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Dropout and its background in honduras

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Dropout is an endemic problem of Honduran society, which touches many aspects within which we can highlight: the economic factor, low academic performance, insecurity and migration, which lead us to seek strategies to reintegrate these children and young people in the different cycles of the national educational system, pre-basic, basic and Middle education, comprised of the different high schools.


The school desertion is an endemic problem of Honduran society, which touches many aspects within which we can highlight: the economic factor, low academic performance, insecurity, migration, which lead us to seek strategies to reintegrate these children and young people in the different cycles of the national education system, pre-basic education, basic education and secondary education covered by the different baccalaureates.


Migration, unemployment, insecurity, academic performance, pre-basic, basic and middle education, Fundamental Law of Education, System of administration of educational centers.


Migration, unemployment, insecurity, academic performance, pre-basic, basic and secondary education, Fundamental Law of Education, Administration system of educational centers.


Dropping out of school in the national education system gives students little or no opportunity to continue their studies, much less obtain a degree at the middle school level, in the different types of high school that the country offers.

Because desertion affects so much; because a country without education is a country destined for underdevelopment, to plunge into poverty, since employment opportunities are considerably reduced.

In which factors such as the economic factor, poor academic performance, migration of Hondurans, and how it influences student desertion are mainly identified.

As regards the migration of Hondurans in school dropout, remember that the person who migrates in most cases are parents, who make students leave the national education system permanently.

The analysis was based on sources from the main entities seeking solutions to the aforementioned problems, and data extracted from the Educational Centers Administration System (SACE), Secretary of Education, Unit of the National System of Educational Information of Honduras (USINIEH), Organization United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF),.

Causes that cause dropout or dropout

The desertion according to the definition of the dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language, means «Helplessness or abandonment that someone makes of the appeal that had been filed», which means that when adding school, in this case school desertion is a clear example of that he renounces his rights as a human being, to which all school-age children, a right that must be upheld by the government guaranteeing that no one can take away this right, is a right that must be waived and that if something causes it, they must be sought efficient ways not to keep showing up. Finding the main causes of dropping out of school is essential for the state.

Some of the causes of school dropout are: Economic Factor, poor student performance, migration.

Economic factor

As stated in the declaration of human rights in its article 26, "Education must be free, at least as regards elementary and fundamental education", so this problem should not exist, this task is pertinent to the government, which must take care of a completely free education and add compulsory, for all school-age children, and the father, as the same article puts it, "Parents have a prior right to choose the type of education that will be given to their children ”, which means that the father should only worry about what educational institution his son would be in.

Honduras Education Law

In the Honduran environment there is a fundamental education law which says in its article 7: “The education offered in official establishments is free, the state guarantees its operation. Any demand for financial contributions by teachers or educational authorities is prohibited ”, something that does not occur within the borders of Honduras, since educational centers do not have the support of the government, in most educational centers they are not They have textbooks for the different curricular spaces, therefore, the responsibility falls on the parents who must often subsidize the cost for the reproduction of the materials that will be used in the pertinent assignments to the curricular spaces themselves.

Government support, in this case there was a free enrollment program, which was intended for the improvement and purchase of materials from educational centers for their proper functioning, ceased to be in force in mid-2012, due to improper handling of these grants and because of the cuts to education that the government decided to make, which is why I leave schools adrift in what is the economic factor, although aid programs continue to exist, they cannot solve the need for infrastructure and didactic materials that educational centers have at a national level.

The educational centers need to be guarded in this case by a security guard, and to keep the educational center clean, cleaning employees, in some cases the wages of these workers are financed by the parents, along with the materials necessary for cleaning and infrastructure improvements in schools.

Poor academic performance

The low performance that prevails in the students in pedagogical spaces, makes them not comfortable, which begins with sporadic attendance, until the total abandonment of the educational center, making it impossible for the student to rethink returning to the classrooms, in This factor influences both the student and the teacher, since both are essential factors in the teaching-learning process.


The insecurity that reigns in Honduras is critical, placing two of the most dangerous cities in the world, being among the 50 most dangerous in 2017, San Pedro Sula in 26th place and the Central District in 35th place, in 2016 San Pedro Sula was in third place, and was in first position from 2011 to 2014, according to the Citizen Council for Public Safety and Justice AC, these data are supported by the number of homicides caused in these cities by number of inhabitants.

Citizen Insecurity

The maras or gangs are articulating within the educational centers, in many occasions causing fear in the students, who have no other option but to desert due to the threats they face day by day in the educational centers.


Migration of parents, causes the desertion of students, often fleeing from the insecurity caused by organized gangs in each community of Honduras, in search of a better quality of life, in search of a better job, since the Honduran people are mired in extreme poverty, as the Honduran economist Julio Rivera points out "Almost seven out of ten Hondurans live in poverty and of those ten, four are in extreme poverty", which means that they cannot meet needs Basic, such as food, access to clean water, education, needs as basic as a home, the World Bank defines extreme poverty as people living on less than US $ 1.25, as being able to have a decent life with this income.

Dropout in Honduras

According to the Secretary of Education, the dropout or dropout from 2014 to 2016 had a cumulative of 170,520 students from the three levels of Pre Basic, Basic and Middle Education, in 2014 there were 62,938 cases of dropout, which represented 3.1 %, in the period of 2015 48,228 cases of school dropout were registered, which involved 2.4% of the total enrolled population, and for the period of 2016 the dropout rate reached 59,354 students with a calculated rate of 2.9%.

Statistical data shows that 3 students out of 100 have dropped out of the educational system, in most cases due to the aforementioned factors.

This year the government started a campaign "Program of educational attention for returned migrant children and adolescents", this program is aimed at returned students, so that they can reintegrate into the educational system, and that they can resume their studies.


Honduras is at a crossroads in regard to problems that lead to the dropout of students at different school ages and cycles that the national educational system has.

Access to decent employment that can meet basic needs, including education, is becoming increasingly difficult.

The insecurity that the Honduran people live, in this case by organized gangs, gangs, crime, where the main cities of Honduras are within the ranking of the most dangerous cities in the world, makes the Honduran to be forced to migrate, in Search for a dignified life, submitting to a journey where many times they lose their lives in search of the American dream.


Implement and comply with laws that seek the obligation that school-age children and youth must attend educational centers, ensuring a dignified and quality education, which is free.

Empower the teacher with strategies and methodologies focused on reducing low student performance, with continuous training to be implemented in the different pedagogical spaces of the Educational Centers.

The state of Honduras must solve the security problems that the people have, new security processes have been implemented, but something more must be done, focusing on the disarticulation of the maras or gangs.

Seek investment from companies, in order to create new sources of employment that help improve the Honduran economy.

The secretary of education should focus on students not migrating, and not attending to them when they return, if they return, from this journey to the United States.


Gaceta, L. (Wednesday, February 22, 2012). Fundamental law of education. Official Gazette, p. one.





recovered on 07 of 11 of 2018





recovered on 11 of 11 of 2018

Dropout and its background in honduras