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Scientific discoveries around the reading process

Table of contents:


A) The vision

A person with normal vision can read for at least six hours almost without stopping and without suffering bad effects, such as headache or eyestrain. People with visual defects cannot read for as long and eyestrain begins to be felt after 10 or 20 minutes of continuous reading.

Often the reader is unaware that the difficulty is in his eyes; You may think that you are unable to read or do not feel well, but if difficulties occur with some frequency, it is best to undergo a general review.

Little tips for healthy eyesight

  • Always have adequate light to read: An adequate light is one that allows us to read comfortably, without the need for extra efforts due to darkness or excessive tension due to reflections on the page. Let's say that for artificial light, as a general rule, a 100w spark plug at a distance of between one and three meters from the printed page is sufficient, along with other spark plugs for general lighting in the room. Avoid glare: Glare can be received from shiny surfaces, whether on the desk or desk, or from the glossy pages of books. This occurs because the main power supply is in the wrong position. Glare disturbs reading and can cause some eye strain. Avoid a gloomy environment:Reading in a fully lit room is much better than having a light on the page and the rest of the dark room. Both the light and the environment have to be neutral. Look at infinity to rest: For thirty seconds stare at a distant object. Then for another thirty seconds keep your eyes closed. This minute will be enough for your eyes to stop feeling that tiredness that usually appears after a long period of reading. Do this exercise frequently. Change the position of the body:While reading, a certain position is often adopted for long periods, this is bad, the ideal is to take a correct reading posture and get up for more or less brief moments to stretch and walk, thus relaxing the body and eyes. Look for symptoms of eye fatigue: Some of the most common symptoms of eye fatigue are: redness of the eyes, inflammation of the eyelids, pain in the temples, in the back and other areas of the head, noticeable restlessness while performing some visual task etc. If this is repeated frequently while reading, see your eye doctor. Look for disease in your eyes:A disease can be cured quite easily with current drugs. Styes or other forms of inflammation of the eyes are sometimes consequences of eye fatigue, and in any case should be seen by the doctor. There are many other eye diseases, in which care must be extreme, as some of them can lead to blindness. Carefully remove foreign bodies:Sometimes a small particle enters the eyes, if it is very small and has not entered violently, it usually comes out just by closing the eyelid and letting the tears bring the object to an angle of the eye until it comes out. A larger object should be removed with the help of a clean, soft piece of cloth. Another good system is to rinse the eye with boiled water. If for any reason an object is difficult to remove, it must be removed by the doctor. It is advisable not to rub the affected eye under any circumstances. Wear glasses if necessary:Striving for imperfect vision without wearing glasses consumes energy uselessly and will make the defect worse. This generally causes reluctance to study or read, headaches, and eyestrain. Keep in mind that the use of inappropriate glasses is more harmful than its lack. Observe eye balance: It is easy to believe that the eyes are normal if they can be seen accurately near or far, but minor abnormalities in binocular coordination are often undetected and cause eye fatigue. For all the above described and for a better care of your sight, consult your eye doctor regularly.

Minor binocular coordination deficiencies can be detected by a simple examination of the motor muscles of the eyes. We will do a test that, despite not being so exact, has the advantage of being able to be performed by anyone, even without knowledge of the subject. Do it yourself with someone else who in turn can then examine you.

  • Place your chosen person in front of you. Pick up a pencil and slowly begin to describe a circle around your face so that you should look up, right, down, and left. The circle should be about ten centimeters in front of the face and wide enough that you have to strain to see the pencil. The head should be still and only the eyes should move in a circle. Closer and closer to the nose it will describe the circle without the eyes stopping seeing the pencil and until they converge inward resembling strabismus. If your vision is normal, you can keep your eyes on the pencil until it touches your nose. If this does not happen, if one of the eyes stops following the pencil or it just stops moving,the examinee should consult a professional for a more complete examination.

Correcting minor binocular coordination defects is controversial. While some eye doctors recommend glasses, others recommend eye exercises, and others try nothing to correct them.

B) Recognition field

Peripheral Vision is the visual capacity that the human being has that allows him to cover an angle of almost 180 degrees. This vision is developed through adequate training, and can easily be incorporated into the resources that we will use for a better reading. For this purpose, you must control the number of fixings, observing the following precautions

A: You will never start reading from the first letter of the line. Sometimes, not even by the first word, which in most cases is implicit in the sense of the text. Its first fixation will be done approximately two centimeters from the beginning of the line, thus developing a greater perceptual capacity by not leaving blank space to the left of the fixation point.

B: In the same way, the last fixation of the line will be done two centimeters before finishing it, since if you did it in the last word or in the last letter, all the blank space that your view covers to your right, it is perceptual capacity and time wasted.

Example: Speed ​​Reading methods comprise a series of exercises, techniques and practical and theoretical indications that must be thoroughly understood in order to be effective. It is very important to apply these resources daily and without omissions in the way that corresponds to the type of material to be read.

C: In this way, two fixing points have already been precisely established. The intermediate fixations between the anticipated limits will be made according to the visual amplitude and the mental agility developed by the reader. Among the limits given (a, b), it will not be very difficult to propose a certain number of fixations, which will subsequently be eliminated, as the development of the Peripheral Vision progresses, discarding in all cases the word-for-word reading. ».

Example: The reading of newspapers and magazines can serve as a daily exercise of the speed reading techniques. Usually no one reads a newspaper completely; most of the people select the topics of their interest, and of the others they only read the titles or read them with the skipping technique.

D: In reading, a word is only a small part, often meaningless, of the concept that the whole expresses; for this reason, the expert reader captures the reading through «units of thought», in which the concept is expressed through a group of words. Thus, thinking takes a more active part in terms of capturing, analyzing, understanding and retaining what is read.

Reading is a very complex process and this is evident when you think about the time it takes to learn to read. This process consists of two main parts: the sensory reception, which includes the proper movement of the eyes, and the brain, in which the meaning of the printed symbols is elaborated in the brain. During the reading process, our eyes do not glide regularly along the printed line, but move in a series of constant movements and pauses. These pauses, which we will call "fixations," represent the moment when the eyes see the written characters, the image of which they bear in the mind. That is, the view is fixed on each word from the beginning to the end of the line, then makes a rapid regression movement to retake the line immediately below, and so on.These eye movements are easy to detect.

Have a person pick up a book and place the top of the page at eye level and at a normal distance. Stand in front of her and tell her to read two or three lines. Look at your eyes and see how many fixations you make to reach the end of each line. The slow reader tries to read word for word. You need to do 8 to 15. However, the eyes never make slow movements. The time it takes for the human optical apparatus to perceive an object is 1/100 of a second (one hundredth of a second). So much so that if we projected any type of image at this speed, a common observer could say that they have seen it. But if instead of concrete images, we project words, the same observer who, in this case, in addition to performing the operation of perceiving must also interpret,you will not be in a position to report what you have seen. This is the reason why the setting time increases to 1/5 of a second (one fifth of a second). Given this evidence, we deduce the following: if the fixation time cannot be accelerated, it will be the decrease in the number of fixations per line that will increase the reading speed.

Taking into account the aforementioned, we will begin the practice of the following exercise, which aims to decrease the number of fixations, while widening the Field of Recognition.

It is



you are going

to do, a


with exercises

to develop

understanding resources

in favor of a greater culture.

Take the Display Board and slide it very slowly up and down over the word triangle. Fix your eyes on the vertical line that divides the triangle into two equal parts and, without moving your eyes from left to right, try to read all the words in each line that appear in the window. It is quite possible that in the third or fourth line, you will move your eyes when you cannot fully grasp it. When this happens, go back to the first line and start reading again, very slowly, as many times as necessary, until you reach the last line and can fully cover it without moving your eyes and effortlessly.

Without moving your eyes, rest your eyes on the figure that we have placed in the center of these first lines.

How many words can you read on either side of your gaze? Most people can read one from each side on the same line. We call this visual reading capacity Central Vision.

We also have a visual capacity that we call Peripheral Vision, which reaches approximately 180º. Check it by extending your arms to both sides of the body. Without much effort you will be able to recognize both hands. This experience shows us that the Central Vision that most people use to read is capable of being expanded.

By becoming familiar with the words that make up our language, and expanding the visual field, the reader can make the most of their Central Vision. In this case, overlaps no longer occur and the reader covers more words per fixation. In the following example we see a good use of the Central Vision.

As the number of fixations made is less, the time spent reading the text is less and, therefore, the reading speed is higher.



in vain

without thinking

of the essence

that is the end and the

place the only thing that

remains of it, is to

show the folly

of having lost time in

an action without profit, which

indicates clearly that the The act

of reading contains in itself a greater

importance in the formation of all the

factors that make our personality.

Remember that it is very important that your eyes get used to reading inside the window of the Display Board and not above or below it.







insignificance they

know that possible

outside of a certain time is

an instant nothing could be

achieved once the step

will be completed it will

not always be possible to estimate

take into account that the two

as a consequence of it were

in circumstances like the one we

Agreements reached between the parties

have made it possible to resolve differences

through the goodwill put in

when it is not possible to reach an agreement.

Management will be made in favor of the achievement given

as a sequence. Some short films were filmed.

The purpose of reducing the number of fixations by increasing the recognition space, is because each word, far from being a defined unit of thought, is only a part of it. Consequently, this training is aimed at capturing groups of words, complete concepts where thought takes the most active part in the process of reading and remembering.



a study method ,

the reader will only

get few

results from this

course, which has been

entirely elaborated

and structured so that

through his study he teaches

the most advanced techniques of

good reading. It is advisable

for this to carry out a

work regime that is in accordance with those

precepts that are announced, and that will be



is full


creative intention in the

idea that he will know how to

take advantage of it for the


noticeable increase of his faculties

with a view to expanding

his ability to see, taking

into account that generally by laziness

readers try to follow words

without greater efforts on your part as

Expanding his "Field of Recognition" will capture more words by fixation, the movements of his eyes will be more rhythmic and precise, will absorb the text in "Units of Thought" and, consequently, will acquire a greater speed and comprehension of his reading. Read "panoramic", that is, placing the text at a greater distance than usual, "opening your eyes" to capture the entire written line and accompanying with your head the descending path of your eyes.

Speed ​​and reading comprehension are inversely proportional to the number of fixations made.

Thus, we deduce that: the greater the number of fixations, the greater the reading time, the greater distractions and, consequently, the less comprehension of what is read.





was in

bonds hard

looked back

Calar deep

rather it was another

reading quickly

on the bank lay

out all for

instant precise that

despite not reconsider one

kind of cold paralyzed and

despite his full courage not

He resisted the pressure exerted by

that tremendous mysterious influence

bordering on witchcraft that since his

childhood had grown little

by little until he fully controlled

his brain, his very life perhaps for

no reason that, when it was worth it, he

would even leave sorrow.

but not foolish

and useless disappointments that he could never

bear but with the

negative charge and nothing

less than maddening of the no

reason for guilt, of that guilt in

which without a doubt, he would have his doubts

when thinking what authority or with what

wicked and insane mentality they

attributed it to him however he

could not with his genius, and there it was.

C) Speed ​​and understanding

  • Speed ​​in reading is conditioned by the reader's capacity for analysis and comprehension. At the same time, comprehension is the association of the word with its ideological content, hence the ability to read is given by interpretation. of the words and concepts, evoking at the same time the idea they represent. Among the readers we can clearly distinguish two types: the common reader and the expert reader. The first one reads slowly and his understanding is scarce; the second reads quickly and is well understood. The common reader reads word for word, sometimes without pause. He comes to the end of his reading and, trying to evoke what he has read, he makes an effort to remember some words that indicate the most elementary of the topic.Practice reading slowly because you do not have (due to lack of training) the mental capacity to assimilate concepts more quickly. Printing more speed to your reading would imply only a rush, which would not allow you necessary understanding for your purposes. The expert reader, on the other hand, reads entire concepts, analyzes them and files them. His visual agility allows him to capture groups of words forming a concept, and his superior mental agility allows him to analyze and understand these concepts. This premise applies to both readers. Indeed, when you read study material, you do so more slowly than when you read a magazine or newspaper article. If we consider this difference in figures, perhaps we can say that the study material read it at a rate of 100 words per minute,and the newspaper article at 200 words per minute. The fundamental difference between both readers lies in their understanding and retention of what they have read. The expert reader will have acquired a greater culture in less time.
Scientific discoveries around the reading process