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A disseminaçao do conhecimento


Or artigo tem like finalidade to analyze to importance of the dissemination of the conhecimento and of how it will be able to be implanted in companies of provision of services of the hotel industry. Or a study of quantitative nature was carried out through questionnaires applied in a hotel located in the center of the city of Guarapuava / PR. In order to develop or work, it is a bibliographic review on the subject. It is hoped that the results achieved can be confirmed or that the authors consulted reveal, ou seja, that the dissemination of the performance of the companies represents a decisive factor in business competitiveness.


Na atualidade, muito is tem falado on MPORTANCE da Gestão do conhecimento for world or two businesses. But as the Brazilian companies, especially, not a Tourism - Hotel manager, does this council look in what way or translate it for its daily leaders?

The world lives, not a moment, a rare complex complex that interferes with organizations in the general society. A current global financial crisis that began in September 2008, was caused by uneasiness for executives, regardless of the size of the company and the location located in the global village.

On the other hand, the globalization of the economy, driven by the technology of information and communication, is a reality of which one cannot escape or ignore.

In this context, the knowledge and / or management of knowledge (KM, English Knowledge Management) becomes a powerful strategic resource for the lives of people and companies. It has been a long time since knowledge has played a fundamental role in history. Aliás, or Brazil, uncovered the Portuguese hairs in 1500, thank you for your six years on Navegação. Assim, upon your acquisition and application, will always represent a stimulus for the conquests of countless civilizations. In the meantime, just "knowing very little" about someone who does not provide, in and of itself, greater power of competition for an organization. And when allied to your management that the face differs. To the creation and implantation of processes that gerem, armazenem, gerenciem and disseminem or conhecimento represent or mais novo challenge to be faced by the companies. Assim, thermos like «Intellectual capital «,« human capital »,« innovative capacity »,« intangible assets »or« business intelligence »já fazem part day-to-day of various administrators.

Or corporate networking works as an attempt to organize interpersonal ideas and information, which can be transformed into conhecimento. I am not, therefore, or incapable of guaranteeing or providing organizational support, the information is not related to the strategic planning. Therefore, the management of the companies fear of being inserted in their Strategic Planning.

The management of the convention also requires an organizational culture that does not allow, but promotes and rewards the free circulation of ideas, or that requires that there be proactive collaborators, willing to learn, debate, improve the sharing, to create innovations in the organization, advancing competitive vantagens and increasing productivity.

Gestão do Conhecimento

This topic presents a review of the literature, beginning with the dissemination of the evidence, highlighting the aspects related to its ferramentas that possam auxiliary need to process.

According to Antonelli e Quéré (2004, p. 1), Carvalho, Mascarenhas and Oliveira (2006) identified the identification as seen as an economic bem. Nessa mesma linha, Catropa (2001) reports that the classic tripé da economy (terra, capital e trabalho) is about to be replaced by technology, since it is considered as a fundamental input to the production process, strengthens or processes of globalization of economies in two markets, migrating from the recommended management two models of the industrial society for the models of the information society.

According to Daft (2002, p. 239), Apud Carvalho, Mascarenhas and Oliveira, defines as a combination of information about the collective brain hairs of two officials that were based on the previous knowledge. Antonelli e Quere (2004, p. 16) acrescentam that or external conhecimento é uma important contribution not process of production desses novos conhecimentos.

For Wiig (2000), in the practice of managing the process, we must take into account the benefits that the individuals involved have received, due to the focus of the process being that we are individuals and in the systems of work processes or ferramentas within organizations. Assim, fear of the definition of management presented by Terra in a comprehensive way:

“Gestão do Conhecimento means organizing the main policies, processes and technological management and ferramentas in light of a melhor that comprises two processes of geração, identification, validation, dissemination, sharing, protection and use of two strategic connections to generate (economic) results for the company and benefits for internal and external collaborators (stakeholders). ” (TERRA, 2005, p. 8), apud Carvalho, Mascarenhas e Oliveira (2006).

A disseminação do conhecimento represents how organizations are effectively transferring conhecimento. It is possible to be a fighter for the hiring of people, through informal and non-scheduled conversations, or by meetings and structured meetings (meetings) that make it possible to mobilize the company.

For Daft (2002, p. 240), quoted by Carvalho, Mascarenhas e Oliveira (2006), a disseminação do conhecimento, em qualquer organização, é crucial. Either explicit support has been formally captured and shared by information technology, however, or tacitly, it is estimated that tacit represents 80% of the useful support of an organization.

Following are our other management procedures:

Gestão do conhecimento é:

“The art of creating value from two intangible assets of the organization” - K. Sveiby, 1977. apud LEVY (2008).

"As is the case here, as the people of the company know that it has given a competitive advantage" - Tom Stewart (199, apud LEVY (2008).

"Conhecimento that can be converted into value" - Leif Edvinsson (1996), LEVY (2008)

“Intellectual material that was formalized, captured and bracketed to produce high value assets” - Pruzak (1994), LEVY (2008).

A disseminação do Conhecimento

In a University, in general, it has a large concentration of connectivity, but it has no possibility of sharing the system of integration. Isso faz com que o brilho individual seja saliente enquanto o brilho coletivo seja obfuscated.

For Faria (2004), or McDonalds selects employees with a low experience and reduced benefit, in comparison with a university; However, its performance with more than 30,000 restaurants, in 119 countries, serving more than 47,000,000 sandwiches to customers all day, shows that it is a very intelligent, collectively intelligent organization, the guarantor of a quality in various cultures. Either McDonalds patronized or their conhecimento, in such a way that it facilitates their performance in any culture, in any part of the world.

How to spread or conhecimento? Through two relationships! Or it is related to the main artery to flow or conhecimento, é or facilitator who built strategic alliances that led the company to occupy a melhor space and to win more. For this reason, it is a new capital, or relationship capital.

A management gives information that circulates between the various leaders of a company and the Management of Conhecimento.

O conhecimento is intrinsically related to or to the human being and to the way in which the people appropriate the transformation.

On the other hand, to Gestão do Conhecimento Additional to information in interpersonal and social contexts. It makes it possible for information to become relevant to all the business processes of businesses.

Or use of the management of the organization to be carried out in consideration of the following aspects:

• It is not a technology, but uses technology;

• It depends more on culture and methodology than on products;

• It does not work without changes in culture and management.

• It is very difficult to convert with Tacit> explicit, Individual support in collective.

• Passive em asset and initiative em valor.

The companies will discover that Gestão do Conhecimento is one of the two main resources to look for competitive advantages and to face the growth of the agreement. I have not yet found or submitted any documents, data banks, information systems and business processes, but also two groups in a heavy experience, managing it is not easy. "One of the two challenges is in the creation, dissemination and sharing of information, or in the organizational learning process", says Simone Basile (2003), coordinator of the Excelência Group "Conhecimento e Novas Formas de Aprendizado" from CRA-SP.

Segundo Simone (2003), or cycle of organizational learning, begins with the acquisition or creation of the conhecimento, passes through dissemination and ends with the forms of use. "There is no point in failing to be a type of apprenticeship who is failing in strategy, because the objective is to find a competitive benchmark."

Why must I be daring to disseminação do conhecimento to the Strategic Planning of the organization ? A simple answer: Because A strategy allows the company to develop its "ability to think", from which it is a challenge to teach employees, and how it should be focused on learning. In other words, the goals of management must be linked to the strategies of the organization.

Another problem that organizations need to face in relation to learning. The organizational learning is based on the lack of technological evolution on the part of the organizations, which also follow Taylor principles (basic principles of the Administration). "A great time when working with flexible working days, working distance, or talent retention, this system is not at the same time as it was done."

For us to be able to disseminate or conhecimento we need, before all, classify it. There are two types of conhecimento:

• Tacit conhecimento: Individual, pessoal, criativo.

• Explicit conhecimento: Documented, registered, standardized.

Or tacit conhecimento e uma human characteristic and embor posso be supported by a machine, depends on the human brain to perform.

Or tacit conhecimento can be characterized according to the following aspects:

• Envelop insights, intuições, pressentimentos e palpites;

• Nasce within an individual and social context;

• A technical dimension can be steeped in art, gifts and heavy skills;

• A cognitive dimension can be shamed with creations, ideas, schemes and mental models. Example: Dá to make a recipe of Acarajé, but a Baiana dominates the art of production.

Já or explicit conhecimento can be easily expressed through words and numbers; shared in the form of formulas and specifications; documented in books, manuals and databases; wrap two cats together é acquired mainly by information; which always peels formal education.

On the other hand, or great challenge of a manager of the conhecimento é to the transformation of the tacit, intuitive, genius, creative, in explicit, registered conhecimento, that can be programmed.

Next, we present a table that shows how we can do the management of a hotel.

Conversões do Conhecimento

Fonte: Cláudio D'Ipolitto - FGV

Analysis of Customer Experience

Fonte: Cláudio D'Ipolitto - FGV


It deals with a field investigation with a quantitative and qualitative approach that aims to study and endorse the importance of internal dissemination in a hotel located in the city center of Guarapuava / PR. In the first stage, it was a bibliographic review with various authors on the subject, seeking to deepen or support. Percebeu-se in the absence of books directly related to hospitality.

As a dice queue instrument, 1 questionnaire was prepared containing open and dated questions related directly to the focus of the article: Gestão e Disseminação do Conhecimento.


Not in the current context of the world two businesses, or hoteliers, as well as you are, we are going through various transformations. At present, in the era of conhecimento e da informação, it is considered that the management and dissemination of the conhecimento need to be flexible to guarantee or business success.

The hotel enterprises must convince themselves that the dissemination of the conformance must be carried out, managed and conducted in such a way as to attend to all the publics involved with the organization.

In addition to facilitating or establishing the maintenance of quality connections, managing and disseminating the contribution to reveal or potential new demands and needs, which can be translated into new products and services.

It also enables the management of "encobertas" information and two tacit (implicit) connections present in networks of social relations and a guarantee that they provide measurable and effective results for those involved in a business process.

In this sense, to disseminate or confirm the need to exist a cycle on which the company:

• Define your needs for conhecimento;

• Identify the sources of

conhecimento • Estabeleça um processo de coleta de informações;

• Undertake a process of analysis and contextualization of information and

• Perform a continuous process of dissemination of knowledge.

The management of the convention also requires an organizational culture that will not only allow, but will promote and reward the free circulation of ideas, or that requires that there be proactive collaborators, willing to learn, debate, improve the sharing, to create innovations in the organization, advancing competitive vantagens and increasing productivity, in addition to a working environment of Saudi Arabia.

Bibliographic references

PFEFFER, J. The gap between knowing and doing: how to transform knowledge into action in a small business / Jeffrey Pfeffer and Robert I. Sutton - 1st ed. - Buenos Aires: Granica, 2005.

BASILE, Simone. O Corporate Networking is among the practices endorsed by companies to disseminate and share or compromise. Artigo published in August 2003, consulted on 07/16/09.

Carvalho, A., Mascarenhas, C., Oliveira, E. Ferramentas de Disseminação do Conhecimento em uma Instituição de C, T & I de Defesa Nacional, article published by / Published by: TECSI FEA USP - 2006.

FARIA, C. Alberto de. Artigo published in www.merkatus.com.br in 2006.

LAPA, Eduardo. Artigo: A gestão do conhecimento hoje no Brasil. published em

LEVY, Armando. Gestão do Conhecimento: Turning or conhecimento um an ally of your organization. Palestra apresentada no INTERCON, 2008. Available at <http://www.slideshare.net/ALevy/epress


Questionnaire about DC

1. What does initiative take to identify needs of conhecimentos and

request / provide meios necessários? () Directors; () Manager (); Outros ().

2. What company criteria is used to identify the needs of

two officials? () Interviews; () Meetings; () Avaliação; Outras ().

3. How does a company encourage employees to acquire new conhecimentos?

() Incentives; () Promotion; () Valorização (); () Others.

4. In your perception, why are two officials motivated to try to obtain new benefits? () professional performance; () Melhorar remuneração; () Functional ascension; () Others.

5. What are the means of obtaining and transmitting the information provided by the company to the civil servants? () Courses; () Treinamentos; () Congressos (); () Others.

6. As a face-to-face company to obtain new conhecimentos, necessary neos business years of the organization? () External consulting; () Congressos; () Associação de Classe; () Others.

7. In which areas do you certify that you have created new ingredients?

() Marketing; () Relationship with clients; () R. Humans () Chargers; () Others.

8. Which one do you consider most suitable for transmission?

() Relationship with colleagues; () Treinamentos; () Outros ().

9. Or tacit conhecimento é mais bem transmitted from pessoa to pessoa, orally. Or what company to solve some matter that involves tacit knowledge?

10. How does a company endorse the individual and collective assets?

() individual assessment; () Seminars; () Others.

A disseminaçao do conhecimento