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Diagnosis of the organizational climate in a hotel and tourism school


The strengthening of the international market, technological development and the emergence of new products, are elements that lead current companies to seek new ways of managing production and services, focusing on workers and customers, for the search and sustainable increase of your competitiveness.


Therefore, for MINTUR organizations to reveal and meet these challenges, it is necessary to design and implement an Integrated Human Capital Management System (SGICH), based on continuous improvement of work performance, integrated with the organization's strategy, which has as one of its general requirements the existence of a satisfactory work environment.

Faced with these requests, in many cases the entities of the region demand from ours, the orientation towards improving deficiencies in terms of processes and work environment, which have not been studied, linked to accurate interventions both at the level of design or redesign of organizational structures, strategic planning, changes in the internal organizational environment, motivational programs, performance management, improvement of internal and external communication systems and improvement in the organization of work and impact of compensation systems. This is especially intertwined with the disposition towards the competent development of men at work, thinking about the realization of the human being and the achievement of better results to achieve organizational success.

Therefore, the orientation towards this research, as one of the pathways and bases for change, in search of achieving greater efficiency and productivity, understanding what influences the performance of individuals at work. Although it is unquestionable that, together with labor factors, there are other extra-labor elements or elements of daily life, integrated into the socio-cultural-historical context.


1.1. Methodological basis for the Diagnosis of the Organizational Climate.

Based on current international trends and the inadequacies of the company, these stages are proposed, taking a study model adapted to our reality, which facilitates the participation of experts and workers in evaluations and their subsequent application, through scientific tools and instruments. Using for this a dialectical materialistic methodology (research - action), with an integrative approach, which has as its center the needs of the organizational strategy and its interaction with the existing situations in the processes at the company, group and especially the competitive demands of the human capital; in order to do so, determine the system of actions that contribute to the continuous improvement of its management; as a requirement of the Cuban standard 3001: 2007.All of this presupposes taking into account the most important indicators that interact, and that need to be addressed and managed, such as: relationships between managers and employees, innovation for continuous process improvement, and acceptance of rules and goals for achieving business strategy.

The organizational climate survey used is a questionnaire that has been validated for use in various hotel companies and whose data were successfully processed statistically . The instrument called FOCUS (First Organizationai Climate / Culture Unified Search) aims to measure culture and organizational climate in order to carry out comparative studies between different countries. For the production of the questionnaire, an already existing and validated framework was taken as the theoretical basis, the “alternative values ​​approach” by R. Quinn (Competing Values ​​Approach).

Quinn's model suggests two dimensions or axes that characterize organizations and organizational models: flexibility vs. control, and internal orientation vs. external. The horizontal axis refers to the orientation of the organization. An internal orientation means that the organization is directed towards itself, specifically towards social processes and people. An external orientation represents the relationship of the organization to its environment and the organization is more task and technology oriented. The vertical axis represents the flexibility-control dimension.

Control indicates the trend towards centralization and integration in the organization. Flexibility, indicates the tendency to decentralization and differentiation.

The combination of these two dimensions originates four organizational climate orientations or “anchors” ”to describe the organizations. These are: support, innovation, rules and goals.

Next, the proposed procedure is presented in Figure 1.1, with the steps or stages that made it up.

Figure 1.1: Methodological design of the research. Essential stages or steps. Source: self made.

2.1. Presentation of the essential results on the studies of the Organizational Climate in a School of Hospitality and Tourism.

In Stage I, the Expert Committee was formed, which were in charge of supporting and participating in the deployment of the entire study, from the analysis of theoretical concepts, evaluations of the organizational strategy, selection of research instruments and their interpretation, up to the conformation of the intervention program.

This team, which leads the project, was convened on occasions as a Focus Group and allowed deepening of the subject and the creative exchange of the working group; starting from the premise of the computer processing of each dimension and variables, to understand the essence and the objective by which our organization must promote the development of its corporate purpose and promote changes in the organizational climate.

Rules Climate.

The climate of rules: configured by control and organization towards people and characterized by respect for norms, imposed order, and established hierarchies, is the dimension with the highest score (4.90), with an adequate level of consistency in the integration of perceptions, which guarantees greater reliability.

Values Variables

Stability of operations

Hierarch structure in communication.

I work according to procedure.







Predictable activ

Written instructions

Address comply with rules

Fig 2.1. Graph of the behavior of the climate variables of Rules.

Source: Own elaboration .

The perceptions that workers have in relation to this indicator, they express it essentially with their high qualifications in relation to the role that the management plays in terms of the demand and compliance with the established rules, the structured and hierarchical communication that is followed in the company and compliance at work with established procedures. (See figure 2.1).

All of which manifests the entity's orientation towards security and stability based essentially on compliance with established standards, to achieve the company's goals; where in these times, a high formalization is required to achieve its scope and it is sought that the behavior of the employees is consistent with the requirements set, avoiding any conduct that deviates from what the rules dictate.

The appreciations on this climate, demonstrate the ordering and leading functionality of the system; This influence is exerted by conscious management factors, given the impact of the regulations, restrictions and guidelines that the SGICH faces today in the company, which are oriented as part of its culture oriented to the requirement of the procedures established for each work activity, which in general terms is highly perceived and valued as a form of consolidation, conservation and development by those who direct and execute these activities. But that given the mission and vision of the organization, they should not be the only driving forces, and may limit the scientific-technological progress of the management system and with it the development of the organizational strategy.

Goals Climate.

The climate of Goals: configured by the control and ordering towards elements of achievement of the organization and characterized by the search for the established objectives and optimal results, it also reaches good levels of perception of the majority of the sample (4.49), This shows that the entity establishes rational plans (essentially in the short term) that are directed towards specific objectives and in which the importance of the results is emphasized.

The items or variables referred to this dimension that have the best considerations in each of the areas sampled are those related to the direction of the management towards the strategic objectives, reflecting a correspondence between the plans established by the organization, the search for results. optimal and the evaluations and interpretations offered by the workers in relation to the control with the fulfillment of said goals; showing also good perceptions on the orientation to performance measurement and the guidance offered from higher levels, confirming and integrating these evaluations. (See graph 2.2)

Graph 2.2. Representation of the behavior of the climate variables of Metas. Source: Own elaboration

However, since the elements referring to the measurement of competitiveness in relation to other companies and the rewards received in relation to job performance are not well appreciated, the impact of this dimension is impoverished. From which it is inferred that the non-management and promotion of talent among workers, to increase the fixed levels of performance according to their evaluations, as a guarantee of fair competition, is intertwined with the lack of intrinsic needs for improvement and continuous growth of the members of the entity and with it the delay of the goals strategically set by the organization; in such a way that the trained can autonomously assume a commitment to work situations.These factors can then influence perceptions of some variables of the climate of support and innovation.

Support climate

The Climate of Support dimension: configured by flexibility and organization towards people, characterized by personal trust, openness towards others, commitment to colleagues, interpersonal relationships, etc., presents poor considerations (3.89) due to part of the professionals who work in the key processes of the organization; with an adequate agreement in the opinions or perceptions of the participants (0, 92), according to which we can infer that even considering the value that the entity advocates in the orientation towards its people, there is only a moderate openness towards the open relations between team members based on the achievement of personal and organizational expectations, both individually and in groups. (See figure 2.3)

Support climate. Variables. Values

  1. Second chance in error 3.80 Obtaining help in personal problems 4.09 3. Support from superiors for progress 3.55 Constructive criticism is rewarded 2.99 Concern of bosses for prob of subordinates. 3.66 6.you try to resolve interpersonal conflicts 3.36you get new ideas about how to organize your work 4.16the way of directing allows you some freedom 4.85

Fig. 2.3. Representative graph of the behavior of the Support climate variables . Source: self made

Despite the better evaluations that are reflected in relation to the help received by those with personal problems, the ways and forms of management that enhance freedoms, as well as the facilities or independence obtained from the management to guide the work of each worker and new ideas on how to organize work; These arguments have not made significant progress in other variables related to the faculty's competencies, essentially related to achieving changes in the company, related to the quality of services, the reinforcement of values ​​in workers and the achievement of greater business productivity.

The lowest criteria are evident in the variables about the collaboration or support of superiors so that workers achieve progress with boldness, which can establish relationships with the goals of each employee, associated with the demand for greater support from superiors to achieve competitive progress.

The studies point the observation towards the criteria with which the performance is measured, as well as the assumed leadership style, the unplanned change collectively that each subject demands in the process and the communication difficulties. All of which can generate a potential to cause burdens that negatively affect satisfaction and therefore the feelings and behaviors that some workers show about the corporate purpose of the company and the organization; which damages the goals of each one in the groups, and can display poor disposition towards group innovation.

Innovation Climate

The Climate of Innovation dimension: configured by flexibility and orientation towards organization and characterized by openness to new ideas, new markets, support for social and technological changes, etc; evidences a restrained valuation by the sampled teachers (3.77) as an average, with tendencies to worse reflexes in relation to the search for novel ways to solve problems, investments in new products or services and orientation towards new paths to achieve that the work becomes true fruit of creators.

Following the reasoning of the essence of this dimension and the analysis of the organizational strategy, registered in the SWOT scenario, as an externalized consonant model; It was possible to corroborate that through the projection of the performance standards of the company, the improvement of the processes is expected, counting on the involvement in the work of the professionals of this center. But this will not be obtained if it is not mediated by the trajectories of innovation in technology and its alignment with organizational demands, which provoke and encourage the development of organizational and labor competencies.

It was also possible to verify the inconsistencies in the results, revealed in the significant differences between the best observations on objective variables related to the external environment, especially external demands and pressures in the Research and development processes, linked to changes in content. from work; in contrast to the poor estimates offered for subjective variables, reflecting that they have not generated an active deployment in workers for the development of initiative and creativity as an essential basis for problem solving; This shows some of the existing gaps so that workers are aligned to business demands and organizational strategy. (You can see the quantitative results in table 2.4)


Innovation Climate. Variables Avg value
finding new ways to get the job done 2.91
new ways to solve problems 2.69
you can switch from one task to another at work 3.58
this organization seeks new markets for its products or services 3.68
investments are made in new products or services 2.31
external demands put pressure on the process

Investigation and development

unpredictable elements of the external environment provide good opportunities 3.24
the external environment demands changes in the content of your work 4.33
the organization makes good use of technology to improve its products or services 4.76
the organization looks for new opportunities in its environment 4.70
the company harnesses the skills of its employees to

improve products or services

the organization seeks new markets for new products or services 3.67

Table 2.4: Average results achieved in each variable of the Innovation dimension. Source: self made

In this sense, if the organization wishes to distinguish itself by a culture of strategic orientation towards innovation and the use of opportunities based on the continuous improvement of its services, the need to consider new conditions that intrinsically generate requests for learning and progress is reasoned. of the workers, and that allow to stimulate and take advantage of the competences of the professionals to improve the academic and advisory services, keeping the hotel company at the center of the problems. Only if initiative and risk-taking are strengthened in its pedagogues, will it be possible to generate competitiveness, the search for new avenues and alternative techniques, which allow for collective orientation in this direction.

In summary, the application of the FOCUS technique to the selected sample of professionals who work in the key processes, revealed the main perceptions of the workers, stating that especially the areas of greatest tension in this organization are found in the variables of the climate innovation and supportive climate, all of which is a means of discovering what can hinder progress in workers, who in many cases answer questions that can be solved with viable and effective strategies for sustainable development. (See graph 2.5)

Fig. 2.5. General graph on the behavior of the studied dimensions of the organizational climate in the EHTV. Source: self made.

From the results presented, the expert committee, in close consultation with the factors inserted into the productivity assets - leaned towards the reasoning of the results that the techniques applied in the previous stages yielded; in order to specify some of the factors that affect the levels of effectiveness and efficiency of Human Capital in the organization, taking as a guide the Organizational Vision and Objectives. This has allowed the elaboration of an intervention program to increase the productivity of the key processes in the entity, basing the essential actions that will minimize the weaknesses and enhance the strengths that guarantee the success of the intervention program.


  1. The application of the FOCUS procedure of organizational climate, in interaction with other group techniques, allowed to reveal the main perceptions of the sampled workers, essentially manifesting the predominance of the rule climate: configured by control and organization towards people and characterized by appreciations that evidence the ordering and managerial functionality of the system in the organization; This influence is exerted by conscious management factors, given the impact of the regulations, restrictions and guidelines that the SGICH faces today in the company, which are oriented as part of its culture oriented to the requirement of the procedures established for each work activity, as the dimension of highest consideration; followed by the climate of Goals:that configured by the control and the organization towards elements of achievement of the organization and characterized by the search of the established objectives and optimal results, also reaches good levels in most of the perceptions. It is considered important for this investigation to treat as integrative and successful the related approach of the climate with the culture, reflecting the way in which the groups interpret, construct and negotiate the reality through the creation of an organizational culture, which has as its center achieving impacts on the tourism business; For this, a system of actions must be introduced, aimed at its competitive improvement, to optimize operations, work in work teams for the continuous improvement of processes and customer service schemes,that ensure their quality in the company. This makes the innovation strategy become increasingly complex and at the same time demanding towards the personnel in the organization; assuming it with greater speed with which technological and organizational innovations must be produced, given that trends towards openness, complexity and dynamism occur not only at the market level, but also in the trajectories of technology innovation and the organization, the managerial vision must have its specific expression, in the continuous learning of the organization, to be able to directly project, from the trends in the market, the learning of the teaching teams of the key processes under those characteristics, counting on their involvement,that allow a better alignment with the demands of organizational and labor competences, that guarantee the confrontation and fulfillment of business demands.


  • Acosta Corzo E. Thesis Monograph of the Diploma in Human Resources Management. Central University "Martha Abreu" de las Villas, Santa Clara.Goncalves, A. (1997) Organizational climate. Retrieved November 16, 2002 from http://www.phpartners.com/articulos/download.asphttp://www.gestiopolis.com/dirgp/rec/clima.htm how to act to improve the work climate. Article / Publication date: 10 / 2005http: //www.gestiopolis.com/dirgp/rec/clima.htm. Organizational climate. Document / Date of publication: 07 / 2005http: //www.gestiopolis.com/dirgp/rec/clima.htm. How to act to improve the climate. Article / Publication date: 05 / 2002.http: //www.gestiopolis.com/dirgp/rec/clima.htm. Definition of the work environment. Article / Publication date: 03/2005 Piedra Ana Maria. 2004. Study on the organizational climate in a hotel entity in Varadero.Master's Thesis. University of Havana Villalobos Gloria. 2005. The organizational climate and working conditions. Implications for generating healthy people and jobs.

In relation to these requirements related to the topic, the Cuban standard (NC 3000, 3001: 2007), establishes a set of requirements to be met by organizations, to achieve the implementation of the Integrated Human Capital Management System, which must have an impact in the quality of all processes, in their effectiveness and efficiency and especially in satisfactory labor relations. In addition to the provisions of Decree-Law No.252 and its “Regulations” (Decree No. 281) regarding the “Continuity and Strengthening of the Cuban Business Improvement System”.

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Diagnosis of the organizational climate in a hotel and tourism school