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Differentiated education and development of children's reasoning


This research deals with differentiated education and the policy that defends the difference in learning between boys and girls. It establishes that a different education must be given to both genders since their learning differs from each other, and thus make better use of it. Divide the genres by classroom and instruct the two differently. With the research we wanted to account for this learning difference by dividing it into two, verbal and numerical learning. Our hypothesis established that boys perform better in terms of numerical reasoning, while girls perform better in verbal reasoning, thus supporting the theory of differentiated education.Tests with both subjects were applied to 80 boys (40 girls and 40 boys) who ranged from 7 to 9 years of age and of medium socioeconomic status. They were applied in a single day and with an approximate duration of one hour, not without first having piloted. At the end of the application, the tests were reviewed, highlighting in the result the number of errors and successes in both boys and girls, both in verbal and numerical reasoning. Obtaining these scores, graphs were made showing these comparisons. As a result of the investigation we obtained that there is a small difference between the learning of both genders; the girls obtained a higher number of correct answers in both types of reasoning, while the boys obtained a lower performance.They were applied in a single day and with an approximate duration of one hour, not without first having piloted. At the end of the application, the tests were reviewed, highlighting in the result the number of errors and successes in both boys and girls, both in verbal and numerical reasoning. Obtaining these scores, graphs were made showing these comparisons. As a result of the investigation we obtained that there is a small difference between the learning of both genders; the girls obtained a higher number of correct answers in both types of reasoning, while the boys obtained a lower performance.They were applied in a single day and with an approximate duration of one hour, not without first having piloted. At the end of the application, the tests were reviewed, highlighting in the result the number of errors and successes in both boys and girls, both in verbal and numerical reasoning. Obtaining these scores, graphs were made showing these comparisons. As a result of the investigation we obtained that there is a small difference between the learning of both genders; the girls obtained a higher number of correct answers in both types of reasoning, while the boys obtained a lower performance.The tests were reviewed, highlighting in the result the number of errors and successes in both boys and girls, both in verbal and numerical reasoning. Obtaining these scores, graphs were made showing these comparisons. As a result of the investigation we obtained that there is a small difference between the learning of both genders; the girls obtained a higher number of correct answers in both types of reasoning, while the boys obtained a lower performance.The tests were reviewed, highlighting in the result the number of errors and successes in both boys and girls, both in verbal and numerical reasoning. Obtaining these scores, graphs were made showing these comparisons. As a result of the investigation we obtained that there is a small difference between the learning of both genders; the girls obtained a higher number of correct answers in both types of reasoning, while the boys obtained a lower performance.while the children obtained a lower performance.while the children obtained a lower performance.


Abstract: The present investigation is about single-sex education and the thesis it presents about the difference in learning between boys and girls. It establishes that they should be instructed in a different way for a better development in each, by attending different classes. With the investigation we wanted to sustain the fact that this difference exists, dividing their learning in two types, verbal and numeric comprehension. We defended the hypothesis that establishes that boys have a better performance in numeric comprehension, while girls outstand boys in verbal comprehension, supporting the single-sex education theory. We applied the same test to both genders, containing both verbal and numeric comprehension, to children from ages 7 to 9 (40 boys and 40 girls), that belong to a medium socioeconomic class.These tests were applied in a single day and with an approximated duration of one hour; a pilot test was applied before. After this, we reviewed the tests counting the number of correct and wrong answers in both genders within verbal and numeric comprehension. We graphed results to demonstrate that girls outstand boys in both verbal and numeric comprehension, even though it was a slight difference.



Men and women are different, that is probably a statement that we hear in daily life. The reality is that the reason we are different is because biologically we are, and so our brains function and assimilate information from birth through different techniques. In other words, boys and girls assimilate the world in obedience to these differences, it is exactly that which defends differentiated education and postulates a better academic achievement if the learning system respects and uses such differences as an advantage.

In turn, the theory of differentiated education has generated all kinds of opinions to those who classify it as sexist and even retrograde, as well as those who claim that it is a technique to bring out the best in each student. For this reason, the objective of this research is to verify these differences in the way of reasoning of boys and girls, taking as an instrument a program of exercises of verbal reasoning and numerical reasoning; the items included in said instrument will be obtained from exercises included in the institution's study program.

Approach the problem: ¿ What kind of reasoning (verbal or numeric) is developed with the highest incidence in children of primary level?


There is a theory of cognitive differences that tells us that girls develop their left hemisphere earlier and that this gives them greater language skills. On the contrary, in children their advanced development in the right hemisphere seems to have as a consequence a greater ability and even preference for those subjects that involve logical or numerical reasoning. When verifying this theory through the application of exercises that involve both reasoning as well as preference surveys, we can verify that it is the case that differentiated education, or in its case different cognitive strategies, pathways or tactics will be the way to better school achievement in the infants of primary age.

In Germany there are around 180 differentiated education (ED) centers, all of them private. Approximately 3% of students in private education centers attend schools that apply ED to their students, in Spain: 1.7% of private centers are ED, serving 1.1%

of the total number of students in the the country's total educational system. In the US, 30% of the country's educational centers are private, of these, 4.2% are ED: 2.4% male and 1.8% female. Finally, in Mexico 0.4% of schools are ED and all of them are private.

Study carried out by the European Association Single-Sex Education (EASSE). The data collected in this study includes statistics and reports made between 1999 and 2005, being approximate data. The sources from which these data have been obtained have been: Ministries of Education, official Institutes and private organizations that group families or private educational centers. Cf. E. VIDAL, Differentiated education, different, equal, together? Ariel, Barcelona, ​​2006, p. 265 - 270.


Determine at a quantitative level the trend of numerical reasoning at a general level.

Determine at a quantitative level the trend of verbal reasoning at a general level.

Determine at a quantitative level the trend of numerical reasoning based on gender (male / female).

Determine at a quantitative level the tendency of verbal reasoning based on gender (masculine / feminine).


Theoretical framework:

a) Background

Brain differentiation

Sandra Witelson (a neuroscientist known from Einstein's brain research in 1990) emphatically states: “The brain has sex. It is a sexual organ, with a different structure depending on whether it is male or female ”.

We are the result of our chemistry, that is, men and women come loaded with a certain predisposition that goes far beyond simple sexual characters. This predisposition results in a cerebral differentiation, perceptible almost from birth, which marks considerable differences in how boys and girls face the world and receive knowledge with different strategies. This is how María Gudín, a specialist in Neurology and author of the book "Brain and Affectivity" (Eunsa), explains it: explaining, "We do not have a unisex brain, rather it is male or female from embryonic development. Sexual differentiation between men and women occurs at the genetic level from the time of embryonic development. It is the genes, XX for women and XY for men, that will initiate sexual differentiation.There is a part of the Y chromosome, the FDT (Testicular Differentiation Factor), which is responsible for the differentiation of a neutral embryonic gonad (neither male nor female) in testicles. Exposure to testicular hormones during embryonic development produces sexual differences in the central nervous system. Countless professionals have been responsible for the fact that this theory of brain difference according to gender is increasingly studied and in turn adopted as the basis for the pedagogical trend named Differentiated Education.Exposure to testicular hormones during embryonic development produces sexual differences in the central nervous system. Countless professionals have been responsible for the fact that this theory of brain difference according to gender is increasingly studied and in turn adopted as the basis for the pedagogical trend named Differentiated Education.Exposure to testicular hormones during embryonic development produces sexual differences in the central nervous system. Countless professionals have been responsible for the fact that this theory of brain difference according to gender is increasingly studied and in turn adopted as the basis for the pedagogical trend named Differentiated Education.

Among others, Hobson reported typical results obtained in a study that included data on the performance of general and specific abilities in secondary school children. Applying the Kühlmann-Anderson collective test, which is a general intelligence test that focuses, as usual, on verbal items, it gave the typical result that women were slightly superior to men. For example, in junior high school the average IQ for men was 111.0 and that for women was 114.5. He also applied the primary mental abilities tests, which provided different scores for specific abilities. It was significant that in these tests, women outperformed men in verbal fluency, reasoning, and pure memory.The boys were notoriously superior in spatial aptitude; There was also a tendency in men to excel in verbal comprehension.

Hayne W. Reese, Lewis P. Lipsitt. "Experimental Child Psychology". Editoria Trillas.

chap. 16 Intelligence: its development and its correlates. Pages: 633-634

Thus, Hugo Liaño, professor and Head of Neurology Service at the Autonomous University of Madrid, details in his article, "Brain of a man, Brain of a woman", how these differences manage to be highlighted, thanks to simple observation methods, or also thanks to the help of the growing technology related to the effective study of the brain.

Boys take longer to crawl and walk unaided, while girls take longer to sit up on their own and stand with help. Girls find it easier to relate to their caregivers, but they take longer to become independent from them. There are more dyslexias in boys than in girls. At 2 years of age, girls are functionally active in the left cerebral hemisphere, the language hemisphere, and right-handed manualization; up to 5 years, it is not in children.

The manual preference is generally established 2 years earlier than in girls. On the contrary, through stimulation techniques, it is observed that the functions of the right cerebral hemisphere are developed earlier and better in the boy than in the girl. By neuropsychological techniques, brain function has been studied in adults, and better visual-spatial ability has been seen in men and greater language fluency in women. Brain injuries have allowed a better compensatory repair to be observed in women than in men, which led to the assumption that the female brain is more symmetrical, less lateralized and more interconnected between the two hemispheres. In short, there are numerous observations in these and other more modern techniques, such as positron emission tomography (PET),confirming that the female brain is generally more capable of verbal fluency and that the male brain is, on average, better equipped to process visual data in space.

Thus, we can understand that in what belongs to the left cerebral hemisphere, verbal fluency is better in women, and mathematical reasoning is better in men. Of what is more the responsibility of the right hemisphere, men understand spatial relationships better and women better interpret emotional information.

Schematically it would be expressed like this:

Left hemisphere

- Verbal fluency Woman> Man

-Mathematical reasoning Man> Woman

-Man = Woman verbal reasoning

Right hemisphere

-Management of space Man> Woman

-Emotional intuition Woman> Man

-Representative imagination

Of sensory events Man = Woman

Thanks to magnetic resonance imaging and other modern techniques, it has been found that in general the temporal plane of the left hemisphere is more symmetrical with the right in the female brain; and that the isthmus of the corpus callosum is thicker also in the female brain. This indicates that the male brain is more lateralized, is more asymmetric than that of the female. In other words, in the brain of man, the most specialized function of the left hemisphere, language, is more restricted to that side, and the most proper function of the right, space management, is more restricted in that hemisphere.

b) Definitions on differentiated education

  • Differentiated education is a type of school organization that consists of the separate education of boys and girls.

Vidal, Enric (2006), Different, equal, together ?: differentiated education, Editorial Ariel

  • Differentiated education : it offers better possibilities to achieve the full personal development of the students, because the maturation and learning rhythms of boys and girls are subject to different speeds.


c) Differentiated education


It is logical to think that differences in the brains of men and women would result in the application of methods based on this difference, such is the case of differentiated education, which is a pedagogical model that uses the separate teaching of boys and girls.

The qualitative and quantitative benefits deserve attention from parents, teachers and authorities, since it has as general results optimal increases in school achievement.

Differentiated education has as a benefit the ability to respond to the peculiarities of boys and girls and their specific problems, which leads us to believe that it would be configured under a more relaxed environment among students and greater facilities for teaching.

Recently, in more developed countries, programs have begun to be implemented in which public schools create specific classes in which boys and girls are separated in the same school at certain ages.

Among these countries is Germany, which in 1998 published in the magazine Der Spiegel a question on its cover "Is the joint school education of boys and girls a historical mistake?". The definitive gap was opened in 2004 when the same magazine dedicated a monographic report to analyze the situation of schools in Germany. The Kiel Pedagogical Institute carried out a study in Berlin, Hamburg and Lower Saxony. Supported by academic results, it showed that separating students in certain subjects significantly improved interest and grades; many others consider it wise to separate students by sex in certain subjects, especially after puberty.

In turn, in Great Britain, the school network is made up of male, female and mixed centers with the same consideration. It is well known that the most prestigious schools are differentiated. There is an ingrained tradition of this type of school. In this sense, the study by the International Organization for the Development of Freedom Education (OIDEL), which places 36 different schools among the top 50 in the United Kingdom, stands out. In December 2004, David Miliband (School Standards Minister) declared the need to insist on the benefits derived for young people from differentiated education. It would be enough to separate them into certain classes even if they remain in the same school, and even in the same class at other times. The insistence starts from a recent report, the result of four years of research,from the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, which analyzes in detail the benefits of differentiated versus mixed education.

Closer to Mexico is the case of the United States in which the administration of the current President Bush repealed in May 2002, the compulsory co-education imposed by the 1972 Law (approved at the time of Nixon, under pressure from radical feminist movements) and authorized the same sex schools under the motto "No Child Left Behind". This Law grants parents and schools greater flexibility to choose between mixed or separate classes, provided that all have comparable programs, curricula, media, teachers and facilities.

According to a presidential spokesperson, the objective of this measure is "to expand the options of the parents." More than three million dollars financed experimental programs on the subject; An iconic example is the Young Women's Leadership Academy, East Harlem, a public school for girls opened in 1996, which achieves success rates of 100% compared to the average of 42% in New York. Although 90% of the students came from families without studies (70% live below the poverty line), the institute managed to get all of them, in the last two years, to go to university. Given the success of this experience, it was decided to open another public female school, the Queen Campus, in the troubled neighborhood of the Bronx in New York.

The Ministry of Education announced its intention to pass a new law that forces public schools to offer differentiated programs. The initiative is promoted by Republican Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson and stated that “many boys achieve better results in single-sex centers, free from the distraction of the girls. And the same tends to happen in women's schools, where girls take more initiatives and a higher level of leadership. Among other Democrats, Hillary Clinton, who studied at one of 84 female colleges of higher education, is a convinced advocate of the benefits of gender separation at school.

Differentiated education: personal model and freedom option María Calvo Charro

Calvo Charro, María (2007), The same but different: brain, hormones and learning, Editorial Almuzara

d) Different points of view

In turn, there are authors who, in addition to the marked difference in skills in men and women, focus their studies on the fact that the aforementioned difference in brains has important repercussions in the social sphere, affirming that women are more oriented towards human relations, and commitment; men, on the other hand, do it more towards abstract thinking, achieving personal goals and subordinating relationships to other commitments. Along with these personality differences, it has also been seen how young people need adults who, in addition to transmitting information, serve as models and accompany them in the search for meaning for their lives. Differentiated education centers have the advantage of offering students more people of the same sex who can be models for themselves.Some authors consider it very positive to receive tutoring or guidance from people of the same sex, with which dialogue is more natural.

Carol GILLIGAN: In a different voice. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1982

But for Francisco José Rubia, professor of Physiology and director of the Plurisdiciplinar Institute, which has just published "The sex of the brain" (Today's Topics), it does make sense to learn separately. "Biological differences," he explains, "have nothing to do with intellectual capacities but with the way of working. Brain imaging techniques demonstrate this: when faced with the same task, the regions that are activated in the brain are different depending on whether it is a man or a woman. For this reason, in very advanced societies, boys and girls are being separated in classrooms, where this cerebral differentiation is taken into account, with themes and content that are consistent. Treating men and women equally in learning leads to a loss of opportunities. ”

On the other hand, the theory with more strength to support these ideas is the one that goes hand in hand with neuroscience that; With the advances in the study of the brain and its structural and functional differences, we can affirm that we are dealing with innate differences. In 1997, Dr. Milton Diamond, an expert on the prenatal effect of testosterone on brain organization, demonstrated how different male and female brains are even before birth. This influences how the newborn visually perceives movement, color and shape.

Labastida AC School is one of the institutions that offers the differentiated education model, in Monterrey Nuevo León, Mexico. In turn, they expose the following as fundamental aspects of the model:

  • Each person is born a man or a woman with different rhythms of personal maturation and learning. In the educational process this diversity cannot be ignored but must be respected. The school must ensure that each student fully cultivates the qualities of their own way of being. Boys of small ages appear impulsive, less orderly and have greater difficulties concentrating on their studies and expressing their emotions. Girls, at the same ages are generally more inclined to order, punctuality and consistency. in their work, and what is very important, they express their emotions much better. Only after the years, when the feminine or masculine personal identity has been properly constituted, with a little more maturity,The person learns to better integrate all the elements that are at stake in the interpersonal relationship. Boys generally outperform girls in abstract reasoning, in the ability to formulate projects, in physical strength and speed and perceive space and space better. place of objects.Girls generally outperform boys in tasks involving language proficiency, artistic sense, in the ability to get to know people, in delicacy in treatment, attention to detail and adaptive capacity.It is evident that girls mature physically and intellectually before boys.Girls usually outperform boys in tasks involving language proficiency, artistic sense, the ability to get to know people, delicacy in treatment, attention to detail and adaptability. that girls mature physically and intellectually before boys.Girls usually outperform boys in tasks involving language proficiency, artistic sense, the ability to get to know people, delicacy in treatment, attention to detail and adaptability. that girls mature physically and intellectually before boys.

In turn, it is important to clarify that we do not intend to put aside the importance of social influence and the culture in which we develop, rather we are in an attempt to integrate these brain differences towards a better understanding aimed at better use and therefore comprehensive development.


e) Operational Definitions

  • Right hemisphere. The right half of the brain. For most people it is responsible for spatial and relationship functions. Left hemisphere. The left half of the brain, which in most individuals is responsible for verbal functions. Brain hemispheres. Most of the brain, divided into two halves, right and left. It essentially consists of the cerebral cortex, corpus callosum, basal ganglia, and limbic system.


  • It refers to a set of mental activities consisting of connecting some ideas with others according to certain rules or it can also refer to the study of that process. In a broad sense, reasoning is understood as the human faculty that allows solving problems.


  • Verbal reasoning. It is the ability to reason with verbal content, establishing among them principles of classification, ordering, relationship and meanings.

Fouce Alfonso,

  • Numerical reasoning. It is the ability to understand concepts expressed in numbers.

Hypothesis: The female gender develops verbal reasoning with greater ability than the male gender, which presents better ability in numerical reasoning.

Variable operationalization:

  • Dependent variable: Verbal and numerical reasoning Independent variable: Gender



  • Participants: 80 children (40 male, 40 female) ranging in age from 7-9 years, both sexes, all of medium socioeconomic status. Scenario: Classroom of the Primary School P. CV Instrumentation: Pencils, sheets and exercise program (see annex 1) Procedure: Stage 1: Preparation of a preliminary project , Stage 2: Request for permission from the organization, Stage 3: Piloting of individuals, Stage 4: Administration of the exercise program (Verbal ability and Numerical ability) to the 80 subjects in a monitored manner , Stage 5: Tabulation of results.



The results obtained show that girls were more successful than boys with 39% of the total number of questions answered (boys obtained 34%), with the difference in verbal comparison being minimal.

Boys got more errors, with 16%, than girls with 11%, also for a minimal amount of difference between them.

The results obtained also show that within the numerical comparison, the girls obtained 334 correct answers, which make up 42% of the total number of questions answered, while the boys obtained a score of 331, making up 41% of the total. With a total of 69 errors, boys obtained more than girls, forming 9%; compared to girls who with 66 errors made up 8% of the total questions answered.


Due to the results obtained in this research, the hypothesis established at the beginning must be rejected. However, we must take into account that the same investigation can be done but even more detailed since there are variables that we could not control and that if they were to be controlled, the results could vary. There is also the fact that the difference in the results obtained between both genders is not very significant.

If there is a theory of differentiated education, it must be for an important reason that it can be investigated further and that it is correct to obtain the proper results to support it.


  • VIDAL, Differentiated education, different, equal, together? Ariel, Barcelona, ​​2006, p. 265-270. Hayne W. Reese, Lewis P. Lipsitt. "Experimental Child Psychology". Editoria Trillas.

    16 Intelligence: its development and its correlates. Pags: 633-634 http://www.colegiomontecastelo.com/ZONAPUBLICA/diferenciada/diferenciada.htmCalvo Charro, María (2007), The same but different: brain, hormones and learning, Editorial AlmuzaraCarol GILLIGAN: In a different voice. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1982http: //www.hoy.es/20071104/society/sexo-cerebro-20071104.htmlhttp: //eugeniousbi.tripod.com/glossary.htmlhttp: //en.wikipedia.org/ wiki / ReasoningFouce Alfonso, http://psicopedagogias.blogspot.com/2008/02/estimulacin-del-razonamiento-verbal.htmlCAMILLERI, C.: «CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY AND EDUCATION». Paris: UNESCO, 1985.

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Differentiated education and development of children's reasoning