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Permanent education to become a person


From an early age, when the use of reason begins, people dream of standing out in the different fields that life offers, some want to be doctors, police, firefighters, nurses, other astronauts, including imitating great stars of the world. sport and entertainment. This is a perspective of what a child wants to be, when the time comes to defend themselves in life. But the reality turns out to be totally different for many.

As time progresses, stages in our lives are culminating, including that of students, and we are filled with knowledge and experiences that structure our personality; Although there are some who are born with a future already defined by the favorable economic conditions of their relatives, there are others who are born and should be done according to their abilities and why not, some luck. This is the occasion in which people once they finish their school studies, dedicate with effort and sacrifice to choose what will be theirs in the future. Some decide what they study according to what they would like to be, others study what their economic ways allow,because they cannot pay for the support of a career in another city or abroad and worse still, they cannot achieve the means that allow them to study at least one professional career.

This is the moment when we face the harsh reality of destiny in contrast to what we dreamed of in the past and what really compels us to be ours. But once we achieve the merit as professionals at the end of the higher studies, the medium shows us that the Companies are demanding, the Universities choose competent personnel; arising from there the need to carry out the development of a specialization in some area of ​​our professional selection.

These studies involve an investment of time and good amounts of money; but all focused on obtaining excellent results in job performance. This is the ideal, what in normal conditions a person hopes to obtain by sacrificing himself by complying with demanding schedules, leaving aside the family and the commitments of the home to achieve one more achieved in life which is intended to bring fruits and successes..

Hence, today a person who completes his higher studies can be said to be in the middle of his profile as a full and selective professional; Well, the question that is asked to highlight the area in which a person works is not, what career did he study? but what is your specialization? Many respond by saying that I have the next goal to do a postgraduate degree in…, others I am going to enroll; but finally the tendency of the interested in that professional to occupy any position is: we will take it into account and we will be communicating with you.

That is why I want to make a call to those people who today are completing or have finished their higher education, to make the effort and sacrifice to be able to specialize in the areas that are most distinguished and thus They will be adding added value to their quality and personal and professional capacity.

This is an approach based on projections and goals set by people; Then comes overcoming one of the most difficult tasks of a professional, which is to get a job and undergo aggressive competition to obtain positions and good positions in companies and societies. However, if you want to start or create a company, you will make this person someone with a much more entrepreneurial and dynamic spirit. But as long as the ways to achieve this purpose are given, with own capital or with the support of state and government institutions that encourage the creation and materialization of an idea or a project.

It is now when he submits himself to evaluating potentiality, in demonstrating that he really is capable of creating, occupying and carrying out positions that allow distinguishing and identifying a person in society.

It is a stage that has its setbacks and impediments, since when we observe that unemployment in our Country is in such high percentages, we are alarmed and ask ourselves what will become of those people who thicken the ranks of candidates for office, and of all those professionals some with various degrees, others with different specializations; they have not been able to reach a position to develop their knowledge. But also when getting the opportunity to work, some must submit to the salary allocations established by these institutions, which do not represent the economic value that this person charges for their work.

For these reasons, gentlemen and potential professionals and professionals, do not stop training, do not stop updating, the Universities do not guarantee the future to anyone, it is the person who is made according to their desire to excel and their vision as strategists of fate, get what you want; setting goals is an excellent measure to achieve the purposes in life; and as I have always maintained, it is better to be born and to be made than to be born having been.

Permanent education to become a person