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Education for responsible sexuality in Cuban youth


Sex education is not only aimed at specifically promoting biological instruction and education, but also has the purpose of teaching them the role that corresponds to them within the structure of the couple, the family and society, according to their gender and as active members of society, so that they can live a free, pleasant, responsible and happy sexuality with a humanistic approach that engages the personal within the social, cultural and scientific contexts. This led to the authors' creative search to propose a system of activities to develop responsible sexuality in young people.


Throughout the centuries, and despite the great transformations that human civilization has undergone in its historical evolution, sexuality has traditionally been formed in the culture of no, of prohibitions, repression, fear, silence, moralizing sermons and lack of communication.

These forms of intervention, in addition to not promoting the conscious self-regulation of the subject in decision-making, qualify this sphere of personality with a negative connotation that prevents the full spiritual enjoyment of a healthy and happy sexuality.

Forming the personality of man, appropriate to the society in which he lives, is a responsibility that each teacher or professor assumes, educating young people for work and collective life, developing their intellectual, physical and moral capacities, transmitting knowledge and developing feelings, principles and ethical values, preparing them for life, love, and a healthy, pleasant and responsible sexuality that allows them to build a solid and spiritually enriching family.

The first right of every human being to live their sexuality fully and responsibly is only achieved if they are educated according to their particular needs and aspirations.

Education is the preparation of the human being for life, since it prepares our children, adolescents and young people for work, cultivates their intelligence, their development, their feeling, forms convictions; However, it cannot be forgotten that this individual will love, have sexual relations, establish a family and procreate children. Therefore, it is essential to prepare him for love and sexuality so that he develops responsible sexual relations.

Education is in constant improvement and transformation, with the task of transmitting to future generations the experiences accumulated in the process of development of society, hence its eminently social character, seeking the comprehensive education of individuals.

For all members of the pedagogical collective to carry out this important work efficiently, they must know each student deeply, this means mastering their level of development and their potentialities, in all their dimension and strength, including their feelings, their value orientations towards fundamental spheres of life as sexuality.

The concept of sexuality and responsible sexuality given by González Hernández, A is assumed in this work:

"Sexuality is the dimension of personality that is built and expressed from birth and throughout life through the set of representations, concepts, thoughts, emotions, needs, feelings, attitudes, integration of various potentialities of the human being".

"Responsible sexuality is one where the individual is able to make decisions and assume their consequences, based on knowledge and values ​​where the social context is of great importance."

"Sex education is an education for sexuality, understood as emotional, ideological, ethical and philosophical expressions, linked and derived from the biological fact of sex."

Brief historical sketch of the evolution of sexuality.

A well-controversial question around the world is why study sexuality? The explanation lies in the fact that its learning equips the subject with knowledge that is very useful in everyday life due to its many practical applications, since it can prevent the appearance of sexual problems and contribute to improving the education of children, adolescents and young people. In addition, it allows us to more efficiently solve difficulties that may appear throughout the life of a human being, such as sexual dysfunction, sterility, sexually transmitted infections, phobias, anxiety, self-worth, confidence, among others.

However, the main importance of the study of sexuality is that it favors interpersonal ties, thus contributing to increasing the degree of intimacy and sexual satisfaction of the individual, which in the author's opinion positively influences the quality of life of the human being.

The study of some of the past and present historical background is therefore imposed, finding descriptions of sexual behaviors and attitudes prior to 1000 BC, which considered women as belonging to men, used for pleasant and reproductive purposes, in the that prostitution and sex were a daily thing.

In the 20th century, research on the topic addressed was carried out in a more objective way, highlighting the studies carried out by scientists of the stature of Albert Moll, Magnus Hirsh-feld, Iwan Bloh, Havelock Ellis and the theories of Sigmund Freud.

Between the years 1920 and 1940, at the end of the First World War, great social transformations took place in Europe and the United States, facilitating the social and economic freedom of women; This favors disinhibition of sex, accompanied by changes in fashion, dance and literature.

"Sexuality is the primal force that motivates all human acts." 6

In this regard, Abreu, O. and others (1997) in their work dedicated to the training course for science teachers, consider Gregorio Marañón as the creator of the sexological movement in Spain and the United States, and highlight the work of Kinsey, Masters and Jonson. The latter believed that to understand the complexities of human sexuality, it is necessary to learn anatomy, physiology and delve into the psychological and social characteristics of the human being.

In the 1960s a sexual revolution began in which frank conversations related to the subject prevailed; feminism was viewed with a more modern perspective, as was life together under the same roof as a stage prior to marriage; the abortion legislation in 1973; Homosexuals are no longer considered mentally ill, among many other expressions that developed in this historical context, which shows that sexual theories and practices vary with the passage of time and place. During that same decade, the political-ideological struggle took place in Cuba that led to prioritizing education and preparation for the sexual life of children, adolescents and young people, by establishing principles,laws and regulations that created the conditions that facilitated the necessary progress in relation to sexuality, which is endorsed in the article of the Constitution of the Republic of Cuba.

Family work in sex education.

The family occupies the key positions in the struggle for the development of the new man, in it the personality is formed in its general tone, the character of interests and the skills for mutual relationships. Unlike educational institutions, the family can influence all aspects of personality in the course of people's lives.

The family is the most important group in any society, the place where personality formation begins and where affections are most committed to the interrelationships among its members.

The normal process of personality formation presupposes that adolescents adapt to the extremely complicated network of social relationships through the family as a peculiar simplified model of society, with a more intense emotional life compared to that of other social groups, with a system of power among its members and with a unique atmosphere that benefits the education of their children to the maximum.

The family has duties that are its own to a much greater extent than any educational institution; That is why it is important to know the main aspects and the processes that take place in it: it is a component of the structure of society, as such it is conditioned by the economic system and the historical-social-cultural period in which it develops, It is a group that works as such in a systematic way, that can be influenced in its interconnection with society, has a face-to-face communication, which implies an affective and differentiated interaction between its members, it must be made up of at least two people, who they live in a house or part of it, for a prolonged time equal to or greater than one year, whether or not they share their resources or services.

The family, as it is the basic cell of society, must fulfill certain functions:

Biological-social: It expresses the planned biological reproduction of the family, its sexuality, its fertility, etc.

Economic: Includes satisfaction of the material and consumption needs of its members, the creation of living conditions and the distribution of roles for household chores.

The division of labor marks the activities that each one has to carry out and provides more advantages than problems for the family; By common agreement, the distribution of tasks must be clearly delimited.

Spiritual-cultural: It includes the emotional education of the children, the parents and the adults who form it, that is, to form and develop the ability to recognize their own feelings and those of others, learn to motivate themselves and properly manage the relationships that are sustain with others and with oneself; the satisfaction of the affective needs of its members, whose basic needs are: affection, security, independence, self-confidence, acceptance of their individuality and authority, and the transmission of social, ethical and aesthetic values ​​of our culture, which can be positive or negative according to its social significance.

The educational action of the family is decisive in the physical, moral, labor and social training of each of their children. The stability of the nucleus, the number of adults involved in the education of children, the way in which the family participates in the life of the community and in which it is incorporated into social and political activities, is decisive in the formation of attitudes. and feelings of those who are educated in it.

The type of relationships that the adolescent establishes with his surroundings is fundamental for his adequate and stable emotional development. Having good relationships with them does not imply making concessions, on the contrary, it requires gentle and respectful, but firm treatment.

It is necessary for parents and teachers to understand that a new level of communication is required, abrupt and authoritarian forms are not valid with them, nor is “letting go”.

As future generations are educated for their successful performance in the various facets of life, it is essential to prepare them also for sexuality, with a view to it becoming an element capable of ennobling personality, and that learners become they find it possible to establish enriching relationships with the other sex and with the appropriately selected partner to form a successful family that in turn beneficially influences society as a whole.

For this reason issues related to sexual life are closely linked to men's health problems, and the achievement of adequate sexual health is one of the indispensable requirements for the total physical, psychological and social well-being of the individual. It requires an approach based on the real understanding of the adolescent's new possibilities, knowing what he thinks, what interests him, what affects him, with whom he meets, all this without making him feel watched.

What place corresponds to sexual education in the integral education of future generations?

Taking into account that sexuality constitutes an expression of personality, we consider that sex education is a direction of educational work, in interdependence with political-ideological, moral, aesthetic, intellectual, patriotic-military education, among others.

Sometimes it happens that parents, teachers and professors question whether or not it is convenient to provide sexual education to their children and young people. In such cases, they do not realize that they are always and at all times influencing, although they do not intend to, the development of sexuality. For example, before birth a family expectation is created regarding his sex and the way he will be raised, without claiming to offer a critical picture of reality, much less adopt an unfounded alarmist position.

In this sense, it is important to make clear the fact that sex education is not responsible for one or several social factors taken in isolation, but for the whole of society, for a system of educational influences made up primarily of the family, educational institutions, organizations policies and the organisms and institutions of the Cuban State.

Family and school education are not a substitute for each other. The school cannot and should not replace the educational function of the family, but it has the social task of scientifically directing and organizing the process of sexual education, and therefore plays a leading role.

Sex education cannot be limited to the instructional, nor to the absolute transmission of knowledge, although it is essential that students assimilate the facts, concepts and ideas of a scientific nature about sexual biology and related moral and spiritual issues. with sexuality, this is not enough in order to actively prepare them in that sphere.

It is essential that sex education is basically aimed at the formation of moral norms and values, feelings and needs that become internal drivers of behavior and that determine the development of modes of action in accordance with the demands of society; on the other hand, sex education should be directed towards the formation of feelings of responsibility of the individual regarding her sexual behavior, which is achieved to the extent that this is prepared in a systematic way during her life.

Only when children and young people with solid knowledge are provided, while at the same time promoting the assimilation of adequate values ​​and moral principles, can they be guaranteed to act conscious of the scope of their behavior, valuing its certainty; that they be guided according to the ethics of society; that they are capable, after all, of self-regulating their sex life and self-determination.

The education of sexuality with responsibility from a humanistic ethical vision.

Currently, the formation of the human being imposes the development of a humanistic pedagogy based on axiological bases that contributes to the formation of a man with the possibility of reuniting with his true essence, who conceives him as a subject capable of actively participating in making of decisions linked to the transformation of the context.

The exercise of this pedagogy requires the hierarchization of those values ​​that reinforce the specifically moral of the human essence, such as the love of social justice, solidarity, honesty, responsibility, honesty, sincerity, freedom, equity, unconditionality, among others.

Thus, when analyzing sexual rights from an ethical perspective, questions arise such as: what is acquired and what is inherited in sexual life? What are the real differences between men and women? And what are the contradictions that these situations generate?

"Sexuality constitutes, without a doubt, an important challenge for all those who, from the perspective of comprehensive education, pursue an improvement in the quality of life and the improvement of ways of acting around sexual and reproductive life, in couples and in families ”.

The results of this educational work, at best, are achieved by an informed individual, but this does not indicate that this information translates into sexually responsible behavior.

Therefore, to achieve results in strategies aimed at adolescents, it is necessary to strengthen responsible sexual behavior, where a fundamental component is mastery of how to protect oneself in sexual relationships. In addition, it is necessary to consider what other elements allow adolescents to develop the capacity to make responsible decisions and choose alternatives that will help them, increasingly, to achieve physical, mental and social well-being, and that the actions are effective in terms of sexual and reproductive health.

A very important aspect to consider to reduce the risks in the sexual and reproductive health of adolescents, would be to achieve their effective participation in the design, planning, monitoring, and in an integral way, in all scenarios where actions are developed. aimed at adolescent health, included in health programs.

This could contribute to implanting in them a responsible sexual behavior, where a fundamental component is the domain on how to protect themselves in sexual relations.

The findings found in the reviewed works allow us to make some reflections. In the first place, it can be pointed out that adolescents think and act in their sexual lives conditioned by the social context, although the process of initiation and maintenance of sexual relations is influenced by their characteristics. personal, family environment and relationships.

Sex education must be part of the actions of programs and projects that support human development.

The Cuban development strategy, which places human beings without any type of discrimination at the center of its objectives and which promotes social and economic policies as inseparable elements of the same process, has been the vision that underpins the National Sex Education Program, which at the same time, from its specificity, contributes new elements and enriches it in its implementation.

For Barnett, sexuality education is everyone's responsibility, but teens may think they are too young or sexually inexperienced to get STIs.

"Sex life is a source of pleasure and happiness, but it is also a source of great difficulties and unhappiness, it all depends on how we know how to apply it and how we help our children, our young people to prepare for life, for marriage, for the success of love. ”

This reflection on an important stage of life, which many forget, points to the need to know what to do, how to educate adolescents at that difficult moment in their development when they are no longer so "children". but they are not adults either.

As noted, human sexuality must be understood in its multidimensional character.

From the social dimension, the school is entrusted with the integral formation of the personality of schoolchildren and, as part of it, the formation of a system of knowledge, motivations and value orientations, which contribute precisely to shaping the personological dimension of the sexuality.

The ultimate goal of comprehensive education is the multifaceted and full formation of the personality of the human being and his preparation to face the challenges of modern life; therefore, it is impossible to ignore the fundamental role that sex education plays in this process.

In this sense, the educational institution must give continuity to the socializing influence initiated in the family on the psycho-sexual sphere of the personality of children and adolescents, and it cannot fulfill this task behind the scenes or disconnected from the homes of its young people, because often their behaviors are a reflection of their specific family situation.

At school, through educational activities and school life as a whole, young people expand their human relationships and enrich their personal experiences, so they must receive scientific knowledge on the subject of sexuality and form valuable guidelines in this sphere so that they learn to regulate their behavior in correspondence with general social values.

Activities that take place outside the school space and away from the influence of parents open up to the adolescent a greater circle of relationships where they have the possibility of manifesting the moral norms learned, so they must be prepared to self-regulate their behavior and conduct themselves with reason in these activities.

Responsibility is shared between school and family.

The school has the necessary conditions to carry out this complex social task of continuing the formation of the psycho-sexual sphere of the personality of adolescents, by having prepared professionals and possibilities of updating themselves in these subjects to carry out this educational work.

Sexuality education cannot be isolated from the general education that the student receives or from their preparation for life, it must affect the psycho-sexual training of young people from the classroom, in extra-educational and extra-curricular educational activities, to through numerous aspects of school organization, and even through the system of relations between teachers and youth. Therefore, the educational action of the school rests both on the contents expressed in the curriculum and on the so-called hidden curriculum, which is associated with the numerous contents implicit in communication, the norms that are manifested in the school organization, the relationships Interpersonal and the behavioral model of all the factors that are involved in the educational process.

The role of the teacher as an agent in the sexual education of young people is fundamental but at the same time very complex, since he must act on the psycho-sexual sphere of the personality of his schoolchildren, without having explicitly commissioned this educational task from a subject or particular activity.

The system of educational activities that he organizes and conducts, as well as the relationships that he regulates during his performance, also indirectly influence the sexuality education of his young people.

In this task, the school must also rely on the school doctor, or the family doctor or health area where it is located.

The link with other local cultural institutions can also contribute to this endeavor.

As the school becomes the most important cultural center of the community, the conditions will be given for its full participation in the sexual education of the children and adolescents of its enclave.

Currently, the formation of the human being imposes the development of a humanistic pedagogy based on axiological bases that contributes to the formation of a man with the possibility of reuniting with his true essence, who conceives him as a subject capable of actively participating in making of decisions linked to the transformation of the context.

The exercise of this pedagogy requires the hierarchy of those values ​​that reinforce the specifically moral of the human essence, such as solidarity, social justice, honesty, hard work, responsibility, honesty, among others.

Thus, when analyzing sexual rights from an ethical perspective, questions such as:

• What is acquired and what is inherited in sexual life?

• What are the real differences between men and women?

• What are the contradictions that these situations generate?

To the doubts and uncertainties that many have had and possess on the matter are added the found, and sometimes totally opposed, criteria between certain individuals or groups, equally convinced, of the veracity of their respective scales of values.

It is evident that the formation of values ​​occurs through the link of the cognitive, affective and behavioral components, without ignoring the volitional.

Knowledge as a simple understanding of reality when it becomes personalized reflection includes the affective and, therefore, contributes to the formation of value, and in turn the affective experiences that the subject experiences, contribute to forming knowledge.


The system of activities to develop a responsible sexuality in young people was elaborated from an alternative and participative professional approach characterized by dialogue, debate, reflections and open communication, using distinctive procedures of the pedagogical and investigative activity and it was held As a fundamental aspect, the interests of these young people in correspondence with their age, are preventive in nature and their realization allows activities to be carried out within or outside of a teaching framework. We consider that the correct practice of sexuality is a responsibility not only of the family, but also teachers: they can contribute to the health of young people by showing that with a correct sexual education life is made more pleasant and useful.


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Abreu, Suárez G. For life: a communication challenge. Havana: Editorial Pueblo and Education, 1992.

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Álvarez, C. Sex education in Cuba. Publication of the National Sex Education Group. Havana, 1987.

Baxter Pérez, E. “Formation in values. A pedagogical task ”. Havana: Editorial Pueblo y Educación, 1989.

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Calero JL, Santana F. "Perceptions of adolescents about sexual initiation, pregnancy and abortion". Cuban Journal of Public Health 2001.

Carvajal Rodríguez, C. “Health education at school”. Havana: Editorial Pueblo y Educación, 2000.

Castellanos Simons, B and others. Human sexuality. Havana: Scientific-Technical Editorial, 1983.

Castellanos Simons, B. and others. "Towards a responsible and happy sexuality: for teachers." Part I. Havana: Editorial Pueblo and Education, 1997.

Castro Alegret, Pedro. How to implement sexuality education in school? Pedagogy Course 12/2001.

Castro Espín, M. "Sexology and Society Magazine". #twenty-one. Havana: Aurora Editions, 2003.

Castro Ruz, Fidel. "Graduation Ceremony of the Manuel Ascunce Domenech Pedagogical Detachment", July 7, 1981.

Castro Ruz, Fidel. First Congress of the PCC, 1975.

Castro Ruz, Fidel. VI National Seminar for Educators. Ministry of Education. November 2005..

CD. Master of Science in Education. Module I and II "Fundamentals of Educational Research". 2005.

COJAF. Basic foundations of sex education. Sexuality and affectivity.

Collective of authors. "Live our sexuality and prevent HIV / AIDS." Havana: Editorial Pueblo y Educación, 2004.

Cortés, A. “Sexual orientation in adolescent students”. Cuban Journal of Comprehensive General Medicine, 1998.

Cruz Sánchez, F. "Behaviors and risk factors in adolescence". In: Manual of clinical practices for comprehensive health care in adolescence. Havana: MINSAP; Cuba, 2002.

Ramírez, Dra. Nerelys and others. Characterization and design of scientific results as contributions to educational research. Course 85 of the International Pedagogy Event. Havana, 2003.

Díaz Bravo, C. Article «Sexuality much more than sex». Aurora editions, 1999.

Fernández, G., AM and others. Educational communication. Havana: Editorial Pueblo and Education, 2002.

González de la Cruz, V. “Knowledge, criteria and opinions on family planning of two groups of men from Spiritus. Center for Demographic Studies (CEDEM) and National Institute of Endocrinology (INEN). Vol. II. Havana: CEDEM, 1997.

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Appendix 1

"System of activities to develop responsible sexuality in young people".

A system of activities is proposed to develop responsible sexuality in young people ”.

The reflections on the structure of the activity presented by Josefina López Hurtado have been very useful, considering that for the activity to fulfill the unity of the action and the operation, the three stages of the activity must be respected: “… orientation, execution, And control; orientation must precede execution, and control takes place, both in orientation and in execution. ”

The orientation:

She is in charge of guaranteeing the understanding of young people about everything that must be done in development. It constitutes a fundamental moment in the direction of this stage by the teacher by creating a positive disposition of young people towards the activity, achieving their motivation and interest.

The execution:

The development of the actions that guarantee the participation and success of young people occurs, relationships and good communication between them are established, which facilitates the development of cognitive, affective and motivational processes, they apply the guidance of the previous stage, for the correct execution of the task in a conscious and rational way.

The control:

It allows to check the effectiveness of the procedures used and of the products obtained to, accordingly, make the notes and corrections required. It is important to keep in mind that, along with intellectual development, the development of interests advances, so this component of psychological training must also be addressed.

Thematic plan to be addressed in the activities.

Sex and sexuality, love as the basis for interpersonal relationships, affective communication and sexual relationships, sexuality and the formation of values, sexual and reproductive health, contraceptive methods, safe sex practices, early and unwanted pregnancy, causes and consequences, how to avoid it, sexually transmitted infections. STI / AIDS, family stability.


Title: "Let's talk about sex education."

Objective: Contribute to the development of knowledge so that they are capable of assuming a responsible attitude towards sexuality.

Duration time: 45 min.

Space: Debate and Reflection turn.

Executors: nurse and comprehensive general professor.

Participants: youth.

Theme: Sex and sexuality.

Material: conference on the subject on paper.

Description: In advance, the teacher coordinates with the center nurse to offer young people a conference, in which they must emphasize the previous theme.

One week before executing the activity, the young people are oriented to the school library to hold a conference by the nurse for which they should bring concerns related to the subject, they will also write down their doubts in the systematization notebook to be discussed later. among all. This will motivate them to search for new information.

To start the conference, the nurse will write the phrase “sex education” on the board and ask the young people to express different ideas about it. She will write down the elements that the young people contribute and from them the conference will begin.

Once it is finished, she applies the PNI technique in such a way that young people can pose everything that was positive, negative and interesting to them and ask their doubts about it.

To close the activity, young people are asked to argue the following approach:

"Sexual education is the process that empowers the human being to find a pleasant, happy and responsible encounter with sexuality, in correspondence with his needs and those of our society, guaranteeing the leading role and the ability to choose the personal limits of sexuality, thus like respect for the other people with whom it is related ”.

All the statements made will be taken in the minutes. The name does not interest, but its current responsibility in relation to the subject.

Bibliography to consult:

• Álvarez, C. Sex education in Cuba. Publication of the National Sex Education Group. Havana. 1987.

• Castellanos Simons, B and others. Human sexuality. Havana: Scientific-Technical Editorial. 1983.


Title: "Let's Talk About Safe Sex."

Objective: Contribute to the development of knowledge so that they are capable of assuming a responsible attitude towards sexuality.

Duration time: 45 min.

Space: Debate and Reflection turn.

Executors: family doctor and comprehensive general professor.

Participants: youth.

Subject: Safe sex practices.

Material: conference on the subject in digital format.

Description: In advance, the teacher coordinates with the family doctor to offer young people a conference in which they must emphasize the previous topic.

One week before executing the activity, the young people are guided, that in the computer lab one will develop a conference by the family doctor for which they should bring concerns related to the topic.

They will also record their doubts in the systematization notebook to be discussed later among all, this will allow motivating young people to search for new information.

To start the conference, the doctor will write on the board the phrase “safe sex” so that the young people can express different ideas about it, he will write on the board the elements that the young people contribute and from them the conference will begin.

Once finished, he applies the PNI technique in such a way that young people can pose everything that was positive, negative and interesting, they also have the possibility to ask about the doubts they have about it.

To close the activity, young people are asked to make a digital composition of what has been discussed with a suggestive title of their own authorship, informing them that the best ones will be displayed on a mural for dissemination.

Bibliography to consult:

• Castellanos Simons, B and others. Human sexuality. Havana: Scientific-Technical Editorial. 1983.

• Castellanos Simons, B and others. Towards a responsible and happy sexuality: for teachers. Part I. Havana: Editorial Pueblo and Education. 1997.


Title: How to achieve emotional ties through better communication?

Objective: To value the need for reflection and self-criticism as the basis for strengthening interpersonal relationships, affective communication and sexual relationships.

Duration time: 45 min.

Space: Debate and Reflection turn.

Executors: psychologist and comprehensive general professor.

Participants: youth.

Theme: Love as the basis of interpersonal relationships, affective communication and sexual relationships.

Materials: lectures on the subject on paper and cards.

Description: The orientation of this activity will take place in the ten minutes prior to the start of teaching, taking into account that it will take place in two weeks.

In previous days, it will be oriented to go to the community orientation center in duos and delve into any edge of the theme that arises, for which they may interview the specialist in charge of the subject, prior coordination of the Comprehensive General Professor (PGI), placing in his systematization notebook the results of the study carried out.

To start the activity, the (PGI) asks the psychologist to refer to essential aspects related to the topic, as well as the main questions placed in the mailbox.

The young people, from the study carried out and the intervention of the psychologist, elaborate the essential reasons that determine the need for self-criticism and reflection to achieve affective communication in interpersonal relationships and sexual education, subsequently they will propose to each duo that exposes the main reflections exposed, specifying and analyzing the fundamental ideas.

The PGI places in the workplace some cards that present the principles for achieving affective communication, which McDowell, J. (1988) cites in his book "The secret of loving and being loved." These are: learn to compromise, try to understand, avoid reading the minds of others, wait for the right moment, give an answer to show that you are listening, affirm the value, dignity and merit of your partner, family or partner., be positive and encouraging, practice confidentiality, be sincere, share your feelings, among others.

Next, two dramatizations representing one of the principles are offered, so that the young people can identify which one they correspond to and make an assessment of the way they express themselves.

Dramatized 1. First week

The incidence takes place in the IPI services department "Pedro Maria Rodríguez", where the development of the political issue takes place. After several hours of debate, a student breaks in with his shirt on the outside and dirty shoes, which he says out loud: - "Professor! I have to go because I have to solve a problem in the gao." In response, everyone looks at him in complete silence.

Dramatized 2. Second week

In a family doctor's office in the community, the doctor is examining a patient, the door was closed, and two young men from 1st grade appear. Year of the IPI "Pedro Maria Rodríguez", one of them is going to touch it but the other prevents it by saying: - "Let's wait for the nurse to call us, let's not disturb the doctor's work."

Young people are called to reflect on what has been observed, presenting their own conclusions. After this analysis, each one will select the principle, or the principles that in their opinion affect their communication the most and will substantiate the reasons.

For the closing of the activity, it is oriented that they prepare a dialogue, based on experiences from everyday life, to dramatize each of the principles in two different ways: one that represents the correct and the other the opposite, to stage it in the checkup emulation of the month.

Bibliography to consult:

• Abreu, Suárez G. For life: a communication challenge. Havana: Editorial Pueblo and Education. 1992.

• Fernández, G., AM and others. Educational communication. Havana: Editorial Pueblo and Education. 2002.


Title: "Learning to be responsible."

Objective: Assess the level of responsibility of young people to sexuality in order to regulate their behavior in this sphere of life.

Duration time: 45 min.

Space: Debate and Reflection turn.

Executor: comprehensive general professor.

Participants: youth.

Theme: Sex and sexuality.

Materials: Encarta encyclopedia and illustrated dictionary of the Spanish language.

Description: The teacher guides a previous activity that consists of recording the concepts of responsibility, sex and sexuality by the different bibliographies that are suggested. In the meeting conceived for this purpose, the task is reviewed, facilitating the possibilities of communication and exchange by organizing the activity in five teams of six young people each, selecting one of them as responsible

Orientation of the activity: consult the recorded concepts of responsibility, sex and sexuality, list the fundamental characteristics of each one of them, prepare a scheme where they relate these three concepts, establish the similarities and differences that are appreciated between the concepts of sex and sexuality.

We proceed to review the activity collectively, comparing the proposed schemes and debating the aspects that most promote the interest of young people regarding the concepts, and stimulating the teams with more outstanding participation.

In a second part of the activity, the teams already trained are given the following questionnaire, for which the person in charge of each one will be previously prepared by having cards with the concepts: sexual health, safe sex, reproductive health, protected sex, planning family, contraceptive methods, sexually transmitted infections

Questionnaire: How can we be responsible for our sexuality? What is sexual health? What is reproductive health? What is family planning? What is the right age to start sexual intercourse? Why? What are STIs / AIDS? What is safe sex?

What is protected sex? What are the contraceptive methods? Which or which are the most effective and why?

They are given a reasonable time to carry out the activity and the answers are subject to collective debate.

After this action, they are informed that with this new knowledge they possess, an educational action plan will be drawn up, through which they will govern so that they can self-assess their commitment to their sexual health and that of other people with those who may have occasional sexual relations or form stable partners.

Using the brainstorming technique, the contributions made by the teams were taken into consideration, reaching conclusions and recommendations.

Bibliography to consult:

• Castellanos Simons, B and others. Human sexuality. Havana: Scientific-Technical Editorial. 1983.

• Castellanos Simons, B and others. Towards a responsible and happy sexuality: for teachers. Part I. Havana: Editorial Pueblo and Education. 1997.


Title: Am I Responsible in Sex?

Objective: Contribute to the formation of values, knowledge and behavior so that they are capable of assuming a responsible attitude towards sexuality.

Duration time: 1 hour.

Space: study houses.

Executor: comprehensive general professor.

Participants: youth.

Theme: Sexuality and the formation of values.

Material: paper.

Description: The orientation of this activity will take place in the ten minutes prior to the start of teaching.

Days before, the team division will be guided by the PGI taking into account the study houses, selecting a team leader.

Each team should discuss the questions: Are we responsible in our sexual practices? Why? What behaviors must a young person to achieve responsible sexuality?

The answers will be written collectively by the young people on their computers in the study houses, on a sheet that the teacher previously gave them.

In the Reflection and Debate turn, each team will present the fundamental reasons that will allow them to conclude whether or not they are responsible in their sexual practices, an act that can be carried out by each team leader or a student defined by the team members.

This activity is very important to develop with a critical spirit and promoting the sense of self-criticism, so that they alone are able to value their individual behaviors.

Unfavorable criteria can be formed within the narrow framework of the teams, which may be subject to criticism and certain inappropriate positions regarding sexual responsibility can be corrected.

At the end, the teacher makes a summary on the board with the ideas that, in practical order, allow young people to express themselves sexually responsible, with the aim of incorporating them into their ways of acting.

Bibliography to consult:

• Castellanos Simons, B and others. Human sexuality. Havana: Scientific-Technical Editorial. 1983.

• Castellanos Simons, B and others. Towards a responsible and happy sexuality: for teachers. Part I. Havana: Editorial Pueblo and Education. 1997.


Title: "Love and responsibility".

Objective: To value young people's positive and negative attitudes towards responsible sexuality.

Duration time: 1 hour.

Space: study houses

Executor: comprehensive general professor.

Participants: youth.

Theme: Sexuality and the formation of values.

Materials: sheets of paper, cardboard and colored pencils.

Description: The teacher asks his youth to carry out a bibliographic review on the different topics worked on in previous activities.

He instructs them to visit medical entities, consult books and materials published on the Internet or located in school and public libraries, also interview specialists, for which they must meet in two teams and prepare a guide that guides them on the way forward, in this You must refer the topics in which you still have difficulties.

Once all the information has been collected, they establish reflections and debates to finally summarize the content. In the space of a training shift, the teacher communicates to the group that they will apply the results of their research in the realization of a “Barometer of sexual values”.

For the development of this technique, the following proposals are offered about responsible sexuality:

§ Being promiscuous leads to disorderly sexual behavior with frequent partner changes.

§ Sexual activity is a behavioral expression of the individual personality.

§ Sexuality is an important psychological dimension of the personality that determines and conditions the evolutionary development of the human being.

§ Condom use, hugging, caressing, kissing, masturbation, massage, mouth stimulation, and body-to-body rub are safe sex practices.

§ Responsible sexual behavior means assuming responsible behavior and lifestyle in relationships, for this you need a system of knowledge and human values.

§ Love is not a negative manifestation but the capacity of the human being to experience sexual desire, excitement, and orgasm.

The teacher delivers the proposals in teams, written on cards.

Each team meets and looks for elements for and against each of them, then they issue their evaluative criteria on the approaches to the group, which will lead to clarification of their ideas.

To close the activity, the teacher clarifies doubts and highlights the positive and negative attitudes of each of the young people towards responsible sexuality.

Bibliography to consult:

• COJAF. Basic foundations of sex education. Sexuality and affectivity.

• Collective of authors. Live our sexuality and prevent HIV / AIDS. Havana: Editorial Pueblo and Education. 2004.


Title: "Condom use and handling".

Objective: Contribute to preventing and controlling sexually transmitted diseases.

Duration time: 45 min.

Space: Debate and Reflection turn.

Executor: comprehensive general professor.

Participants: youth.

Subject: Contraceptive methods.

Materials: sheets of paper, markers, condoms and cardboard.

Description: The teacher will ask the young people to make a list of the reasons why they do not use condoms during sexual intercourse, for which the activity will be organized in small groups. While making the list, the teacher will write the following titles on large sheets of paper: knowledge, feelings, physical reasons, cultural reasons, lack of financial resources, others.

The monitor will ask the other young people to read their motives, then ask: What can be learned from these ideas? When and why is the condom used? What other things can be done to encourage more condom use in your classmates? Conclusions and recommendations will be reached.

Second part of the activity: The teacher must use all his ability to create a climate of relaxation and trust, since the teaching groups are mixed, being made up of men and women and some young people may feel embarrassed during the activity, if necessary We will work with the group separated by sex. Each student is offered a condom, asking them to: verify that the expiration date has not passed and remove it from the package. They are encouraged to stretch and play with the condom, offering everyone a few minutes to talk to their table partner about how it feels to handle it.

After giving feedback from the people in the whole group, we demonstrated how to place the condom, for example in a penis model, a cucumber or a banana. Ask the participants to do the same.

We encourage discussion about what was difficult and what could help you use the condom with your sexual partner (s).

The form correct:

Write each step to put the condom on, using one card per case. Offer the cards to different young people in the group, asking them to place theirs in the correct order on a large sheet of paper, with their cards facing the front. Ask the group to discuss the correct order and finally a debate will be promoted by a student prepared for this purpose to explain the importance of the proper use of condoms to maintain health.

Bibliography to consult:

• Castellanos Simons, B and others. Human sexuality. Havana: Scientific-Technical Editorial. 1983.

• Castellanos Simons, B and others. Towards a responsible and happy sexuality: for teachers. Part I. Havana: Editorial Pueblo and Education. 1997.


Title: "Risk behaviors".

Objective: To value positive and negative attitudes of young people towards risky behaviors.

Duration time: 45 min.

Space: Debate and Reflection turn.

Executors: comprehensive general professor and family doctor.

Participants: youth.

Thematics: Early and unwanted pregnancy. Causes and consequences, how to avoid them.

Material: conference on the subject on paper.

Description: In advance, the teacher coordinates with the family doctor to carry out a workshop in which he must emphasize the previous topics.

One week before executing the activity, the young people are oriented that in the school library a workshop will be held by the family doctor for which they should bring concerns related to the subject, in addition they will write down their doubts in the systematization notebook to be later debated among all.

This will allow young people to motivate them to search for new information.

It will be emphasized that: in risk behaviors cultural and socioeconomic factors intervene more than age itself, risk factors that influence the possibility of early and unwanted pregnancy as well as sexually transmitted diseases will be detected. (Debate)

The sexual activity, its initiation, the use of contraceptive methods and sexual promiscuity will be asked clearly and openly.

Heterosexual, homosexual and bisexual sexual condition is debated. It is explained that this can be changeable at this time and, although there is a trend, it will manifest itself in adulthood.

It is recommended to promote a healthy and global vision of sexuality, accompanying decision-making about their feelings and relationships, involving parents and peers, educating themselves on the use and need of contraceptives and regular visits to gynecology in sexually active women.

Once the workshop is over, the doctor applies the PNI technique in such a way that the young people can present everything that was positive, negative and interesting.

All the statements made will be taken in the minutes. The name does not interest, but its current responsibility in relation to the subject.

Bibliography to consult:

• Issler, Juan R. Dr. “Pregnancy in adolescence”. Postgraduate Magazine of the VIa Medicine Chair No. 107, August 3, 2001.

• Krauskopt, D. Family and adolescence, in: Adolescence and youth: contributions, 1999.


Title: Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs).

Objective: To know the most frequent STIs, their general symptoms and preventive measures.

Duration time: 45 min.

Space: Debate and Reflection turn.

Executors: comprehensive general professor and health promoter.

Participants: youth.

Subjects: Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). Main characteristics.

Materials: paper, pencil, markers, digital images on the subject.

Description: This activity will take place in the computer lab.

Through a “brainstorming” the STIs that young people know will be collected. This list will be completed by the facilitator where they will later work on describing the main symptoms of the STIs they know and will explain those STIs that they do not know.

In order to achieve a better identification of young people, which is the success of this activity, a series of images referring to the subject will be projected on computers and, at the same time, the recording of the explanations of the images being projected will be broadcast.

Once the screening is over, young people are asked to explain the different views and explanations, which allow generating discussion and reflection related to their sexuality.

Bibliography to consult:

• Collective of authors. Live our sexuality and prevent HIV / AIDS. Havana: Editorial Pueblo and Education. 2004.

• Torres, M. and López A. Do you want to know about STI / HIV / AIDS? 100 questions and answers. Havana: Ministry of Education. 2004.


Title: Basic information on HIV / AIDS.

Objective: To provide basic and updated information on HIV / AIDS.

Duration time: 1 hour.

Space: extra-educational activities.

Executors: comprehensive general teacher and family doctor.

Participants: youth.

Subjects: HIV / AIDS.

Materials: Sheets of paper, pencil, markers, HIV / AIDS video promotion.

Description: In advance, the teacher coordinates with the family doctor to offer young people a conference in which they must emphasize the previous topic.

One week before executing the activity, it is oriented to the young people, that the family doctor will develop a conference for which they should bring concerns related to the topic.

The activity consists of projecting a video with the theme: "From now on".

Young people are asked to pay attention to the content of the video since, subsequently, they will proceed to their analysis and discussion, which consists of asking young people to answer some questions that the doctor asks, such as:

1-What do you see in the video?

2-What part of the video content has caught your attention the most and why?

3-What message does the video give us?

To start the activity, the PGI will write down the most correct answers on the blackboard, as well as the elements that young people contribute that are of their interest, and from these the doctor begins to give the conference.

For the closing of the activity, the young people are asked to make a composition on the subject with a suggestive title of their own authorship, informing them that the best ones will be exposed in the classroom sexuality mural for later dissemination by the school.

Bibliography to consult:

• Collective of authors. Live our sexuality and prevent HIV / AIDS. Havana: Editorial Pueblo and Education. 2004.

• Torres, M. and López A. Do you want to know about STI / HIV / AIDS? 100 questions and answers. Havana: Ministry of Education. 2004.


Title: "Selection of the couple."

Objective: Contribute to the development of family life and marriage based on love and mutual understanding that allows them to create a responsible attitude in sexuality.

Duration time: 1h

Space: extra-educational activities.

Executor: comprehensive general professor.

Participants: youth.

Theme: Stability of the family.

Materials: cards and sheets.

Description: The activity begins by dividing the group into three teams. Subsequently, the following questions will be asked: Do you consider the dating stage necessary? Why? What would you advise a couple who decided to get married after 10 days of relationship, claiming that they love each other a lot and want to be together? Young people will be given a long time to carry out the activity by consulting the oriented bibliography. Then we will proceed to the communication by the teams and the assessment of each response, so that each team will cross the information, which will allow for greater dynamics and prominence in the activity.

It will be verified if the objective was fulfilled, asking questions, which will be left to the PGI for consideration of this activity.

Bibliography to consult:

• Castro Alegret, Pedro. How to implement sexuality education in school? Pedagogy Course 12/2001.

• Castro Espín M. and others. Growing up in adolescence. CENESEX. Havana. nineteen ninety five.

Education for responsible sexuality in Cuban youth