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Education. how to learn by making difficult things easy


In Early Childhood Education, students learn using fun games that facilitate the acquisition of concepts. However, as training levels advance, this practice is hardly used. My proposal is as follows: Let's learn as children.

Learning as it is structured in 21st century schools is still too theoretical and abstract. This means that when a student tries to understand a process such as "digestion", he finds it extremely difficult. How do we solve this problem?

You may miss my proposal, but something that works for me and that I recommend to the students I work with is: consult the children's version of what you are studying.

Studying with children's materials

Most of the knowledge that an adult person can acquire is in cartoons, encyclopedias and children's books.

The concepts explained in these teaching materials use such simple language that it allows any student to assimilate the fundamental aspects of the topics that are complex to them.

For the sake of understanding, I will give an example below. Look at this definition of "Telescope".


Fundamental instrument of astronomy that allows us to see distant objects.

Source: Icarito

Now read this Wikipedia description of the same concept.


Telescope (from Greek τῆλε "far" and σκοπέω "see") is called the optical instrument that allows you to see distant objects in much more detail than with the naked eye. It is a fundamental tool of astronomy, and each development or refinement of the telescope has been followed by advances in our understanding of the Universe

Source: Wikipedia

Which one seems easier to you?

Where do I find simple educational materials

If you find it difficult to understand a concept or process, look for children's books that explain the same information. They all feature many illustrations, and many also contain drop-down elements for easy understanding.

Once you have learned the basics, it is time for you to make your own notes, diagrams or mind maps. No matter they are super-simple, they will be the basis on which much more complex concepts will be supported.

To strengthen and expand the knowledge acquired, watch a documentary on the subject. It will help you to place the information in specific contexts that, in addition, complement the exposed concepts with images and sound, which produces a learning situation in which the person has to use multiple senses.

Remember that learning creates a stronger amnesic (memory) footprint, insofar as it involves senses, emotions and movement. This makes the attention optimal and the contents establish strong neural connections that will be available in the Long-Term Memory for when the student needs it.

To be successful in studies you have to be resilient

Now you may be thinking: "Where can I find this material that can help me now?" If this is your case, do not worry that it is easier than you think.

Children's teaching materials are available in libraries, on websites, in toy libraries, in children's educational centers and in toy stores. Ask your child, nephew or even a friend who teaches in an Early Childhood classroom, they can help you.

You can also take a walk around the houses of all your friends or family with children from 6 to 12 years old, they probably have a lot of invaluable educational material that you can use to learn while you have a fun time teaching them.

I hope you can use this powerful study strategy that many experts use to accelerate learning. I invite you to think of a concept that is difficult for you to learn and do the exercise of looking for the children's version of it. If it works for you, don't hesitate to share the results. Surely you help many people to improve as a student.

Education. how to learn by making difficult things easy