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Sexuality education in the basic secondary school of Cuba. a way to enhance the comprehensive training of students


Cuban education, based on the historical mission and on the interests of the working class, aims to train the new generations and all the people in the scientific conception of the world, that is, that of dialectical and historical materialism, to fully develop the intellectual, physical and spiritual capacities of the individual and promote in him, high human feelings and aesthetic tastes, convert ideological, political and communist moral principles into personal convictions and habits of daily conduct, in short, form a free and educated man, fit to live and participate actively and consciously in the building of socialism and communism.

In educational centers, the work of Health Education is developed and strengthened with the aim of achieving healthy behaviors and lifestyles, contributing to responsible sexuality and the prevention of infection by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and other infections. of sexual transmission (ITS), supporting each task that is carried out in respect for differences, gender diversity and in encouraging the participation and commitment of educators and students.

Protecting the health of adolescents through prevention is one way of achieving efficiency in the quality of teaching; Although sexuality does not occupy, nor should it occupy, the first place in the life of man, it does occupy an important role, not only with regard to the reproductive and conservation of the species, but, as a source of pleasure, of personal fulfillment And with happiness, it can also be a source of tension, cause of illness and great suffering, if it is not well oriented.

At the discretion of authors such as Ruiz, X. (1995); Gibert, W. (1997); Rabelo, A. (1999); Ortega, F. (2004); among others, they have addressed the need to use developer procedures for conscious learning, which facilitates creativity and reveals the imaginative richness that identifies adolescents, agreeing that sexuality is a complex and rich vital manifestation, which is constructed, experienced, grows, shares, projects and expresses itself in all existential dimensions: the individual, the couple, the family and society.

Currently the school as an institution, and the Basic Secondary School in particular, have a scientific methodological conception to work based on the education of adolescent sexuality, however, difficulties are seen in this process, since it is not yet sufficiently integrative in its actions, to promote adequate training and development of this sphere of personality, through the entire system of teaching and extra-teaching activities that are part of the educational teaching process.

The investigations carried out in this field: Castro, P L. (2002); González, A. and Castellanos, B. (2003); Ramírez, G. (2007); among others, they propose alternatives to focus sexuality, from its preparation and development, with an instructive and educational nature, with the frequent use of methods that promote the active and leading participation of adolescents, both in teaching and extra-teaching activities.

From the study carried out in the deepening of the Sexual Education Process in the current Basic Secondary and having as significant aspects for it; the diagnosis made, the following insufficiencies could be reached: difficulties in the mastery of basic concepts related to Sexual Education by students; inadequate modes of action in which students are reflected in the protection of STIs / HIV / AIDS; poor school work as a center for the promotion of healthy lifestyles; lack of a defined educational strategy for the work of Sex Education at school; insufficient activities that are developed related to Sexual Education and for health and insufficient preparation of teachers for the treatment of Sexual Education topics.

In correspondence with the above stated is defined as research objective: support the importance of the development of knowledge about STIs / HIV / AIDS in students of 9 no degree Basic secondary.

The importance of this research is based on the importance of developing knowledge about STIs / HIV / AIDS; as it conditions the improvement of its training process, which is effective in promoting human development.


The development process of Sex Education is a simplified representation of the reality that manifests itself around this process; it makes it easy to consider only some of its essential aspects and make an analysis of them from the educational and pedagogical point of view in the context of Basic Secondary. The analysis carried out revealed the following characteristics:

  • The treatment of sexuality education in the Basic Secondary School has always been based on the principle of interdisciplinarity, with transit through different approaches, at an initially markedly biological moment, in another, the biological is combined with psychological aspects of personality, until arriving at a more comprehensive approach, a personological, critical humanist approach to sexuality. Sexual Education was worked without taking into account the differentiated nature of the school as an institution that promotes from the very conception of the curriculum and the potentialities of the different contexts (family, school, community and political and mass organizations) a sustainable and differentiating work in the treatment of Sex Education for new generations.Increasingly effective integration strategies are incorporated although the level at which one aspires to consider Sexual Education as an essential resource in general training is insufficiently achieved. The treatment of Sexual Education was focused from the curricular, without taking sufficient advantage of the potentialities of extra-teaching and extra-curricular activities.

From a philosophical perspective it is assumed that for knowledge, practice plays an essential role as its base, where man acquires all his experience; to the same extent that he knows and transforms reality, his thought is stimulated and allows him to penetrate the essence of phenomena.

From a psychological point of view : LS Vigotsky's Socio-Historical-Cultural Approach allows us to analyze that Sexual Education is sustained by its social condition, since it is not born, but is done. In what corresponds to the Proximal Development Zone, the unity of the affective, cognitive and behavioral aspects in the process of formation and development of personality is also assumed, manifesting itself when the student when evaluating the content that emerges from the proposed activity From the statement and its content, he sees the importance of inserting himself into it to explain a fact, a phenomenon of life and to be able to act in a practical way in correspondence with what is intended to be done.

From the sociological point of view, the need to establish the specificity of placing adolescents as a heterogeneous social group and educators as a socio-professional group and the integration of school, family, community and other factors is assumed. educational.

From the pedagogical point of view, its principles, category, laws and trends are assumed, and it contextualizes it to the Sexual Education Process from the application of the Alternative and Participative Approach and the conception of extra-teaching activity.

The extra-teaching activities carried out are aimed at the development of knowledge, the interests of the students and to promote the incentive for investigative work where the active search for knowledge by them is evident.

The unity of the instructive, the educational and the developer, the scientific and ideological character, the collective and individual character of education, etc. are fulfilled. (Pedagogy, 1984: 49).

The Conception on Sexual Education of Chacón, N. (2000) favors understanding Sexual Education with an instructive nature of all the elements and factors that intervene, as a mechanism of positive social significance, which allows the individual to develop personally from the relationships that this establishes with other subjects in a historically determined social context and the moral values ​​as the supreme expression of the purest and deepest feelings of love, as well as the mutual merit of the couple.

The General Theory of Systems starting from the fact that each action or activity is a link in the chain of the system, the activities have to meet a system of scientific, ideological and methodological criteria, that is, it has to make a harmonious whole from the point of view of the objectives, content, methods and organizational measures necessary for teaching (Pedagogy. Collective of authors: 285).

According to Carlos Álvarez de Zayas (1999), a system: " is a set of interrelated components from a static and dynamic point of view, the foundation of which is aimed at achieving certain objectives." Definition understood and assumed given the aspects that it reveals in itself in order to understand the proposal aimed at the development of Sexual Education in students, particularizing in knowledge about STIs / HIV / AIDS.


  • The Sexual Education Process in Basic Secondary; Despite the fact that it finds in theory the aspects that promote the understanding and explanation of the phenomenon under study, a fragmentation still persists between the content of Sexual Education and the potential offered by extra-teaching activities for the development of knowledge in students.


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Sexuality education in the basic secondary school of Cuba. a way to enhance the comprehensive training of students