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Student desertion at the university of the coast / cuc

Table of contents:


1. Topic

Possible student dropout from the psychology program of the first and second semesters of the Universidad de la Costa CUC.

2. Keywords:

  1. Desertion (Helplessness or abandonment that someone makes of the appeal that was filed) Institutional (Belonging or relating to an institution or to political, religious, social institutions) Ethnographic (Regarding or relating to ethnography) Entity (Entity) Qualitative (denoting quality, research used to carry out this research)

3. Justification:

This research is carried out in order to identify the possible causes that cause dropout in the first and second semesters of the Faculty of Psychology of the Universidad de la Costa (CUC), this with the need to know the dropout level, the content of its factors to minimize the social, economic and educational causes that influence university dropout, the importance of this research is to make known the factors that represent the causes of this phenomenon, helping to identify so that the responsible entities take into account the results of the investigation, to face the factors that interrupt the training process of the students and promote strategies that benefit the educational entity, the deserted and therefore the society itself.

4. General objective

Identify the causes of student desertion from the psychology program of the first and second semesters of the Universidad de la Costa CUC.

5. Specific objectives

  • Describe the causes that generate student desertion from the psychology program of the first and second semester of the Universidad de la Costa CUC. Make known the reasons that the deserted give when they dissociate themselves from the psychology program. Characterize the impact that the dropout has on the educational entity. student psychology program

6. Statement of the Problem:

Student dropout from the psychology program of the first and second semesters of the Universidad de la Costa CUC; For several years, Colombian higher education has presented a problem situation regarding student desertion, a situation that in recent years has been increasing in a very noticeable way with a high proportion of students who have abandoned their studies, generally in the first years. semesters of the degree. The reasons there are for a student to be an early dropout from their higher studies may be many, but there are the most common: for lack of income, for lack of time or vocation, because they did not like the degree they are currently pursuing and prefer retire to start one of your interest. This situation not only affects the student,but also to the institution of higher education that begins to have financial instability and the non-fulfillment of its vision, due to the desertion of students, and to Colombian society, because being a deserter of higher education delays the socioeconomic and technological advances of a country, because it minimizes the production of scientific research that helps the country's progress. For this situation it is necessary to study it and find a strategy that sensitizes the corresponding authorities of higher education; so that the students continue studying their careers and the production of knowledge does not stop in the educational establishments and in Colombia.Because being a high school dropout delays the socioeconomic and technological advances of a country, because it minimizes the production of scientific research that helps the country's progress. For this situation it is necessary to study it and find a strategy that sensitizes the corresponding authorities of higher education; so that the students continue studying their careers and the production of knowledge does not stop in the educational establishments and in Colombia.Because being a high school dropout delays the socioeconomic and technological advances of a country, because it minimizes the production of scientific research that helps the country's progress. For this situation it is necessary to study it and find a strategy that sensitizes the corresponding authorities of higher education; so that the students continue studying their careers and the production of knowledge does not stop in the educational establishments and in Colombia.so that the students continue studying their careers and the production of knowledge does not stop in the educational establishments and in Colombia.so that the students continue studying their careers and the production of knowledge does not stop in the educational establishments and in Colombia.

7. Theoretical framework

Initially, we presented a concept on the main theme of the preliminary project, and we will also make known the contributions found in research that supports the research that you as a reader friend allow yourself to appreciate; the desertion emitted by one of our researched articles on desertion (Determinants of university desertion at the Faculty of Economics Universidad del Rosario. Carolina Lopera Oquendo * Young Researcher- Universidad del Rosario December, 2007) Tinto (1982) defines desertion as a situation the one that a student faces when he aspires and fails to finish his educational project. This means that for some circumstance, there is a disconnection in their educational process, affirming what our following research presents below:

Determinants of student desertion (Student desertion in higher education in Colombia carried out by ICFES in 2002).

Determinants of student desertion

Once the determinants are known, we also make it clear that these are the ones that we will work with in the course of this investigative work, and thus Faithful to the conviction that education is one of the most important instruments that a country can count on to ensure Its human and social development (Student dropout in Colombian higher education, Methodology for monitoring, diagnosis and elements for its prevention, Ministry of National Education 2009) we add that it is a matter that concerns us all, that is, individuals, educational entities, society and country and so it brings with it some sequels.

(Determinants of university dropout at the Universidad del Rosario School of Economics. Carolina Lopera Oquendo * Young Researcher- Universidad del Rosario December, 2007) From a macroeconomic point of view, dropout has negative effects on levels of human capital and mobility social (Hanushek, 2000) sequels that due to their importance and effect are taken into account by the corresponding entities such is the case of our consecutive contribution.

Given the impact of this issue on the access, permanence and quality of the educational system, in the construction of the Ten-Year National Plan for Education 2006-2016, actions to guarantee and promote by the State, through public policies, were discussed in particular. the right and access to a sustainable public educational system that ensures quality, permanence and relevance under conditions of inclusion at all levels of the educational system: initial, basic, medium and higher. (Student dropout in Colombian higher education Monitoring methodology, diagnosis and elements for its prevention Ministry of National Education 2009) policy that will surely benefit us all and that will be reflected in the development of the country, by minimizing one of our basic problems.Student desertion is one of the problems tackled by the majority of higher education institutions throughout Latin America. Through different investigations, he realizes a significant number of students who fail to complete their university studies, with the consequent social cost associated with this phenomenon. Therefore, some countries have begun to design profound improvement processes to increase retention in the first years of university studies (UNESCO 2004). Affirming that it is not a situation that affects this single country Colombia or this single higher education institution Universidad de la Costa, but the entire region; To go deeper into the content of this problem, we present the following position in relation to time, desertion can be classified in turn:

  • Early desertion: the individual who, having been accepted by the university, does not enroll, Early desertion: the one who abandons his studies in the first semesters of the degree, Late desertion: who abandons his studies in the last semesters, that is, a at least half of the semesters established in the academic program have been completed. (Analysis of the factors associated with student desertion in Higher Education: a case study) taking into account the previous classification, it is inevitable to think that in each and every case, decisions are made that affect other people, since at Retiring created a vacancy that could be filled by another without this other leaving their studies under any circumstances.

From the studies that we obtained in the investigations, we found several models that relate the problem of dissertation to one of the causes, therefore we make the following known with which we feel identified when carrying out the investigation.

Organizational model. This model of analysis maintains that dropout depends on the qualities of the organization in social integration, and more particularly in the abandonment of the students who enter it (Berger and Milem 2000; Berger 2002; Kuh 2002). In this approach, the quality of teaching and the experience of learning actively by students in classrooms, which positively affect the social integration of students, is highly relevant. Likewise, we identify ourselves with a theory that, by capturing what which in essence tells us and when practicing it or bringing it to reality can be a very good guarantor to avoid desertion, we comment on MASLOW'S THEORY, who tells us that there are a series of needs and that by supplying precisely those needs we achieve satisfaction personal.

It shows a series of needs that concern every individual and that are organized in a structural way (like a pyramid), according to a biological determination caused by the genetic makeup of the individual. The lowest priority needs are located in the lowest part of the structure and the lowest priority needs in the upper part.

Thus, within this structure, when the needs of a certain level are met, the individual does not become apathetic but rather finds his next goal of satisfaction in the needs of the next level.

The needs according to Maslow. They are identified in the following way, bearing in mind that we will only disclose the meaning of one of them to relate it to University dropout: A) PHYSIOLOGICAL NEEDS B) SECURITY NEEDS C) SOCIAL NEEDS D) NEEDS OF RECOGNITION E) NEEDS OF SELF-OVERCOMING: also known as self-actualization, which become the ideal for each individual. At this level, the human being needs to transcend, leave a mark, carry out his own work, develop his talent to the maximum, it is in this where we relate it to university dropout, because we see that according to the author of the theory he implies that he is very important for a human being to feel satisfied must satisfy each of the stages of the pyramid,what it could not achieve if one of its goals is to be a professional and not achieve itself because it is found or is affected by one of the aforementioned determinants of desertion; (individual, socioeconomic, academic and institutional)

8. Methodology

Our research is a qualitative (Perceptual) - descriptive research, which allowed us to acquire the necessary knowledge to describe the current state that deserters have at the moment on the subject and the method we use is the ETHNOGRAPHIC METHOD: since this allows us to capture the position of the determined group (Deserted from the psychology program of the first and second semester) we collected the information selecting 10 people, bearing in mind that the participants were all former colleagues who deserted and that it is clearly observed that they have not been able to reintegrate into the educational process, as they well manifest in the course of the research, which strengthens our research and gives it the sense of realistic,The technique we used to collect the information was the open interview, telling them before that the information would only be used to carry out the investigation.


Open interview

Firstly, we greeted them, then they were told that if they wanted to participate in the activity, after their affirmative answer, we decided to ask the same questions to everyone in the most spontaneous way possible.

  1. Why desert If the answer was one of the following determinants, which one would you choose: A) Individual B) Socioeconomic C) Academic D) Institutional What they would propose to avoid desertion in the Faculty of Psychology.

Then we do the tabulation of it to get the results.

Participant (A):

  1. I had a daughter and the expenses were increased in everything, and it is not enough for me to pay the U.Socioeconomics Everything is in which the costs go down… already..!

Participant (B):

  1. I got pregnant and I have to spend time with me baby, since my parents taught me that. Individuals… Well, perhaps because of what friends tell me,… because it is very expensive.

Participant (E):

  1. He does not agree with the topics, because my religion does not share them. Individuals I could not comment because I do not know much about that…

Participant (D):

  1. I went on a trip, but I plan to resume my studies later, in the future, so that it is not too far away, hehehej.Individuals That are aware of the students, as other Universities do, with consultancies and that, for example the northern university.

Participant (E):

  1. For my most beautiful Son, now 2 years old but first, second and third, he could tell you from what you tell me individually because it is my decision As they say in Caracol, he does not know he does not respond.

Participant (F):

  1. I was withdrawn from the company and you know that it is not the same, to be attached to being given a gift to pay !!! Socioeconomic In order not to be so well-known, in very poor condition and cannot bear it, they lower the price of the semester.

Participant (G):

  1. The value of the semester was increased. Socioeconomic Freeze the value of the semester from the beginning to the end of the degree.

Participant (H):

  1. No employment, without that you go up, I will not be able to pay… Socioeconomic That they give subsidy to one, at least the state, in the end one ends up working is them.

Participant (I):

  1. I changed my career, because that does not have as much exitInstitutionalImprove the quality of the program and the infrastructure of the university as well.

Participant (J):

  1. A lot of burden for my parents, I hope to get a job Socioeconomic Prices, the cheaper, the better for everyone.

9. Final conclusions

To conclude this investigation, and before releasing the results of the interview; We can say that the issue of university dropout and especially of our psychology program is quite important for us, due to the fact of belonging to this program, and being able to affect in some way the withdrawal of students from the first and second semester, apart from directly affecting the development of our country, with its determinants, determinants that to solve it requires a work that encompasses the support of all, that is, students, institution and state, regarding the method we use we It allowed to acquire the information first hand and without obstacles, taking into account that these results can help to construct the answer and solution to this problem.

Problems that have been studied by several authors who have given their contribution to the investigation of this problem situation, and which we have verified through this preliminary draft with the results obtained from the interviews. The socioeconomic determinant is the one that aims to be the most revealing reason, for which there is the possible student desertion from the psychology program of the first and second semesters of the CUC coastal university.

Using our determinants that we take from various investigations that supported us, we have attributed to this that their incomes that do not manage to pay for the University, likewise these participants give us suggestions thanks to the instrument so that the dropout level minimizes.

The purpose of this preliminary project is not to give a total solution to this problem, but to be clear about the number one determinant in student dropout from the psychology program of the first and second semesters of the Universidad de la Costa CUC. And based on this, work in the student population so that they do not see student dropout as a normal and unimportant problem, if not rather as a problem that affects both students and the higher educational institution.

10. Bibliographic sheets:


AUTHOR Carolina Guzmán RuizDiana Durán MurielJorge Franco Gallego

Ministry of National Education

TITLE Student desertion CITY Bogota Colombia
YEAR 2009
EDITORIAL Ministry of National Education
DATE 2009 - First edition
COMMENTARY Student desertion in Colombia constitutes a challenge for the higher education system in the coming years. The

country has already started this process, between 2004 and 2008, student desertion, measured as an average of the rate registered by

income cohort, decreased from 48.4% in 2004 to 44.9% in 2008, and registered a rate lower than the Latin American average -55% in

2006-, according to the methodology established by the International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the


OBSERVATIONS It is also important to highlight, as David Kember (1989) argues, that although the model proposed by Tinto is the most

widely used to study student desertion, such a model is not directly applicable in non-traditional education systems such as distance education, due to that the latter has different characteristics that

generally include the idea of ​​geographical separation between teachers and students, for example in terms of the process of

academic and social adaptation.

LINK www.mineducacion.gov.co


AUTHOR Christian Díaz Peralta NUMBER OF PAGES 86
YEAR 2008
EDITORIAL National Autonomous University of Mexico
DATE 2008
COMMENTARY This study proposes a conceptual model that explains dropout / permanence as a result of motivation (positive or

negative), which is affected by academic and social integration. In turn, these are made up of the

main pre-university, institutional, family, individual characteristics and job expectations.

OBSERVATIONS In Chile, according to estimates based on national statistics, the global undergraduate dropout rate, evaluated for

2004, is close to 53.7%, being higher in new private universities than in public ones. For their part, the

most critical areas of knowledge are Humanities and Law with figures of the order of 80%, and the most efficient are the

areas of Education and Health with 37% and 27%, respectively. By gender, women have a lower

average dropout rate than men of 43% and 50%, respectively (González 2005).

LINK [email protected]


AUTHOR Elkin Castaño, Santiago Gallón, Karoll Gómez and Johanna Vásquez NUMBER OF PAGES 26
TITLE Analysis of the factors associated with student desertion in Higher Education: a case study CITY Antioquia. Antioch, Colombia
YEAR 2008
EDITORIAL Ream: University of Antioquia. Antioch, Colombia
DATE 09-01-06- 05-18-07
COMMENTARY Attrition in the strict sense of the term, since it is only about internal changes. In this sense, only

those forms of university dropout that mean, at the same time, dropout of the entire formal system of higher education are

considered dropouts, while all the student flows that express inter-institutional transfers can be

considered migrations within the educational system..

OBSERVATIONS the student desertion initiated by the Higher Education Institutions in 2003, this document presents the

analysis of the determinants of dropout -based on the application of the

proportional risk regression models of Prentice and Gloeckler (1978), and de Meyer (1990) - and made from the data on dropout times of the

cohort of the second semester of 1996 of 11 undergraduate programs belonging to the faculties of Engineering (8 programs) and

Economic Sciences (3 programs) of the University of Antioquia, Colombia.



AUTHOR Miguel Martinez NUMBER OF PAGES 307
YEAR 1996-2004
DATE 1996-2004
COMMENTARY The book Human Behavior, is composed of two parts, which are: first part; reasons for a new

scientific paradigm and in the second structural methods.

OBSERVATIONS We use this bibliography because its content contains the ethnographic method.
LIBRARY University of the Coast / CUC


AUTHOR Roberto Hernández Sampieri Carlos Fernández Collado, Pilar Baptista Lucio. NUMBER OF PAGES 501
YEAR 1994
EDITORIAL Panamericana Formas e Impresos SA
COMMENTARY It contains the following subtopics: the idea is born from a research project, the problem statement, the elaboration of

the theoretical framework, definition of the type of research to be carried out, formulation of hypotheses,

experimental research designs, non-experimental research designs, among others.

OBSERVATIONS We use this bibliography because its content contains the steps to achieve the objectives and the

problem statement.

LIBRARY University of the Coast / CUC


AUTHOR Maria Eugenia Rojas Rodriguez NUMBER OF PAGES 2. 3
YEAR 2000
EDITORIAL [email protected]


DATE September 27, 2008-June 2010
COMMENTARY School dropout has become a serious problem for society in general, due to the negative effects they cause on the

entire population. The causes can be multiple, some of the most common: the lag that students present in the

domain of writing, reading and mathematics which results in a high failure rate in

basic subjects. The inconsistent arrangement of schedules is an important reason for young people to have to take

classes on both shifts frequently.

OBSERVATIONS The reason for considering the dropout problem at the Los Lagos University Center to be important is based on the

alarming fact that of groups of new entrants per year, whose population ranges between 76 and 80 students,

only an average of 10 to 15 students respectively, which results in the merger of groups from the

third semester. This problem is not new, but in recent years it has been increasing remarkably and constantly, it

seems that we have become accustomed to this phenomenon and we see it naturally, since nothing has been done to remedy it.

LINK http://www.redalyc.org/


AUTHOR Javier Rodríguez Lagunas NUMBER OF PAGES 31
TITLE University dropout in Mexico. The experience of the Autonomous Metropolitan University, Iztapalapa Campus CITY MEXICO
YEAR 2008
DATE January-April 2007
COMMENTARY Desertion is a reality that very strongly affects teaching activity at the UAM. It has not been institutionally studied from

a qualitative point of view, although isolated quantitative studies have been conducted. It is a problem that affects our

institution, but it is definitely the student and society as a whole who suffer such a situation, which is why

this study tries to determine what are the causes that can lead to desertion.

OBSERVATIONS Many reasons can be found to explain the discrepancies between the intelligence of the potential defector and his

fundamental academic skills. Among these reasons' are the following: deficiencies in the family environment, in motivation, in

emotional adjustment, in the quality of teaching and learning, etc. However, it should be noted that once

properly academic problems arise, they have a great influence on their own., the reasons for

the dropout in this house of studies are unknown. Quantitatively speaking, data such as these are found: in the Xochimilco Unit

there is the lowest level varying between 15% and 20%; being that in the Division of Basic Sciences and Engineering of the Azcapotzalco and Iztapalapa Units, it occurs up to 70%. These indices

belong to the General Trunk, which is where desertion occurs most frequently.



AUTHOR Adelaida Salcedo Escarria NUMBER OF PAGES eleven
TITLE University dropout in Colombia CITY Bogota Colombia
YEAR presentation: March 2010
EDITORIAL DANE military university new granada
DATE April 2010
COMMENTARY DANE studies indicate that our educational system is a constant filter not only academic but deeply social. The

less favored classes have fewer educational opportunities.

OBSERVATIONS Making an analysis of the different studies that have been done in Colombia on the performance of the different

university academic programs, we find that academic success in universities is subject to a series of

internal and external factors that markedly affect its overall performance. in its different programs. Therefore, the

causes that determine dropout can be attributed to various problems external and internal to the university, problems

intrinsic to the student and other causes, which are described below.



INQUIRY DATE: 04/05/12 Publication: No. 95 February 2008
AUTHOR: Carolina Lopera Oquendo
TITLE: Determinants of university desertion in the Faculty of Economics Universidad del Rosario.
EDITORIAL: ROSARIO UNIVERSITY College of Our Lady of the Rosary- 1653
YEAR: 2008
COMMENTARY: Dropout is one of the main problems facing Higher Education institutions, because the

complexity of the factors involved in its determination makes it difficult to implement forceful policies

that decrease dropout rates in the country. Attrition represents opportunity costs for society and

institutions1. A student who drops out of higher education creates a vacancy that could be filled by another student who

persists in their studies. Consequently, this loss causes serious financial problems for the institutions by causing

instability in the source of resources), failure to meet established goals, financial and human capital losses.

Additionally, from the macroeconomic point of view, desertion has negative effects on the levels of human capital

and the


INQUIRY DATE: 04/05/12 Released: June 3, 2009
AUTHOR: Viewer.com
TITLE: University dropout
EDITORIAL: The viewer
YEAR: 2009
COMMENTARY: A recent investigation by the Center for Studies on Economic Development (CEDE) of the Universidad de los Andes and the

Ministry of Education warns against the correlation between academic skills prior to entering the

university and the number of dropouts. Those who obtain higher scores in the ICFES are also those who are less

exposed to abandoning their programs, delaying their stay or not completing the degree work required to obtain a card.

The lack of economic income, in turn, determines the abandonment of studies. The more financial support, the lower the dropout.

OBSERVATION: Universities, however they should contribute to the construction of a less inequitable country, are

obliged to assist students who in the first semesters of study have leveling problems. It is done in other

universities around the world, generally with success. In the company of the State, they would also have to expand their lines

of credit and financial support to those students who are not necessarily those who excel in academic terms.


INQUIRY DATE: 04/05/12 Released: Feb 2, 2001
EDITORIAL: www.razonpublica.com -university of the andes
YEAR: 2011
COMMENTARY: One of the main challenges the country has faced in the last decade has been the increase in global coverage in

education. The results have been satisfactory, but insufficient in themselves, since not only is it enough to offer more

places in the educational system, but it is necessary to seriously face the challenges of the quality and relevance of education. In this sense, it is necessary ensure an education capable of interacting with the country's productive sector, in such a way that it

contributes to closing the productivity gap and increasing Colombia's competitiveness.

OBSERVATION: Higher education has become a public policy priority and a

social policy instrument in recent years, insofar as it is possible to reduce the levels of inequality based on the

education received, although an improvement in Access to higher education in the last decade, consistent with the

global trend of increasing the entry of more students to the system, significant disparities still persist that have become a

source of inequality. One of the biggest problems generated by the expansion of access to higher education lies in its

quality, which is essential for the competitiveness of countries.

Student desertion at the university of the coast / cuc