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Process-centered teaching

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Concept Map "Metacognisción" Writing "Learning Phases".

Fragment of analysis by Miriam Heller on the need for a "New Paradigm" in education.

The abrupt change and the systemic transformations that take place in our society are totally undeniable; all this accompanied by the "awakening of the mind" where many begin to consider the extreme importance that the integral formation of the individual has and will have in order to contribute to those changes mentioned above, as a way of subsisting in all terms.

In this sense, and based on the article analyzed, the author Heller, with much eloquence, comments on the urgency and importance that science recovers in the face of the "search and assimilation of new paradigms", thus collecting data and information on the holistic nature (integral) of the human being. This search is focused on the findings and in-depth studies that science does to the engine of our thoughts: “the brain”, so that theories of learning that emphasize psychology and other sciences are argued and validated.

Repeatedly, reference is made to the deficiency in the educational sectors of our "modern society", a society that revolves around the axis of knowledge, innovation and science, where research and meaningful learning produce what should be conceived as the "Be post modern".

Thus, it can be said that this "being" must be aware and adapted to changes, and for this it must be informed of the new approaches that govern the current educational system; however, educators do not always have the possibility of accessing the knowledge of new paradigms to extrapolate it to their teaching practice, therefore it can be said that the current teacher does not create or generate "cognitive transformations".

Based on the previous argument, the author comments that teachers require to accept responsibly and "openly" the changes and the will to apply new knowledge and above all to mediate the construction of knowledge, using what has been learned and taught in a sense of solidary communication. and harmonious growth.

Paradigms are models that offer, based on scientific criteria, frameworks for understanding a topic and facing and solving specific problems; they provide data, formulas, that help to face conflictive situations and make decisions.

According to the author Heller, paradigms become a challenge that drives forward with curiosity, given the possibility of discovering new findings and exploiting creative potential, as a way of responding to conflict situations in the present and anticipating the future in order to guarantee success.

Therefore, it follows that the new mediating and knowledge-building education requires the training of individuals capable of facing the new century, of thinking clearly, clearly and deeply, capable of responding to socio-affective intellectual demands, which they enjoy your freedom intelligently and responsibly, that cultivates your sensitivity and values ​​as a way of self-realization; capable of coexisting in a computerized environment and facing and adapting to its consequences, and capable of channeling its energy and potential in a constructive and productive way.

Finally, this individual must be characterized by his flexibility and awareness in the educational commitment, thus the new paradigm of learning, focuses and emphasizes "learning to learn", which means that the new teacher must "teach to learn".

Thus, learning must be sustained and based on the “reciprocal experience”, where together the information codes are built, giving solidity to the construction of knowledge, and above all guaranteeing that the individual forges his own reasoning, criteria and learning.

Cognitive Psychology in understanding the human mind and its role in learning.

Given the relationship that exists between learning and the brain; The deep scientific studies that psychology and neuralgia have done in the functions that the brain plays and the role that it plays in learning have emerged as a field of study or new approach, the so-called "cognitive psychology".

To teach you have to do it with art that is based on scientific bases, taking into account the laws of a pedagogy that, as a science that is, establishes and clarifies the concordances that will exist between what is intended to be taught and what is needed and he really wants to learn, hence the heterogeneous current of self-managed pedagogical thought is eagerly sought to create a completely different school from the traditional, innovative and daring one, supported by self-management, promoting the development of the responsibility of learners in relation to their learning, which at the same time seeks the formation of those social values ​​that are required for the integration of a high degree of collectivism and a social participation of all and for all, in a conscious and consistent manner.

In this sense, the so-called Self-managed Pedagogy constitutes, in a substantial way, a whole project of social change, where individual and collective initiatives have a place, in an economic, political, ideological and social movement towards the fullest development of the multiple facets of individual as an entity within a society in sustained development.

Therefore, the Perspective or Cognitive Approach as a modern pedagogical trend is based on the analysis of the existing psychological aspects, in a forced way, in the processes that lead to the knowledge of the objective, natural and proper reality of man.

Based on the theory of knowledge from the philosophical point of view, it considers it as the result and consequence of the search, conscious and consequent, that together with the real action of the subject on his environment allow him to reflect internally.

Thus, this contemporary pedagogical trend, based on cognitive psychology, considers the conception and development of learning models as forms of expression of a concrete relationship between the cognitive, active subject and the object whose essentialities are to be learned and denies that everything Human knowledge consists of a mere personal construction on the part of the subject, the starting point of the essential sensory information.

In the cognitive pedagogical trend, the human being is presented as a system equipped with means that allow him to capture information about the changes produced in his environment, functional devices capable of acting on the input information, processing it and transforming it with intermediate and successive states where the results of such processes are represented and expressed, together with exit mechanisms through the individual interacting with his environment, acting on him and feeding back for the necessary adaptive adjustments.

In conclusion, Cognitive Psychology considers the knowledge process as a consequence of the active participation of man, who is capable of processing and modifying the information captured in his sensory organs, enabling him to anticipate objective reality in order to transform it and not just to adapt to it.

It also requires a broader approach in terms of the nature and essence of learning, beyond the knowledge structures described. However, this trend represents a solid step forward towards understanding the processes on which learning, education and training are based.

Process Centered Teaching

Systematically following the argumentation of the previous questions, and relating the importance of the new paradigms in education and teaching in particular, as well as the scientific advances in learning studies; as a result, the need for “process-centered” teaching-learning emerges.

That is to say, the importance of the activity of the learning individual is alluded to, in the "construction of knowledge", this construction is approached through studies of the brain, and for this, the fundamental processes by which a subject constructs and create learning experiences.

Now, in view of this proposition, in order to consolidate these learning theories, the teacher's mediation must be focused on the knowledge of these cognitive processes, in order to be able to mediate in the student “learning partners” those mental processes that create and build their knowledge through stimuli and meaningful learning experiences.

On the other hand, and as it has been mentioned repeatedly, the mediation of the teacher should not be considered only in the "transmission of knowledge", the new paradigms focus on that teacher who contributes and encourages the student to self-manage their knowledge based on their learning processes.

In this sense, the main goal of education is to create individuals capable of doing new things and not simply repeating or knowing what already exists, because this does not give linearity to the evolutionary process of societies, that is, to the extent that there are men who evolve and create by improving what already exists, or building and inventing what does not exist, will be in an ascending process of social and systemic evolution.

Process-centered didactics discover the nature of learning and mental development, designing methodological options aimed at educating with a holistic vision of man and towards the best use of human potential.

Within this didactics, which the mediator teacher builds in reciprocity with the students, learning must be interpreted in terms of the modification and acquisition of knowledge structures, where the individual assimilates and accommodates pieces of information, building their knowledge.

Finally, the Didactic approach with emphasis on processes, assumes as premises that cognitive processes (analyze, infer, compare) combine in different ways to produce a variety of responses and adjustments to different intellectual demands, the role of education is to intervene at the level of these processes, helping the individual to discover which ones he uses when facing a certain task and which strategy gives him the best result.

In conclusion, mental processes operate on information, on ideas and experiences to organize them into systematized structures (cognitive structure), which create new learning.

Teaching with an emphasis on mental processes allows the individual to move from the process of acquiring and storing information to more complex thought processes (describe, exemplify, define, conceptualize, relate, analyze, systematize, among others).

Teacher within meaningful learning, and the need to lead students towards the acquisition of meaningful learning.

"Mediation must result in the contribution and construction of significant learning." That is, when the mediator, guided by his intentionality, culture and emotionality, organizes the stimuli and gives them meaning, and places them in the context of the student and makes them transcend into the context of life, he is creating and leaving that individual significant learning.

In simple and common terms, mathematics is not only learned by mechanizing steps and procedures to solve sentences and problems, but when they are explained adjusting them to real and daily facts of life, at that moment the student will understand their importance and meaning since the mediator through extrapolation processes manages to modify the subject's learning structure.

In this sense, the role of teacher within meaningful learning is when it prints such meaning and transcendence to the learning experience that awakens in the student the need and sufficient interest to put their brain potential to work and assimilate and accommodate the learning experience.

Therefore, learning experiences through a mediator, is considered as a source of development of high mental processes and relevant ethical, aesthetic and social parameters. For this reason, the need to lead students towards the acquisition of significant learning also starts from the human being's need to grow not only physically, but intellectually, socially and emotionally.

In conclusion, the teacher must focus attention on the systematic and deliberate development of cognitive and socio-affective processes, thus giving their work a new meaning, providing the possibility of acting as a mediator of learning experiences and promoting truly significant and transcendent changes from whom he learns.

In this report, ideas are integrated within the framework of changes and transformations that the world is experiencing and the role of education is essential to give continuity to these changes and guarantee the formation of the societies that live them, in such a way that with it countries can not only balance their goals based on economic, political, international objectives, among others, but also their own actors who define the course… their society.

Process-centered teaching