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The balanced scorecard bsc in cuba

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Summary: The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is expanding to all latitudes and Cuba is no exception. To make known that there are companies that are making inroads into its application and the perspectives regarding the subject is the objective of this work.

Sumary: The Balanced Scorecard is expanding in the world. Cuba is not an exception. By this article, we can know that enterprises and centers are implanting this methodology and its future perspectives in our country

Balanced Scorecard: Strategic alignment methodology.


This writing shows how companies and organizations of the Cuban state are gradually assimilating the BSC philosophy. The work is a compilation of data of what has happened in Cuba with respect to the BSC in 2003.


In Cuba, as in any latitude on the planet, the business world is developing amid a turbulent environment and exacerbated by deteriorating political relations with the United States and the European Union. This situation makes the crisis worse every day, so the consequences on the economy are unpredictable. This situation makes strategic thinking of crucial importance and this tool called Balanced Scorecard collaborates with the future development of companies and organizations.

The Cuban company has been adapting to the international context and there are many companies that already have the necessary awareness to choose to implement ISO 9000, as well as the elements necessary to have a Strategic Direction and implemented at different levels. Similarly, the process of business improvement in which companies are immersed make the BSC an important way within advanced solutions to increase the performance of the Cuban industry and organizations, whether they are profitable or not.

In different meetings that I have had between the years 2002 and 2003, many companies with developed culture have been investigating more effective systems in management control. Although it is true that in 2002 very few entrepreneurs and universities had knowledge of the BSC, since the second quarter of 2003 the number of companies interested in the subject has grown and as a culmination of this first stage of knowledge was developed in Cienfuegos Under the auspices of CIGET and the Central West Directorate of INTERMAR SA, the First Meeting of Cuban Entrepreneurs to debate on BSC issues.

The meeting exceeded the expectations of many and even an Argentine company participated.

In the second semester, meetings were promoted in eight Cuban companies in the City of Havana and Cienfuegos, with the BSC as the central theme.

The increasing access that companies and organizations are having to that knowledge platform that is the Internet is one way of increasing knowledge on the subject.

At this time the interest in the knowledge of the BSC is growing and although it is true that currently there are no more than five companies that are implementing it, there are many that will start in the next year 2004.

There are several companies with BSC implemented and others in the implementation phase. The most important ones are:

  • Intermar CienfuegosRado and associatesSepsaCecofiCupetUniversity of Cienfuegos

We also have news that in the eastern part of the country there are many intellectuals developing the subject, such as the cases of CITMA Granma and higher education organizations in Guantánamo. It is possible that there is progress in other regions of the country, although obviously the cities of Cienfuegos and the City of Havana are the most advanced in their knowledge.

Along the path that is being traveled, we hope that in the coming year more companies will join this movement and that, due to the culture of Cuban business, Cuba will become an important center of this trend of advanced Business Management.

In the same way, we are sure that in the second BSC meeting of Cuban entrepreneurs there will be an important participation and much higher than that of this year 2003.


Cuban companies are gradually developing the techniques of the BSC. Due to its pragmatism and its effective control and communication systems, the BSC allows strategic monitoring with the consequent increase in business efficiency and effectiveness. Next year, 2004, many Cuban companies will start with this new strategic alignment methodology.


First Meeting of Cuban Entrepreneurs, SI CIGET, June 2003.

The balanced scorecard bsc in cuba