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Effects of neurolinguistic programming on decision making

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Neurolinguistic programming is basically a technique which is used to know how the people with more responsibilities within an organization achieve their successful results, which are guided by patterns which are within their daily thinking and behavior. By doing this, what you are looking for is to copy your thoughts and behaviors. Likewise, neurolinguistic programming tries to help people to think better, which seeks to achieve more and better things.

Neuro-linguistic programming also teaches what the way of communication of the human being should be, both internally and externally, which aims to separate excellence from mediocrity.

Likewise, neurolinguistic programming is an adaptable technique, since when a technique is not working, it can be supported by NLP until the desired objective is achieved using the technique that was originally used.

NLP can also be considered as an art and a science that drives personal excellence. It is an art since the way of thinking of each individual is unique, and it is a science since it is still under study, which looks for the behavior patterns that are necessary to be successful.

NLP has had a resounding impact because its field of application has increasingly spread to other areas of human life.

“In a nutshell, NLP is about how we filter through our five senses our experiences from the outside world and how we purposely and unknowingly use those same inner senses to achieve the results we want.” (Alder, 2014)

However, before knowing how neurolinguistic programming is usable, one must first understand what NLP is, which is what will be seen below.


Neuro-linguistic programming is a technique that is used to learn to change from a personal perspective, because the world is increasingly changing, and it is for this reason that everyone should use NLP to reflect on of the ideas and people who are involved in our day to day.

Likewise, we can describe NLP as a tool that supports interpersonal communication to be more effective, because it helps to better understand and share our ideas with other people. Similarly, NLP is a tool that helps improve learning.

This is how we can say that NLP is a discipline which is made up of a set of elements that improve human behavior and the performance that people may have in their daily lives, as well as improving the quality of personal life.

Being able to see all of the above, we can land all the aforementioned ideas such as that NLP “is a system to prepare –program-, systematically our mind –neuro-, and achieve that it effectively communicates what we think with what we do –language -, thus achieving consistency and effective communication through a strategy that focuses on human development. ” (Ortiz, SF)

Furthermore, neurolinguistic programming explores how we as people see ourselves in the task of transmitting our way of seeing the world through language. NLP helps promote behavioral flexibility, strategic thinking, and gives an understanding of the processes we run in our brains.


Neuro-linguistic programming has its origins in the year 1972 when John Grinder, who was an assistant professor of linguistics at the University of California, collaborates with Richard Bandler, who was a student of psychology at the same university. It should be noted that Bandler was very interested in psychotherapy.

This is how together Grinder and Bandler carried out studies of three leading psychiatrists which were:

  • Fritz Perls, who was a highly innovative psychotherapist, who created the currently known Gestal therapy school, Virginia Satir, who was a family psychiatrist capable of resolving extremely complex decisions within family relationships, which other therapists considered complicated and intractable. Milton Erickson, who was a world famous therapist.

This is how Bandler and Grinder seek to identify the patterns that were used by the best therapists of the time and disseminate them for the common good.

They were tasked with developing therapy models that in practice were functional and could be taught without major complications. Although the three psychiatrists that Bandler and Grinder studied had completely different personalities, they had very similar patterns, which refined and were able to build a model that could be used for effective communication, personal change, accelerated learning and in the same way could be enjoy life more.

This was how they captured their knowledge in four books which were published between 1975 and 1977.

NLP was developed in two complementary directions. The first of them was as a process by which the way to recognize patterns that allowed to excel in a field was sought, and the second was to develop the most effective possible ways with which people could communicate, which were used by people outstanding.

It was not until 1976 that Bandler and Grinder discovered the term neurolinguistic programming which is based on three simple ideas.

  • This is the part that is responsible for collecting the fundamental part of all behavior, since the behavior of people comes from the neurological processes of our body which are vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch and feeling. This refers to the fact that we have contact with the world through our senses and this is how we make sense of the information we collect and so we can act on it. Linguistics. This part refers to the fact that through language our thoughts, our conduct are ordered and in the same way through language we communicate with others. Programming. It is basically the ways by which we can choose to organize our ideas in order to produce the results expected by us.

This is how we can say that NLP deals with subjective human experience, that is, how to organize what we see, hear and feel and how we review and filter the world around us through our senses.


Our world is so vast and rich that we personally have to define it, which is why the type of map we make will depend on what we perceive and where we want to go.

In this case, the maps do not refer to territory, but rather to the ideas and perceptions that we have of the world in which we live.

Each of us has many natural filters that are useful and necessary, some basic filters that can be found in NLP are called behavioral frameworks, which are the ways of thinking that we have about how we act.

  1. The first framework refers to a personal orientation towards the objectives, neglecting the problems a little, which means that it is discovering what we ourselves and others want, as well as the resources and being able to use them to reach our goals. Which in many occasions can be called “Framework of reprobation”. The second framework is the how?, Which will lead us to understand the structure of the problems in which we are involved. The third framework refers to the interaction between failure. This means that failure does not exist, there are only results. "Failure is only one way to describe an outcome you want." (O'Connor & Seymour, 1993) The fourth framework is the consideration of possibilities rather than needs.In this aspect there is a shift of focus which is "to look at what can be done, the possible options, rather than the limitations of a situation." (O'Connor & Seymour, 1993)

It is then when we can say that neurolinguistic programming helps us to know how to communicate with ourselves, this is intrapersonal communication, and it also helps us to know how to communicate with the people around us in our external environment, which we call interpersonal communication.

Likewise, NLP defines three elements that constitute the behavior of human beings in general:

  • Nervous system. It is everything that supports us to formulate our ideas and thoughts, in addition to being the first point where our ideas and goals are born. The language. It is the means by which we communicate internally and externally, this means that it can be presented verbally and non-verbally. The conduct. It is everything we already know and what we can learn according to the interests of each person.

Neurolinguistic programming can explain the learning process of human beings through a series of stages that all individuals go through, which are four and are mentioned below:

  1. "Unconscious incompetence. (It is not known what a car is, much less drive it). Conscious incompetence. (moment in which more is learned. The driver is aware that he does not know how to drive and he tries it). Conscious competition. (The driver already knows how to drive and pays too much attention to the process such as clutch, turn signals, gear shift lever…). Unconscious competition. (The conscious's attention is released. The individual performs the action without being practically conscious and can thus direct his attention to other things. Thus we see a driver talking, listening to music, smoking, etc. while driving). ” (Ortiz, SF)


Neuro-linguistic programming for decision-making within an organization can be a very important point to consider, since in each of the individuals there is a "base activity" which is related to decision-making, this base activity is a series of processes, which tend to be faster at the time of their execution, as long as we have a better knowledge of ourselves and particularly in our scale of values.

This means that the better knowledge we have of our own person, our decision making will be better.

Decision making is usually a process that eventually becomes somewhat problematic, since it can generate scenarios where the person feels confused, a certain state of mental alienation can be generated where one as an individual begins to spin the matter and with all this you cannot reach a good conclusion.

This gets to generate some feeling of danger since sometimes immobility is generated which is that the individual cannot decide if not that he prefers not to do anything for the uncertainty that if what he is doing is correct or not.

Robbins tells us that the decision-making process is similar to how we train a muscle in the body, because the more decisions we make, the better training and preparation we will have when deciding, for example, the direction it should take. follow an organization, bearing in mind that these processes after having prepared our decision-making process will become more viable and effective.

To all this we can say that NLP is a process through which excellence in decision-making of the great leaders of organizations can be achieved regardless of the turn to which they are dedicated.


According to many highly accredited studies that have been carried out in various countries around the globe, a leader is said to be that person who can become a reference for other people within an organization, since the leader is tasked with collecting and analyzing information trying to avoid the collection of diffuse information, continuously focuses on making a decision quickly and then polishing the opinion that it may have in a slower way.

With which it can be said that when a person knows exactly where he wants to go and what he wants, he will have a very precise address, with which it will be known that this person knows himself and the organization in which he works and everything This will not be more difficult when making a decision, however difficult it may seem. In the event that a decision is reached it will not be much work for him and he will be able to acquire the new decision with great caution.

The above was referring to people who are leaders and who know how to make a decision effectively, however, ordinary people are a little more clumsy when making a decision since they are undecided and when they have already made the decision decision can get to change it quickly because they do not feel safe with what they have done.

For all this, it is very important to understand the psychology that exists within decision-making. Within the psychology of decision-making there are, just as in NLP, the values ​​which are highly useful.


There are exercises within NLP that help to locate personal values. Within these exercises the following will be addressed:

Make a list of the 5 most important values ​​for your life. For example, it can be health, honesty, love, security, freedom, etc. ” (learnpnl.com, 2013)

Once you have identified the values ​​that are important to your life, you must consider which is the most relevant to the interests you are looking for, this means that it must be done by making a list of the values ​​that you have identified from most important to least important.

This is exactly what leaders do to make correct decisions in many cases where an organization is looking for a profit or is on the verge of bankruptcy or is even in the process of locating a competitive advantage that its market rivals do not have..

This is how organizations become proactive, that is, they do not react automatically. They take the time to be able to decide the direction that the same organization will follow based on the values ​​that are taken into account, and all of this is what makes organizations effective.


Without a doubt, NLP is a very important tool that all organizations, regardless of their line of business, should take into account, since by relying on it they can make the decision-making they have to do at any time, the most effective. possible and reduces the fear of making a wrong decision that could affect the existence of the organization in question.


  • Alder, H. (2014). The art and science of getting what you want NLP, The new science of personal excellence. Psychology and self-help.com. (February 21, 2013). www.aprenderpnl.com. Retrieved on March 6, 2016, from http://aprenderpnl.com/2013/02/pnl-para-tomar-decisiones-como-un-lider/O´connor, J., & Seymour, J. (1993). Introduction to neurolinguistic programming. Ediciones Urano.Ortiz, JL (SF). mx. Retrieved on March 5, 2016, from http://www.itesm.mx/wps/wcm/connect/snc/portal+informativo/opinion+y+analisis/firmas/dr.+jose+luis+ortiz+rosales/ op (02oct13) joseluisortiz
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Effects of neurolinguistic programming on decision making