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Alcoholism in adolescence

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The problems of alcohol abuse, that is, of alcoholism, and of the combined use of alcohol and other drugs among young people, are increasing in proportion is alarming throughout the world, so it is essential to know the effects that this disease has on us and in society. Alcoholism among adolescents and young people is a problem that seems increasingly serious and extensive, but the information provided about the drink and its effects on young people is often very contradictory.

What is known about drinking and alcoholism among adolescents is, unfortunately, very little and, in most cases, is aimed at professionals in this field. In our country, alcohol is used, at one time or another, by most people, as a resource of choice, in any imaginable social act, despite being a potentially dangerous drug. In fact, it is part of almost all kinds of parties and meetings, including funerals. Alcoholism as a product from generation to generation: Many of the children of alcoholic parents, even those who come from the most disturbed families, do not always develop problems with alcoholic beverages.


The problems of the abuse of alcohol, alcoholism, and the combined use of alcohol and other drugs among young people, are increasing in proportion is alarming worldwide, so it is essential to know the effects that have this disease and society. Alcoholism among adolescents and young people is a problem that increasingly seems more serious and extensive however the information provided about the drink and its effects on young people are often very contradictory What is known about from the habit of drinking and alcoholism among adolescents is, unfortunately, very little and, in the majority of cases, it is aimed at professionals in this field. In our country the alcohol is used, at one time or another, by most people, as a resource of choice, in any social event imaginable, despite being a potentially dangerous drug. In fact,it is part of almost all kinds of parties and meetings, including funerals. Alcoholism as a product from generation to generation: many of the children of alcoholic parents, even those who come from the most affected families, not always develop problems with alcohol.

Through history

Part of our interest in explaining consciousness as humanity, that is, history, is to define what differentiates men from other animals. No one has escaped that need to find the nuance. Both Christians and Muslims, Buddhists, etc. have participated, giving as proposals the articulated language, the capacity to love, but a specific nuance of humanity is that the human being is the only animal that systematically takes drugs. The fermentation of fruits has been considered by the anthropological model as an excellent opportunity for promoting groups and promoting rituals, which go as much for peace as for combat. The medical model finds in this fermentation one of the primary sources of destruction at all levels.There is evidence that the use of alcoholic beverages dates back to four thousand years before Christ and there is no reason to suppose that they were ingested only to be enjoyed. Among the oldest written documents is a collection of clay tablets found in Mesopotamia, dating back to the year three thousand BC; include a list of expenses, where is the entry: "Bread and beer for a day". The history of the consumption of this toxic called alcohol is always accompanied by the need to regulate its production. In 1700 BC the code of Hammurabi King of Babylon attempted to regulate drinking houses, and the Romans in the 1st century BC attempted to reduce grape production. It also highlights its mystical use to venerate the gods: the Egyptians to Osiris, the Greeks to Dionysus and the Romans to Bacchus.Ramses III distributed beer among his subjects and told them that the sensation they were experiencing radiated from him. And in the inscriptions of tombs of the Egyptian names it is common to find the following: “Give bread to the poor Article published in the magazine Líber Addictus. And beer to the thirsty. " Also, in this country drunks were punished with the whip or prison. The Bible also contains a history of a religious nature since when referring to wine, it is considered the blood of Christ, a stimulating and encouraging concoction: "Praise be to God, who has brought forth fruit from the earth and wine that gladdens the heart of man." Another moment is when Noah left behind, with his family, the trials and tribulations of the great universal flood to repopulate the world; one of the first acts was to plant a vine. The consequence was familiar,since Noah drank the wine and got drunk, and so it was that it developed inside his store. Cam, Noah's youngest son, warned (like many young people today) of his father's condition and communicated it to his two brothers Shem and Japheth, who took a cloak and covered Noah with him, while avoiding looking at him. When Noah awoke he could guess what his youngest son had done; he reacted furiously, cursed him and made him a slave to the other two sons. As a consequence of alcohol on the offspring, the Bible speaks in relation to the gestation of Samson, when the angel of Jehovah appeared to the woman and said: “Behold, you are sterile… but you will conceive and give birth to a son. And now I beg you to avoid drinking wine and fermented liquor. ”Noah's youngest son, warned (like many young people today) of his father's condition and communicated it to his two brothers Shem and Japheth, who took a cloak and covered him with Noah, at the same time that they avoided looking at him. When Noah awoke he could guess what his youngest son had done; he reacted furiously, cursed him and made him a slave to the other two sons. As a consequence of the alcohol on the offspring, the Bible speaks in relation to the gestation of Samson, when the angel of Jehovah appeared to the woman and said: “Behold, you are sterile… but you will conceive and give birth to a son. And now I beg you to avoid drinking wine and fermented liquor. ”Noah's youngest son, warned (like many young people today) of his father's condition and communicated it to his two brothers Shem and Japheth, who took a cloak and covered him with Noah, at the same time that they avoided looking at him. When Noah awoke he could guess what his youngest son had done; he reacted furiously, cursed him and made him a slave to the other two sons. As a consequence of the alcohol on the offspring, the Bible speaks in relation to the gestation of Samson, when the angel of Jehovah appeared to the woman and said: “Behold, you are sterile… but you will conceive and give birth to a son. And now I beg you to avoid drinking wine and fermented liquor. ”at the same time they avoided looking at him. When Noah awoke she could guess what her youngest son had done; he reacted furiously, cursed him and made him a slave to the other two sons. As a consequence of the alcohol on the offspring, the Bible speaks in relation to the gestation of Samson, when the angel of Jehovah appeared to the woman and said: “Behold, you are sterile… but you will conceive and give birth to a son. And now I beg you to avoid drinking wine and fermented liquor. ”at the same time they avoided looking at him. When Noah awoke she could guess what her youngest son had done; he reacted furiously, cursed him and made him a slave to the other two sons. As a consequence of the alcohol on the offspring, the Bible speaks in relation to the gestation of Samson, when the angel of Jehovah appeared to the woman and said: “Behold, you are sterile… but you will conceive and give birth to a son. And now I beg you to avoid drinking wine and fermented liquor. ”“Behold, you are sterile… but you will conceive and give birth to a son. And now I beg you to avoid drinking wine and fermented liquor. ”“Behold, you are sterile… but you will conceive and give birth to a son. And now I beg you to avoid drinking wine and fermented liquor. ”

Another Biblical reference to drunken behavior is the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. Sinful cities are destroyed shortly after Lot escapes with his wives and daughters. But Lot's wife had been turned into a pillar of salt; that weary and terrified takes refuge in

a cave in the mountains to the west of the Dead Sea, with his two daughters. They are alone, with no future. The daughters talk to each other about their future and define the central problem and its solution: “Our father is old, and there is no man in the country who has relations with us. Come, let us drink wine to our father and sleep with him, and we will conserve offspring ”. The genius cousin slept with her father and the next day she said to the youngest: “behold, last night I slept with my father. Let's give him wine to drink tonight too. Then you come in, lie down with him and let's keep our father's offspring ”. He did not know when he slept with her, when he slept with her, or when he got up. And both of Lot's daughters became pregnant with their father. In Carthage, an African city founded in 814 BC,There was a public edict that prohibited newlyweds from getting drunk on their wedding night, to avoid the risk of fathering a defective child. Aristotle is also said to have alerted the Greeks that their offspring would be "sluggish and languid if married women foolishly begot during drunkenness." In China in the year 1114 BC, the use of wine is legislated in the Drunkenness Proclamation. Man will never be without his spirits. Banning them is beyond the power of the ages, here therefore, we should only warn about the abuse of them.3More articles in: www.infoadicciones.netThe ancient doctors, both Galen and Pliny and Seneca, realized excesses carried out under the influence of alcohol. Seneca argued that the word drunk could refer to two things:the person who was intoxicated with alcohol had no control over himself; and to the person who used to get drunk and who was a slave to the habit. They also described some of the most common treatments, which were of three types: the preventive ones (spices, honey, ginger, cheese, sea water, resins, or vinegar) were added to the wine with the idea of ​​preventing the spirits from reaching to the mind causing intoxication. Some Parrandistas wore special wreaths, garlands and dresses to avoid the effects of drinking. The second type of treatment was designed for the after-drink effects: cabbage, some laxative and diuretic herbs, bitter drinks and more alcohol, "a beer for the raw!"; the latter remains to this day.The third type were criminal and punitive measures ranging from prison to death sentences. Among the Turks, in the Koran, it was recommended that molten lead be poured into the drunkard's throat. In the Mexica culture, the provisions against drunkenness among young people were rigid and even reached, according to Fray Bernardino de Sahagún, the death penalty for recidivists. The use of pulque was only tolerated in members of the population over the age of forty. Furthermore, the newly married couple had to purify themselves byto the death penalty for repeat offenders. The use of pulque was only tolerated in members of the population over the age of forty. Furthermore, the newly married couple had to purify themselves byto the death penalty for repeat offenders. The use of pulque was only tolerated in members of the population over the age of forty. Furthermore, the newly married couple had to purify themselves by

Rest, the invocation to the gods and abstinence during the four days after their wedding, before consummating the conjugal union. In the 6th century AD, the Law of Saint Gildas appeared, in which monks who drank too much were punished to sing the Psalms in bed without dinner. This law was an indication that alcoholism was a major problem for the Clergy. In the 8th century, St. Boniface, in a letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury, condemned drunkenness as a crime especially for members of the Clergy, commenting that he knew that in that Diocese it was known that there were many drinkers and that they were trying to convince others of get intoxicated with them. In the 10th century a Saxon king, Edgar reduced the number of breweries in towns and with the help of Dunstan, Archbishop of Canterbury,He instituted the custom of drinking to the mark. Large drinking glasses used in breweries had a mark inserted and it became a criminal offense to drink beyond the mark. During the reign of Eduardo I, legislation was passed on closing the breweries earlier, restricting opening hours on Sundays, fines for low-quality drinks were stipulated. Even the use of wine was restricted to those belonging to a certain social rank: only those who were more than Barons, who had more than one hundred marks of income in a year or had more than a thousand pounds in property could have more than ten gallons of came for a year. Violators were fined. 4 more articles Jaime I, in 1606,it passed Laws for drunkenness where even a person could be tried and sentenced for a crime that had occurred six months earlier only with the testimony of any person. He was given a choice between a fine or six hours of exhibition in the stocks. By 1650, punishments for drunks were the most common, and in some cases, the corpses of those who had died due to their drinking were burned on cruise ships. In the American continent in 1760, John Adams was very concerned about the level of alcoholism, so he proposed limiting the number of taverns, andthe corpses of those who had died due to their drinking were burned on cruise ships. In the American continent in 1760, John Adams was very concerned about the level of alcoholism, so he proposed limiting the number of taverns, andthe corpses of those who had died due to their drinking were burned on cruise ships. In the American continent in 1760, John Adams was very concerned about the level of alcoholism, so he proposed limiting the number of taverns, and

Benjamin Franklin called taverns the plague of society. The intention was to regulate consumption by regulating the time one could spend in the tavern, how much one could drink at that time, with punishments that included the whip and the stocks. At the same time, many measures emanating from society began to appear, such as the moderation clubs, most of which were attached to the different churches, which advocated the moderation of the use of alcoholic beverages, from those who were in favor of the prohibition of consuming distilled beverages restricting consumption to fermented ones, even to clubs that proclaimed total abstinence. They also pressured their different municipalities and state authorities to regulate it.

Through laws this consumption, which ranged from fines to prohibition. But no matter how much it was legislated, America kept getting drunk. At the same time, around this time, the concept of alcoholism as a disease began to develop in America, which allowed the creation of an awareness, albeit a small one, by doctors in the treatment of alcoholics. At the end of the 19th century, there were more than a hundred institutions for the internment and rehabilitation of alcoholics. This could not prevent the prohibition, Valhead Law, from being legislated again at the beginning of our century, with the results well known to all.

Currently alcoholism is still a major health problem in western countries and the proposals to deal with it are varied.

Alcohol concept

Alcohol is, from a chemical point of view, that organic compound that contains the hydroxyl group attached to an aliphatic radical or to any of its derivatives. In this sense, since it is a compound, there are different types of alcohols.

In everyday language, the chemical compound ethanol, also called ethyl alcohol, is known as alcohol. It is a colorless and flammable liquid, the boiling point of which is 78ºC.

The chemical formula of ethyl alcohol is CH3-CH2-OH. This compound is used to prepare alcoholic beverages, which, in many occasions, are also known simply as alcohol (for example, "We have to buy alcohol for the party tonight", "Miguel drank too much alcohol, he no longer knows what it says ”).

Alcoholic beverages can be produced by fermentation (like wine and beer) or by distillation (like liquor). The percentage of ethyl alcohol present in each drink can vary: the beer has approximately 5% alcohol; wine is close to 15% and liqueurs can contain 50% ethanol.

It should be noted that ethyl alcohol is a psychoactive drug for humans. Its consumption produces, in principle, a feeling of joy. At the same time, the individual may suffer from coordination problems and have blurred vision. With excessive consumption, it is possible to reach a state of unconsciousness and, on an extreme level, reach death from poisoning.

These negative consequences of alcohol on the body cause most countries to prohibit the consumption of alcoholic beverages by minors under a certain age (generally 18 years old).

Children of alcoholic parents

Alcoholism is a disease that not only affects the subject who suffers from it but also those who are part of their emotional circle, especially their spouse and children, if they have them. We will dwell on the relationship that exists between parents and children and on the consequences that alcoholism can have on it.

As expressed by Margaret Cork, who has studied the subject carefully, in childhood the individual acquires the sense of security and self-esteem and, according to how he builds both, he will develop a more or less direct capacity to face the complex problems that touch him; It is from her relationship with her parents or guardians that she builds confidence in herself and in those around her.

If children grow up in an environment where alcohol is present, the nest in which they are educated will be completely disintegrated in which anxiety, pain and remorse reign; In this way, children will acquire unstable adult behaviors, they will endow themselves with responsibilities that do not correspond to them and they will develop qualities that are typical of alcoholics, lies and manipulation, especially.

When they reach adulthood, children of alcoholic parents, if they have not worked on the focus of the problem with the help of a therapist, often have harmful attitudes against themselves. Since they have had a childhood steeped in critical attitudes and guilt, their adulthood does not usually escape them and they show a clear low self-esteem that leads them to decide on two opposite paths: to do the same as their parents, that their models (become alcoholics) or indulge in a life of denial, trying to become successful people and hiding their self-esteem issues.

There is, however, a parallel path and, surely much more recommended, it consists of reviewing, studying the existence of his parents, internalizing his childhood feelings and with all that doing something different, building self-love in a way Heals and recognizes that criticism can often be productive, depending on who comes and how they are said and that, from them, a healthy self-criticism and a judgment of the environment can be elaborated, outside the prejudices and shocking experiences of childhood marked by alcoholism.


What sometimes begins as a game between friends, or as a means of relieving regret, gradually turns into a health problem that can cause serious liver diseases, such as cirrhosis, caused by the accumulation of fats in the liver on a continuous basis., because the alcohol inside the liver is transformed into lipids or fats, which kill liver cells. It also causes poisoning, nausea, vomiting or internal bleeding, neurological deterioration, heart failure, respiratory problems, and consequences for the children of alcoholic women, who are born with low weight and fewer defenses. Children of alcoholic parents are much more likely to get this disease.

The lack of control over their actions caused by alcohol generally produces inappropriate behaviors, such as the possibility of car accidents, and loss of personal, family or work responsibilities, which gradually plunge the person into isolation and depression..

Detoxification of the patient is essential, but it takes a lot of containment to overcome the withdrawal period, which will require the joint treatment of doctors and psychologists.


Alcoholism in adolescence