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Example of how to write a class report

Table of contents:


You can not have quality education without social commitment by teacher!

The inaugural event took place at 8:35 and the meeting started at 8:45. The intervention area supervisor was a presentation by all present and welcome: a video presentation about the conference in Nuevo Leon, addressed to School Supervisors item Technical School Board, its importance in school primary, and the challenges that it is intended to achieve to achieve a new Mexican school by participating teachers.


There can be no quality education, without social commitment on the part of the teacher !!

The opening of the event took place at 8:35 and the session began at 8:45. The intervention of the zone supervisor was to make a presentation by all those present and a welcome from: presentation of a video about the conference in Nuevo León, addressed to the School Supervisors with the topic School Technical Council, its importance in the school primary, and the challenges that are intended to be achieved in order to achieve a new Mexican school through the participation of the teacher.

Three participations are offered arguing that it is pertinent to give due importance to the School Technical Council.

An individual time is opened for reading located in the first session. Why give new life to the School Technical Council? Activity 5: reading the text.

Three actions were considered to exist in the CTE, which are:

  1. The minimum normality of the CTE: Administrative dischargeAbate the educational gap

The participation of colleagues focused on:

  • The Council serves to raise educational quality The School Technical Council must take into account everything that cannot be done and help us. The participation of the School Technical Council has been lost, it is rarely heard that it is addressed in the workplace and more even in multigrade schools. The educational reform opens the way for us to have that work confidence, however; Article 3 is not respected, and the guidelines have been changing, this commitment must be given by us to prosecute the problems presented.

Two teams are formed, the first. What is the Technical Council? What is it for? What can we do? And they conclude that:

  • It is a space to deliberate matters that concern us in the school, and decision making, taking into account each of the participations. It is an organization for the improvement of the school, such as sports, cultural, academic or organization to improve the climate of the Work between teacher-student. Positive participation for the school itself. In the fully organized schools, teachers, principals and support staff participate, and in the Multigrade school it occurs with the participation of the supervisor of the school zone. What would we analyze? Analyze where the errors are, detect the problem and attack that problem, from the School Technical Council. What would we deliberate? conduct problems, unexcused absences, collectively, in order to improve, among others.And it must serve the student's learning process as well as the teacher's teaching process.

The School Technical Council will only deal with academic and pedagogical issues, not cultural or other.

The second team covers what they do not see convenient from the School Technical Council, focused on the questions What is not ?, Why is it not useful? And they conclude in the following terms:

  • Autonomy: many people keep their knowledge and do not make it known and their particularities of their context are not disclosed, so a solution cannot be prosecuted. Favoritism: between teachers. Divisionalism: one thinks one thing and others Another opinion, and we confront. Impositions: when we have to do something in a regulatory manner and no adjustments can be made, they no longer require our opinion. Punctuality: teachers' poor commitment to being late and not respecting the established times.: that the meetings are used at some point to celebrate parties and birthdays and we deviate the objective.

A stolen reading of the magazine guidelines for the organization and operation of the CTE is carried out, the supervisor intervenes, mentioning that the CTE meetings are clearly pedagogical.

Reading of articles 22 and 32 of the general education law is carried out, in which the first, the educational authorities, in their respective powers, will permanently review the provisions, procedures and procedures, to reduce the administrative burdens of teachers, reach more hours effective classes and in the second the educational authorities will take measures that allow the full exercise of the right to education of each individual with greater educational equity.

A half-hour break is provided and upon return 5 teams are formed and the conclusions were:

The mission of the work center concludes in the commitment (responsibility and punctuality) of the teacher, to make a list of the problems of each work center and to propose solutions and promote collaborative work.

The Purposes of the CTE: To permanently review the achievement of learning, plan, monitor and evaluate the actions of the school, optimize the use of time and educational materials, promote the professional development of teachers and administrators and strengthen the autonomy of school management.

The scope of action of the CTE: The school, the classrooms and the community.

The Processes served by the CTE: Planning, infrastructure and materials, taking into account parents.

Functions of the CTE: socialize to the rules and indications of AEE. Permanently self-assess ourselves to improve and set goals, review progress, create and maintain an organized environment in the classroom, promoting professional development. Establish collaborative and co-responsible relationships between the school and families in the learning processes.

Work styles promoted by CTE: collaborative work between teachers to improve strategies, for example educational project, observation and peer learning, for example: a problem detected in the classroom should be shared to find solutions.

Two teams

Next activity

The first: What it means to establish school policies:

Second: What do you understand by works between pairs.

They are productive, because there is creation and recreation of knowledge, since by contributing an idea, there is consensus on how to improve and what to do.

We culminate in that the first purpose of the CTE is "to permanently review the achievement of student learning and identify the challenges that the school must overcome to promote its improvement." In accordance with the guidelines, the fundamental tools of the CTE, such as planning, monitoring, evaluation and self-evaluation, dialogue and feedback.

  • Why should we plan? Why should it be permanent? Why should it be flexible? What does planning do for us? Why follow up? What for?

We conclude by mentioning that the conclusion regarding the evaluation must be given from the teacher to the student but also to the teacher himself, and this includes having the ability to carry out an evaluation and self-evaluation.

"Let us preach with the word and educate with the example, let us unite our actions and change the world".

Example of how to write a class report