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Neuro-linguistic deprogramming and reprogramming


The reader

This material is an extract from the original approach of these new tools.

Due to the length of its content, some of the concepts that are exposed are barely outlined, so it is possible that there are questions that are not answered in this material but that are fully developed in the book that the author has prepared. about the topic.

Bases and questions

Neurolinguistic programming emerged in the 1970s, specifically at the University of California (USA), where Richard Bandler and John Grinder studied people and their behavior patterns to develop models and techniques that could explain their behaviors and the effect of human communication on them.

The work of these authors sought to understand the changes that occur in people through communication and the use of language and originally leaned towards a therapeutic use even when today it is used by various branches of administration, communication.

Pedagogy, education, personal growth, among others, with a significant number of successes and testimonies that have given it the necessary rank to encourage professionals to specialize in methodology and even obtain master's degrees in the area such as the one dictates the Mexican NLP Center.

But more than thirty years after this revolutionary concept was born, which has been very useful for a significant number of people, a series of questions have begun to arise that, based on new scientific findings, can change the way of perceiving it and even practicing it,especially since there is sufficient evidence to understand that the human being is governed by the principle of unity and that his condition and orientation is not flat and one-dimensional but that his behaviors go beyond his perceptions and that his responses are the product of how Neuropectides affect their cellular levels and how cells react to them, generating responses that unite both the five known senses and those that have not yet been reliably demonstrated by science, even though the intuition of their existence is known and possessed.

Current scientific discoveries, some of them in the psychological, physiological and neurological fields, and others based on principles of quantum physics, have begun to change the idea that was held of many of human behaviors and therefore have given rise to the proposals to which the title of this work argues.

Although it is true that in the last thirty years Neurolinguistic Programming has been very useful in many fields, as were the postulates of Taylor and Fayol, Maslow's pyramid and other paradigms typical of the evolution of human thought, It is no less true that history has shown that what was once an unquestionable truth is not so unalterable, without its study and orientation necessarily losing importance, because you cannot go to one level without having gone through another.

One of the best-known approaches to NLP is the classification of people into three main lines, which are presented as Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic and even the combination of them, but with the predominance of one channel over the others.

But, based on the scientific advance of the moment, accepting this approach as an absolute and undeniable fact is compared with the historical moment in which man imagined the atom as a solid particle, since its real condition lacks such concretion.

It is worth asking who really sees? The eyes or the brain? What actually affects behavior? The word or the intention? What determines kinesthesia? Is it psychological or genetic? What should be understood by communication? To what extent does the use of expressions in language and posture demonstrate personality? Or do they demonstrate learned patterns? What type of person do you want to be? Multidimensional or flat?

Here are some possible answers to these questions:

Who actually sees?

In the first place, the human being does not see with the eyes, since these serve only as image capture tools which are produced by different light intensities that are translated and structured in the cerebral cortex according to the generally accepted patterns by the individual who experiences the sense of vision and who depend on their level of consciousness and knowledge. You see only what you want to see and you know.

But the eyes are not the only source that transmits information to the brain so that it can carry out the translation of the world that surrounds it and can get to "see" what we understand as reality, all the senses send signals that when unified or complemented by the intensity of light and different levels of depth create the known element or elements, generating an information file that is recorded and stored in memory in order to continue recognizing it in the future. But is this to be understood as the action of seeing?

The brain is capable of recreating images even without being stimulated by the light captured by the eyes. This phenomenon is experienced from childhood and is present in any vivid dream where completely unknown places are observed in detail. This very true fact inspired the creation of the Typhlological Museum in 1992, which depends on the Culture Directorate of the National Organization for the Blind of Spain (ONCE), where blind people can appreciate works of art from the last 200 years. This not only refers to warning that you can "see" with the sense of touch, since the museum goes further by showing pieces of art, especially paintings, made by blind artists.

But that is not all. Other studies have also shown that images can be generated in the brain when listening to certain types of sounds and they maintain their status as query files regardless of whether or not they have been complemented using vision. When the visual stimulation is produced, it can be observed how the brain illuminates those regions associated with this sense, exactly the same thing happening when the person thinks or imagines the object or the scene even without seeing it. However, once the person is subjected to various hearing tests, it can be seen that in addition to lighting the areas corresponding to sound recognition, those areas associated with vision are also activated.Therefore, it can be seen that when the individual is faced with a sound stimulus, the brain does not discriminate the importance of one or the other channel, since both zones are activated, suggesting that the person “sees” what the sound warns or suggests.

If these and other examples, investigations and results are interwoven, it can immediately be deduced that the preponderance of one sense over the others seems to exist only if it is to be considered in that way, since the organism interconnects and complements all the senses at the same level. of importance in the brain.

What actually affects behavior?

Science has shown that there is a chemical response to each stimulus and that this response affects the individual's behavior according to the level of addiction that one possesses or not to certain drugs produced by the hypothalamus.

The hypothalamus is a factory of chemical compounds called peptides and neuropectides, the latter are activated according to the stimuli received, either by the action of an external entity or by the free exercise of thought and imagination (internal entity).

Once the neuropectids make contact with the cells, they generate a chain reaction that translates into an impulse and culminate in offering a specific response that affects emotions and the way they are expressed.

Although it is true that, as the NLP exposes, the way in which communication occurs generates changes in the person, it is no less true that it has been discovered that at the molecular level intention is sufficient to change the structure of a person. body, in this case the cell (as demonstrated by the study by Maseru Emoto) and with it to the response that affects the emotions, so it is not necessarily the word that modifies the behavior, if not the real intention that is owned at the time of using it. This detracts from the use of the word and greatly increases the potential of the intention.

In this section, the study of expectation is also present, in the sense shown by the Theory of Co-esteem, and the effect it has on the generation of the appropriate drugs to produce a specific type of response, concluding The impossibility of motivating third parties is immediate, so it is insufficient to assume that manipulating the language completely achieves the desired objective.

What determines kinesthesia?

By 1970 kinesthesia was understood as a psychological behavior that guided the individual to express himself through contact and the senses of taste and touch.

But this idea changed when in 1993 Dean Hamer, an American scientist, surprised the world when he pointed to the discovery of the gene that was the cause of homosexuality (even though his experiment has not been repeated successfully).

This suggested that there could be a genetic and / or cellular condition that predisposes the individual to certain behaviors, which was fully corroborated with the studies carried out on addictions to certain neuropectids, masterfully explained by Dr. Joseph Dispenza, DC in the film. "What the bleep do we know ?!" in 2004.

Coincidentally in September of that same year Dean H. Hamer went beyond his own limits in the study of the influence of genes on human behavior and dared to tell in his book

"The God Gene: How Faith is Hardwired into our Genes" how he discovered that the VMAT2 gene, "involved in the chemical reactions of the brain" and that according to him "is related to the spirituality of people", even when you criticize their approach have been harshly questioned.

According to Hamer there is a gene that conditions the belief in a superior being or the negative of its existence. If a gene can affect the behavior of an individual to the point of leaning towards homosexuality and the belief in a superior and invisible being, could not the same happen with the tendency to make frequent and predominant use of touch, taste and smell ?

If so, then kinesthesia may not be a conscious or subconscious process of the psyche of each individual, but rather a genetic predisposition present in their organism which is intensified according to the addiction to the neuropectides that feed it.

What should be understood as communication?

The traditional concept of communication that indicates in its simplest expression the presence of a sender, a message and a receiver, even when words such as code and decoder are added, has dropped from its seat of honor and is more associated with action or exercise of dialogue.

The author proposes to understand communication as "the multidimensional and multisensory action of the exchange of impulses and intentions where the action of a receiver other than the sender is not necessarily required, since such a function can be perfectly performed by it."

This concept was corroborated with Emoto's studies. In his book "The Message of Water" Emoto shows how the characteristics of the water molecule change according to silent stimuli, such as, for example, a word written on paper and attached to it. container where the liquid is located.

Emoto manages to show a dramatic difference between the structure of the water when faced with positive and negative words. In the movie What the bleep do we know ?! The following question is explored: If a label with a written message can alter the molecular characteristic of water and if the human being is more than 75% composed of this element, how can it affect their own thoughts?

Based on this premise, communication cannot continue to be observed as the proper interaction of dialogue and its new condition supposes an own and permanent activity of an individual constantly communicating with himself.

In addition to what Dr. John Hagelin has already stated, the cell is "the smallest level of human consciousness", so there is no doubt about communication in the context outlined above. Again, the human being communicates with himself before with the environment and during that internal process he generates changes that affect his general external behavior.

The use of expressions in language and posture

One of the elements where the practice of NLP has been supported in the administration can be located in the area of ​​the channel through which a person must be approached, especially exploited in the administrative field in what corresponds to the sales and marketing area.

According to the interpretation that has been given to this tool if a person expresses himself using phrases such as: "At first sight", "make it visible to me", "it is clear to me" or "it is only a mirage", to quote some, it is particularly obvious that the individual is visual and therefore it must be through that channel that he is persuaded to make, undo, buy or sell. Dream or wake up as the case may be.

But such condition, although generally accepted, is not entirely true, most of the phrases that are used in common language or the positions that are adopted arise as a result of the repetition of the model that has been possessed during growth, because of the experience lived in a suggestive environment or as an adaptation to the jargon or lifestyle of the environment where the individual operates, to name a few.

For example, in the case of Venezuela, there are regions where ordinary people put the word "Go" in direct allusion to "looking" at what they are thinking of "saying" at the time. When making a comparative study between the expressions of individuals and the use of channels, the result obtained showed, in a good number of cases, that the visual channel did not necessarily predominate over the others, even when the language suggested otherwise.

Regarding behavior or posture, the study's results showed that it is common to observe repeated behaviors in groups where there is daily and permanent exposure, without this being totally associated with a particular “channel”.

DPNL or neurolinguistic deprogramming

The DPNL is a proposal that seeks to locate the individual in a multidimensional and multisensory context where their behavior, without their responses and emotions being fixed or limited to the specific use of a particular channel.

To explain the DPNL in a few words, it is necessary to use an example.

When people rely on NLP they tend to look for coincidences until they self-classify as Visual, Auditory or Kinesthetic, but in doing so they are not only self-limiting but are generating a neural process that will be oriented to give force to such affirmation.

This is because every time a person performs an activity and an emotion is generated, the hypothalamus produces the corresponding neuropectides, to the extent that one activity is given more force than another, the neural networks are relocated. to make the synapse faster and more effective, losing contact with those points related to the activity that is least used. Another neuronal element that is affected results from the cell's predisposition to accept more of the neuropeptides associated with that particular activity that is considered predominant and its inability to accept others, once it has divided into its constant process of renewal and death. As explained by Dr. Joseph Dispenza, DC

This translates into so much that a person convinces himself that he is visual, for example, that he stops using the neural networks that connect him to the stimuli offered by the other senses, thus reducing the use of his brain capacity. What if you lose your sight? It is simple: since you have dedicated yourself to developing your visual channel it will cost you much more to adapt to your new state when compared to a person who has not limited her sources of sensory information.

Simply, the DPNL arises due to the need to generate a change in the vision of the present paradigm and adjust it to the new state of consciousness, demand and knowledge, without intending to replace the successful practices present in it.

But, unlike its predecessor, the DPNL is accompanied by the RPNL, or Neurolinguistic Reprogramming.

RPNL or neurolinguistic reprogramming

Once the individual understands and assumes the principle of unity and the interrelation and interdependence of the recipients of information, and, in addition, manages to identify, define and face their addictions, it will require a methodology or strategy that allows them to make use of the set with greater efficiency, efficacy and effectiveness than he did when he defined himself as an auditory, visual or kinesthetic being.

The RPNL is conceived to generate a state of constant alternation of each of the known channels and those that it proposes in order to offer the individual the possibility of moving in multiple dimensions successfully.

Now, those who have read and / or know about NLP know that one of the main characteristics that it possesses is the need that the person has to change “the tape” (now it would be the file) and adapt new positions; However, by proposing this “paradigm shift”, the NLP generated another similar to the one it substituted by classifying each person in a specific channel, as already mentioned, that identifies and defines it.

The RPNL does not seek to feed self-limitation, on the contrary, it is oriented to open the doors and challenges to explore a whole new world of constant adaptation and efficient use of resources.

What are DPNL and RPNL for?

To face the cultural, social and psychological changes that exist at the time and that were not present thirty years ago. To face a series of demands that do not fit the rigid and stable parameters that seemed to facilitate the identification and classification of different actors and that when using the same source are inaccurate at present.

DPNL and RPNL in the company and other scenarios

New trends require people capable of unfolding in any scenario, multi-skilled and with a holistic vision, people capable of creating circumstances, thus requiring people to perform in a multidimensional environment where the predominant use of a single channel is more of a disadvantage This is a strength, but in the last 30 years people in the administrative and managerial fields have been required to exploit the visual, auditory and kinesthetic condition of themselves and those around them, in order to reorient the content of what has been learned and internalized. it requires a deprogramming process, which will function as the formatting that is carried out on the hard drive of a computer, to later introduce new elements (install updated software) that will translate into better performance,This is accomplished in the reprogramming process. The same has to happen in the field of education, personal development, among others.

Final comments

In the field of physics, Newton's calculations, formulas and approaches remained practically unchanged until characters such as Albert Einstein (Theory of Relativity), Max Planck (Quantum Theory) and William Hawking introduced new ways of observing the same problems and innovative ways of responding to their approaches, this has not detracted from Newtonian physics; nor is it possible to imagine that such an intention was what so brilliant minds pursued in making their contributions.

Obviously, it is not intended to make any comparison or assimilate such distinguished physicists and scientists, but the principle is the same, the DPNL and the RPNL do not intend to underestimate the contribution that the PNL has offered to the world in the different fields where it is used. Both proposals arise from a different approach to address common problems from a different perspective.

Author's note: Respecting the style with which I usually write my articles, in the content of this work the author was discussed in the third person even though the reflections and proposals presented here are my own and the product of my research in the administrative sciences.


IMPORTANT: The content of this article differs in form and substance from that proposed by the German Bernd Isert in 2004, known as NLPe or DPNL (in Portuguese) Desenvolvimento de Processos Neurolingüísticos »which it purports to be, and is quoted verbatim:« uma forma special and systemic to understand, complete and use NLP »For more information on this other approach visit: midias / resources_of_pnl / dpnl_a_continuicao_da_pnl.php

Neuro-linguistic deprogramming and reprogramming