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Love is pure chemistry


One of the most controversial discoveries in science, in its eagerness to explain everything logically, is to tell us that love, passion and attraction is nothing more than the effect of a hormonal irrigation on the body, and that, in addition, chocolate, It is more stimulating for people, than a rich and warm kiss. What do you think? Keep reading.

Although love is seen as a real, beautiful and supreme experience, of spiritual origin or part of an innate biological magic, science today in its quest to quantify, measure and predict everything, has come to the dramatic conclusion that in the Falling in love and its corresponding release of passions, far from being a holy communion of souls, is the effect of a flow of chemical substances that, poured into the bloodstream, temporarily upset us and take us from the supreme fantasy of perfect love, to boredom, the most painful disappointment and urge to separate.

Very serious people like Dr. Donatella Marazziti, a psychiatrist at the University of Pisa, in Italy, affirm that when we are in a bar and after a few drinks we are attracted to someone, it does not mean that we have found the love of our life, instead, the drinks reduce the serotonin levels in the brain, and this induces the illusion of attractiveness that usually ends in early disappointment, when the "beautifying" effect that the ingestion of liquor ceases.

For Professor Cindy Hazan, from Cornell University in New York, USA "people are born biologically programmed to feel passionate between 18 and 30 months", so feeling in love after there seems to be exceptional. The da, who seems to know a lot about these things, interviewed and studied 5,000 people from 37 different cultures and discovered that love has enough "life time" for the couple to meet, mate and have a child. "In evolutionary terms, says the unromantic Mrs. Hazan, only the union of the sexes is required, not beating hearts or cold and sweaty hands. For her, the thing is summarized to the influence of substances like: dopamine, phenylethylamine and oxytocin.

Strangely, another woman, Dr. Helen Fisher, an anthropologist at Rutgers University and author of the book The Anatomy of Love, specified the erotic-affective effects by stages, and their relationship to the bodily substances that produce them:

  • Lust, is understood as a strong desire to relate sexually and is associated with the presence in the body of Testosterone Affective attraction, love and the intention to move forward, get involved and have a romance, is related to the presence in the body of high levels of Dopamine and Norepinephrine, and at the same time low levels of Serotonin. The desire for bond, which evolves into a calm, lasting and safe relationship,

Above immediate pleasure, it is associated with the presence in the body of Ocytocin and Vasopressin.

To take things further and take away from us what little romanticism remains in this voracious and competitive world, we have been told that "love at first sight" is nothing more than the effect of the emission and uptake of pheromones, that we expel and perceive unconsciously, and that they, the whore pheromones, produce chemical reactions that result in pleasant sensations.

To make it more blameworthy and complicated, the species that we are addicted to these substances, drug addicts, is launched, without even knowing it, and that the proof of certainty is that when the person who "riot the substances" moves away, we suffer instantly, from the so-called "withdrawal syndrome" and we go half crazy.

As if all this jargon of science was not enough, they finish us off with the story that chocolates are more divine and stimulating than kisses themselves. Yes, according to David Lewis, a psychologist and researcher at the Mind Lab Research Center. This gentleman and his team carried out a study of young couples, who had electrodes placed on their heads and chest, they were given eating dark chocolate and her pleasure response was measured, considering cardiac acceleration and brain activation. Then they were asked to kiss and the response was measured, to arrive at the necessary final comparison.

The result was that there was greater brain activation, and greater cardiac acceleration in the case of chocolate (140 beats per minute) than due to the effect of kissing (60 beats per minute). Also the chocolate tasting activated more areas of the brain than the romantic kiss. Who would have imagined it?

The explanation for such alarming results is in the substances contained in chocolate:

  • Phenylethylamine. (FEA) that produces feelings of attraction and excitement, according to doctors Donald F. Klein and Michael Lebowitz of the New York Psychiatric Institute, who pointed out that during infatuation the lovers' brain produces high amounts of this substance, which stimulates intense sensations and gratifying. Theobramine, which is responsible for inducing the production of beta-endorphins, hormones responsible for the feelings of tranquility, relaxation, humor and happiness that we experience. Anandamide, which is a substance produced by the brain, which is associated with feelings of euphoria and imaginative activity. Discovered in 1992 by Raphael Mechoulam, a researcher at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Tryptophan, an amino acid that stimulates the production of serotonin,which generates states of cry and general well-being. Caffeine, as it is known, is a stimulant of the central nervous system, which reduces drowsiness and restores the level of alertness.

As we see, love and erotic passion have been classified as an almost robotic response activated by chemicals, and chocolate displaces in pleasure the pleasure of kissing a beautiful mouth. The truth is that I cannot imagine that at the end of a priest's declaration, the bride and groom, instead of giving each other a succulent and tender kiss, would rather choose to give each other a few bars of chocolate as a sign of what they want to give and receive from their " half orange". As an old friend said: "even if you don't want to, things happen". Thanks for reading me. www.laexcelencia.com






Love is pure chemistry