturally, the manager wants to maximize effectiveness, improve morale, and increase productivity and profitability.

All this leads to the recognition and decision of self-change, for which self-knowledge is required in the first instance, which allows us to gauge the potential of our possibilities to overcome difficulties and achieve greater efficiency, acting with optimism and renewed confidence.

This indicates that considering cultural transformation is a challenge whose response can start from different paths. (7)

  • The current business-organizational generation, future generations, both inclusive.

It is not a matter of distinguishing which is the most important, but rather of realizing that we must respond to the present and the future, and both are a strategic response in two times that start from today. Who to wait for is just a double direction of acting and acting.

The answer to the first challenge is in the hands of business managers, with the support of internal and external, it is part of the culture and the stage of development of the organization.

The second is given by the professionals of the entire education system and in the long run again by the business leaders, focus on a more general criteria of society on new bases of the way of doing and the pace of it.

Although in each case we have restricted ourselves to the fundamental actors, the change in action is really inexhaustible, just think about structuring for this purpose - in the same tune - all the links in the social chain that may be relevant, where the family appears, the school, the company, professional organizations, the mass media and the state.

A new approach in the sense of training, interpreted as a strategic variable, conceives the solution of current needs and preventive action for training in new functions, before their arrival.

One of the emitting elements to develop is: Continuous training of companies.

Although the term of continuous training is used by some authors with the meaning of the entire education system, where all the emitting elements would be included, we will use it here with adjustment to the organizational framework.

If the formative antecedent is basic and technical education, when the man enters the working life he must complete and continue his instruction. It is from your organization that you must fill the gaps between the theoretical-practical training received and the specific conditions that your position, trade or profession have in the organization. It is where, in turn, you will receive responsibility, for which recycling maintenance and improvement in its development must be provided.

The training action reaches all levels of the company, aiming to develop technical labor capacities within a framework of greater confidence, collaboration and own language, impose a sense of belonging and receive the sense and interest of the organization for its actions and results. Motivation leads to increased effort and performance and these depend on the skills developed, which must mostly be achieved through training.

The universality that the development of companies' own programs has achieved allows their measurement to be raised to an evaluation parameter on human resources management and development.

The training programs established to cover the future must take into account that from the strategic point of view they play an active role, which is intended to achieve changes in job performance, since each good, conscious and willing worker influences the result of the company. In our opinion, the means of motivation and satisfaction are the goals with which the four dimensions considered must be developed in parallel.

The external appearance of the plans can be designed under two major headings, where the personality and social calls are subsumed with the application of methods and techniques, and these can be called: managerial technical training and productive-functional technical training.

The way of providing managerial training is currently linked as a priority to the so-called "in company training", assumed by senior management or external consultants, with the advantages of being received in the medium itself, with adaptation to the changes that are taking place. They project, for large groups and with the participation of managers. A variant of this would be the participation of specialized trainers from the center, although this is pernicious in the long run due to the lack of updating of these personnel in methods and techniques, the informative restriction on the development of their sphere and the high costs.

The assembly of the presentations, debates, courses and others must be carried out with the use of auxiliary means - films, banners, transparencies, videos and computers - which on the one hand greatly facilitate the learning process, and on the other, connect the worker more easily to the outside world. If it is new supplies, equipment or others, the direct link with the supplier company and its staff is ideal. In any case, a rational ratio between theory and practice -where participatory methods are included- is conveniently recommended in relation to 25% and 75%.

It can be summarized that continuous training as a response that arises in the company itself acquires in time more importance and boom within the general scheme of preparation of human resources, increasingly referring to a wide range of activities - without dimension - that far exceed isolated attempts to teach specific short-term skills, to include complex coherent systems for solving critical adaptation problems. It requires long periods, continuous adjustments in accordance with the reorientations of the company in its management and expenses that are capitalizable in the organization itself.

Within this type of training, it is necessary to draw a personal strategy, since the design of an organizational strategy includes the individual as the basis and first level of change.

Self knowledge.

Knowledge of oneself is something of vital importance both to manage stress states and to perfect our life project.

Self-knowledge is a task for all ages, since it never ends, but it keeps us active looking inward, promoting measuring the potential of our possibilities to overcome weaknesses and achieve greater efficiency, with a performance of renewed confidence and security.

Physical, mental and emotional knowledge is essential, which allows, from the individual point of view, to facilitate the selection of ways to attack the causes of possible states of stress and reduce their effects.

Being aware of our organs, of their existence, of their position of the information they emit, of their own internal energies, is a way of learning about ourselves.

Relevant aspects to take into account to manage your body (8).

  • It is an integrated whole. Each part affects the others. There is a process of constant changes. We can cause changes in the different subsystems, therefore throughout the body.

Various authors agree, that for the control of the body and the increase of its potential. different aspects must be taken into account, including:

  • DietPosturesBreathingExercisesRecreation

In the same way, strengthening our mind in a positive way, regulating the way we think, seeking calm and peace, achieving relaxation, allows enhancing the self-healing properties of man.

To regulate the mind in the case that we expose is not to think, to carry out an emptying of ideas and emotional disturbances, it is to achieve calm and peace.

In this way, we will be in a position to balance the whole body and we will be prepared to use our energies to prevent, calm and cure the negative effects of the state of stress.

Human beings are as similar as different, we all have the same organs, the same brain capacity and the same desires and temptations; but each of us responds differently to stimuli.

Each person according to their individual and social characteristics, especially those that make up their mental and physical peculiarities, will assimilate in different ways the also different causes of states of tension.

Today, various models of human classifications or personality types are used to introduce mental knowledge, some of which are presented in the table. 2. (9)

Classification Authors Descriptors
Personality type Friedman and Roseman "A" or "B"
Personality type Jugian / Myers-Brigg Outgoing / introverted Sensitive / intuitive Thinking / affective Valuing / perceptive
Orientation Blake and moulton Task / People Network
Hierarchy of needs Maslow Physiological / sociological / psychological / transpersonal.
Positions in life Eric Berne I'm fine / I'm not fine
Ego states Eric Berne Parent / adult / child


All these and other classifications or categories can be very useful for us to realize our predominant characteristics or orientations. However with this typification we are often left with the feeling that we are in a mold or category and we have to live according to it.

In some organizations, "teams" or "work groups" are formed based on these typologies, which contributes to a certain extent to allow superior team performance in the execution of any project or task, but unless training is provided To “weigh” each member of the group, to cultivate their predominant characteristics or traits, it is possible for that person to remain permanently locked or closed on that limited “track”, through such cutting reinforcements at work.

Self-knowledge leads us to explore our potential and to active and dynamic reflection that serves as an incentive to maintain our energies, in this sense, a self-analysis requires the knowledge of:

  • Beliefs and Values. Objectives that mark the Desired State. Control that is exercised over thoughts and actions. Strengths and Weaknesses.


In our pages we have made an attempt to expose in a summarized way, on the one hand, the complexity of the situation of organizations in the current context, and on the other, highlight the role of personal development within learning as a strong response to temper organizations to the attacks of today and tomorrow, as well as to reflect on the following aspects:

  • Knowing more does not necessarily lead to different behavior. Knowledge does not automatically turn into performance. We are still an ignorant society. There are signs of a revolution in consciousness. Development of skills and attitudes, beyond those given through functions. of planning, organization, direction and control. Learning with the incorporation of techniques adapted to individual and social characteristics. Man as human capital within the organization, is the cornerstone of change and development, but is not in the right conditions. of knowledge and participation that are required. Learning is not an easy task, nor is it a matter of a few days, it takes firm direction, a clear sense of direction and professional and managerial resources to guide them.Contemporary conditions oblige a conceptual transformation of the role of each and every one of the general education broadcasters, which includes, in addition to the regular education system and all its levels, productive and service organizations, the media, organizations professionals and other bodies and institutions. Personal development is a life project, in which the individual commits himself to achieve excellence in all areas of his life, to achieve a harmonious balance that allows him to fully express his potential as a human being, and thus live a life full of satisfactions.

It is unfortunate not to be able to radically revolutionize all these directions, but in judicious and conscious progress we can start the take-off, mainly in companies and higher education centers, that places us in better conditions and prevents us from increasing lost time.

Fighting for learning in all directions and with possible avenues that lead to personal development will be one of the avenues to guarantee the construction of a better organizational and personal future.


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6. Davis and Newstrom.: The human behavior in the job. Mc Graw Hill. Mexico 1990.

7. Espin, A: Active Policy on Human Resources and Competitiveness. Industrial Economy Magazine, No. 277. Madrid.

8. Goleman, D: Emotional Intelligence. Editorial. Kairos, SA, 1996

9___________: The Practice of Intelligence. The editorial. Kairos, SA, 1999

10. Gutiérrez, O.: The Organizational Change. Collective of Authors: Management Consulting and Organizational Change. A Contribution to Improvement. Editorial. Felix Valera. Havana, 2001

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(1) Adapted from http //: www.teclaredo.edu.mx/unidad6/estrateg.htm.

(2) Adapted from Fernández, G. Daniel Goleman and the Teachers of Emotional Intelligence.http: //www.rrhhmagazine.com

(3) Taken from: Agüero, MT Presentation V Workshop on Training and Business and Public Administration Experiences held on April 25, 2002.

(4) Taken from Jagdish, P. How to Manage your Ego. Direction Through Selfless Participation. Spanish translation. Published by the National Administration Office.

(5) Adapted from Jagdish, P. How to Manage Your Ego. Direction Through Selfless Participation. Spanish translation. Published by the National Administration Office.

(6) Taken from Collective of Authors. Organizational Behavior Course. Master in Management Consulting. 2002.

(7) Cruz, T. and Villanueva, M.: Training. Future Guarantee. Presentation. International Workshop for the Exchange of Experience, the excellence of the Latin American organization. 1993.

(8) Taken from Jagdish, P. How to Manage your Ego. Direction Through Selfless Participation. Spanish translation. Published by the National Administration Office.

(9) Taken from Jagdish, P. How to Manage your Ego. Direction Through Selfless Participation. Spanish translation. Published by the National Administration Office.

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Personal and professional development for organizations