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Design of a management program for directors of secondary schools in iquitos

Table of contents:


1. Background

Education is as old as humanity itself, and to teach it is enough to "say how." But, the complexities of the sciences and humanities require that teaching be carried out using appropriate technology. However, defining "appropriate technology" is not easy if you want to convince everyone. From a general point of view, educational currents have oscillated between rigid education based on discipline according to the tradition of ancient Greece and the Middle Ages, and libertarian education, that is, without formalities, in open spaces, free of teaching schemes strict, following the teachings of Rousseau and Pestalozzi. Recent history has shown fluctuations within these two positions, which means that neither of them prevails over the other.To adopt an educational strategy that leads us to improve educational quality, the advantages and disadvantages of both positions must be examined.

Rigid education has undoubted advantages, because it is oriented to the formation of character. Thus Kant mentions that "denying discipline is a greater evil than denying culture", because the latter can be corrected in later life and the former cannot. Hegel himself wrote that discipline is the backbone of character. However, the drawbacks of the rigid method have appeared throughout history. Thus in Prussia in the 18th century, Carl Eugen established a school of excellence with military discipline, the Carlschule. Prominent men graduated from her. Among them the poet Friederich Schiller, who nevertheless behaved like a rebellious schoolboy. Studies of his growth curve during his stay at the institution reveal that he suffered significant psychosocial stress.

The psychosocial stress suffered by some young people in schools with rigid discipline, leads to the need to consider different educational patterns for students according to their personality. For example, Fenelon emphasized that not all schoolchildren can be subjected to the same methods, the most sensitive schoolchildren must be subjected to gentle methods.

The construction of knowledge that informs the new trends in the administration of Latin American education is the central theme of this work. Throughout the text, reference is made to some topics that we have previously developed about the Latin American experience in the field of education and school and university administration to rewrite them with a historical vision, in the context of the new international economic and political reality.

From the conceptual point of view, this reflection on the management of Latin American education is part of the theoretical movement of the social sciences and is inserted in the course of the historical development of Latin America examined in the context of its international relations. In this sense, we start from the premise that the problems and challenges that Latin American countries face today in the practice of education and in its administration are understood as they are examined in the context of economic, political and cultural forces in within each nation and within the scope of their international interdependence relations. However, within this set of interrelations, the thesis is affirmed that the management of education has its own body of knowledge and social practices,historically built based on the specific mission of educational institutions in society. In this sense, it is possible to define the specificity of the administration of education as a theoretical and praxiological field based on the peculiar nature of education as a political and cultural practice committed to the promotion of ethical values ​​that guide the full exercise of citizenship. in democratic society.It is possible to define the specificity of the administration of education as a theoretical and praxiological field based on the peculiar nature of education as a political and cultural practice committed to the promotion of ethical values ​​that guide the full exercise of citizenship in democratic society.It is possible to define the specificity of the administration of education as a theoretical and praxiological field based on the peculiar nature of education as a political and cultural practice committed to the promotion of ethical values ​​that guide the full exercise of citizenship in democratic society.

Educational management from a historical perspective: When starting this reflection, the first concern is to contextualize the study of educational management in Latin America, examining it in the context of its political and cultural history. This exercise is based on the hypothesis that the current state of knowledge in the field of educational administration is not a gratuitous fact; on the contrary, it is the result of a long process of historical construction in which we all participate. In other words, we are the authors of an unfinished story that we continue to write over the years.

There are various readings of this construction process. This historical reading is divided into five consecutive stages, which correspond to five different conceptual and analytical approaches to study the process of construction, deconstruction and reconstruction of knowledge in the administration of Latin American education. In this reading, reference is made to the legal approach that dominated the management of education during the colonial period, with its normative character and deductive thinking; to the technocratic approach of the scientific, managerial and bureaucratic movement of the classical management school developed at the beginning of the 20th century in light of the economic logic that characterized the consolidation process of the Industrial Revolution;to the behavioral approach of the psychosociological school of the 1930s and 1940s that informed the use of the theory of the social system in the organization and management of education; to the developmentalist approach, of a modernizing nature, conceived by foreign authors in the field of comparative political theory that flourished in the postwar period; and the sociological approach of Latin American authors of the last decades, concerned with the conception of sociological theories and educational solutions to satisfy the needs and aspirations of Latin American society.conceived by foreign authors in the field of comparative political theory that flourished in the postwar period; and the sociological approach of Latin American authors of the last decades, concerned with the conception of sociological theories and educational solutions to satisfy the needs and aspirations of Latin American society.conceived by foreign authors in the field of comparative political theory that flourished in the postwar period; and to the sociological approach of Latin American authors in recent decades, concerned with the conception of sociological theories and educational solutions to satisfy the needs and aspirations of Latin American society.

It is important to reiterate that this historical trajectory of administrative thought in Latin American education is part of the dominant theoretical movement of applied social sciences. The study of new trends in educational management, which today is included in our agenda of debates, is also part of this movement and, as such, it should benefit from the lessons of the past, commit itself to solving the problems of the present. and anticipate the needs and aspirations of the future. Why? Because the story did not end yesterday or begin today. Rather, I would say that today we are writing a new chapter in a long political-pedagogical work in permanent construction.

Educational management must tend to achieve educational objectives and goals, attending to the basic needs of students, parents, teachers and the entire community, in pursuit of a model of a supportive, ethical and participatory country. Management or management, is above all a system of knowledge or competencies for action, a system of practices, which cannot be intellectually learned, although they can be supported or served by ad hoc intellectual processes.

For its part IVANCEVICH (1997) tells us that it is the process undertaken by one or more people to coordinate the work activities of other people in order to achieve high quality results that anyone else, working alone, could not achieve. To enrich public and educational management, 4 pillars of education can be considered (contributed by J. DELORS): Learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together and learning to be. Educational management is considered to be the set of processes, decision-making and execution of actions that allow carrying out pedagogical practices, their execution and evaluation.

2. Identification and formulation of the problem

What Educational Management Processes should be taken into account for the effectiveness of a Management Program for directors of secondary schools in Iquitos?

The school manager has to emphasize the high performance of his own functions and those of the students, teachers, administrators and auxiliary personnel, in a work environment committed to excellence. Managing implies taking a set of coherent and comprehensive resolutions according to a defined educational policy to enter a global and competitive market. In order not to distort its directionality, educational management demands specific decision-making on essential aspects such as: enhancing resources, determining levels of institutional performance, decentralizing the educational center organizationally, curricular diversification and educational and teaching decentralization.

The educational service at any level and / or modality, in response to the increasingly demanding demand that society poses to the National Educational System. For that reason the purpose of the need for a managerial program for directors of secondary schools.

Education is an Institutional activity capable of being administrative (CE), planned, controlled, decentralized, coordinated, interdisciplinary, dynamic, innovative and participatory.

Management is an application of a set of techniques, instruments and procedures in the management of resources and development of institutional activities. Management is the set of attitudes that differentiates who performs this function (Directors) and enables successful results in the institution. The Management Program allows visualizing the work of the Manager (Director) immersed in organizational development and interrelated with a changing and globalized context. The Management Program proposes an administration, strategic management and human development.

Management is an administrative function of a professional nature, inherent to a managerial position. Every manager to lead educational entities has the function of planning, organizing, directing and controlling their activities.

Educational quality is to satisfy the needs of people and their expectations. Total quality is a permanent and systematic process of quality improvement. Total quality starts from the principle that all people without exception can contribute to quality, seeking full satisfaction (internal and external).

Educational Marketing, Marketing can be defined as the performance of commercial activities that guide the flow of the service (educational) from the entity (school) that offers the user (student, parent) demanding the service.

Training and Development: In general, we can say that training comprises a set of educational and administrative actions aimed at changing and improving the knowledge, skills and attitudes of the staff of an institution in order to promote better levels of performance compatible with the demands of the position. that he performs and therefore enable his personal development, as well as the efficiency, efficacy and institutional effectiveness that he serves. Specifically, teacher training could be defined as a conscious, deliberate, participatory and permanent process, duly planned and executed in order to improve teacher performance and therefore the results of the educational process,promote self-development and permanent professional improvement among teachers and foster positive attitudes that promote permanent personal fulfillment and a higher level of institutional and social commitment. Teacher training has probably been the greatest administrative concern both at the institutional level and at the level of governments interested in educational development. Nowadays, on the other hand, it has become an individual concern, since those who do not train are quickly not only obsolete but also marginalized from the labor market, which is increasingly competitive.Teacher training has probably been the greatest administrative concern both at the institutional level and at the level of governments interested in educational development. Nowadays, on the other hand, it has become an individual concern, since those who do not train are quickly not only obsolete but also marginalized from the labor market, which is increasingly competitive.Teacher training has probably been the greatest administrative concern both at the institutional level and at the level of governments interested in educational development. Nowadays, on the other hand, it has become an individual concern, since those who do not train are quickly not only obsolete but also marginalized from the labor market, which is increasingly competitive.

3. Justification of the investigation

Since 1990, the so-called neoliberal system has been applied in the education sector, whose fundamental characteristic is the advocated modernization of education, but the educational crisis still lies in the deficient institutional management of the current directors. Educational problems frequently challenge our conscience in search of adequate and definitive solutions, of those who make decisions, that is, of those who govern or manage educational entities, it is up to those of us who are on the plain to formulate some proposals or possible conceptual approaches, in this case around the impact and the educational management techniques, to fulfill this purpose,We try to apply one of the recent institutional diagnosis methodologies (initial phase of the Strategic Planning process) consisting of the analysis of strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats, the SWOT technique, through which it is intended to know with some clarity the external factors (threats and opportunities) and internal (strengths and weaknesses) that significantly influence the institutional functioning, that is, to focus the management of educational entities in search of quality and excellence.that is, to focus the management of educational entities in search of quality and excellence.that is, to focus the management of educational entities in search of quality and excellence.

Until today, possibly due to the marked traditionalism in educational dynamics, strong resistance has been encountered to apply a managerial treatment to educational management, a situation that if maintained will constitute a serious setback or stagnation in the effort to overcome the current deficit levels of quality and even more so if we want to face decisively the new challenges, the same ones that will undoubtedly have to influence the development of our educational system with greater significance.

Currently the Educational System faces a changing and renewal context, so it must adapt to change and the big problem is to know if the director will be able to carry out his management according to this process of change, achieving the desired end, both at a personal-professional and institutional level..

In the new millennium and in a globalized world, the Educational System faces a changing and renewal context, for this it must adapt to change and the big problem is to know if the manager (Director) will be able to carry out his management according to this process of change, achieving the desired end, both at a personal-professional and institutional level (Educational Centers). The crisis in Peruvian education expresses the existence of a school that was unable to develop equal opportunities for all, the gratuity and universality of education, it is also a historical and structural crisis. The educational problems that third world countries face are so serious that it makes us aware of seeking prompt and definitive solutions;One of the core problems of education in our Educational System is Institutional Management, for this we have to focus on the management of educational entities in search of quality and excellence.

Currently there are Directors of Educational Centers who do not meet the characteristics or quality requirements to be a professional in Educational Management, they also abuse authority, lack pedagogical-administrative creativity, considering that the economic factor is necessary to carry out innovations; In this way, the development of more democratic, participatory management processes with shared power is proposed, managers that promote leadership, giving greater dimension to the human aspect and the quality of life of the members of the institution.

To improve the conditions of conduction of the educational service, it would consist of professionalizing the administration of education, training the Educational Managers that the system requires, so that, armed with the tools that administrative sciences and behavioral sciences provide, entities can successfully conduct educational programs that are assigned to them.

Administering today means a process of optimization of time, resources, energy, objectives and institutional purposes to provide a service or produce a good that meets the needs of the users whom the institution has to serve satisfactorily. Managing is growing, developing, moving forward, producing with moral, technical, business and productive quality. In the educational field, the administration is conceptualized as the optimal way to provide educational service and this implies that the Director is a manager whose responsibility is to achieve the development and educational quality to meet the needs and expectations of children and young people who wish to study achieving their human development, the same that translates into the profiles of the student in their personal, social, occupational and professional aspects.

The administration covers 5 essential stages: 1. Define the goals and objectives and the strategies required to achieve them. 2. Organize the necessary resources. 3. Be a leader and know how to motivate and teach. 4. Control or monitor constantly. 5. Take the necessary measures in case obstacles are found on the way. It is important to be clear that the globalized world is immersed in continuous changes, and that the administration must also take them into account and adapt to them in a timely manner, for this, it is necessary to have a dynamic administration, with an agile and adequate process for the decision making, and have an administration based on values, trust and commitment



Determine the need for a Management Program in the Directors of Secondary Education Centers in the city of Iquitos.

Evaluate the educational management processes for the effectiveness of the design of a Management Program in the Directors of Secondary Education Centers of the city of Iquitos.


1. Identify the educational management processes for the design of a Management Program for directors of secondary education centers in Iquitos.

2. Determine the educational management processes (human, material and financial resources) for the design of the Management Program in the secondary educational centers of Iquitos.

3. Apply the educational management processes for the design of the Management Program in secondary schools in Iquitos.

4. Evaluate the Management Program in secondary educational centers in Iquitos.



It is possible to evaluate the Educational Management Processes for the effectiveness of the design of a Management Program for directors of secondary educational centers in Iquitos.


1. It is possible to identify the educational management processes for the design of a Management Program for directors of secondary schools in Iquitos.

2. It is possible to determine the educational management processes for the design of the Management Program for directors of secondary schools in Iquitos.

3. It is possible to apply educational management processes for the design of a Management Program for directors of secondary educational centers in Iquitos.

4. It is possible to evaluate the Management Program in secondary educational centers in Iquitos.


Educational management management

  • Development of Educational Models Management of the Director. Leadership and managerial functions.

Management of Educational Centers

Educational Approaches

  • Quality and excellence in educational centers. Educational activities. Organizational change and development.

Managerial control

  • Decision making Educational supervision. Evaluation of directive management.

Indicators and indices


  • Management of the Director. Management of Educational Centers. Educational Management: Human resource administration, personnel selection. Management of Educational Management. Educational Organization. Direction and managerial control


  • Leadership styles. Role Time in charge. Training for the position. Development of educational models. Inter and extra-institutional coordination. Institutional educational project. Diagnosis of staff needs. Educational activities: Programming, implementation, execution and evaluation. Educational Supervision: time, resources, opportunity. Management Training and Development. Evaluation of Directive Management. Educational Planning. Managerial functions. Directive Management in Educational Centers. Elements of the Organization, principles. Organization and Functions Manual of the Educational Center. Organizational change and organizational development. Education Administration. Educational approaches. Educational perspectives. Quality and excellence in educational centers. Decision making,educational control and institutional evaluation. Educational Marketing.


Kind of investigation

* Not Experimental.

* Quasi-Experiemental.

Design of the investigation

Cross-sectional / cross-sectional and longitudinal designs:


Or and

M shows

R x, y, z Observations obtained in each of the 3 different variables.

MO x

RR Possible relationship between the variables studied

Or z


T1, T2, T3 Times when observations are made.



O1, O2, O3 Observations made in the study variables.

Time series designs: Periodic measurements of the dependent variable are performed in a single group, before and after the application of the treatment.

O1, O2, O3, O4 X O5, O6, O7, O8

Population and Sample

o Population: All Directors of Secondary Education Centers in Iquitos.

o Sample: 20 Directors of Secondary Education Centers in Iquitos.

Procedures, technique and instruments for data collection.

Quantitative methods

o Surveys: Questionnaire

Qualitative Methods

o Direct Observation: it is a technique that allows obtaining both quantitative and qualitative data and consists of the systematic, valid and reliable record of behaviors or manifest behavior, there is no interaction between the observed subject and the observer.

o Performance test.

Data processing.

Sampling Techniques: Simple and Systematic Probabilistic Random sampling will be used.

Information analysis techniques: Crombach's Alpha Coefficient, pilot test and expert judgment.

Schedule of activities

Formulation and approval of the project. x
Organization and implementation. x x
    • Readjustment Information Collection Processing and Analysis
xx xx xx x xx x
Final report x x
Evaluation and control x x x x x x x x x x



o Technical Support 600.00

Administrative Support 700.00



o Stationery S. / 1,500.00

o Printing Material 1,000.00

Processing Material 700.00



o Travel expenses and tickets S /. 3,000.00

o Printing Services 1,000.00

o Processing services 700.00


4. Basic bibliography.

ALVARADO OYARCE, Otoniel. Personnel Administration - Approach to the educational field. Editorial UDEGRAF. SA Lima - Peru 2000.

ALVARADO OYARCE, Otoniel. Educational Management - Opportunities and challenges. Editorial Vallejianas. Trujillo - Peru 1996.

ALVARADO OYARCE, Otoniel. Educational Management - Approaches and Processes. Ediciones Universidad de Lima, Editorial Development Fund. Lima - Peru 1999.

ALVARADO OYARCE, Otoniel. Educational Policy - Concepts, Reflections and Proposals. Editorial Vallejiana - César Vallejo University. Trujillo - Peru 1996.

ARANA ARENAS, Maria Elena. Principles and Processes of Educational Management. Editorial San Marcos. Lima - Peru 1998.

BOLOÑA BEHR, Carlos. Experiences for an economy at the service of the people. Editorial New Educational Techniques - Netusa. Lima - Peru 2000.

CALERO PEREZ, Mavilo. Management Administration of the Educational Center. Editorial Birch. Lima - Peru 1996.

CALERO PEREZ, Mavilo. Educative administration. Birch editions. Lima - Peru 1999.

CARDENAS SÁNCHEZ, Enrique. Dictionary of Pedagogy, Psychology and Methodology. Editorial AFA Editores Importadores SA Lima - Peru 1999.

FARRO CUSTODIO, Francisco. Management of Educational Centers - Towards Total Quality. Editorial Center for Christian Projection. Lima - Peru 1995.

SÁNCHEZ, Pedro - RODRÍGUEZ, Sergio. Training of the Educational Manager. International Pedagogical Day. Derrama Magisterial - Latin American and Caribbean Pedagogical Institute 1997.





















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Design of a management program for directors of secondary schools in iquitos