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Demotivation 360 degrees. reflections on motivation in the company

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"We reap what we sow"

“You can buy the employee's time, you can buy his material presence in a certain place; You can even buy a certain number of muscle movements per hour. But your enthusiasm cannot be bought… your loyalty cannot be bought… the devotion of your heart cannot be bought. These things must be earned. ” Clarence Davis.

Read David Fischman's book entitled "360 ° Motivation", or perhaps attend an interpersonal skills workshop organized by an institution, in which the trainers have given their best and with great professionalism have stressed the importance of good motivation, makes a worker leave recharged so much to self-motivate (intrinsic motivation), and can react positively to an extrinsic motivation, which although it is not very durable and that can influence to create a not very loyal thought, so it is not As positive as intrinsic motivation but can help achieve an end, even more so if management thinks with a short-term vision.

All this becomes inconsequential in the face of the attitudes that the directors of an institution may take, the perception of believing that those in charge of the administration of the institution, are interested in having trained, committed and highly motivated workers is lost due to their lack of integrity, that is, the lack of cohesion between his words and his attitudes. Their lack of integrity is evident when they act in the way that losers act, looking for how to wash their hands when faced with a problem; looking for culprits in the weakest, instead of looking for solutions.

The ignorance or not knowing how to apply the principles of conflict management, and business management in general, which these managers demonstrate, leads us to doubt that they know or in any case remember what the Pygmalion Effect is: “Treat people as you wish they were. " If an employee receives verbal stimuli and the continuous acceptance of his boss or superiors, it is very possible that he exhibits a high performance in his functions and therefore his performance is increasingly proactive, as well as efficient. If, on the contrary, their abilities are always questioned by their superiors, the subordinate's indifferent attitude and lack of motivation will increase, which will unquestionably lead to a decrease in the quantity and quality of their work.

If you treat a collaborator as excellent, you will make them excellent; in the same way, if you treat a collaborator as lousy and / or deficient, you will discourage him and you will make him lousy and deficient.

I know cases of institutions that as a consequence of errors in the formulation of processes and lack of security in their execution, treats their collaborators as criminals: What are they trying to achieve? Although it seems incredible, there are some companies that without prior investigation and with the sole purpose of trying to avoid their responsibilities due to the lack of security of the processes implemented, even with strict compliance with their directives, make demands or denounce their workers of the lowest hierarchy treating them as criminals, also demonstrating their lack of principles or ethics when trying to punish an innocent, because it can already be taken as punishment, even if there is no sentence,The fact that they tarnish their honor and credibility, which we know, takes years to build so that in a few minutes they can lose it, even if they are innocent if this unfair demand is made public.

In every institution there are collaborators who forgot what honesty is and carried out dishonest acts, for that reason it is necessary to be very careful and it must be remembered that one must know "to separate the chaff from the wheat"; that is, you have to know how to recognize the difference between cases or people, not all employees of the company should be held responsible for dishonest actions of only some bad workers, who, after investigation, should be drastically punished, because we know that for the lack of honesty there is no justification.

For this reason, it would be ideal for the directors of the institutions to always keep in mind what Justice means: One of the four cardinal virtues, which inclines to give each one what corresponds or belongs to him. And apply it in each of your decisions. They also seem to ignore what Newton's third law is: "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction."

In SunTzu's “The Art of War”, we will never find the general (Manager) decision to send his soldiers (collaborators) to fight a war without giving them the necessary weapons to later blame them for any errors that may occur. These negative attitudes seem to indicate that those most in need of training to learn ethical principles; They are the ones who run the institution, because with their actions they are only achieving demotivation and promoting in their collaborators excessively mercantile purposes, since they are trying to buy with money, which they are unable to achieve with good attitudes. Gentlemen, keep in mind that this type of motivation does not last and the institutions must last over time.

A demotivating example: Anniversary of the institution, the executive director did not want or was not able to give a greeting message to the collaborators for such an important date, two days later they announced that each of the collaborators would be paid a certain amount of money to organize a celebration. A timely message to employees is much more motivating that allows them to understand the importance of the institution in national development and therefore value the work that each of them performs; That kind of motivation is powerful and more lasting than the other one, which only lasts as long as the money in your hands.

They forget an aspiration (for some need) that exists in the depths of the human being, is to transcend, what better way to transcend than to make the institution that welcomes us the Top at the national level and be part of that process.

This is far from just feeling guilty for errors and risks that occur or occurred in some processes, the same ones that could have been avoided with an adequate culture of risks and with safer processes; not only are there failures per action and since the position that managers occupy is quite high, they forget that there are absences due to omission in their functions, among which is risk prevention, which at the first sign that a process has weaknesses they must do what is necessary to strengthen the degree of security.

Another demotivating attitude is that through attitudes uncertainty, fear and insecurity are sown. Likewise, lose credibility as a company before its internal or external clients, for not complying with what is agreed and / or offered.

If all the attitudes mentioned above are taking place in an institution, without a doubt we are facing an institution that is achieving a 360 ° demotivation or in other words: a total demotivation, which will have very negative effects: Let us remember that what is harvested is harvested. sowing.

Demotivation 360 degrees. reflections on motivation in the company