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Determinants of family violence in san juan de lurigancho, 2005-20015








4.1.- Background of the problem:

One of the most serious manifestations of family violence is that which occurs in the family environment; the one that more damage can cause to the individual, the family and the society; and it is the one that most frequently acts in our daily life, becoming a fundamental part of the human cultural and coexistence pattern, an absolutely inconceivable fact if we compare it with the technological advance of humanity the development of the disciplines that study the individual in their bio-psycho-social aspects. Espinoza (2000).

The report on November 22, 2007. 84% of the cases of family violence reported in the Eastern Cone of Lima occur in the San Juan de Lurigancho district, the second district where violence is high is Ate (Huaycán) with 29% and then Santa Anita with 16% of the total cases, also in terms of physical aggression, this occurs in 49.3% in women, while in men it is of the order of 35.9%. The body (hands and feet) is the most widely used means of aggression. On the other hand, psychological aggression is in second place and according to sex, 57% affect men, while in women it is 42%. In third place, there is sexual violence with 6% and in that case it affects more women with 6.3% than men (5.1%). Likewise,in relation to the attacker's level of education, it is reported that 65% are people with complete secondary education; 19.3% with a complete primary; 11% have complete higher education; 1.7% incomplete higher education and 1.4% are illiterate people. MINSA (2007).

It is important to note that the significance of "family violence" does not lie in the fact that it occurs between family members; but fundamentally because this phenomenon generates such fractures that disorganize the family as a "natural and fundamental institute of society", and can even destroy, thus negatively affecting the scale of values ​​of its member and in many cases its maladjustment. Guzmán (2004).

The report September 22, 2006. Family violence shakes the Peruvian population and has become, almost silently, a serious social and health problem whose victims are mostly women and minors. This type of violence is not an isolated or private event, it is part of a system that establishes a set of social relations and cultural values ​​that place women in a situation of subordination and dependence on men. Domestic violence crosses all racial, religious, educational, and socioeconomic borders of Peru. MINSA (2006).

Gender theory is the starting point of this essay to demonstrate how the situation of women is not determined biologically by their sex, but culturally by the assigned roles or by the social interpretation of the biological that is assigned to their sex., that is, by its gender. In this way, it is explained how it is that the situation of women is the product of a certain type of social relations of subordination of the feminine to the masculine. Later the terms are analyzed. Some types of violence are more frequently carried out against women, family violence, sexual violence in marriage, sexual harassment. Bulletin no. 103 (2002).

The most efficient way to change a person is to modify their social context: relationships with others that are significant. That is usually people in her family, and it is at the level of the family relationship where the therapist must intervene. However, sometimes the most important interactions are with friends, at school or work, so the therapist must also intervene in these relationships. Madanes (2002).

Currently, family violence is considered a chronic and systematic disease. For this reason I divide its consequences of a physical and psychological nature; Studies are being carried out in order to determine the causes of family violence, especially in women as the main entity of the family. Surveys on this problem worldwide, have resulted in the causes being mainly due to lack of education, low economic level, alcoholism and drug addiction by men. Carozzo JC. (2001).

According Grosman "Family groups have an intense affective and ideological incidence on the individual throughout his life. Each Family group has a specific interpretation of the values ​​of their culture and thus transmits it through their own codes, generating their own particular rules for group interaction ” Grossa (1989)


The district of San Juan de Lurigancho currently has a population

more than a million inhabitants, among which there are more than a hundred Human Settlements, where the majority are in the upper part of Canto Grande, where its people have emigrated from the different Regions of Peru, due to the violence of Terrorism, where their population is of low economic level.

The purpose of the present investigation tries to identify the main manifestations that occur daily, by couples (spouses) of Family Violence, which involve children, primarily young children.

Currently, family violence is considered a chronic and systematic disease. For this reason I divide its consequences of a physical and psychological nature; The present studies are carried out in order to determine the causes that cause family violence, especially in women as the main entity of the family. Surveys on this problem at the global and national level, have resulted in the causes being mainly due to lack of education, low economic level, alcoholism, drug addiction, increased mistrust, prostitution and the lack of agreement to lead a household by the man.

Given this fact in Peru in its political constitution establishes "The supreme purpose of society and the state is the defense of the human person and respect for dignity", this makes Peru in the region that recognizes the right to integrity psychic and physical, which has led to the creation of the "Ministry of Women and Human Development", originating agreements signed with the Ministry of the Interior to train the national police, the creation of the women's defense office, which gives access to justice before the state authorities in order to protect the woman from the mistreatment of her partner.

Despite the great work carried out by these organizations, it is not

known or disseminated its competition in the interior of our country.

General problem

What factors determine Family Violence in San Juan de Lurigancho between

the years 2005 to 20015?

Specific problem.

· How does income level influence Family Violence?

· What relationship exists in Family Violence in homes with parents


· In what way are couples with low educational level frequent to

suffer Family Violence?

· What is the degree of incidence of Family Violence in the abandonment of



4.3.1 Time: 2,005 - 2010

4.3.2 Space: District Municipality of San Juan de Lurigancho - Lima / Peru


In response to the stated objectives, the results of the investigation will lead both municipal personnel and district authorities to take actions to reduce Family Violence in San Juan de Lurigancho, allowing for greater commitment to social organizations and people in general..



Knowing factors that determine Family Violence in San Juan de

Lurigancho between the years 2005 to 2010.


  • Analyze how the level of family income influences Family Violence.

· Analyze the relationship between Family Violence and homes with alcoholic parents

· Analyze the influence of level of education that are frequent to suffer Family Violence.

· Analyze the degree of incident of family violence in abandonment of children


5.1.- Theories and approaches

“Man is born within a society, but he gains contact with it through his membership in specific groups: first the family, then the neighborhood or village, the religious community, then the school and so on. He is part of some of these groups independently of his will, while others he voluntarily adheres to. ” "Politic science introduction". Eduardo Andrade Sánchez, Collection of university legal texts, p. 36.

"In a large number of theories, the term" socialization "implies the linear notion of" adaptation ", or" accommodation "of the child to his environment. For this conception, parents present the model of the society in which they live and transmit to their children the values ​​of that culture ”.

“Each family is therefore a carrier of the values ​​and beliefs of the culture in which it is immersed. Likewise, it creates, based on such values, its own codes, around which the interpersonal relationships that the members of each family unit establish among themselves are organized ”.

"The development of the socio-economic crisis and its uneven impact on the population is also expressed at the social class level, with the foreseeable greatest damage to the middle and lower classes. The deepening of the crisis will have repercussions, for example, regarding traditional roles in the family. Women, traditionally.

"… Social conflicts, on the other hand, are characterized by the transgression of some good or interest that society has deemed worthy of protection (eg, crimes and administrative offenses) and are governed by rules of Public Law, by what usually show unavailable nature ”. “Introduction to Procesa Law” », Víctor Moreno Catena, Valentín Cortés Domínguez, Vicente Gimeno Cendra, Tirand lo Blanch, Valencia 1993, p. 17.

“In the perspective of prevention and rehabilitation, intra-family relationships are a sensitive aspect. Therefore, its full incorporation into education and health policies is essential. As the family is the basic institution of society and is jointly responsible for the moral, spiritual and material protection of its members, it must oppose opportunities for access to material well-being, social education and basic culture, in order to engage in processes of change and respond to the challenges and demands of modernity ”. Recommendation formulated by the Special Commission that investigates the Causes and Consequences of Daily Violence in the Country, in its report “Everyday Violence-Youth in Peru, Causes, Consequences, Conclusions and Recommendations, Congress of the Republic, Lima, pàg. 106.

"What to spend on as a priority? It is established, in contemporary theory and practice, that it must be in human capital. Theodore Schultz (“Investment in Human Capital” American Economic Review, vol. LI, March 1961) gave a letter of intellectual citizenship to this concept. When countries talk about competitiveness - which is only the best way they use their resources - it is clear that their main resource is people. Therefore education is the sector in which to invest. In Peru, the State does not spend even 3% of GDP on education, a rate that is below that of countries such as Chile or Colombia and well below the high rates of investment in education in the countries of Southeast Asia ”… “We should double the investment rate in human capital every five years, combining public and private resources.If there is a factor that determines poverty, it is education, rather than gender or race. Education comes from the Latin educare, "to draw from." That is why it was said that the French lyceum had turned some peasants into French. Education "takes" countries out of underdevelopment. Train economic population for globalization ”.

"Education, as a fundamental axis of development, is called to ensure the formation of values ​​of the country's children and youth, as well as establish the means that protect the defense and application of human rights, the development of their self-esteem and the stimulation of their potential that contributes to the prevention of violence ”. Daily Violence in Children and Young People in Peru. op. cit. conclusions, p. 104.

"The second recalls the primitive Latin idea of ​​the family, and except for certain effects, as in the cases of the right of habitation or the temporary support of the dependents of the cujus or at the cost of the inheritance-it lacks legal importance, since the A simple domestic community does not constitute or generate a family relationship, so that a subject can be and always remain a stranger to the family even if he lives under the same roof as her. Peruvian Family Law, Volume I, Cornejo Chávez, Studium Editores Bookstore, 4th. 1982 Edition, p. Four.

According to the theory for the process, it is the set of actions carried out by the different branches of the State aimed at the creation or application of the norm, either with a general or individual nature. According to this criterion, the process is classified as legislative, administrative and jurisdictional.

The actual or strictly speaking-which Carnelutti calls the procedural process to highlight the phenomenon- is the set of coordinated and successive acts carried out by the bodies vested with jurisdiction and the other subjects that act, in order to obtain the application of the substantial or material Law to a concrete or particular case ”.

FAMILY IN A WIDE SENSE (EXTENDED FAMILY). In the broadest sense (family as kinship), it is the set of people with whom there is some family legal relationship. From this point of view, the family is made up of a group of people linked by legal ties, emerging from the intersex relationship, procreation and kinship. This expressed sense of family is of legal importance, since the relationships it gives rise to are those regulated by Family Law, without prejudice to the fact that it is alluded to in legislation for food and hereditary purposes, and without the requirement of Let there be life in common.

RESTRICTED FAMILY (NUCLAER FAMILY). In the most restricted sense, the family includes only people united by the intersexual relationship or procreation. From this point of view, the family is made up of the father, the mother and the children who are under their parental authority. This expressed sense of family assumes greater social than legal importance, due to the more limited nucleus of social organization and the one that has deserved the attention of numerous constitutional texts that tend to impose their defense or protection on the State; although it is the most alluded to in legislation.

INTERMEDIATE FAMILY (COMPOSITE FAMILY). In the intermediate concept, the family is the social group made up of people who live in a house, under the authority of the lord of it. This expressed sense of family is only of social importance, therefore the legislation does not take it into account ”


5.2.1.- The Political Constitution.

Article No. 2. Everyone has the right.

Number 2. Equality before the Law. No one should be discriminated against on the basis of origin, race, language, sex, religion, opinion or any other nature.

Numeral 24, Letter H. No one should be a victim of moral, psychological or physical violence, nor subjected to torture or inhuman or humiliating mistreatment. Anyone can immediately request the medical examination of the aggrieved person or those unable to travel to the authority by themselves. Statements obtained by violence are worthless. Whoever uses it incurs responsibility.

5.2.2.- LAW Nº 26260 (24-12-1993)

Article 1º.- By this Law, the State and society policy regarding family violence are established, as well as the corresponding protection measures.

Article 2º.- For the purposes of this Law, family violence shall be understood as any action or omission that causes physical or psychological harm, abuse without injury, including serious and / or repeated threats or coercion, as well as sexual violence, which occur between:

Spouses, ex-spouses, cohabitants, ex-cohabitants, ascendants, descendants, collateral relatives up to the fourth degree of consanguinity and second of affinity, who live in the same household, provided that there are no contractual or labor relations, those who have procreated children in common, regardless of whether they live together or not, when the violence occurs.


Article 1º.- By this Law, the State and society policy against family violence is established, as well as the corresponding protection measures.

TUO Regulation of the Law on Protection against Family Violence, SUPREME DECREE Nº 002-87-JUS is approved.

Article 1º.- The Regulation of the Single Ordered Text of the Law of

protection against Family Violence, approved by Supreme Decree

Nº 006-97-JUS, the same one that consists of two (2) Titles, three (3) Chapters, twenty-one (21) Articles and two (2) Transitory Provisions.


6.1.- General hypothesis.



1 Espinoza M. (2000), report on the results of Family Violence in Lima and Callao, editions of the Peruvian Congress. (Maria Jesús Espinoza Matos, former president of the Commission for Women, Human Development and Sports of the Congress of the Republic from 1998 - 1999)

2 MINSA (2007) Report of the Directorate of Health-DISA IV of the Ministry of Health.

3 Guzmán B. (2004), Family Violence, Lima: Ojeda editions.

4 MINSA (2006) Report of the Directorate of Health-DISA IV of the Ministry of Health.

5 Newsletter no. 103 Pérez Contreras (2002), Violence Against Women, Mexico, Ediciones Univ. Nacional Autónomo .

6 Madanes C. (2002). Male Violence Pag. 29, Spain, editorial Granica.

7 Carozzo JC. (2001).Violence and conciliation, 1st Edition, pag. 10.

8 Grosman (1989), Introduction to Political Science Pag.53 -54, Editoral Universidad, Buenos Aires, Grosman, Mesterman, adamo.



How will improving living conditions facilitate the reduction of family violence in the San Juan de Lurigancho district?


1. How will the way of life facilitate the reduction of physical violence in the San Juan de Lurigancho District?

2. How will living standards facilitate the reduction of psychological violence in the San Juan de Lurigancho District?

3. How will quality of life facilitate the reduction of social violence in the San Juan de Lurigancho District?


Determine how the improvement of living conditions will facilitate the reduction of family violence in the San Juan de Lurigancho district.


1. Identify how the way of life will facilitate the reduction of physical violence in the District of San Juan de Lurigancho.

2. Establish the way in which the standard of living will facilitate the reduction of psychological violence in the District of San Juan de Lurigancho.

3. Determine how the quality of life will facilitate the reduction of social violence in the San Juan de Lurigancho District.


Improving living conditions facilitates the reduction of family violence in the San Juan de Lurigancho district.


1. The way of life facilitates the reduction of physical violence in the District of San Juan de Lurigancho.

2. Does the standard of living facilitate the reduction of psychological violence in the San Juan de Lurigancho District?

3. The quality of life will facilitate the reduction of social violence in the San Juan de Lurigancho District.




X.1. Lifestyle

X.2. Standard of living

X.3. Quality of life




Y.1. Physical violence

Y.2. Psychological violence

Y.3. Social violence

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Determinants of family violence in san juan de lurigancho, 2005-20015