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Financial diagnosis of the san josé hospital in maicao colombia



When talking about financial analysis in the health sector, as in any other sector, it refers to the process that involves the compilation, interpretation, comparison and study of the financial statements and operational data of a business.


This implies the calculation and interpretation of percentages, rates, trends, indicators and complementary or auxiliary financial statements, which serve to evaluate the financial and operational performance of the firm, thus helping administrators, investors and creditors to make their respective decisions ”.

This study presents the analysis and interpretation of the ESE Financial Statements . SAN JOSE DE MAICAO HOSPITAL; entity of first and second level of care that provides health care promotion and prevention, and services of II and III level to the community in general, during the years 2003, 2004 and 2005.

A first chapter is shown that talks about the generalities of the Institution, what are its institutional policies, the organic structure, what is the mission and vision that it has, in addition to the portfolio of services that it currently offers, as well as the plant of personnel it has and its respective level.

On the other hand, a Financial Diagnosis chapter is developed in which, supported by the different techniques or tools necessary to carry it out, the following aspects are specified for each of the years analyzed: Vertical Analysis, Horizontal Analysis, Indicators or Financial Ratios and the State of Source and Application of Funds; These tools are considered of vital importance to determine the rate of growth or stagnation of the economic or financial profitability of hospital operations and that when analyzed, give the financier or manager an overview of the financial situation of your company, and based on It will take the pertinent and necessary corrections to achieve the basic financial objective.

The Analysis, whatever its purpose, requires a broad and detailed understanding of the nature and limitations of the financial statements, since the analyst has to determine if the various items have a reasonable relationship with each other, which gives rise to qualify the good, fair or bad financial and administrative policies.

One of the competitive advantages of hospital institutions is knowledge of their financial situation, as this allows them to make the appropriate decisions to achieve the objectives set, and financial analysis serves as a planning and action tool.

Finally, the recommendations are presented, logically based on the diagnosis made, in this section the SWOT Matrix specifying the hospital's Strengths, Opportunities, Weaknesses and Financial Threats is included, it is precisely this chapter that is of greater importance since essentially for this is that the study is done.


Public hospitals in Colombia, after Law 100 of 1993, changed their financing structure from subsidy to supply to subsidy to demand, they became social enterprises of the state where they are granted administrative and financial autonomy, self-sustainability and free competition. in the sale of health services.

This new financing model in the general health social security system has generated a financial crisis in the national hospital network, a fact that affects the criteria of opportunity, accessibility and quality in the provision of health services.

The fundamental purpose of this study is to make an analysis of the financial situation of the ESE Hospital San José de Maicao, through the financial statements, which are the means by which the financial situation is transmitted to management and external users interested. real and truthful business of selling health services of these ESE. The balance sheet analysis shows the financial strength of companies, by showing what is owned and what is owed up to a certain date, the income statement is used to summarize the operational transactions of a business, associating the income generated during a period with the expenses incurred to obtain said income.

It is important to highlight that the results of this study can be useful to the managers of ESE, these will serve as a documentary basis for the design of strategy and propose solutions that allow them to optimize the management of the economic and financial resources of their institutions. Know the financial weaknesses and strengths as well as whether the company is able to meet its obligations to creditors, if it has debt capacity if it shows profitability in its financial activities.

The development of this study provides the opportunity to apply the knowledge acquired in the Finance Management Specialization. In addition, the University of La Guajira through its graduate students is linked to the productive sector through this type of studies that can generate new knowledge and methodological proposals.



Carry out a financial diagnosis of the ESE HOSPITAL SAN JOSE DE MAICAO in the period from 2003 to 2005; in order to know your financial situation and propose the pertinent recommendations.


  • State the generalities of the ESE Hospital San José de Maicao, in order to have a broad knowledge of the company Apply the Vertical and Horizontal Analysis to the Financial Statements, to know in which areas the resources of the institution are invested. Determine the Indicators or Financial reasons, to establish if you have liquidity, profitability and know your level of indebtedness. Know where they were obtained and what destination or use the resources were given. Analyze the results obtained in the application of the different techniques of Financial Analysis. comparative analysis with entities in the sector, to find out the strengths and weaknesses compared to the competition. Present the pertinent recommendations and suggestions to the ESE. SAN JOSE DE MAICAO HOSPITAL; according to the results obtained.




Hospital San José, is a Social Company of the State providing Health Services, in first and second level , is located in the municipality of Maicao, Department of La Guajira, inaugurated on April 7, 1974 under the mandate of Dr. MISAEL PASTRANA

BORRERO, act attended by the Minister of health, Dr. JOSE MARIA SALAZAR BUCHELI, the Governor Dr. BENJAMIN ARMENTA LOPEZ, head of the health service Dr.

CONSTANTINO VAQUERO HERRERA, the mayor of Maicao, Captain ALVARO FAUDA VALLEJO, the director of the Dr. EMIGDIO GARCIA LARA hospital and other ecclesiastical authorities who suggested the name of San José, because he is the Patron Saint of Maicao.

The legal status was obtained according to resolution No. 394 of 1984, issued by the La Guajira Governorate, signed by the then Governor in charge Dr. ENRIQUE CABAS ESCARRAGA.

As its services increased and technology advanced, the physical plant was expanded in 1993, work began to improve it with the construction of a second plant and the enclosure wall, under the direction of Dr. JOSE LIÑAN MURGAS, current manager.

The San José de Maicao Hospital is registered in the national special registry as a Social Company of the State, a figure created by Law 100 of 1993, through agreement No. 021 of December 6, 1994 where its organization and operation was established.

By ordinance No. 005 of March 16, 1999, the Departmental Assembly elevates the San José de Maicao Hospital to II level of care. Which constitutes a special category of decentralized public entity of the departmental order, endowed with legal status, own assets and administrative autonomy of the II level of care assigned to the administrative department of health.

After several administrations, Dr. JOSE LIÑAN MURGAS is appointed again , through resolution No. 440587 of May 26, 1999, who took office on June 29, 1999, becoming the first Manager of the ESE Hospital San José de Maicao.

Within the general policies of the ESE Hospital San José de Maicao we highlight the following:

  • Improve the corporate image of the Hospital before the community and other institutions. Stimulate the free participation of the community and employees in the search for solutions to the most serious health problems. Promote total quality in internal processes and services to third parties.


The Social Enterprise of the State Hospital San José de Maicao, is an entity attached to the Departmental Secretary of Health that provides health care services, promotion and prevention of first and second level, according to the needs of the Guajira population, meaningful social and guided with principles of honesty, commitment and total quality



The basic structure determined by Ordinance No. 005 of 1999 includes, Two Subdirections: Scientific Subdirectorate, divided into four areas and Administrative and Financial Subdirectorate, with two groups, and a Human Talent directorate. Below is the organizational letter of the institution.






ORTIZ A., Héctor, Applied Financial Analysis, Ed. 12, p. 15

ORTIZ, Héctor, Applied Financial Analysis, 12th Edition, Page 131

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Financial diagnosis of the san josé hospital in maicao colombia