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Distance education and self-taught learning

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What is self-taught learning?

When we talk about learning, we are referring to the ability of the human being to acquire new knowledge and leave it recorded in his memory, and then form a mental database.

In a process of "conventional education" we are told what information we must acquire and we are evaluated around the processing of such information, agreeing beforehand that all such information is of importance.

When we talk about self-taught education or self-learning, we refer to the process of incorporating new knowledge where one selects the information and evaluates himself by doing practices or experiments.

Self-learning is part of the human instinct, it begins to develop from an early age through games, which has the main function of discovering and learning new skills or improving those that are already possessed.

Through this method, Derkra College proposes that you have freedom and acquire the knowledge that you are really interested in knowing, and through the support of our expert advisors, take the learning process to an effective performance point, where the main stimulus is not a positive grade. or pass a subject, but your personal achievement and increase the potential of your skills.

What are the advantages of self-study education?

Some advantages and benefits of the self-taught methodology are:

  • One can pose problems and evaluate alternative solutions. The person learns to investigate and innovate for himself. He allows himself to discern between the main and the complementary. He creates a sense of responsibility and not of obligation. He fosters curiosity and self-discipline. Many self-learning people comment that this task has not only taught them that skill, but has also helped shape their personality in a positive way. By not having to keep up with a group, more time can be spent on what you have difficulties and less to what is easier. Many people feel that they have fun investigating and experimenting, but they are bored at school.

What are the disadvantages of traditional education?

Some disadvantages and disadvantages of following the traditional methodology are:

  • By not taking into account the particular abilities and skills of each student, this system can make the student lose interest in continuing to study. Assessments require the student to have enough memorized information, leaving aside the abilities to investigate, reason and reach Their own conclusions. The organization of learning is based on the premise that there is an order in the information and that knowledge can be divided into subjects, without the possibility of interrelation. The instructor must attend to the different learning rhythms and the student must adjust At the group's pace of study, grades do not really reflect correct information processing, but rather reflect the ability to repeat information as instructed by the instructor.The information is not obtained through applied knowledge, but from repetition and theory. In general, the student does not set the schedules and does not have his time to intersperse with other occupations.

Why train through a distance program?

Based on the concept that Distance Education is a modality through which cognitive information and training messages are transferred through channels that do not require a face-to-face contiguity relationship in a given location, we can see the benefits of the self-taught education method enhanced, added to the freedom (in time and space) of each student.


  • It allows to reduce costs originated by rental of locations, conditioning of facilities, transfers and accommodation of the participants. The same work session can be applied to different participants overcoming the distance barrier and in any agreed period of time. It allows to transfer knowledge and share information quickly.It facilitates the incorporation of modern techniques for presenting study material.

Why follow a Self-taught Distance Training?

Normally in face-to-face learning the instructor provides information and the student memorizes it, instead when a person faces the challenge of selecting the information they want to process based on their own objectives and not those of a group or institution, they will be developing their ability to learn without depending on others, a quality highly valued by talent scouts in companies.

There are those who oppose self-learning because they affirm that not all people have the necessary tools to judge whether the information they are obtaining is reliable or objective, which is why Derkra College is committed to guiding the learning process, suggesting, advising, complementing information, but never interfering with the objectives set by each student, it also provides the "social guarantee" through an official certification of the training program, with its consequent validity in the workplace and academia.

New trends in the labor market seek to know what the person is currently doing, they want to know what she can be from what she wants (from her goals) and not what she is as a continuity of what she was (from repetition) from his past), then what needs to be assessed is his ability to learn new subjects, investigate and solve different problems each time.

What will be the future of Teaching Methodologies?

Undoubtedly, traditional education will slowly move to the background displaced by increasingly modern teaching methods provided by the effects of technological advancement in society.

The concept of Free Information is spreading more and more and it is gaining more followers so a large growing volume of information is available to be used, so the key of those who progress will be based on developing their intellect not to absorb the greatest amount of information but to develop their intellect to know how and where to access information, as well as their analytical, investigative and problem-solving skills.

Distance education and self-taught learning