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Strategic direction of educational missions in Venezuela

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The Strategic Direction of the Sucre Mission to the Alma Mater Mission constitutes one of the most significant events in the process of university transformation. The main objective of this research was to gather information pertinent to the implementation and monitoring of this direction through the application of the Special Plan for the Recognition and Prosecution of Studies (PERPE) in the National Program of Training in Administration (PNFA) of the Sucre Mission to Alma Mater Mission National Training Program in the state of Trujillo. Years 2011 - 2013. The research has an exploratory nature based on a field design, we worked with a proportional sample by strata applying the structured interview technique.Among the results, data stands out that indicate that although the PERPE guidelines are met, they have not been done with the effectiveness and efficiency that they should have, which is why a series of recommendations is proposed.


The transformation of University Education in the National Context raises in this sense the "Bolivarian integration", and refers to integration processes as one of the perspectives of unity in the fight for freedom and social transformation in a socialist perspective. The Bolivarian integration process installs a new perspective on the development of national educational projects. These face the challenge of changing from a National perspective oriented to serve the interests of business globalization in the framework of the so-called globalization, to think of a Latin American identity from diversity.

Bolivarian integration contains this idea of ​​the struggle for freedom and historical transformation from a socialist perspective, and constitutes itself as a significant task for our generation. That is why in Venezuela a process of transformation in the political, social, educational, economic and cultural areas has been gestating and developing. The Venezuelan State, through the Bolivarian Government of Venezuela, has been consolidating the establishment of a socialist, technological, and scientific economic system, with a view to strengthening sovereignty and developing the productive forces in the country. The educational aspects appear as the fundamental strategic axis for the Bolivarian Revolution, hence the deep transformation process that is currently underway in the Venezuelan educational field.

For this purpose, the integration of all the elements that make up the complex system of university organization is proposed. Among others, the elements are considered in the first place the production and appropriation of knowledge, the organizational structure, culture, leadership, learning processes, attitudes and values ​​and learning in networks, and educational models among others; All these aspects are integrated with the other administrative processes, generating the fusion of the organization between the objective image and strategies with the development forces that guide the university organization towards a change of focus within the new knowledge society in the environment of the ´ transformation process of university education.

Hence, the Venezuelan State through the Ministry of Popular Power for University Education proposes the Alma Mater Mission, as the means for university transformation. This Mission proposes Knowledge Management for the transformation of University Education, requires the observance of the consequently indicated aspects regarding the adoption of the systemic vision to incorporate the university sector into the environment of changes in the knowledge society, the learning society and the information society, complex societies, marked by uncertainty.

It is assumed that training in university education from a quality management perspective must be clear about what its functions are to build its own management system for both administrative processes and learning and training processes seeking a interconnection between them; It is not only about considering the success of management in terms of efficiency and effectiveness, but it must also be considered what is the impact that these institutions are having on society in relation to the training of the new professional and the new citizen who has to live and coexist in this contemporary society, hence the importance of the link between the Alma Mater Missions and the Sucre Mission.

Regarding the municipalization of university education, more than 17,000 University Villages (centers of studies created in community infrastructures with the participation of different university education institutions and the participation of local actors) were established within the Sucre Mission. in which more than 500 thousand students study in the 335 municipalities that make up the national territory. By shortening the distances between study centers and places of residence, access has been favored for populations far from large urban centers, those who live far from the center of large cities, workers, workers and people with family responsibilities. González H. (2005).

Indissolubly associated with universalization is the municipalization of university education. The municipalization is the one that has encouraged and made possible the Sucre Mission, bringing higher education to the entire territory, bringing the University closer to the communities, reducing the distances between places of study, work and residence. This has, of course, resulted in an explosion of study opportunities for sectors of the population that would not otherwise be able to access higher education (note that not due to lack of talent or merit) and has made the image of books familiar in households that until now had not been able to count on any university student in the family or that of groups of people of different ages who walk home at night, leaving their university villages,or that they go through the neighborhoods as part of action-research processes that translate into community projects drawn up together with the Urban Land Committees, the Communal Councils or the elders of the indigenous communities.

The municipalization then is not only physical closeness between the University and the place of residence, but it changes the traditional meaning of University Education. The idea of ​​“going to University” whereby people leave rural or poor communities (not to return) through education, is giving way to an unprecedented process: University education comes to the community to stay, promote the community and its endogenous development. Doctors, doctors, educators, educators, specialists in social management of the communities, trained in the communities to serve them, generating an authentic appropriation of higher education by the great majority. Again, municipalization is a strategy and a goal, a means and an end. González S. (2005).

That is why the fundamental objective of the Alma Mater Mission to promote a University Education at the service of the construction of Popular Power, joins the object of the Sucre Mission, through its Programs and institutions constituting an unprecedented process of participation of the Power Popular. Hence, in the creation of the new institutional fabric to transform University Education, it requires the transfer of the National Training Program in Administration of the Sucre Mission to the National Training Program in Administration of the Alma Mater Mission, both converging in the generation, transformation and dissemination of knowledge for the transformation of the Venezuelan State in its administrative dimension.

The Special Plan for Recognition and Prosecution (PERP) of the National Training Program in Administration from the Sucre Mission to the Alma Mater Mission constitutes an instrument for the transfer and transformation of University Education based on the strategic lines of the Simón National Project Bolívar guaranteeing everyone's right to a quality University Education without exclusions.

The Special Recognition and Prosecution Plan presents actions aimed at Directing curricular transfer strategies, among the plans of each program of the respective missions, these correspond to the academic dimensions of recognition and prosecution, always considering what benefits the most. student and establish a greater administrative order in the administration of the National Administration Training Program. To this end, the Inter-institutional Committee of the PNFA, together with the academic coordinators of the Sucre Mission, has conceived the Special Plan for the Recognition and Prosecution of Studies.


To facilitate the access of Venezuelans to University Education, the Sucre Mission is created with the objectives of:

  • Facilitate the incorporation and continuation of studies in higher education for all high school graduates who, despite their legitimate aspirations and full rights, have not been admitted or admitted to any official higher education institution, and increase the educational level of the Venezuelan population Promote the reflection, discussion, conception and implantation of a new university educational model, based on the imperatives of participatory and leading democracy, dialogue with the actors involved having as fundamental reference the historical, social, political and economic process that we live..

The Sucre Mission and the implementation of the National Training Programs (PNF) become tools of great social impact to transform an educational system that was not able to respond to the demands of the Venezuelan people. Under these premises, the Sucre Mission National Administration Training Program (PNFA) was created and accredited by the Dr. Federico Rivero Palacio University Institute of Technology (IUT Capital Region).

The National Training Programs arise within the framework of the Sucre Mission, conceived as Degree Training Programs. With the creation of the Alma Mater mission, the analyzes on the matter are retaken and a fundamental conclusion, with an integrating spirit, is the figure of the National Training Programs, becoming the central axis for the development of the aforementioned Mission.

The Alma Mater Mission was created to promote the transformation of Venezuelan university education and promote its institutional and territorial articulation, based on the strategic lines of the Simón Bolívar National Project, guaranteeing the right of everyone to a quality university education without exclusions, whose components can be seen in figure 1.

Figure 1. Strategic map of the PNFA of the Alma Mater Mission.

Strategic map of the PNFA of the Alma Mater Mission.

The purpose of PERPE is to “establish the academic conditions that guarantee the recognition and continuation of studies from the National Program of Training in Administration Mission Sucre towards the National Program of Training in Administration Mission Alma Mater.

The University Education institutions, created within the framework of the Alma Mater Mission and in accordance with the Sucre Mission, will form a National University Network with the aim of guaranteeing joint and solidarity cooperation between the institutions to strengthen their institutional action for training and creation intellectual, closely linked to social needs, to achieve the objectives of the Simón Bolívar National Plan ”.

Following the guidelines established in the PERPE All the Winners and Winners of the PNFA in the framework of the Sucre Mission in the state of Trujillo, will be transferred and transferred to the National Program of Administration Training in the framework of the Alma Mater Mission, after recognition and prosecution which will be the responsibility of the Trujillo State University Institute of Technology (IUTET).

The aforementioned motivates interest in collecting pertinent information on the implementation of the Special Plan for the Recognition and pursuit of Studies of the National Administration Training Program within the framework of the Sucre Mission in the state of Trujillo, as well as knowing the opinions of the winners and winners of the PNFA - Sucre Mission and of the Facilitators and Coordinators of the different University Villages, as protagonists of this integration process unprecedented so far.

The information gathered has allowed the implementation and monitoring of the PNFA - MS Special Study Recognition and Prosecution Plan for the PNFA - AM. It is presumed that the implementation of PERPE will allow, according to what is established in its purpose, to guarantee the recognition and continuation of the studies of the PNFA MS towards the PNFA AM, and also to corroborate if in the different university villages where the PNFA is managed, the PERPE is being executed. as stated in its original objectives.

Similarly, the implementation of PERPE must be approached and documented to have empirical evidence on its impact, thus determining both its positive aspects and its insufficiencies.

Evaluation of the Special Study Recognition and Prosecution Plan

Evaluation Concept. In the Dictionary of the Spanish Royal Academy it is defined:

Evaluation: (to evaluate) f. Valuation.

Evaluate: fix by calculation the value or price of a thing or a set of goods.

From this definition it follows that in order to evaluate it is necessary to set a value or a pattern, which does not allow us to define the PERPE Evaluation conceptually, so it is necessary to define it from a functional point of view.

Authors like Hitler R (1942) define evaluation "as the process that allows determining to what degree the proposed educational objectives have been achieved".

The evaluation of PERPE can be defined as a permanent and continuous process of inquiry and evaluation of the planning and execution of the educational process of the PNFA, therefore its purpose is to generate information, knowledge and learning aimed at feeding timely and pertinent decision-making for guarantee the efficiency, effectiveness and quality of the Program.

By evaluating the implementation and monitoring of PERPE, it can be determined to what extent its general guidelines are being met and carried out in daily daily practices, so that the effectiveness and efficiencies of the institutions involved or responsible for their application are determined, so that its impact can be appreciated and appreciated.

The universe was made up of the winners and winners registered in the PNFA within the framework of the Sucre Mission in the state of Trujillo, for the academic period 2011 III. According to the academic Coordination of the 511 program winners and winners, In addition to 20 Coordinators of Villages where the PNFA is developed, as well as 96 facilitators of the different curricular units.

Table No.1 Study population.









University Villages









Source: Academic Coordination Mission Sucre Trujillo state 2013.

The Ander Egg (1981) Law of Large Numbers method was used to select the sample, from which a proportional sample by strata was obtained.

The representative sample used is sixty-four (64) surveys, corresponding to fifty-two (52) winners and winners, Two (2) Coordinators of University Villages and Ten (10) Facilitators of the PNFA within the framework of the Sucre Mission.

The application of structured interviews to fifty-two (52) winners, two (2) coordinators and ten (10) facilitators were used as techniques for gathering information.

In addition, observations were made in meetings between the different actors responsible for applying the Special Plan for the Recognition and Prosecution of the PNFA MS to the PNF AM in the state of Trujillo.

Since the application of the PERPE of Administration in said state, sixty (60) Graduates and Graduates have graduated, in addition to two hundred and thirty-two (232) University Superior Technicians. For the second semester of 2013, thirty-four (34) Graduates and seventy-three (73) Higher University Technicians in administration are expected to graduate.

It should be noted that the Trujillo State University Institute of Technology (IUTET) assumed the organization, planning and pedagogical support of the PNFA, for which reason in addition to the Inter-institutional Committee an Academic Council was created, made up of the authorities of the IUTET and the Sucre Mission.

The results are summarized in:

The National Administration Training Program within the framework of the Sucre Mission has a quarterly study regime at the rate of twelve (12) academic weeks and two academic-administrative weeks, which are generally always met, which leads to the successful students. and achievers to maximize the use of their time and culminating their Higher Technical University in two years, at the beginning of the application of PERPE the expectations of the winners and winners of the PNFA MS were very positive, but once they graduate and the prosecution does not immediately the disappointment and comparison of their previous and current situation begins, in fact, this is confirmed when 70% of the interviewees consider that the application of PERPE has been worse than expected.

Respondents consider that PERPE has met the objectives for which it was created. 50% indicate the same as expected, 30% better than expected, 10% much better than expected and 10% worse than expected.

On the fulfillment of the established academic calendar, 60% manifest much worse than expected and the remaining 40% worse than expected.

Regarding the treatment and attention of the IUTET staff towards the winners, winners, coordinators and facilitators, 60% indicate the same as expected and 40% better than expected.

Most of the PNFA winners and winners in the Sucre Mission framework work from Monday to Friday, so that in the different university villages they studied on weekends, which is why 90% expressed their discontent with the schedules offered in principle by the IUTET.

About 70% state that they do not agree with the zoning of the prosecution, since they are forced to move from their municipalities to other municipalities in which the IUTET is based.

Although one of the guidelines of PERPE is to guarantee the continuation of studies. Less than 5% of the achievers who have graduated as University Superior Technicians have been able to continue their studies, together with this, thirty-four (34) Graduates and seventy-three (73) University Superior Technicians are awaiting degree, The winners of the II promotion of TSU have completed one year of their degree and have not started the prosecution, this, together, makes 90% of those surveyed consider that the application of PERPE has not been beneficial to them.


  1. The Special Study Recognition and Prosecution Plan arises with the aim of providing the winners of the National Administration Training Program in the framework of the Sucre Mission with the continuity or continuation of their studies towards the Bachelor's degree. short period of time for implementation, without considering all the actors involved in the educational process and perhaps the most important: “Las Triunfadoras y Triunfadores.” The efficiency and effectiveness with which PERPE should have been approached and applied was not expected Not only in the Trujillo state, although it is true that all the IUT have recognized the studies carried out in the PNFA MS, prosecution has not been implemented in this way, there are many states in which prosecution has not yet begun.There is a lack of motivation for the winners who have already graduated from TSU for more than a year and have not yet continued, this is leading them to drop out, start other programs and careers, as well as move to other states. The winners had years and more are not the schedules that have been offered so far at the IUTET, which encourages desertion since they do not adapt to their needs. It should be noted that in meetings held with the Academic Sub Directorate, they manifest all the willingness to overcome the difficulties presented and articulate firmly and decisively with the Sucre Mission.The schedules that the winners had for two years and more are not the schedules that until now have been offered at the IUTET, which encourages desertion since they do not adapt to their needs. It should be noted that in meetings held with the Sub Directorate Academic, they show all the disposition to overcome the difficulties presented and articulate firmly and decisively with the Sucre Mission.The schedules that the winners had for two years and more are not the schedules that until now have been offered at the IUTET, which encourages desertion since they do not adapt to their needs. It should be noted that in meetings held with the Sub Directorate Academic, they show all the disposition to overcome the difficulties presented and articulate firmly and decisively with the Sucre Mission.


  1. Incorporate the student spokesperson into the Inter-institutional Committee and the Academic Committee with the right to voice and vote, that is, full functions, since they are not just spectators, but rather become the main protagonists of the educational process. III a plan of prosecution at the national level, which allows the thousands of TSUs in Administration who have not yet been able to join the bachelor's degree to be incorporated.To be more effective, the plan for incorporation to prosecution must reach agreements to offer shifts: daytime, evening, night, weekends and a combination of both, this would allow a greater incorporation of winners and winners to the prosecution.CU and UPT must implement awareness-raising programs and courses for their teaching staff, employees and workers based on articulation with the Sucre Mission. At the national level, a Permanent Training Plan should be initiated for the facilitators of the Sucre Mission. The most valuable thing that all Organization is your human talent and it is the most difficult thing to form. In the Sucre Mission there is a large group of professionals committed to the revolutionary process who should have the first option of entering the CU, IUT and UPT.In the Sucre Mission there is a large group of professionals committed to the revolutionary process who should have the first option of entering the CU, IUT and UPT.In the Sucre Mission there is a large group of professionals committed to the revolutionary process who should have the first option of entering the CU, IUT and UPT.


  1. Almeida, H. (2011). Strategies for Municipalization. Los Teques Estado Miranda.Ander-Egg, E. (1981). Introduction to Research Techniques. Humanitas Publishing House. Buenos Aires.Arias, F. (1999): The Research Project. Editorial Episteme Caracas.Chávez, H. (2003). Consulted on June 27, 2013. Available: National Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (1999, March 24). Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, N5.453.Caracas.Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, issued on March 1, 2008, number 38.388.Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, issued on November 13 2008, number 39.058, Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, issued on March 27, 2009, number 39.148.Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, issued on June 2, 2011, number 39,687.Sabino, C. (1992): The Investigation Process. Panapo Publishing House. Caracas.
Strategic direction of educational missions in Venezuela