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Values ​​education for university professors

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The training of teachers in the Municipal University Centers constitutes a permanent task of education in achieving the training objectives of the students, for which reason it constitutes a current challenge. The research that was carried out is related to this activity, which aims to develop training workshops on education in values ​​for teachers of Humanities careers from a psychological perspective, based on the insufficiencies determined in the application of methods and techniques. of the science. The training proposal consists of ten workshops whose themes meet the detected needs, and the coordinator is the author herself. We worked with a total of twenty professors from the aforementioned careers to diagnose training needs.The proposed themes and techniques used to carry out the workshops were validated through the Delphi method or expert criteria, which showed that it is effective in training these teachers since the level of agreement of the assessment carried out was by above eighty percent. Current bibliographies were consulted, and the conclusions they reached allowed recommending its practical application.and the conclusions that were reached allowed us to recommend its practical application.and the conclusions that were reached allowed us to recommend its practical application.


Universities today differ greatly from universities in their origins. They have undergone important changes, which have led to a better quality of the educational teaching process worldwide and in Cuba.

Its mission is to preserve, develop and promote, through its substantive processes and in close connection with the society and culture of humanity, therefore, the role of the university is to be the social institution that can do so most comprehensively and in That is its specificity. The current Cuban university is characterized for being a scientific, technological and humanistic university.

The paradigm is to provide society with a full professional, competent to serve society with its simplicity and modesty, with moral values ​​as a fundamental pillar of its formation. The integral formation of the student expresses the work of the universities endowing them with qualities of high human meaning.

It involves achieving a creative, independent professional, who assumes his self-education, constantly updated, with a postgraduate education that responds to the needs of the country, who works in multidisciplinary teams, capable of understanding the need to put their knowledge to the service of society, instead of using them only for personal gain.

It is recognized that in the current universities there are still some deficiencies to be perfected and a lot of work to be done, in order to transform the real state into an ideal one. The current situation forces us to make a reflection of educational practice, in the education of moral values ​​at the level of the whole society, which reveals problems of various kinds in different moments and contexts.

That is why from the beginning the Ministry of Education in Cuba, by systematizing the educational teaching process, favors a special treatment in the education of ethical and moral values, bearing in mind that education is a consciously organized, directed and systematized process on the base of a determined pedagogical conception, which has as its most general objective the integral formation of the student.

Say it in a multilateral and harmonious way so that it is integrated into the society in which it lives and contributes to its development and improvement. The essential nucleus of this formation must be moral wealth and the main axis the values, which are inherent to the human being and where their formation constitutes a necessity from the very emergence of man. In each society, each country, a value system is implemented according to its objectives in the formation of the new individual.

Values ​​constitute a complex psychological formation, arisen in the communication process as a result of man's activity, where needs and motivations are presented that condition the appearance of qualities and feelings, which from the development of personality, lead to formation of interests, ideals and aspirations. These elements are subsequently consolidated into attitudes and favor the organization of a value system.

In many schools, the values ​​identified for that level are assumed to be the only values ​​to be taken into consideration, without taking into account that the values ​​constitute a great system where systemic relationships and interactions are provided that contribute to its solidity, as well as the conception of others, This does not deny the indications given by the Ministry of Education about the need to prioritize those that could be called transcendental depending on the objectives for each subsystem and grade.

Also in the present, the meaning of the content and its relation to the objectives and methods to achieve the results, becomes a main element to achieve the quality of the education to which it aspires. In this sense, values ​​education cannot be separated as a cross-curricular axis that is closely related to the rest of the socializing agents that intervene in the educational system.

Education in values ​​continues to be considered a priority by the Cuban Ministry of Education, not in vain is it manifested among the fundamental directions of its strategy along with the prioritized subjects, the link between study and work, theory with practice, interrelation with political and mass organizations, as well as preventive work.

Addressing this issue from a psychological perspective, presupposes a psychosocial approach in education. It is a different perspective aimed at observing the processes of interpersonal interaction (multidisciplinary approach). It assumes all possible relationships with people and institutions that influence education at the micro and macro social levels. It offers instruments to the teacher so that from a psychological and social dimension, he observes and interprets the alterations that occur in the class, to achieve greater efficiency in the teaching process, when making decisions that contribute to raising the quality of the process.

What has been expressed so far presupposes that the teachers of the Municipal University Centers are equipped with the necessary tools to carry out the formation of values, taking into account the psychological aspects of the personality of the students as future professionals and the curricular designs of the different careers..

Faced with this challenge, the author was motivated to carry out an investigation to determine the knowledge needs about education in moral values ​​from a psychological perspective that teachers have taking into account pedagogical training and teaching experience to link the contents with the aspects of the development of values ​​from the cognitive, affective and behavioral aspects in the students and, from there, prepare a training on the subject.

An interview (Annex 1) was applied to the faculty of Psychology, Law, Social Communication and Sociocultural Studies in their pedagogical performances and it was determined that there are obviously manifest needs to train on the subject, from the psychological profile, because the results were:

  • The teachers are graduates of the profile of each career, they do not have a pedagogical training (they are psychologists, Bachelor of Law, graduates of Sociocultural Studies, and Social Communication). They have an average experience of 5 to 10 years in teaching in the University Centers: The teachers, when referring to the needs of values ​​education, only made references to the professional values ​​of each specialty, which although these are included within the moral values, they do not relate it to their theoretical conceptualization. Teachers need to master essential elements of psychological profile to work with students.The teachers reported not feeling 100 percent capable of working values ​​from a psychological point of view since they do not know how to work on individuality in the assimilation of theoretical-practical conceptions for the solution of problems in this regard, regardless of having participated in previous training., they need to join new ones to update their knowledge progressively, taking into account the new changes and the new demands of the context and historical moment.The forms they suggested for the training are related to the courses and workshops.They need to join new ones to update their knowledge progressively, taking into account the new changes and the new demands of the context and historical moment. The forms they suggested for the training are related to the courses and workshops.They need to join new ones to update their knowledge progressively, taking into account the new changes and the new demands of the context and historical moment. The forms they suggested for the training are related to the courses and workshops.

This led to the approach of the following scientific problem.

How to train the professors of the Humanities careers of the Municipal University Center of the municipality of San Antonio de los Baños on education in values ​​from a psychological perspective?

Study object:

The training of teachers in the Municipal University Centers.

Action field:

The training of professors of Humanities careers at the Municipal University Center on education in values ​​from a psychological perspective.

Overall objective:

Develop training workshops on values ​​education for the professors of the Humanities careers of the Municipal University Center of the municipality of San Antonio de los Baños from a psychological perspective.

Scientific questions:

  1. What are the current theoretical conceptions about training, education in values ​​and workshops that support the proposal of workshops from a psychological perspective,What is the current state of knowledge on education in values ​​from a psychological point of view for the professors of the Humanities careers of the Municipal University Center of the municipality of San Antonio de los Bathrooms? What topics on values ​​education from a psychological perspective to select for the workshops of the professors of the Humanities careers of the Municipal University Center of the municipality of San Antonio de los Baños? What results will be obtained from the validation of the experts on the proposal of training workshops for the professors of the Humanities degrees at the Municipal University Center of the municipality of San Antonio de los Baños?municipality of San Antonio de los Baños?municipality of San Antonio de los Baños?

The answers to these research questions will be solved from the following research tasks:

  1. Systematization of current theoretical concepts related to training, education in values, and workshops as a way of organizing the teaching-learning process from a psychological perspective for teachers of Municipal University Centers. Application of research methods and techniques to determine the current state of training that the professors of the Humanities careers have at the Municipal University Center of San Antonio de los Baños on education in values ​​from a psychological perspective Selection of topics on education in values ​​from a psychological perspective to be used in workshops training for the professors of the Humanities careers at the Municipal University Center of San Antonio de los Baños.Validation of the results derived from the experts' criteria on the proposal of training workshops for the professors of the Humanities careers of the Municipal University Center of San Antonio de los Baños from a psychological perspective.

The variables of the investigation are: the training of the professors of the Humanities careers of the Municipal University Center of San Antonio de los Baños and the consolidation of knowledge about education in values ​​from a psychological perspective.


  • Elevation of theoretical knowledge about the process of education in values ​​centered on the man as a psychosocial being. Argumentation of the referents of values, with emphasis on cognitive, affective and behavioral aspects. Reflection on the different values ​​to be promoted from the educational teaching process and its implementation in education.

The research used theoretical, empirical and statistical techniques and methods, with their corresponding instruments, in order to obtain as much data as possible in relation to the topic addressed.

From the theoretical level

Analysis and synthesis: because different bibliographies were examined, making the synthesis of those knowledge of greater relevance for research.

Logical history: for consulting the background of the topic, its development and evolution to carry out the research.

Modeling: since a proposal for workshops with themes related to education in values ​​is prepared, which can be used in other municipalities where a similar situation occurs.


Observation: because it provides primary information in a conscious, systematic and objective way, about the research object as it occurs in reality.

Interview: because it offers information in a broader and more open way depending on the interviewer interviewed relationship. Together with the possibility of investigating more about the information already obtained.

Expert criteria: to validate if the proposal of workshops is effective to be applied in the training of teachers of the Humanities careers of the Municipal University Center on education in values ​​from a psychological perspective.


The questionnaire: because it serves as a guide to obtain the responses of the population to the previously elaborated questions, which are significant for the investigation.

Statistical methods

Descriptive statistics: it was used to process the information obtained with the application of empirical methods, contributing to its interpretation through graphs and tables.

The population: the professors of the Humanities careers of the Municipal University Center of San Antonio de los Baños, distributed as follows: Psychology 4, Socio-Cultural Studies 5, Social Communication 4, Law 7, for a total of 20 professors.

The practical contribution consists of the organizational form used for the training, as well as the selected topics.

Novelty: There are no practical theoretical antecedents of holding workshops on education in values ​​from a psychological perspective to train teachers at the Municipal University Center of San Antonio de los Baños

Type of research: qualitative because it describes and identifies the nature of reality, that is, the insufficiencies presented by the professors of the Humanities careers at the Municipal University Center of San Antonio de los Baños. It manifests its dynamic and organizational structure, based on the proposed training, reflecting the interaction between the actions of the training to achieve a specific goal.

Teacher training on values ​​education

Some conceptions about training and education in values.

The MSc. Fernando J. García Colina defines training as “… a systematic process that is based on the current needs and perspectives of any entity, group of individuals or person, which is oriented towards a change in the knowledge, skills and attitudes of the trained, that enables their comprehensive development and aimed at increasing the effectiveness of their educational work ”(García, 2003: 3).

For the author of the research, the concept given by García C. is the one that will serve as a theoretical basis for the training workshops, since it summarizes elements that will be taken into account as a systematic process, current needs, group of individuals and, of course, production of a change in knowledge that will contribute to the performance.

Values ​​education "… not only the knowledge acquired during their training intervenes, but the development of important psychological training such as motives, self-worth, the values ​​that from their integrity give directionality to human behavior". (Fuentes, 1995).

Borrell affirms that: “The word value has three dimensions that are: the stable belief that a certain conduct is preferable to its opposite mode (ethical dimension), the scope of the importance or significance of something, what is worth (economic dimension) and it is the moral quality associated with fearlessly facing dangers, that is, courage (psychological dimension) ”(Linares, 2004).

The concept of values ​​given by María de los A. Linares Borrell is assumed for the investigation because she refers that they are determinations with positive significance, that they are conditioned by social relations and constitute essential components of ideology. They also act as guides and regulators of behavior.

Workshops as a way of organizing training.

The MsC María Julia Aguilar Aguilera, in her 2008 thesis, considers the workshop as:

“A training path where professionals with common roles come together to make productive reflections on professional skills and knowledge, which contribute to different problems of their modes of action and project alternatives based on new skills and knowledge that is emerging in it, enriched by starting from the professional diversity of all and that favor transformation (…) ”(Aguilar, 2008: 31).

The concept of workshop given by Aguilar Aguilera in 2008 is assumed for the investigation because he perceives it as a way, where there are common roles in the participants and knowledge is incorporated collectively to favor transformation.

Training proposal in values ​​education for teachers of the municipal university center from a psychological perspective

Diagnosis of the existing reality about the knowledge in values ​​education that the professors of the Humanities careers of the Municipal University Center of the municipality of San Antonio de los Baños have.

For the investigation different methods and techniques are applied, such as observation, questionnaire and interview with 20 professors from the Municipal University Center of San Antonio de los Baños. Initially, the previously developed standardized observation guide (Annex 2) is used to obtain primary information on the object of the investigation.

Each one was visited two classes in the semester, with the objective of verifying the education in values ​​at a cognitive, affective and behavioral level in the Humanities careers of the Municipal University Center of San Antonio de los Baños. A total of 40 were observed in the semester in the careers of Social Communication, Sociocultural Studies, Psychology and Law, 2 classes for each teacher selected in the population, total 20.

Main irregularities in class observation:

  • autocratic PDE leadership style. teachers evaluate student responses positively whenever it is as he says. the student is not motivated to delve into the contents of moral values.

Main results of the questionnaire:

  • Only 10% of the professors who work at the CUM are graduates of Pedagogical Universities. 100% of the professors attach importance to education in values ​​from a psychological point of view. 100% of the professors report being benefited if a training on education in values ​​from a psychological perspective. 80% of teachers do not link the contents of the subjects with values. 100% of teachers report weaknesses in the student body in the exercise of the values ​​that are reflected in the fulfillment of his teaching duties.

Most significant results of the interview:

  • Weaknesses in the conceptions of education in values. The teaching strategies developed are not sufficiently committed to education in values, they mainly refer to methodological teaching aspects. One hundred percent are not able to commit CUM teachers to follow-up on professional graduated from it in different careers.

The results set out in the preceding paragraphs allow us to specify the need for the professors of the Municipal University Center specifically for the Humanities degree courses in values ​​education to link them with the different disciplines they teach.

Training workshops on education in values.

General objective of the workshops: to train the professors of the Humanities careers, of the Municipal University Center of the municipality of San Antonio de los Baños on education in values ​​with a psychological perspective.

Outline of the themes and content to be developed by meetings.





Psychosocial importance of teaching in Higher Education.



Values ​​education centered on man as the protagonist of his development and that of society.



What are values? Characteristics from the cognitive, the affective and the behavioral.



Moral values.



The personal example of teachers as a key factor for the assimilation of values.



Collective dimensions of learning by values: leadership.



Collective dimensions of learning by values: group motivation.



Collective dimensions of learning by values: communication, teamwork and shared values.



Teaching strategy on the education of moral values.



Integrative workshop.


Methodological recommendations for the development of the workshops:

Ten meetings are proposed in such a way that the collective discussion takes place where each educator will present and contribute their empirical knowledge used for the exercise of the teaching-learning process. Work will be done on developing the group's communication skills and the selection of a rapporteur will be taken into account, who will write down the most significant questions of each meeting.

The collective sessions will have three moments: warm-up, development and closure. In the warm-up, different participatory techniques will be used in order to motivate and promote a favorable environment for the subsequent development of the planned activities, always taking into account the characteristics of the participants.

Development constitutes the core part of the workshop where the facilitator should promote reflection and debate about the content to be addressed, trying to exploit to the maximum the individual potentialities and experiences. On the other hand, the development of their skills and willingness to actively participate must be taken into account.

The closing is an important moment since both the facilitator and the rapporteur will summarize the most significant ideas addressed during the meeting. The time allocated to independent activity will be related to what in practice is being achieved for the group.

Validation of the proposal for training workshops on education in moral values.

The model of workshops proposed for the training of the teachers of the Municipal University Center on education in values ​​from a psychological point of view was submitted to the Delphi method: expert consultations (Annex 6) in order to determine by people specialized in the subject their acceptance. For this, the scientific degree of doctor or master of science was taken into account, as well as the work experience in the field of training through workshops.

The experts consulted were:

Two PhDs in Psychological Sciences with full teaching status at the University of Havana.

Thirteen master's degrees in pedagogical sciences with teaching assistant and assistant categories, working in Higher Education.

They were presented with the proposal, the diagnosis made and the topics to be evaluated for the workshops. Five aspects were considered to validate, reflecting respectively: Very Adequate (1), Fairly Adequate (2), Adequate (3), Not Adequate (4), Inadequate (5). The assigned ranges are shown in (Annex 7) where it is reflected that out of fifteen experts they valued:

  • Item 1, twelve consider it as Very Adequate and three quite Adequate, which allowed us to designate that the mode was Very Adequate and the median coincided with this range. Item 2, twelve experts consider it as Very Adequate, two as Fairly Adequate, and one Adequate, which corresponds to the mode to Very Adequate and the Median in the same way. Item 3, thirteen considered it as Very Adequate, two as Adequate for a mode of Very Adequate and a median of Fairly Adequate. Item 4, 9 considered it as Very Adequate, 6 as Fairly Adequate, and 1 as Adequate, which shows that the mode is Very Adequate and the median of Fairly Adequate. Item 5, 12 considered it as Very Adequate, 2 as Fairly Adequate, and 1 as Adequate, for a mode of Very Adequate and a median of the same form. Item 6,10 experts considered it to be Very Adequate, 3 of Fairly Adequate, and 2 of Adequate for a mode and a median of Very Adequate. Item 7, 13 experts considered it to be Very Adequate and 2 of Fairly Adequate, for a mode and a median of Fairly Adequate.

The concordance coefficient between the evaluations performed behaved in a range of 80% (Annex 8).

As can be seen, there was no item evaluated as Inadequate, or of Inadequate. These results allow the author to consider that the proposal for workshops for the training of teachers in values ​​education is approved and valued as positive by the experts, as stated in its general objective.

No suggestion was found as asked in the instrument.

The results will be taken to a table with the ranges assigned to each expert response including the mode and the median, as well as the relative and absolute frequency tables.


  • There are current theoretical references on training, education in values ​​and workshops, which serve as a basis for the training proposal for teachers of Humanities careers from a psychological perspective. The results of the diagnosis of the application of empirical methods and techniques, allow us to suggest that there are insufficiencies in the training on values ​​education that the teachers of the Municipal University Center of the municipality of San Antonio de los Baños have.The topics selected for the teachers' training workshops are related to education in moral values ​​in the Higher Education.The results of the validation of the expert criteria allowed us to affirm that the training proposal is acceptable,after obtaining a concordance coefficient above 80%.


  • Continue deepening in the study of the topics used in the workshops to raise the level of scientific knowledge of teachers on education in values. Apply and verify the results in practice of the proposal of training in education in values ​​for teachers of careers of Humanities of the Municipal University Center of San Antonio de los Baños.


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México.Ulloa, DR The teaching strategy in values ​​education.GM; quoted in Delhi Calzado Lahera (1998) The workshop: an alternative organization of the pedagogical process in the professional preparation of the educator. Taken from the thesis in option to the Academic title of Master in Pedagogical Sciences of Havana, p.59.Rives, PM; Lozano ML The formation of values ​​through reading in the English class. Silices, A. (1996) Training and Development of Personnel. Edit. Limusa. México.Ulloa, DR The teaching strategy in values ​​education.GM; quoted in Delhi Calzado Lahera (1998) The workshop: an alternative organization of the pedagogical process in the professional preparation of the educator. Taken from the thesis in option to the Academic title of Master in Pedagogical Sciences of Havana, p.59.Rives, PM; Lozano ML The formation of values ​​through reading in the English class. Silices, A. (1996) Training and Development of Personnel. Edit. Limusa. México.Ulloa, DR The teaching strategy in values ​​education.(1996) Training and Development of Personnel. Edit. Limusa. México.Ulloa, DR The teaching strategy in values ​​education.(1996) Training and Development of Personnel. Edit. Limusa. México.Ulloa, DR The teaching strategy in values ​​education.
Values ​​education for university professors