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Education for greater gender equality

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It is not necessary to think the same, but it is necessary to think about the same objective.


This paper aims to demonstrate the great effort that gender equality has turned out to be, in all aspects of society, an effort that has not only been made by our country, but also by ideological, religious beliefs, etc.; Other countries have had a frontal fight against equality of opportunity without distinction of gender, a fight that transcends local, national and international borders, and also blurs the borders between the classroom and the world.

It is important to highlight that for there to be gender equality and to have the same opportunities, not only education within a classroom is enough (although it is very important), since it must be said that the greatest change that must be made or suffered in the education that we receive, resides in our homes, in the form of how we perceive the world, because the process of transmission of knowledge and reception of it, comes from everywhere, so for these changes to exist, there must be, then, a change in our environment, that is, in our way of life.

With the present it is tried to demonstrate that the consolidation and development in gender equality for the country, will go hand in hand with the transformation of thought in men of women, that neither one gender nor the other, is believed to be superior to the one next door as well as reversing the machismo and feminism that grows in people, and that far from sticking to equality, it is not separating into different ideologies, so we will not be able to advance on the subject, since the end would not be to go together, if not every who by his side, and thus cannot advance.

Although this topic demands the concurrence of various disciplines and its exploration from different angles or points of view, given its breadth and complexity, it encompasses general dimensions that become fertile starting points for dealing with education for gender equality. So an effort will be made to be concrete, precise and concise, to explain the point where I want to go.

You don't have to think alike, but you do have to think about the same goal

In order to transcend and compel an ideological change directed towards gender equality, it is necessary to focus our efforts to include the gender perspective in education and to focus on cultural, social and historical constructions that, on the biological data of sex, normatively determine the masculine and feminine; that is, the symbolic representations of sexual difference that allude to social differences between the sexes, which is why only from this point of view we have tried to give a different education, not only in our homes, where women apparently have more activities corresponding to their sex, and men simply do not have, if not in the professional field, jobs that can and should be performed by men and others by women have also been distinguished,And now they have also tagged jobs for those who disagree with their gender.

Now, I think that it is the gender constructions that condition the existence of an assessment for men and women in the power relations that are established between them and give rise to mechanisms of subordination and exclusion to the detriment of the female population, and that have unleashed a wave of the feminist current that now wants to do nothing for those of the other gender.

From this approach it is possible to unravel the relationship between these constructions and the learning of the values ​​that are necessary for a true change in human ideology, during their educational experiences.

Why is there this rivalry?

In my opinion, the main point to which you must refer is to our sense of belonging to a group, which depends in correlation to our ideals or beliefs, but I also believe that this starting point occurs in the socialization process that has place in school, loaded with the power of symbolization, is conditioned by the crossing of contextual variables such as belonging to a certain group or social class, race and sex, as well as geopolitical conditions and the life cycle in which the individuals.

Although it may be easier to expose the myth of equality in education when referring to other variables, such as social class, than to the gender of individuals, the task of identifying and transforming institutional practices is imposed in democratic education and the attitudes that generate and legitimize discriminatory behaviors for reasons of belonging to the female or male sex; even more so when these crystallize in representations of social reality, in valuations and in the legal and social regulations that regulate human coexistence.

The fine line that exists between equal rights and the factual conditions that hinder the full participation of women in society clearly shows the discrimination based on the sex of people. Sexism is called discrimination by people of one sex because they consider it inferior to the other. Sexism has variants such as machismo, hembrismo and others.

To try to explain these differences between men and women, which go beyond biological reality and also determine their functions in human reproduction, the word sex is insufficient. Hence, the category of gender arises in the social sciences to account for the set of symbols, values, representations and practices that each culture associates with being male and female.

This concept introduces a distinction between biological sex, with which we are born, and gender, which is culturally assigned and acquired; that is, we are born female and male (biological sexes), and culture transforms us into female and male (social genders).

Under this last concept, we realize that from the most basic definitions gender distinctions begin, a social distinction, beyond the distinction that nature gives us through biology, but to abound more, we will have to delve deeper into the topic; Now, sexism has negative consequences for all individuals, men and women, because it limits the expectations of social behavior and citizenship that exist for each of them at a certain time and place, I mean, we have always been limited in our functions, according to our sex, which in my opinion has diminished great talents, in each and every one of the areas where there is gender distinction to work.

In Mexico, as in other countries of the world, it has been established in its constitutions, articles defending gender equality, in Mexico it is a right elevated to individual guarantee, established in the fourth article of the country's Magna Carta, for what the mechanisms of exclusion and / or discrimination for reasons of sex in education are no longer located in the access to the system or in its formal structure, at least as regards the coverage of basic education that currently serves equal to boys and girls.

Now, the debate on equal rights and opportunities in education focuses on the quality and modalities of teaching, on how to teach boys and girls that there is no gender distinction, but rather prepare them for a competition, where the only thing that will be valued, will be the capacity of each of the people involved, that is, the work for the most capable.

Both the contents of education and the way of transmitting them, which shape the conception that men and women have of social reality, of its operating norms, of the values ​​and principles that organize human coexistence, are permeated by the system of gender.

This system, which regulates, regulates and hierarchizes the relations between the sexes, determines the way in which people represent themselves, the development of their motivations and the expectations they have about their future life, which includes citizenship.. Thus, as Steven G. Smith affirms, the gender distinction intrudes on the democratic project as a dark spot.

So now it is important to analyze the explicit and hidden discourse on gender equality education that has been instilled in our education, because this way we could identify from what level of schooling, a primary role is given to the male gender, and secondary to women, since in this case it is not a matter of discussing biological differences, but rather the interpretation and the meaning that has been culturally given to them, particularly in the field of education and in the processes of socialization that there take place, clarifying that in my opinion it is not the fault of this distinction, only the educational means, if not also mothers, sisters, daughters, and in itself every woman who feels displaced by a man, not because of their abilities but because their gender, as well as the men we refuse and are unbearable to us,that a woman is undergoing this change.

Introducing the gender perspective in the analysis and transformation of educational actions, in addition to referring to the formal structure of educational systems and formal programs, necessarily leads to identifying social inequalities between men and women who express themselves and remain in one variety of learning that takes place in the interactions that occur daily in the school space.

The elements, situations and processes that make up educational practices are multiple and complex, capable of accounting for how the gender system works in them.

Integrating the relational category of gender in the analysis and reflection of educational practices also means entering into the ethical dimension of education, that is, in the field of learning and the construction of values ​​of a culture of gender equality. On the one hand, it is necessary to critically review the pedagogical foundation and the functioning of educational institutions, to eliminate sexist biases that filter in various ways in the cognitive, affective and daily attitudes dimensions that make up educational processes, in whose development it plays the learning and the construction of egalitarian values ​​between people.

In this way, it will be possible to contribute to the transition from formal equality to real equality of men and women in our society. On the other hand, it is necessary to investigate how the sexual differentiation of individuals and the inequalities that it entails intervene in the conceptualization, development and practice of each of the values, objectives and purposes of education for democracy.

Sexism in education does profound damage to those who perceive it in this way, as it blocks the growth of talents and limits the growth not only of our country but also of humanity.

The predominance of masculine values ​​and the silence and contempt of feminine ones, as well as the idea of ​​women, that they can and are the right ones to carry out any job, not due to the fact of their abilities, but due to the fact of being women, creates a strong imbalance and inequity in the development of societies.

It is not enough to legislate behavioral changes to achieve equality; it is necessary to proceed from education, since it is not possible to legislate changes in attitude.


Due to the aforementioned, it is considered that sexism should be eliminated in education, since this means or supposes preparing the field and contributing to profound social and cultural transformations, since it implies the construction of a vital daily democracy, the opening of individuals towards new possibilities and the questioning of conceptions, especially the social.

Men and women, boys and girls, through learning will be able to internalize new ways of perceiving and knowing, building new values ​​and developing democratic citizenship.

This will lead to the best use of human effort, which will be measured according to the capacities and preparation of each person, without distinction of gender, taking the great step to grow as a country, not only socially or culturally, but also in the economic thing, because having the right person, in the right position, regardless of sex, will make us grow a lot.


Jacques Delors, Education contains a treasure, report to UNESCO of the International Commission on Education for the 21st century, UNESCO, Mexico, 1996.

Hierro, Graciela, «Gender and education», La Ventana, Magazine of Gender Studies, no. 2, December 1995, edited by the Center for Gender Studies of the University of Guadalajara.

Uses, difficulties and possibilities of the gender category », La Ventana, Magazine of Gender Studies, no. 1, Center for Gender Studies, University of Guadalajara, Guadalajara, July 1995.

Women and Public Policies », Working Papers, no. 18, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Mexico, 1989.

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Education for greater gender equality