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Decentralize human resource management


Like consumers, who follow different needs, expectations and individual motivations to make purchases, employees are also unique to each other, so they must be treated in an individual way that enhances their value contribution to the company. For this reason, knowing them in detail will facilitate more efficient management, which should not be limited to the companies' human resources department, but should involve all the sectors that are part of it, from senior management to the most operational positions..

The diversity among the employees of a company produces many benefits, which are reflected in its better results. Having different visions, ways of working and thinking can turn the company into a machine that generates multiple ideas that can ultimately differentiate it positively within the market. To achieve this, it is important to manage employees individually, according to the particular conditions that define each of them.

Understanding the trajectory within the company, its knowledge and skills, the projects in which it has participated, its family, economic and social conditions, among other variables, will allow for more individualized management of each employee and will help the company to truly empower their strengths for the joint achievement of business objectives. This type of management more focused on the individual will be reflected in a more satisfactory work experience. However, many times it happens that this type of qualitative information about each employee is only used by the human resources department, which often falls short to take advantage of it, taking into account the size of the information it has.

Therefore, all areas of the company must be involved in the human resources management process that compose it. For each team that is part of the company, knowing the reality of each employee will facilitate effective individual and group management. It is important that the information of the employees does not remain simply in the file of the human resources department, but that it descends through the different areas of the company, which are those that have direct and frequent contact with each employee, and that are the ones that can get the most out of them.

In this way, as Eugenio de Andrés points out, “The future will go through the definition of“ glocal ”policies, designed globally by the human resources departments, and applied on the ground, locally, by the team leaders " Human resources departments can have a joint vision of their employees and their possible contribution from each of them to the company, but it is the work groups, with the support of their leaders, who can further individualize their management., for the contribution of value in the organization.This will enhance the use of a necessarily diverse workforce. Rob Markey in the blog of the Harvard Business Review, considers that some tasks of the personnel management of companies should involve all the employees of the same, from senior management to operational employees, instead of delegating them exclusively to the resources department humans.

In this way, the employee's relationship with his company will be a closer relationship, not staying in the human resources department, but descending towards those people who have the most contact with him, and who by his knowledge and constant treatment know his strengths., weaknesses, history with the company, expectations, needs, and other variables that will facilitate individual management and contribution to the objectives of the organization. Of course, always according to the global guidelines defined by the area in charge of this.

Therefore, the invitation is to change the paradigm of the centralization of human resource management in a single department, and to apply a policy of joint and common strategies throughout the company defined by him and by senior management, but of own application within the work teams, taking advantage of the closest knowledge that the operational areas have of their employees, of the characteristics that define both them and their relationship with the company.


1. "Can we act in a segmented way with our people?" By Eugenio de Andrés.

2. "Engage employees using customer service tactics" by Rob Market on the Harvard Business Review blog.

Decentralize human resource management