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Values ​​education in the new Cuban university


The Universalization of higher education as part of the Battle of Ideas that our people are waging today, in its decision to achieve a comprehensive general culture and to find concrete solutions to achieve greater equity and social justice has developed in the country through different programs of the revolution opening new opportunities and possibilities of access to higher education by ensuring the continuity of studies in the third level of education in the country.

The challenge is to ensure that the students who come from the different Programs are able to assimilate university studies with responsibility and social commitment, which must be expressed in a systematic dedication to study.

In the case of Programs in which those involved also carry out important social tasks, it will additionally be required that they be able to successfully combine their studies with said work activity, which in these cases also demands a high dedication to work.

The formation of a comprehensive general culture of university students supposes a solid ideological political development that a broad sociohumanist culture must have as a platform that allows it to develop capacities to defend the Cuban Revolution with its own arguments in the field of ideas. Such training requires having a high professional competence in the specific sphere of its scientific, technical, social and cultural performance, as well as having a high social commitment to the interests of the nation, which is expressed in unconditionality in its future location.

These aspects are related to each other and their unity determines a new quality that is reflected in the formation of a comprehensive general culture.

The need to extend the Integral Approach to the process of universalization of higher education, the work deployed to make a qualitative leap in the work of management by objectives through the shared values ​​of the organization and achieve superior results in the prevention, detection and confronting indisciplines, illegalities and manifestations of corruption.

Education must respond to the new demands derived from the qualification and requalification of the workforce, deliver a quality professional to society, carrying a set of ethical, aesthetic, and political values ​​in accordance with the new social requirements.

The reason for the University in the face of change is found in the dialectical relationship between the new technological pattern and Education. The accelerated scientific-technological changes determine that the University is transformed in order to comply with the preparation, requalification and continuous training of human resources that the economic restructuring of society requires and preserve the values ​​of society by spreading the universally accepted values, such as justice, peace, solidarity, freedom, equality, etc., as well as the shared values ​​of the MONTH (Patriotism, Honesty, Solidarity, Responsibility and Humanism).

For these reasons, values ​​education should be intended from the curricular project, perfecting the professional models, plans and programs, giving a different meaning to the groups of the year and of course to the work of the teacher.

The phenomenon of how to develop and form values ​​is a process of enculturation (Aguirre, 1995; 498), which lasts a lifetime, in which the social changes that take place have an impact and that cause transformations in human interrelationships, in perceptions, and in the material and natural conditions of life, that is, in the quality and meaning of life. Values ​​are reasons and affects of human life itself which is not isolated from the relationship between the material and the spiritual, and between the social and the individual.

Values ​​are somewhat complex and multilateral since it is about the relationship between objective reality and the components of personality, which is expressed through behaviors and behaviors, therefore, you can only educate in values ​​through knowledge, assessment skills, reflection in practical activity with an assumed meaning. It is about achieving behaviors as a result of conscious and meaningful learning in the rational and emotional.

The professional training process is made up of three processes: the instructive process, the training process and the educational process, where each process is part of the whole and of the parts, that is, they are dimensions of a broader process, which aims personality development (Álvarez, C; 1999: 8). In their entirety, the three processes are dialectically integrated into the professional training process, which develops knowledge, skills and values.

Educational institutions have always formed values, through different sources: educational policy, history and traditions, as well as pedagogical trends, political situations, particular cultures, social sectors to which they belong, the influence of parents, Therefore, in its broadest sense, Values ​​Education can be defined as a humanizing, individual, social, vertical and horizontal process throughout the life of people, determining their personality from birth to old age, in said The process of intervening multiple social institutions influences systems is complex and full of contradictions that do not become antagonistic depending on the specific context, State policy and its projection on the internal and external plane,it is very difficult that in a country with great social differences and with a policy of hegemony and arrogance, the school manages to fulfill its truly formative function, although the school has to be different from life, hence its function of being an agent of transformation Social.

Values ​​Education can only be fully given if it is inserted into a project of society that contains it, that constitutes it, where everyone has the same right to education, culture, and life. Education in Values ​​is therefore not alien to that project of society, of man, to a personal option.

The development of personality has been the central objective of Cuban educational policy, expressly formulated in different strategic, regulatory, etc. documents. At the moment, comprehensive training is the center of attention, because it is supported by educational research, which bases it internally and in the global socio-cultural context.

The need to achieve a broader profile for graduates in accordance with national conditions, the strengthening of the study-work and research link, the decrease in theoretical information, and an increase in work practice. Among the objectives of the new study plan, the need for the different subjects to be linked to the professional profile was specified, and the horizontal articulation of the contents was strengthened. This new plan emphasizes the definition of the skills that future professionals must possess and that is determined from the main professional problems.

It is necessary to understand the particularities of the formation and development of values ​​and their relationships in the teaching-educational process. Intentionally and consciously integrating values ​​into learning means not only thinking about content as knowledge and skills, but about the relationship they have with the affective.

Education can help define an effective and efficient life project, turning it into a real project, matching the internal possibilities of the individual and those of the environment, through the development of values, the conception of the world, the ability to reason, the knowledge, motivation and interests.

Values ​​education in the new Cuban university