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Differences between coaching and empowerment

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The constant evolution of the way of working has motivated companies to use new methodologies regarding their human resources.

Nowadays workers no longer wait to receive orders from someone superior, but according to their abilities and skills they will be responsible for their work.

On the one hand, coaching will help people to find their greatest potential with the help of a specialist. On the other hand, the empowerment will be in charge of providing authority and power to any worker as long as they have the necessary characteristics to make decisions.

In both cases, what is sought is that the workers develop to the maximum in the different physical and emotional areas.

What is coaching?

According to Talante Miedaner, coaching is a personalized and private technique which aims to train. Coaching must be carried out by a specialized advisor also known as a coach, whose role is that of the best of the individual, breaking down all barriers and limitations that the same person has in order to develop their potential.

The coaching technique is one of the practices that are currently spreading everywhere since the nineties. Some authors mention that coaching is an art that is in charge of helping people to define well what their goals are and what they want to achieve.

When the term coaching began to emerge, many people began to relate to the term coach but in the sports field, however, although they are aimed at two different areas, the two have much in common, since coaching in the sports field is very focused on training and in the professional field this training refers to practice. But not only is that. Once you have enough practice, you must also develop certain skills such as flexibility and discernment.

In a few words, coaching will be in charge of helping to get the best out of what is done or what you want to do, taking into account all the skills and partly being aware of what is being done, since this can influence whether it is achieved or not.

As we know well to be able to get to a point that we have in mind, it doesn't matter so much what we know but what we do, in this aspect the coach is going to be in charge of taking all that knowledge so that you can get from point A to point B In the same way, coaching began to be closely related to the term coach in French, which means carriage, taking it from this perspective, coaching will be in charge of guiding and taking the starting point to the desired point.

Where does coaching come from?

There are some authors who mention that coaching comes from ancient Greece with the philosopher Socrates, where by using mayeutics made people aware of what they were doing, it should be mentioned that mayeutics is one that is responsible for investigating means of questions to a person in order to reach a knowledge. This technique is applied when the person is asked about a specific problem once he gives the answer, he begins to debate that answer, which will lead to new knowledge derived from the previous concept. (Menendez, 2011)

It is worth mentioning that coaching also has some elements of Buddhism, for example, being always present in order to reach a higher degree of consciousness.

Now, not only philosophy has contributed to coaching, but also psychology, especially with some approaches such as humanism.

In another area, the sport influenced in the development of coaching, for example a coach is an expert who teaches.

Lastly, we are going to find the consultancy since through some tools such as the way of speaking, and the way in which they work. This has helped coaching to get more and more into companies.

Personal Coaching and its External Factors

Coaching history

Coaching as such emerged with authors such as John Whitmore and the recent Thomas Leonard, who was in charge of founding the first coaching school and in 1992, where he began to give direction to all the methodologies that had already been provided. After its creation in 1995, the International Coach Federation (ICF) was created, which to this day is still the most important.

Today coaching is infiltrating a lot in companies, including There are people who live totally from this profession, the problem in some countries is that not everywhere is seen as a profession.

Elements of coaching

Feedback is an essential part of the coaching process, since the information that may result will be of great importance so that the coach can apply it as long as the information is positive and detailed. There are several ways to give feedback, among the most common are:

  • Judging the action They offer real information but from a negative perspective Offering brief information Receiving personal criticism

The so-called Feed-questioning will help the person to be aware of what their work is doing, since by applying some questions the individual will be able to really value their work together with information from the feedback. (Acuña, 2009)

For Feed-questioning to work it must have certain important aspects, for example:

  • Care should be taken that questions motivate the person to be aware of the actions that they carry out their work. Permission must be requested to be able to give observations. They must be objective and carried out from an external perspective. It must be specific, this means that everything that is said must have foundations. It must be generous, this means that in some way all kinds of work must be highlighted. Here it is recommended to work with the 3 × 1 principle, where you must mention 3 positive things and 1 to improve. It must be authentic, here it is not about inventing things or saying only what the client wants to hear, type of feedback can Becoming detrimental. It should always be recognized when someone contributes an idea or project, which will help the individual feel more confident.

When a person communicates through intuition this gives coaching a great value, the only problem is that there is no way to verify intuition.

Intuition is a sensation that has nothing to do with something physical talking about the material, for example a person feels that something is going to happen but has no way of explaining it, that is called intuition. When intuition is put into practice and used in the coaching process, magnificent results can be obtained with great effectiveness. (Milanese, 2007)

Coaching benefits

  • Coaching will help develop the capacity of each individual to their highest level, bringing with them a better job. Workers will develop skills that can help them work together, thus promoting better communication and greater empathy. People really know what role they have to play within the company. Develop better tools to face the various problems that arise.

Types of coaching

  • Personal coaching: it is aimed at enabling people to excel in different areas of their daily lives. Business coaching: it is aimed at companies, whether small or medium, helping them to reduce time and money, develop leaders, improve vision strategic, among others. Organizational coaching: unlike business coaching, this is aimed at large companies. Executive coaching: as its name says, it is aimed at company executives, promoting awareness, inspiration of staff, among other.


Translated from English it means power or empowerment, and can be focused on the different areas of an organization. Through this technique, the company provides workers with the necessary tools so that the objectives can be adequately met. Similarly, decision-making will no longer depend on a single person but on those workers who show outstanding characteristics to others in order to fulfill the planned tasks.


Molina (2006) mentions that empowerment means giving in or allowing a person to act for himself and thereby promote initiative in others. Understanding that to achieve a goal, everyone needs to work under the same approach.

Davis (2000) points out that of giving greater independence to employees by controlling elements that are under their power.

Jeffrey (2007), tells us what a relationship is between people who work in the company and partners, in order to generate trust and commitment.

M and todología

The methodology of this technique was based on a model by Joseph Kockelmans in 1975, where the content is analyzed taking into account 4 aspects; Location and review of articles, content categorization, explanation and location of each content within the work structure, and finally location of the essentials of each content answer to the question of the problem in question. (Cardona, 2001)

Organizational commitment

It is defined as the level at which workers feel part of the company, thereby bringing the commitment to remain in it.

Dimensions of engagement

Affective commitment: it is defined in emotional attachment and belonging to the company.

Continuous commitment: here the relationship of a material nature is observed.

Regulatory commitment: this commitment tells us about the need for a worker to stay in the company.

Empowerment benefits

  • Not only do people find themselves in headquarters they have authority. Jobs have value because people are in them. People know they have authority over what they do. They all participate in decision-making. They promote feedback.

Importance of empowerment

  • Organizational development Quality Changes in the educational system Better results when the owners are the workers Reduction of companies Higher educational level of workers Greater channels of communication Influence on adult education


As we have seen, there are several differences between coaching and empowerment. Coaching is going to be in charge of clarifying the ideas of the worker, while empowerment is charged with providing security for the worker so that she alone can make decisions and take responsibility for her work.

In both cases, what is sought is to get the best out of the worker so that he can fulfill the company's objectives in the best way.


  • Acuña, Eduardo (2009), Coaching: Analysis of the organizational role, University Editorial, Chile, Milanese, Roberta (2007), Strategic Coaching, Herder, Spain, Menéndez, José L. (2011), Principles of Coaching, Bubok, Spain, Cardona S. (2001). "Intrategia: a basic dimension of business culture" McGraw-Hill, Spain
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Differences between coaching and empowerment